Mandatory Reporting

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Mandatory Reporting

By: Paige Doyle

NH Mandatory Reporting

The Child Protection Act mandates that any person

who has reason to suspect that a person is being
abused or neglected must make a report to BEAS or

For more information on the Child Protection Act go to

Types of Abuse

Physical: Physical child abuse is physical Neglect: Neglect is when a parent/guardian

injury inflicted upon the child with cruel and/or fails in meeting a child's basic needs, including the
malicious intent. Physical abuse can be the result failure to provide adequate health care,
of punching, beating, kicking, biting, burning, supervision, clothing, nutrition, housing as well as
shaking, or otherwise harming a child physically. their physical, emotional, social, educational and
safety needs.
Emotional: Emotional child abuse is any act
including confinement, isolation, verbal assault, Sexual: Sexual abuse is when an adult or older
humiliation, intimidation, infantilization, or any adolescent uses a child for sexual stimulation.
other treatment which may diminish the sense of
identity, dignity, and self-worth.

Signs and Symptoms of Abuse

▪ Withdrawal from friends or usual activities ▪ Frequent absences from school

▪ Changes in behavior — such as aggression, ▪ Reluctance to leave school activities, as if

anger, hostility or hyperactivity — or he or she doesn't want to go home

changes in school performance ▪ Attempts at running away

▪ Depression, anxiety or unusual fears, or a ▪ Rebellious or defiant behavior

sudden loss of self-confidence ▪ Self-harm or attempts at suicide

▪ An apparent lack of supervision

Non Leading Questioning Techniques

Ask open ended questions: These

questions are used to paint a big picture, to Avoid “Why?” Questions:
help you gain information from a child in Children usually have limited
his or her own words. Open-ended understandings about why they
questions allow the child to tell the full are abused and often feel it is
story without being influenced by the their fault.
question itself

Examples To Avoid:
▪ I notice that you have a
bruise. How did it ● Why did he/she hit you?
● Why was he/she angry?
▪ Tell me more about that.



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