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Pulp and Paper ( Common Accidents)

1.) Combustible Dust in Air Accident

-Many dusts are combustible, which means they can catch fire and burn. When fine dust
particles catch fire while they’re suspended in the air, known as deflagration, fire can
spread rapidly and sometimes leads to an explosion.

-Workers in almost every industry involved in product manufacturing will be exposed to

dust, and often that dust will be combustible. Specifically, workers who transport,
handle, process, polish, ground, or shape a variety of workplace materials can be
exposed to combustible dust. Workers can also release combustible dust when they
take part in abrasive blasting, cutting, crushing, mixing, sifting, or screening dry

2.) Conveyors (Belt) Accident

- Conveyors are one of the most common types of equipment used in manufacturing.
Injuries caused by conveyors are common, and often severe.

3.) Not properly using the Ladders

-Ladders are commonly used in a number of industries, and they are a frequent source
of injuries in the workplace. For information on choosing, setting up, and working safely
from ladders, see the following resources.

4.) Noise Problem Accidents

-Noise is present in many workplaces, but being exposed to too much can cause
permanent and irreversible damage to workers. Noise levels and the duration of the
worker's exposure to noise should be reduced.

- Loud machines and equipment are among the most common causes of harm to
workers' hearing. As a guideline, if you are within 1 metre of another person at work
and have to shout to be heard, the noise level is likely excessive.

5.) Confined Spaces Accidents

-Confined spaces in the workplace pose a significant risk of injury and death. Hazards in
confined spaces can result in fire, explosion, unconsciousness, asphyxiation, or
drowning. Confined space incidents can happen suddenly, often without any
warning that something is wrong. Employers must take the necessary steps to ensure
worker safety around confined spaces.

6.) Forklifts Errors , or failures accidents

-Forklifts and other materials-handling equipment, such as powered pallet jacks and
similar powered units, are a vital part of warehouses, sawmills, and other yard and
plant operations. If the equipment is not used safely, risks include rollovers and
collisions with pedestrians. Forklift operators and other equipment operators must have
been properly trained to operate the equipment safely.

7.) Forgetting to lock the machine

-Equipment that is not de-energized and locked out can unexpectedly start when
maintenance work is being done, which can result in serious injuries.

De-energization is the removing of energy from machinery or equipment. Lockout is the

use of lock(s) to render machinery or equipment inoperable or to isolate an energy
source in accordance with a written procedure.

Maintenance is any work performed to keep machinery or equipment in a safe

operating condition. This includes installing, repairing, cleaning, and lubricating the
equipment, as well as clearing obstructions to the normal flow of material.

8.) Sprains and strains accidents

- Sprains and strains are among the most common injuries for B.C. workers. They can
arise from a number of incident types, such as overexertion, repetitive motion, motor
vehicle incident, and slips, trips, and falls. Sprains and strains that arise from
overexertion and repetitive motion incident types are referred to as musculoskeletal
injuries (MSIs)


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