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E Surveying Solutions work towards bring the survey community together and

utilize your engineering and our software skills to deliver effective services, by
introducing cutting edge technology at an affordable price. Our motto is to
bring a revolution in the survey drawings and scale it to new heights.

Contact Us :
E Surveying Solutions Phone: +91 - 9449599709
AMR #7, Circular ring Road
Nandini Layout
Bangalore – 560 096
Karnataka, India
“E SurveyCAD” is a comprehensive and
compact software solution for surveyors
and Engineers for creating Contours,
calculating Earthwork quantities and
converting point data into CAD to generate
Topographical map

“E SurveyCAD” comes with three modules

• Topodraw
• Contours
• Earthwork

“E SurveyCAD” also comes with some useful

tools like Traverse correction, Bulk Plot etc.
which are easy to use and saves a lot time

“TopoDraw” generates CAD drawings from

point data instantly with blocks and
elevations in their respective Northings
and Eastings. “TopoDraw” is a module in
“E SurveyCAD”

Features in TopoDraw
• Import point data from CSV or Excel for generating Topographical drawing
• Import predefined or newly defined blocks automatically while creating drawing
• Export codes point data in different layer selectively
• Create Total station data from CAD drawing
• Selectively Auto Connect codes in CAD
Import point data from CSV or Excel for generating Topographical drawing

Generate topographical map of the surveyed area along with the blocks, using the point data available in Excel or
CSV (Serial Number, Easting, Northing, Elevation, Code)
Import predefined or newly defined blocks automatically while creating drawing

In E SurveyCAD define blocks for each type of point separately to configure the custom settings in the drawings.
With this feature, it is now possible to display the desired symbols for the specified point in the drawing
Export codes point data in different layer selectively

The generated drawing and other related entities are stored layer wise, i.e. Block, Elevation, Remark, Serial, etc can
be stored in separate layers. Also different colors can be set to each of these layers making the drawing visually
Create Total station data from CAD drawing

Codes of the surveyed data created in different layers can be connected selectively in CAD
Selectively Auto Connect codes in CAD

Total station data comprising of the Serial Number, Easting, Northing, Elevation and Code can be exported to a CSV
file from the point data available in CAD
“Contour” generates smooth contours quickly
from point data available in CAD drawings or
Levels available in Excel or CSV files. “Contour” is
a module in “E SurveyCAD”

Features in Contours
• Import data from CSV, Excel or CAD for Contour
• Generate Contours directly within CAD
• Generate Boundary Based Contours
• Draw Section for any alignment fixed on the Contour
• Generate Contour Area and Contour Volume instantly
• Generate Contours for Specific Levels
• Generate Grid Elevations or Block Level
• Annotate Contours
• Draw Grid Elevations from existing Contours
• Detailed Layerisation before exporting to CAD
Import data from CSV, Excel or CAD for Contour generation

Often survey data (or total Station data) is represented in Excel or CSV format. This data can be imported to
E SurveyCAD directly, to generate contours. Contours can also be drawn for data available in CAD
Generate Contours directly within CAD

When the elevations are in CAD, the contours can be generated in CAD directly. Optionally, contours can also be
generated in 3D, where the elevation representing the contour line is shown as the Z coordinate.
Draw Section for any alignment fixed on the Contour Map

Generate Contours for required boundary. This helps in judging the topographical structure for the selected area by
viewing its contours
Generate Contour Area and Contour Volume instantly

Draw Section for any alignment fixed on the Contour Map, where the alignment represents a road, canal, pipeline
etc. By viewing this section other decisions related to the alignment can be taken
Generate Boundary Based Contours

Generate the Contour Area and Contour Volume instantly at the specified level which helps in taking important
decisions regarding further construction
Generate Contours for Specific Levels

Generate Contours at Specific Levels which helps in taking further decisions while planning
Generate Grid Elevations or Block Levels

Generate Grids elevations or Block levels without getting into complicated surface creation. This feature can be
made use at places where doing survey is difficult like ponds, boulders etc.
Annotate Contours

Annotate Contours at Endpoints, Midpoints or selected points of the contour line or annotate the complete contour
line at specified interval
Draw Grid Elevations from existing Contours

Reverse engineer by generating Grid Elevations from existing contour lines generate from different software
Detailed Layerisation before exporting to CAD

The generated contours and other related entities are stored layerwise, i.e. contours, contour boundary, original
elevations, grid elevations, annotations, grids etc can be stored in separate layers. Also different colors can be set to
each of these layers making the contours visually distinguishable
“Earthwork” generates volume calculations and
section drawings from point data available in
CAD drawings or Levels available in Excel or CSV
files. “Earthwork” is a module in “E SurveyCAD”

Features in Earthwork
• Import data from CSV, Excel or CAD
• Earthwork between fixed formation level or between two surfaces
• Generate Earthwork calculations for complicated structures
• Generate interim Earthwork reports during progress of projects
• Generate quantity calculation (Quantity takeoff) reports either using Triangulation
method or Block method
• Generate Elevation grids or Block levels without getting into complicated surface
• Generate Earthwork Calculation reports between given Depth of cut or Depth of Fill
• Automatic calculation of Optimum Fixed Formation level
Import data from CSV, Excel or CAD for Earthwork Calculation and Section Drawings

Often survey data (or total Station data) is represented in Excel or CSV format. This data can be imported to
E SurveyCAD directly, to calculate earthwork. Earthwork can also be calculated for data available in CAD.
Generates Earthwork calculation with fixed formation level or between two surfaces

Generate Earthwork calculation along with Section Drawings for fixed formation level or between two surfaces
Generates Earthwork calculations for complicated structures by importing simple lines defining 3D

Generate Earthwork calculations for complicated structures by importing simple lines in 3d defining the structure.
Also generate earthwork for a specified boundary
Generates interim Earthwork reports during progress of projects

Generate interim Earthwork reports during progress of projects. These reports are useful for monitoring the
progress of work or submitting earthwork report for partial execution of work and for collecting payment
Generates detailed quantity calculation using Triangulation method or Block method

Generate detailed quantity calculation (Quantity takeoff) reports using two methods, Triangulation method or the
Block method
Generates Elevation grids or Block levels without getting into complicated surface creation

Generate Grids elevations or Block levels without getting into complicated surface creation. This feature can be made
use at places where doing survey is difficult like ponds, boulders etc
Generate Earthwork Calculation reports between given Depth of cut or Depth of Fill

Generate Earthwork Calculation reports between specified Depth of cut or Depth of Fill. This is useful for generating
reports on various soil types depending on their depths and also to submit report for the partial execution of work
Automatic calculation of Optimum Fixed Formation level

Automatically optimum Fixed Formation level can be calculated. This is useful while doing projects with a fixed
Formation level, where arriving at an optimum formation level becomes necessary
“E SurveyCAD” comes with some useful tools like Traverse correction, Units convertor, Bulk Plot
etc. which are easy to use and saves a lot time related to section drawings

Field Book
Convert Total Station data into Field Book or Convert Field book data back to Total Station Data or Convert Field
book data to Section data

Find Duplicates
Delete duplicate point data from Total Station data or data in CAD

Units Converter
Convert units related to length, area and volume in required decimal precision

Plot Ready
Arrange all the section drawing of a project into different finished drawing using a drawing template

Bulk Plot
Bulk Plot drawings within a single drawing file depending on drawing border

Traverse Correction
Do Traverse correction for both open and close traverse using any of the Transit, Bowditch or Crandall method
Field book

Easily Convert Total Station data into Field Book or level book data or Convert Field book data back to Total Station
Data or Convert Field book data to Section data
Find duplicate

This is a very useful tool as it automatically deletes one of the levels at a point where there are two levels. This is
useful when sometimes the surveyors surveys the same point twice due to which many application cannot generate
the contour or calculate the earthwork
Units conversion

An easy utility to convert between units related to length, area and volume in required decimal precision
Plot ready

A simple utility to prepare ready to plot drawing with custom made templates to fit in multiple section drawings of
the selected directory
Bulk plot

A simple Batch plotting utility, where the contents inside a drawing boundary is plotted in batch.

Do Traverse correction for both open and close traverse easily using any of the Transit, Bowditch or Crandall method

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