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Cluster 1 | YMF A. Calidarium B.

“Know that the Lord your God, is a faithful
God.” Deuteronomy 7:9 C. Tepidarium D. Unctuaria

1. A type of ornament in classic or renaissance 10. The transitional style between gothic &
architecture consisting of an assemblage of renaissance in England. Mainly country houses,
straight lines intersecting at right angles, and of characterized by large millioned windows &
various patterns. strap work ornamentation.

A. Termini B. Bepidales A. Jacobean Architecture B. Elizabethan Arch.

C. Nymphaeum D. Fret C. Plateresque Arch. D. Gregorian Arch.

2. A type of Roman wall facing which is made of 11. Sometimes called "subscription money", this
small stone laid in a loose pattern roughly is a deposit given to the seller to show that the
resembling polygonal work. potential buyer has serious intentions.

A. Opus Mixtum B. Opus Reticulatum A. Earnest Money B. Downpayment Money

C. Opus Incertum D. Opus Quadratum C. Advance Payment D. Upfront Money

3. Projecting blocks of stone carved with foliage, 12. A form of absence of all the principles and
typical in Gothic architecture. organized development of a community.

A. Cantharus B. Crocket A. Urban Blight B. Site Strain

C. Bayon D. Pinacotheca C. Urban Renewal D. City Blot

4. First school which offered architecture in the 13. Among the cities in Manila, what is the
Philippines. smallest in terms of land area?

A. Liceo De Manila B. Mapua Institute A. Sampaloc B. Makati

C. Escuela De Ingeniera D. Academia Y C. San Juan D. Pateros

Y Arquitectura Agrimensura de Filipinas
14. He is remembered for his “Ideal Cities” –
5. The highest sloped pyramid in Gizeh. star shaped plans with street radiating from
central point, usually proposed for a church,
A. Pyramid of Khufu B. Pyramid of Zoser palace or castle.
C. Pyramid of Cheops D. Great Temple of A. Peter Kropotkin B. Jane Jacobs
Ammon, Karnak
C. Leon Battista Alberti D. Sir Christopher Wren
6. Movement in 20th Century, art that
represented the revolutionary effort of young 15. The Science of signs?
a.Semiotics b. Gestalt
A. Functionalism B. Futurism c. Graphics d. Meanings

C. Functionalism D. Constructivism 16. A “no gender” architecture?

a.Neutral b. Androgynous
7. The architect of the Pantheon.
c. Gay d. Passive
A. Thotmes I B. Ptolemy III 17. Who is the architect of the
C. Agrippa D. Callimachus
a.Le Corbusier b. Alvar Aalto
8. Founders of Art Noveau. b. Adolf Loos d. Eero Saarinen

A. Herzog & Meuron B. Mendelhson & Foster 18. Orientation of the Roman temple is towards
the ___.
C. Ruskin & Moris C. Venturi & Gehry a. Forum B. East

9. The warm room in the Thermae. C. South D. West

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