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Kevin Lynch (Site Planning) - the art of arranging structures on the land and shaping the spaces between

Harvey M. Rubenstein (A Guide to Site and Environmental Planning, 1980)

 the art and science of arranging the uses of portions of land


1. SITE SELECTION PROCESS this process selects from a list of potential sites one that suits best the given
use and requirements of the project.

2. DEVELOPMENT SUITABILITY PROCESS This process selects the best possible use and development
suited for a given site.

SITE ANALYSIS involves the study of the site in terms of the following:

1. Natural Factors
1. Geology
2. Geomorphology – physiography, landforms, soils, drainage, topography and slopes, and soil
3. Hydrology – surface and ground water
4. Vegetation – plant ecology
5. Wildlife – habitats
6. Climate – solar orientation, wind, and humidity
2. Cultural Factors
1. Existing land use – ownership of adjacent property, off-site nuisances
2. Traffic and transit – vehicular and pedestrian circulation on or adjacent to site
3. Density and zoning – legal and regulatory controls
4. Socio-economic factors
5. Utilities – sanitary, storm-water, water supply, power supply, and communications.
6. Historic factors – historic buildings, landmarks, and archeology
3. Aesthetic Factors
1. Natural features
2. Spatial patterns (spaces and sequences)
3. Visual Resources (views and vistas)

GEOLOGY is the natural science that studies the Earth – its composition; the processes that shaped its
surface; and its history.

GEOMORPHOLOGY - branch of Geology that deals with the origin, nature and distribution of landforms.

PHYSIOGRAPHY - Refers to the description of landforms.

LANDFORMS - Irregularities on the earth’s surface. Derived from volcanic, glacial, or erosional processes.

DESIRABLE SLOPES – when slopes are selected according to building type and the activities associated
with it.
• Flat or gently sloping sites are preferred for industrial and commercial buildings

• Hilly sites are preferred for fashionable suburban residences.

• Slopes influence the alignment of modern roads according to class of roads; the higher the class, the
lower the maximum grades allowable.


“In the confrontation between the stream and the rock, the stream always wins, not through strength
but by perseverance.” -H.Jackson Brown Jr.

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