Solucionario Reservorio (096 181)

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(a) N=? at Pb=1850psia =P _ go Sef, fp =P = 920 yam There is no gas cap in the reservoir, therefore: m=0. NpIBt + (Rp — Rsi)Bg]- (we=wpB) WinjBaing Bt — Bri + mBui(. a =) 44m Bie Np[Bt +(Rp — Rsoi)Bg] Bt Bri N Bt = Bo+ (Rsoi~ Rso) Bg Bi =1.324+ (727 ~563)0,00182 = 1.6195 720x10°[1.6195 + (820-727)0.00182] _ 1.6195 1.383 N= = 5446x10° STB (b) =10% = A=5000ac swi = 0.28 A=? 43560% AX hx Ox (1—swi 7 Boi sage c1o* = 43560% 50000 x x 0.10%(1- 0.28) bbl, 1.383" /orp h=270ft 91 PROBLEM 6.8 You have been asked to review the performance of a combination solution gas, gas-cap drive reservoir. Well test and log information show that the reservoir initially had a gas cap half the size of the initial oil volume. Initial reservoir pressure and solution gas-oil ratio were 2500 psia and 721 SCF/STB, respectively. Using the volumetric approach, initial oil in place was found to be 56 MM STB. As you proceed with the analysis, you discover that your boss has not given you all the data you need to make the analysis. The missing information is that at some point in the life of the project a pressure maintenance program was initiated using gas injection. The time of the gas injection and the total amount of gas injected are not known. There was no active water drive or water production. PVT and production data are in the following table: Pressure Bt Bg Np RP (psia) (bbVSTB) —(bbI/SCF) (STB) (SCF/STB) 2500 0.001048 1.498 0 0 2300 0.001155 1.523 3.741MM 716 2100 0.001280 1.562 6.849MM 966 1900 0.001440 1.620 9173MM — 1297 1700 0.001634 1.701 10.99MM — 1623 1500 0,001884 1817 1242MM — 1953 1300 0.002206 1.967 1439MM — 2551 1100 0.002654 2.251 16.14MM 3214 900 0.003300 2.597 1738MM — 3765 700 0.004315 3.209 1850MM 4317 500 0.006163 4.361 19.59MM — 4839 92 a) At what point (ic., pressure) did the pressure maintenance program begin? b) How much gas in SCF had been injected when the reservoir pressure is 500 psia? Assume that the reservoir gas and the injected gas have the same compressibility factor. ANSWER: Initial Gas cap=50% OF initial oil volume P= 2500psia Ri= rt» N =56 MMSTB nN Np[Bt+ (Rp - Rsi) Bg | GinjBginj =a sm Pi -1| Bgi G,,B,,, = Np[Bt-+ (Rp ~ Rsi)B, | afm — Bit mii »| w igi P=2300> G,,B,,, =3.74l|1 523 +(716~721)0.001 155] 0.001155 = sda 523-1498) + 0.5 1.498(—————— — 0.001.48 P=2100> GB, =6 849]1.562 + (966 —721)0.00128] 0.001440 _ —56| (1.620 1.498) + 0.5 x 1.498( 0.001048 G,,B,,,, = 9-173[1.620 + (1297 - 721)0.001440] 0.001440, — 56) (1.620 - 1.493 0.5x 1.498(——__ i 8)+0.5%1.4980 Oo ogg 93 G,,B,,, = 12421 817(1953 ~721)0.001884] 0.001884 —56| (1.701 — 1.4981) + 0.5% 1.498(————— ( : 8001088 G,,B,,,, =14.39|1.967 + (2551-721)0.002206] 0.002206 =5¢{(957=1498) +0.5%1.498 - 0.001048 GiB, =13.8X10° bb Analyzing the calculated results show that we have gas injection at P=1300 psia. 19.59[4.361 + (4839 — 721)0.0006163] 0.006163 -»] 0.001048, (4.361—1.498)+0.5x1.498(. G,,B,, = 217.5x10° bbl _217.5x10° _ 217.510" ~ Bginj ‘0.006163 =35.3x10'scf PROBLEM 6.9 An oil reservoir initially contains 4 MM STB of oil at its bubble-point pressure of 3150 psia with 600 SCF/STB of gas in solution. When the average reservoir pressure has dropped to 2900 psia, the gas in solution is $50 SCF/STB. Boi was 1.34 bb/STB and Bo at a pressure of 2900 psia is 1.32 bbUSTB. Other data: Rp = 600 SCF/STB at 2900 psia Swi = 0.25 Bg = 0.0011 bb/SCF at 2900 psia 94 Volumetric reservoir No original gas cap a) How many STB of oil will be produced when the pressure has decreased to 2900 psia? b) Calculate the free gas saturation that exists at 2900 psia, ANSWER: N=4MMSTB p=2900Psia Rp = 600g = 2900 Pb=3150psia Rs=550°2— sy =0.25 STB =600°F Bo =1.32bb1, =! bbl Roi = 600 7 Bo=132bb/ er, Bg =o0.0011hb/. Boi =134L We=0 m=0 STB a) Np@2900psia=? Bt =1.32 + (600—$50)0.0011=1.775 Np=—N@t-Ba)______40.375-1.34) © Bt+(Rp=Rsoi)Bg 1.375 +(600-600)0.0011 Np =101.818x10° b) ap =1-O Se Se), Bol (Sw) * Bo = Np _ OLBI8%10" _ 9 g954 N 4x10" 34, ——— > 5 132" = 0.02996 Sg = 2.99% =3% 95 Gy. =[NRsi — NpRp -(N - Np) Rs Bg = [410° (600) (101.818% 600) = (4% 10° = 101.818)550))).001 1 G,,, = 194.910" sef 0.00111 = 214400bb1 OR = FP 1 swiy 22 S0=U-SPMl-sW GD 101.818x10° 1.32 =(1-——~____(1-0.25(-) = 0.72 i 4x10" § Me -0.72-0.25 = 0.03 OR y, 214400 S,= fs = 0.03 > Se =3% * NB, MI-S,,) (4X10°)1.34/0.75 PROBLEM 6.10, Given the following data from laboratory core tests, production data, and logging information: Well spacing = 320 ac Net pay thickness = 50 ft with the gas/oil contact 10 ft from the top Porosity: 0.17 Initial water saturation = 0.26 Initial gas saturation =0.15 Bubble-point pressure ~3600 psia Initial reservoir pressure =3000 psia Reservoir temperature = 120°F 96 Boi = 1.26 bb/STB Bo = 1,37 bbIISTB at the bubble-point pressure Bo = 1.19 bblISTB at 2000 psia Np = 2.0 MM STB at 2000 psia Gp = 2.4 MMM SCF at 2000 psia Gas compressibility factor, z = 1.0 - 0.001p Solution gas-oil ratio, Rso = 0.2p ‘Calculate the amount of water that has influxed and the drive indexes at 2000 psia. ANSWER: A=320ae =1,26bb1/ By =12007/S7R B,=1.379bI/ 7 @ Pb = 1.19661, 8, =1.19"/s7B@ p = 2000 N,= 2MMSTB@ p = 2000 We=? =2.4MMMSef @ p=2000 py => —0.0001P p= Be p, =3000 R, =0.2P * Np P=3000 psia &2,=0.719 Bg, = 0.0282 2 = 0.0282 2-70.20 460) _3 sigx19° P 3000 ‘sof P=2000 psia ,2=0.8+5 Be = 0.028222 = 0.0282 28020 +409) _ 6 sa x19 / P 2000 SY 97 Voi = 43560xVbxdx(1—swi) = 43560%(40x320)X0.17x(1 = 0.26) = 70142054 fi? Vgi = 43560xVbx 6x (sgi) = 43560x/(10x320)x0.17%0.15 = 3554496 fi" Ve _ 3854496 _ 9 95 “Vo 70142054 = Voi __70142054 _ 9 o1 498 Boi 1.26x5.615 B, = Bo+(Rsi—Rs)B, B, =1.19 + (0.2x3000-0.2x2000) &54%10" _j 473 bb! 5.615 STB we = N, [Bi + (Rp — Rsi)B, |- N(Bt— Bri) ara -B.) we =2x104] 1.423 + (1200-600) 254210" 5.615 9.9110" (1.423 1.26) — 22 PAO" *0.0511.26 66 54,<19° -3.816x10") 3.81610 we = 2.18%10°Sb/ we- BwWP 2.18x10° =0.514 ~ Np|Bt + (Rp - Rsi)B, ] 4.243x10° WDI =51.4% PROBLEM 6.11 From the following information determine: a) Cumulative water influx at pressures 3625, 3530, and 3200 psia. b) Water-drive index for the pressures in (a). 98 Pressure | Np Gp Wp Bg Rso Bt (psia) (STB) (SCF) (STB) (bbI/SCF) | (SCF/STB) | (bbl/STB) 3640 0 0 0 0.000892 8881464 3625 0.06 0.49 MM 0 0.000895 884 1.466 MM 3610 0.36 2.31 MM 0.001 0.000899 880 1.468 MM MM 3585 0.79 4.12 MM | 0.08 MM | 0.000905. 874 1.469 MM 3530 | 121 | 5.68MM| 0.26 MM | 0.000918 360 1.476 MM 3460 1.54 7.00 MM | 0.41 MM | 0.000936 846 1.482 MM 3385 | 2.08 841 MM|0.60MM | 0.000957 825 1491 MM 3300 2.58 9.71 MM | 0.92 MM | 0.000982 804 1.501 MM 3200 | 340 11.62 [138MM] 0.001014 779 1319 MM |» MM ANSWER: The solution of this problem is left to readers. PROBLEM 6.12 The cumulative oil production, NP, and cumulative gas oil ratio, RP , as functions of the average reservoir pressure over the first 10 years of production for a gas cap reservoir 99 follow. Use the Havlena-Odeh approach to solve for the initial oil and gas (both free and solution) in place Pressure Np RP Bo Rso Bg (psia) (STB) (SCE/STB) (bbV/STB) (SCE/STB) —(bbI/SCF) 3300 0 0 1.2511 510 0.00087 3150 3.295MM_ — 1050 1.2353 477 0.00092 3000 5.903MM_ —1060 1.2222 450 0.00096 2850 8.852MM_ —1160 1.2122 425 0.00101 2700 11.503 1235 1.2022 401 0.00107 MM 2550 14.513 1265 1.1922 375 0.00113 MM 2400 ‘17.730 1300 1.1822 352 0.00120 MM ANSWER: Calculated the value of F, Eo, and Eg and prepare the following table. For example F at P=3150 psia can be calculated as below: F=NKotnm et eg Bgi p=3150— F =3.2991.256+ (1050-510))0.00092=5.80 NO. B E,=B-B, | F (MM) | FE, 3300 1.251 1=Bti 0 0 0 3150 1.2656 0.0145, 5.80 400) 5x10-5 4.95 3000 > 1.2798 0.0287 | 10.67 | 371.7 | 9x10-5 45 2850 1.2980 0.0469 17.30 368.8 1.4*10-4 4.29 2700 1.3188 0.0677 | 24.09 | 3558 2x10-4 4.24 2550 1.3447 0.0936 31.89 340.7 2.6*10-4 3.99 2400 1.3718 0.1207 41.13 370.76 3.3«10-4 3.93 Plot F/E, versus B,.Ey/B,.E, and draw the best straight line. The y intercept equals N and slope of figure is mN. FIEO BUrEgIBgI"EO N =100MMSTB mW =553-9m="93 53-935 Scf Initial gas( free gas + dissolved gas) > G = eee 4+ NRsoi ai 100(0.55)(1.2511) 0.00087 G=130MMMScf + (100x510) =130MMMSef 101 PROBLEM 6.13 Using the following data, determine the original oil in place by the Havlena Odeh method. Assume there is no water influx and no initial gas cap. The bubble-point pressure is 1800 psia. Pressure Np Rp B, Reo Bs (psia) (STB) (SCF/STB) (bbVSTB) (SCF/STB) (bbI/SCF) 1800 0 0 1.268 377 0.00097 1482 2.233MM_ —634 1.335 491 0.00119 1367 2.981MM —707 1372 460 0.00130 1053 5.787MM_— 1034 1.540 375 0.00175 ANSWER: Fan) Boattemp mbt Je Bei we=0,m=0- F=NEo F = Np|Bt+ (Rp —Rsvi)B, | E,=B,-B, ‘Water and formation compressibilities can be ignored since the pressure is below bubble point. Then, calculate the values of F and Eo and prepare the following table, Por F ‘T0000 71482 0.067 [3.2 1367 | 0.104 | 4.59 71053 0.272 | 13.520 Plot F versus Eo and draw the best straight line. The slope of figure is N. 102 Slope= N=50 MMSTB 12-8 0.25-0.17 =S0MMSTB 103 CHAPTER 7 SINGLE-PHASE FLUID FLOW IN RESERVOIRS PROBLEM 7.1 Two wells are located 2500 ft apart. The static well pressure at the top of perforations (9332ft subsea) in well A is 4365 psia and at the top of perforations (9672 ft subsea) in well B is 4372 psia. The reservoir fluid gradient is 0.25 psifft, reservoir permeability is 245 md, and reservoir fluid viscosity is 0.63 ep. a) Correct the two static pressures to a datum level of 9100 ft subsea b) In what direction is the fluid flowing between the wells? c) What is the average effective pressure gradient between the wells? d) What is the fluid velocity? e) Is this the total velocity or only the component of the velocity in the direction between the two wells? 1) Show that the same fluid velocity is obtained using Eq. (7.1). ANSWER: a) 0, = p,-0.25h, h, = 9332-9100 = 232 ft 0, = 4365 — (0.25% 232) = 4307 psi, 0, =p, -0.25h, h, = 9672-9100 =572,ft 0, = 4372 (0.25x572) = 4229 psia b) ¢,)6 > Therefore, fluid directionis from well A toward well B., °) L= (2500): +(340)' = 2523 ft A@ _ 4307-4229 ssuregradient= —© =""—"""" = 0.0309psi/ fi averagepressuregradient= “= psi! fi d) Vann = a Venue =—— L$ — aal—sw) v =-0.001127 £48 <9 o01127¢ 2458. = 0.0135 wL 0.632523 day ft 90.0135 2A, 5.615" ors, day. ft bbl day ¢) This is the velocity in the direction between the two wells. fy V =-0.001127 — e- 0.4337, oos0] 7.353 — O = tan” (7.535) = 82.26° vy =-0.001127 245 |Sasee 2523 = 0.433(0.58) cos(82.: a3 0.433(0.58) cos(82. 26)| bbl fi V=001357 a= 0.07585, 105 PROBLEM 7.2 A sand body is 1500 ft long, 300 ft wide, and 12 ft thick. It has a uniform permeability of 345 md to oil at 17% connate water saturation. The porosity is 32%. The oil has a reservoir viscosity of 3.2 cp and Bo of 1.25 bbl/STB at the bubble point. a) If flow takes place above the bubble-point pressure, what pressure drop will cause 100 reservoir bbl/day to flow through the sand body, assuming the fluid behaves essentially as an incompressible fluid? What for 200 reservoir bbV/day? b) What is the apparent velocity of the oil in feet per day at the 100 bbV/day flow rate? c) What is the actual average velocity? d) What time will be required for complete displacement of the oil from the sand? e) What pressure gradient exists in the sand? £) What will be the effect of raising both the upstream and downstream pressures by, say, 1000 psi? ) Considering the oil as a fluid with a very high compressibility of 65(10)-6 psi-1, how much greater is the flow rate at the downstream end than the upstream end at 100 bbl/day? h) What pressure drop will be required to flow 100 bbl/day, measured at the upstream pressure, through the sand if the compressibility of the oil is 65(10)° psi” "2 Consider the oil to be a slightly compressible fluid. i) What will be the downstream flow rate? j) What conclusion ean be drawn from these calculations concerning the use of the incompressible flow equation for the flow of slightly compressible liquids, even with high compressibilities? ANSWER: a) 0.001127k4 AP, 4 ___—aul iH L O.001127kA 106 100(3.2)(1500) = = 343 psia 0.001127(345)(12x 300) for:q= 2005617 => Ap = 686 psia b) Y= W5815) 105.615) _ 9 56 f8/ were A 3600 /day °) we Vigan = 0.156 =0.587 St “= @(l-s_,)0.320-0.17) day d) N t= q N=V,0-S,) N = (12x 300% 1500)(0.32)(1 - 0.17) = 1434240 fr’ +5.615 = 255430. 1bb1 = 25543. «9554 3daysx Ye = 7 year 100 365days °) Ap 33 =o229Psi4/, Ax 1500 ti £) Ithas no effect. 8) = —p)l= a = bbl, = 4, |l+c4P,, — p)]= 1001 +65x10°(343)]= 102.23 “ay = —100 = bbl Ag = 102.23—100 = 2.23 Vay h) i ssi = du, =100bb] Slightly compressible, dar = dau, = 1000/4, 107 M4 intisetp,— pol qe. * q= 0.001127 100 = 0.001127 56600) sinlt+ 5x10 y(p'—p")] 3.2(1500)(65x10~ Ap = p,—p, =3468psia i) 4g; = 0.001127 | 4 ule. | 1+e(p,~P). 0.001127 345(3600) | 1 (3.2)(1500)(65x10) | 1+(65x 10 (346.8) bb} 102.29! Vay j) Using incompressible flow equation for the flow of slightly compressible liquids will have insignificant error. PROBLEM 7.3 If the sand body of Prob, 7.2 had been a gas reservoir with a bottom-hole temperature of 140 °F but with the same connate water and permeability to gas, calculate the following: a) With an upstream pressure of 2500 psia, what downstream pressure will cause 5.00 MM SCFiday to flow through the sand? Assume an average gas viscosity of 0.023 ep and an average gas deviation factor of 0.88. b) What downstream pressure will cause 25 MM SCF/day to flow if the gas viscosity and deviation factors remain the same? c) Explain why it takes more than five times the pressure drop to cause five times the gas flow. d) What is the pressure at the midpoint of the sand when 25 MM SCF/day is flowing? 108 ¢) What is the mean pressure at 25 MM SCF/day? 1) Why is there a greater pressure drop in the downstream half of the sand body than in the upstream half? g) From the gas law calculate the rate of flow at the mean pressure pm, and show that the equation in terms of qm, is valid by numerical substitution ANSWER: a) _0.111924KA(p,* = ps) Thy 0.111924(345)(3600)(625 x 10° — p*s) Sx10°= = Py, = 2365.33 psi 600(1.500)(0.023)(0.88) b) 25% 10° = 9-11 1924(345\3600)(625%10" = p's). - 1704 Spsia 600(1500)(0.23)(0.88) ¢) Flow rate equals square pressure drop. Therefore, pressure drop increases. d) oe ya. [pet ps, ,_ [(2500)* +0725y pay Py = 2147.34 psia 2500 +1724.5 2 £) Due to friction pressure drop in the downstream half of the sand body is higher than =2112.3psia upstream half. 8) wy ty te y= (42, 0.88% 600, 25x10° 1 P,5.615 2. 2112.3 5.615 = bbl, 4, = 3146106) PROBLEM 7.4 (a) Plot pressure versus distance through the sand of the previous problem at the 25 MM SCF/day flow rate, (b) Plot the pressure gradient versus distance through the sand body. ANSWER: The solution of this problem is left to readers. PROBLEM 7.5 ‘A rectangular sand body is flowing gas at 10 MM SCF/day under a downstream pressure of 1000 psia. Standard conditions are 14.4 psia and 80°F. The average deviation factor is 0.80. The sand body is 1000 ft long, 100 ft wide, and 10 ft thick. Porosity is 22%, and average permeability to gas at 17% connate water is 125 md. Bottom-hole temperature is 160°F, and gas viscosity is 0.029 ep. a) What is the upstream pressure? b) What is the pressure gradient at the midpoint of the sand? ) What is the average pressure gradient throughout the sand? d) Where does the mean pressure occur? ANSWER: 0.11865 10" x125(p,’ —10°) 10x10" 62010" x0.029x0.80 > p, =327Ipsia 110 418.2 psia Pay ZT. T, P S618 =0.001 inp KA ud (1a 0862.10" > 9.901127 SLO) dh, dP 9 g 1 Psi, 54, 2418.2 "5.615 0.029 dy de ft °) dp _ p.—p, 3271-100 dx de 1000 =2271% d) D, p vee = 2135.5 psia _O.11865kA(p,' = p,') The, __0.11865(10" )(125\(2135.5* -10°) 10x 10° == > 1 = 367 ft 6201(0.80)(0.029) PROBLEM 7.6 ‘A horizontal pipe 10 cm in diameter (LD.) and 3000 cm long is filled with a sand of 20% porosity. It has a connate water saturation of 30% and, at that water saturation, a permeability of oil of 200 md. The viscosity of the oil is 0.65 cp and the water is immobile. a) What is the apparent velocity of the oil under a 100 psi pressure differential? b) What is the flow rate? c) Calculate the oil contained in the pipe and the time needed to displace it at the rate of 0.055 cu cm/sec. iil d) From this actual time and the length of the pipe, calculate the actual average velocity e) Calculate the actual average velocity from the apparent velocity, porosity, and connate water. f) Which velocity is used to calculate flow rates, and which is used to calculate displacement times? 2) If the oil is displaced with water so that 20% unrecoverable (or residual) oil saturation is left behind the water flood front, what are the apparent and actual average velocities in the watered zone behind the flood front if the oil production rate is maintained at 0.055 cu cm/sec? Assume piston-like-displacement of the oil by the water. h) What is the rate of advance of the flood front? i) How long will it take to obtain all the recoverable oil, and how much will be recovered? j) How much pressure drop will be required to produce oil at the rate of 0.055 cu cm/sec when the water flood front is at the midpoint of the pipe? ANSWER: (0.2%) 14.7 = 14.77 = 0.0007" yl (0.653000) | orem |e b) FAD 4 =? = 215) = 78.54em" wL 100" (0278.54) 147 _, q=0.05sem (0.65) 3000 112 ©) t=“ =0,g1—swiv, =a") q N = (ax(5)? x(3000))(0.2)(1- 0.3) = 32986.8 329868 — soy regcae y= 5997074 0.085 86400 d) = 20) —o.oosemy. 1 599760 sec e) we 0.0007 eg, Vow = Fa = 0.005% @l=s,) 021-030) f) Apparent velocity is used to calculate flow rates and actual velocity is used to calculate displacement times 8) _q_ uss = 0.00070, 10S. = (4x (5) X3000)(0.2)(0.5) = 23562em* N ccm? / t=7,9,, = A. = (78.54)(0.007) = 0.55¢" x Vee = 28562 = 42840sec.t—0.Sdays 0.55 113 id yp = Mel (0.055) 0.65)(1500) KA (0.2)(78.54) Ap =502psia Al4atm AD, = AP escus + Ap = 100+ 50.2 =150.2psia PROBLEM 7.7 (a) Three beds of equal cross section have permeabilities of 50, 200, and 500 md and lengths of 40, 10, and 75 ft, respectively. What is the average permeability of the beds placed in series? (b) What are the ratios of the pressure drops across the individual beds for liquid flow? (c) For gas flow will the overall pressure drop through beds in series be the same for flow in either direction? Will the individual pressure drops be the same? (d) The gas flow constant for a given linear system is 900, so that p12- p22 = 900 Lik. If the upstream pressure is 500 psia, calculate the pressure drops in each of two beds for series flow in both directions. The one bed is 10 ft long and 100 md; the second is 70 ft and 900 md. (e) A producing formation from top to bottom consists of 10 ft of 350 md sand, 4 in. of 0.5 md shale, 4 ft of 1230 md sand, 2 in. of 2.4 md shale, and 8 ft of 520 md sand. What is the average vertical permeability? (f) If the 8 ft of 520 md sand is in the lower part of the formation and carries water, what well completion technique will you use to keep the water-oil ratio low for the well? Discuss the effect of the magnitude of the lateral extent of the shale breaks on the well production. 114 ANSWER: a) 40+10+75 = L, 40, 10, 75 ze Die Kk, 350° 200° 500 Tk, =125md w+tsqe2ag 22 = 28.72 0 4a, 4 Jn, 8 = 3507 05 1230 24” 520 4) The solution of this problem is left to readers. ¢) The solution of this problem is left to readers. f) The solution of this problem is left to readers. 115 PROBLEM 7.8 (a) Three beds of 40, 100, and 800 md, and 4, 6, and 10 ft thick, respectively, are conducting fluid in parallel flow. Ifall are of equal length and width, what is the average permeability? (b) In what ratio are the separate flows in the three beds? ANSWER: a) kh, = 40x 4) + 1006) + (80010) _ gaging Sh, 446410 = 0.0182 100x6 38x 20 0.0685 kh, _ 800X10 =0.913 kh, 43820 PROBLEM 7.9 ‘As project supervisor for an in situ uranium leaching project, you have observed that to maintain a constant injection rate in well A, the pump pressure has had to be increased so that pe-pw has increased by a factor of 20 from the value at startup. An average permeability of 100 md was measured from plugs cored before the injection of leachant. ‘You suspect buildup of a calcium carbonate precipitate has damaged the formation near the injection well. If the permeability of the damaged section can be assumed to be 1 md, find the extent of the damage. The wellbore radius is 0.5 ft, and the distance to the outer boundary of the uranium deposit is estimated to be 1000 ft 116 ANSWER: The solution of this problem is left to readers. PROBLEM 7.10 ‘A well was given a large fracture treatment, creating a fracture that extends to a radius of about 150 ft. The effective permeability of the fracture area was estimated to be 200 md. The permeability of the area beyond the fracture is 15 md. Assume that the flow is steady-state, single-phase, incompressible flow. The outer boundary at r= re = 1500 ft has a pressure of 2200 psia and the wellbore pressure is 100 psia (rw = 0.5 ft). The reservoir thickness is 20 ft and the porosity is 18%. The flowing fluid has a formation volume factor of 1.12 BbI/STB and a viscosity of 1.5 ep. a) Calculate the flow rate in STB/day. b) Calculate the pressure in the reservoir at a distance of 300 ft from the center of the wellbore. ANSWER: a= 0708p, =P.) sth/ MBI) ", Kk In) 15) nt a 200(15) In 05 ) ~ 1500 150 2001n(—) +151 ) nT59) Slay) Kk, In@=) + &, In 0.5 a= 0.00708(44)(20)(2200—100) = 972.3965, 5 ‘day 105.1291) ies 117 b) 0.00708Kh P,~ Px _, 979 496 - 0.0070844)20) p, ~100 Mh, yl HOSU12) ty r, 05 Patr=300f=1778psia PROBLEM 7.11 (a) A limestone formation has a matrix (primary or intergranular) permeability of less than 1 md. However, it contains 10 solution channels per square foot, each 0.02 in, in diameter. If the channels lie in the direction of fluid flow, what is the permeability of the rock? (b) If the porosity of the matrix rock is 10%, what percentage of the fluid is stored in the primary pores, and what in the secondary pores (vugs, fractures, etc.)? (c) If the secondary pore system is well connected throughout a reservoir, what conclusions must be drawn conceming the probable result of gas or water drive on the recovery of either oil, gas, or gas-condensate? What then are the means of recovering the hydrocarbons from the primary pores? ANSWER: a) k., =1755md b) Fos 9.022% y, 118 PROBLEM 7.12 During a gravel rock operation the 6 in. ILD. liner became filled with gravel, and a layer of mill scale and dirt accumulated to a thickness of I in. on top of the gravel within the pipe. If the permeability of the accumulation is 1000 md, what additional pressure drop is placed on the system when pumping a | ep fluid at the rate of 100 bbl/hr? ANSWER: ive. bbls = bbl, q= 1001) = 2400 Vay 4="cpy =0.196 f° 2400045) q= 0.001127 4 AP _, nyse Mo “L 0.001127KA — 0.001127(1000)(0.196) Ap =903psia PROBLEM 7.13 One hundred capillary tubes of 0.02 in. ID and 50 capillary tubes of 0.04 in. ID, all of equal length, are placed inside a pipe of 2 in. inside diameter. The space between the tubes is filled with wax so that flow is only through the capillary tubes. What is the permeability of this ‘rock"? ANSWER: 1D =0.02in(number=100) K(0.02in) = 20x 10° x (0.02)° = 8000darcy 119 {0.02in) = 100% (0. 02)? =3.142x107 in? ID =0.04in(number=50) K(0.04in) = 20x10" x(0.04)* = 32000darey A(0.04in) = 50x - X(0.04)* = 6.283107 in* (8000%3.142 107) + (32000 6.28310 Zi: —x(2) vo darey PROBLEM 7.14 Suppose, after cementing, an opening 0.01 in. wide is left between the cement and an 8 in. diameter hole. If this circular fracture extends from the producing formation through an impermeable shale 20 ft thick to an underlying water sand, at what rate will water enter the producing formation (well) under a 100 psi pressure drawdown? The water contains 60,000 ppm salt and the bottom-hole temperature is 150°F. ANSWER: qa8rxi0 A@-P.) UBL PROBLEM 7.15 A high water-oil ratio is being produced from a well. It is thought that the water is coming from an underlying aquifer 20 ft from the oil producing zone. In between the aquifer and the producing zone is an impermeable shale zone. Assume that the water is 120 coming up through an incomplete cementing job that left an opening 0.01 in. wide between the cement and the 8 in. hole. The water has a viscosity of 0.5 ep. Determine the rate at which water is entering the well at the producing formation level if the pressure in the aquifer is 150 psi greater than the pressure in the well at the producing formation level ANSWER: K=7.7x10" Ww =7.7x10" «Eh = 5347222 md = 5347 darcy 8 A, =3.14 i. Ma wi Y x3.5x10" x150 q=8.7x10" 0.5%20 q=317BPD PROBLEM 7.16 Derive the equation for the steady-state, semispherical flow of an incompressible fluid. ANSWER: _ 7.08kr.r,(p, — Pp.) 121 PROBLEM 7.17 A well has a shut-in bottom-hole pressure of 2300 psia and flows 215 bbl/day of oil under a drawdown of 500 psi. The well produces from a formation of 36 ft net productive thickness. Use rw = 6 in.; re = 660 feet; u = 0.88 ep; Bo = 1.32 bb/STB. a) What is the productivity index of the well? b) What is the average permeability of the formation? ©) What is the capacity of the formation? ANSWER: a) oy ay_bbl 500 day.sia b) r quin(-) = 0.00708 "42. =P.) = te plo?) 0.00708hAp t (215)(0.88) in ——__05" _10.1md 0.00708(36)(500) ©) fe) 660. ala ) _ (215)(0.88) ine? capacity of formation = kt = = 0 0.00708(p,-p,) _0.00708(500) kh=384md-ft 122 PROBLEM 7.18 A producing formation consists of two strata: one 15 ft thick and 150 md in permeability; the other 10 ft thick and 400 md in permeability. a) What is the average permeability? b) What is the capacity of the formation? c) If during a well workover the 150 md stratum permeability is reduced to 25 md out to a radius of 4 ft, and the 400 md stratum is reduced to 40 md out to an 8 ft radius, what is the average permeability after the workover, assuming no cross- flow between beds? Use re= 500 fi and rw = 0.5 fi. d) To what percentage of the original productivity index will the well be reduced? ¢) What is the capacity of the damaged formation? ANSWER: a) - Eh _ (sos Haw) = >s0md b) Capacity= ¥ k,h, = (50x15) +(400%10) = 6250md ~ fi ©) wk, In 25%1501n(50% 9.) ee 25105007) 4 1501n4/ k Inc) in) 25105007) + 1501n(4 5) 40x 400 in(509/ | -) 20.05 —_—_£0.05_ _ §6.8md 401n(500) + 400 n(84, 0s) ZA, _ (60X15) + (86.810) mn) 15+10 123 d 4) Sp Productivity Index > ?— a, ‘Sp =0.28 or 28% e) Totaleapacityafterdamage=,,,. h, = (70.7225) =1768nd— fi PROBLEM 7.19 (a) Plot pressure versus radius on both linear and semilog paper at 0.1, 1.0, 10, and 100 days for pe = 2500 psia, q = 300 STB/day; Bo= 1.32 bb/STB; p = 0.44 cp; k = 25 md; h =43 ft; ct= 18 x 10-6 psis = 0.16. (b) Assuming that a pressure drop of 5 psi can be easily detected with a pressure gauge, how long must the well be flowed to produce this drop in a well located 1200 ft away? (c) Suppose the flowing well is located 200 ft due cast of a north-south fault. What pressure drop will occur after 10 days of flow, in a shut-in well located 600 ft due north of the flowing well? (4) What will the pressure drop be in a shut-in well 500 ft from the flowing well when the flowing well has been shut in for one day following a flow period of 5 days at 300 STB/day? ANSWER: The solution of this problem is left to readers. 124 PROBLEM 7.20 A shut-in well is located 500 ft from one well and 1000 ft from a second well. The first well flows for 3 days at 250 STB/day, at which time the second well begins to flow at 400 STB/day. What is the pressure drop in the shut-in well when the second well has been flowing for 5 days (i.e., the first has been flowing a total of 8 days)? Use the reservoir constants of Prob. 7.19. ANSWER: _10.6quB) ge P= [ “ge 70.6(250\0.44)(.32)[ _ p (= 0.16044 18x10 X500" 24(43) (0.00105(25)(8x 24) 70.6(400)(0.44)(1.32) -E -0.16x0.44x18x10~ x1000° 24x43, “ 0.00105(25)(5 x 24) Ap = Ap, + Ap, = Ap = 9.536[- £,,(-0.0628)]+ 152575 [- F, (-0.402)] -E, In(x) - 0.5772 = -E, (0.06286) = from tabe 17.1 => x = 0.402 = -E,(-x) = 0.699 In(0.06286) — 0.5772 = 2.19 > Ap = (9.536)(2.19) + (13.2575)(0.699) = 31.54 psi PROBLEM 7.21 A well is opened to flow at 200 STB/day for | day. The second day its flow is increased to 400 STB/day and the third to 600 STB/day. What is the pressure drop caused in a shut-in well 500 ft away after the third day? Use the reservoir constants of Prob. 7.19. 125 ANSWER: 4p, =p, +4p, +p, ap, = 70-6(200)(0.44)1.32)[ _ = 0 16X0.44x18%10" x 5007, | _ : 25(43) 0.00105%25 (3x24) = 7.629[- E,(-0.1676)|= 10.44 70.6(400 — 200)(0.44)(1.32) — 0160.44 18x10" x 500? x2 _ 25(43) 4 0.00105% 25x (2x24) ~ = 7.629[- E(-0.2514)]= 7.93 Ap. 70. .6(600 — 400)(0.44)(L 32)| E (CORK OA xtox 107 x 500° x2, _ 25(43) - 0.00105 x 25x (2x24) = 7.629|-E,(—0.50286)]=4.24 = Ap, = Ap, + Ap, + Ap, =1044+7.934 4.24= 22.6 psi PROBLEM 7.22 The following data pertain to a volumetric gas reservoir: Net formation thickness = 15 ft Hydrocarbon porosity = 20% Initial reservoir pressure = 6000 psia Reservoir temperature = 190°F Gas viscosity = 0.020 cp Casing diameter = 6 in. Average formation permeability = 6 md a) Assuming ideal gas behavior and uniform permeability, calculate the percentage of recovery from a 640 ac unit for a producing rate of 4.00 MM SCF/day when the flowing well pressure reaches 500 psia. 126 b) If the average reservoir permeability had been 60 md instead of 6 md, what recovery would be obtained at 4.00 MM SCF/day and a flowing well pressure of 500 psia? ©) Recalculate part (a) for a production rate of 2.00 MM SCF/day. d) Suppose four wells are drilled on the 640 ac unit, and each is produced at 4.00 MM SCE/day. For 6 md and 500 psia minimum flowing well pressure, calculate the recovery. ANSWER: (a) 54.8% and 10.25 years (b) 83.6% and 15.64 years (c) 67.6% and 25.6 years (d) 56.7% and 2.65 years PROBLEM 7.23 ‘A sandstone reservoir, producing well above its bubble-point pressure, contains only one producing well, which is flowing only oil at a constant rate of 175 STB/day. Ten weeks after this well began producing, another well was completed 660 ft away in the same formation. On the basis of the reservoir properties that follow, estimate the initial formation pressure that should be encountered by the second well at the time of completion $= 15% h=308 co = 18(10)-6 psi-l w= 2.9 ep cow = 3(10)+6 psi-l k=35 md cf =4.3(10)-6 psi} rw=0.33 ft Sw =33% pi =4300 psia Bo = 1.25 bb/STB 127 ANSWER: The solution of this problem is left to readers. PROBLEM 7.24 Develop an equation to calculate and then calculate the pressure at well 1, illustrated in Fig. 7.23, if the well has flowed for 5 days at a flow rate of 200 STB/day. = 25% h=30ft cr = 30(10)-6 psi- u=0.5 ep k=50 md Bo = 1.32 bb/STB rw = 0.33 ft pi = 4000 psia ANSWER: The solution of this problem is left to readers. 128 PROBLEM 7.25 A pressure drawdown test was conducted on the discovery well in a new reservoir to estimate the drainage volume of the reservoir. The well was flowed at a constant rate of 125 STB/day. The bottom-hole pressure data, as well as other rock and fluid property data, follow. What are the drainage volume of the well and the average permeability of the drainage volume? The initial reservoir pressure was 3900 psia. Bo = 1.1 bbl/STB po = 0.80 cp = 20% h=22ft So = 80% Sw=20% co = 10(10)-6 psi-I cw = 3(10)-6 psi-1 cf = 4(10)- 6 psi-1 rw = 0.33 ft = my i want Fault 2 Fig. 7.23. Well layout for Prob. 7.24. 129 Time in Hours Pwf, psi 05 3657 1.0 3639 15 3629 20 3620 3.0 3612 5.0 3598 7.0 3591 10.0 3583 20.0 3565 30.0 3551 40.0 3548 50.0 3544 60.0 3541 70.0 3537 80.0 3533 90.0 3529 100.0 3525 120.0 3518 150.0 3505 ANSWER: Draw Py versus log t in a semi log paper and then find the slope of figure. m=—S6psil cycle 130 162.6quB mh —56(22) s=l ts) P= PaO og 43 | m uc, 162.6(125)(0.80)(1.1) _ k =14.5md CS AOS, HC, where: = 15.7510" psi” I-s, 1.151] SEE-970 _tgy _MS_, =)+3.23 -36 0.2(0.80)(15.75x10~)(0.33)° | Draw Pye Versus time in a Cartesian paper and then find slope of figure. 3680 3660 3640 3620 pwr 2°? mi, 3580 (P50) 60 3540 = 3520 3500 | 3480 o 50 100 150 200 Time (hr) im! = 0.383 0.233998 ___0.23390125)001)__agiizyg g? Ae gh ~~ (-O383N15.75' x107\22)(0.20) A=27.8 acres V = Ah=278x22=61 L.6ac— ft 131 PROBLEM 7.26 The initial average reservoir pressure in the vicinity of a new well was 4150 psia. A pressure drawdown test was conducted while the well was flowed at a constant oil flow rate of 550 STB/day. The oil had a viscosity of 3.3 ep and a formation volume factor of 1.55 bbl /STB. Other data, along with the bottom-hole pressure data recorded during the drawdown test, follow. Assume that wellbore storage considerations may be neglected, and determine the following: a) The permeability of the formation around the well. b) Any damage to the well. c) The drainage volume of the reservoir communicating to the well = 34.3% h=93ft r= 1(10)-5 psi-l rw=05 ft Time in Hours Pats PS 1 4025 2 4006 3 3999 4 3996 6 3993 8 3990 10 3989 20 3982 30 3979 40 3979 50 3978 60 3977 70 3976 80 3975 132 ASNWER: a) Draw Pwf versus time in a semi log paper. The slope of figure can be found as m= -27 psi/eycle. _162.6qf1B __162.6(550)3.3)(1-55) _ | gyn mh - 2793) b) eats 2 (are) = toe 2a oars ©) Draw Pur versus time in a Cartesian paper. The slope of figure (m) can be found as m=-0.1167 psi/cycle. m=-0.1167psi/cycl 0.23399B _ 0.2339(550)(1.55) meh@ — —(0.1167(1x 10" (93)(0.343) V = Ah=(123(93)=1143%c— ft A 5356445 fF =123ac PROBLEM 7.27 The first oil well in a new reservoir was flowed at a constant flow rate of 195 STB/day until a cumulative volume of 361 STB had been produced. After this production period, the well was shut in and the bottom-hole pressure monitored for several hours. The flowing pressure just as the well was being shut in was 1790 psia. For the data that follow, calculate the formation permeability and the initial reservoir pressure. Bo = 2.5 bbl/STB po = 0.85 cp = 11.5% h=23 ft er = 1(10)-5 psi-1 rw = 0.33 ft 133 At in Hours Pass PSH 05 2425 10 2880 2.0 3300 3.0 3315 4.0 3320 5.0 3324 6.0 3330 8.0 3337 10.0 3343 12.0 3347 14.0 3352 16.0 3353 18.0 3356 ANSWER: BP 38h 94 = 44.43hr 7g 198 Then calculate t,+At/At for each At and prepare the following table. 134 At (hr) | Py. (psi) | tptAvAt 0S | 2425 | 8986 | 10 2880 45.43 2.0 3300 23.21 “30 3315. «1581 | 40 3320 12.1 “so | 3324 988 | 6.0 3330 84 8.0 3337, 6.55 100 7 3343 «544 | 120 | 3347 47 140" 3352~~C*«CT_—Céd a 180 | 3356 3.46 Draw Horner figure which is P, versus log t;+AVAt in a semi log paper and then find the slope of figure: m=-70 psi/eycle. 162.6qHB __ 162.6(195)(0.85)(2.15) mh = 70(23) K 36md Plhr? t,+At 44.4341 ao pg (At =0) = s=l 1si[ Be 150) Pow ‘ m = 45.43 P, =3400psia log( >) +3. | oe,r, 135 s=1,151] 1220-3400 _j¢_36 _y4393/. -70 (0.115)(0.85)(1x 107 )(0.33)° s= 20.37 PROBLEM 7.28 ‘A well located in the center of several other wells in a consolidated sandstone reservoir was chosen for a pressure buildup test. The well had been put on production at the same time as the other wells and had been produced for 80 hr at a constant oil flow rate of 375 STB/day. The wells were drilled on 80 ac spacing. For the pressure buildup data and other tock and fluid property data that follow, estimate a value for the formation permeability and determine if the well is damaged. The flowing pressure at shut-in was 3470 psia. Bo = 1.31 bb/STB Ho =0.87 ep = 25.3% h=22 ft So = 80% Sw = 20% co = 17(10)-6 psi-1 cow = 3(10)-6 psi-1 cf = 4(10)- 6 psi-l rw=0.33 ft tp=80 hr At (hr) pws, (psi) 0.114 3701 0.201 3705 0.432 3711 0.808 3715 2.051 3722 4,000 3726 8.000 3728 17.780 3730 136 ANSWER: Calculate t,+AUAt for each At and prepare the following table. At (hr) Pys (Psi) | tytAW/AL O14 3701 TAT 0.201 3705 40.8 0.432 3711 19.51 0.808 3715 10.9 2.051 3722 49 4.000 3726 3 8.000 3728 2 17.780 3730 1.45 Draw P,, versus log t,t AVAL in a semi log paper and then find the slope of figure: m= -53 psifeyele. j= 1924uB __162.6(375)00.871-3) _ gong mh (-53)(22) Pihr? prt _80+1 At 1 [2 (At=0) = Pu =81= p,, =3780psia s=1.151 60 s=LI5] = log(—— (0.253)(0.87)(1.82x1 [~ ct=c.s. +¢,8, +¢f > ct =1.82%10% psi? 137 CHAPTER 8 WATER INFLUX PROBLEM 8.1 Assuming the Schilthuis steady-state water influx model, use the pressure drop history for the Conroe Field given in Fig. 8.15, and a water influx constant, k ', of 2170ft3/day/psi, to find the cumulative water encroachment at the end of the second and fourth periods by graphical integration for Table 6.1. 3 § PRESSURE DROP (R=), PS ‘0 4 &8 2 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 “TIME (#) IN MONTHS Fig. 8.15. Calculation of quantity of water that has i i Fig 2.15, Calcltion of quantity of water that has encroached ito Conroe Feld 138 ANSWER: = 21702) psi 615 day =336,5bb] K= 386.500) nai For 12 month (365day): we =k’|(pi- p)dt = 385 (1 )365 =9169712.5bbI For 20 month (600day): we= 386.31 3°65) wow (20-12) 20] 4.5% 10° bbl For 30 month (900day): we = 386. Pes) +36000 + ato = 20)x | = 45.3610" bbl PROBLEM 8.2 The pressure history for the Peoria Field is given in Fig. 8.16. Between 36 and 48 months, production in the Peoria Field remained substantially constant at 8450 STB/day, at a daily gas-oil ratio of 1052 SCF/STB, and 2550 STB of water per day. The initial solution GOR was 720 SCF/STB. The cumulative produced GOR at 36 months was 830SCF/STB, and at 48 months it was 920 SCF/STB. The two-phase formation volume factor at 2500 psia was 9.050 ft3/STB, and the gas volume factor at the same pressure, 0.00490 ft3/SCF. Calculate the cumulative water influx during the first 36 months. 139 rr 24 36 48 60 TIME IN MONTHS. Fig. 8.16. Pressure decline in the Peoria Field. ANSWER: a =84505TH/ 36—48month con=i03"4/., np _ 99 50STB, dt /day R, = 7205 STB so R, = 830-5 Bomonth) R -sa0"! (atmo ? STB bbl STR a es 40 Fee 8.7210" 050 f pT SSIS = 1.611 = Te = AP a(R wien vai t = 1.611(84501+ (1052—720)(8450)8.72x10™ + 2250(1) = 1831 bb! PROBLEM 8.3 During a period of production from a certain reservoir, the average reservoir pressure remained constant at 3200 psia. During the stabilized pressure, the oil and water producing rates were 30,000 STB/day and 5000 STB/day, respectively. Calculate the incremental water influx for a later period when the pressure drops from 3000 to 2800 psia. Assume the following relationship for pressure and time holds: dp dt Other data are the following: pi = 3500 psia Rsot = 750 SCF/STB Bi = 1.45 bbl/STB at 3200 psia Bg = 0.002 bbU/STB at 3200 psia R= 800 SCF/STB at 3200 psia Bw = 1.04 bbI/STB at 3200 psia 0.003p, psia/ month ANSWER: P ~ 30000578 dt day dwp _ dt P= 3200; ) STB 5000=— day P. =3500psia = 7508/, R., = 750: Yorg B, = 1.45 bY @3200 sia B, = 0.002 bby of P3200 pia =800°S LZ R=800°T ry B_ = 1.04551, @3200psia 141 we #p RR) Bhp, +p oP dt dt =l Ase +(800—750)(30000)0.002+ 5000(1.04) = bbl, = 51700014 y dwe =C > a7 oPs Pd = - = bbl, 51700 = C(3500 - 3200) > C = 172.3! on pst = 0,003 p(psi/ month) > far= a1 dp, 0.003 a0 P aAt= hi -h = In 2800—1n3000) soos tts In p,) = wa 113000) At=23 month At=23montl Awe = CApAr = 172.3(300 — 2800)(23 x30) = 23.8 10° bbl Awe = 23.8x10° hI PROBLEM 8.4 The pressure decline in a reservoir from the initial pressure down to a certain pressure, p, was approximately linear at -0.500 psi/day. Assuming the Schilthuis steady-state water influx model and a water influx constant of k', in fi3/day-psia, determine an expression for the water influx as a function of time in bbl. ANSWER: 2 =-0.500 dp =-0.500dt = p, - p =-0.Sdt > dp=-0.5t 142 dive (9.5) = k(-0.5dt) dp ae = kalt > [dwe=kJdpdt > [dwe =40.5{ dt ip we=+ 25 ja? = 40 25kt* pts > we= 225 gp2561 2 5.615 we = 0.0445kt* bbl PROBLEM 8.5 An aquifer of 28,850 ac includes a reservoir of 451 ac. The formation has a porosity of 22%, thickness of 60 ft, a compressibility of 4(10)-(, psi", and a permeability of 100 md. The water has a viscosity of 0.30 cp and a compressibility of 3(10)-6 psi-I. The connate water saturation of the reservoir is 26%, and the reservoir is approximately centered in this dosed aquifer. It is exposed to water influx on all of its periphery. a) Calculate the effective radii ofthe aquifer and the reservoir, and their ratio. b) Calculate the volume of water the aquifer can supply to the reservoir by rock compaction and water expansion per psi of pressure drop throughout the aquifer. c) Calculate the volume of the initial hydrocarbon contents of the reservoir. d) Calculate the pressure drop throughout the aquifer required to supply water equivalent to the initial hydrocarbon contents of the reservoir. ¢) Calculate the theoretical time conversion constant for the aquifer. f) Calculate the theoretical value of B' for the aquifer. g) Calculate the water influx at 100, 200, 400, and 800 days if the reservoir boundary pressure is lowered and maintained at 3450 psia from an initial pressure of 3500 psia 143 hh) If the boundary pressure were changed from 3450 psia to 3460 psia after 100 days and maintained there, what would the influx be at 200, 400, and 800 days as measured from the first pressure decrement at time zero? Calculate the cumulative water influx at 500 days from the following boundary pressure history: t(days) 0 100 200 300 400 500 p(psia) 3500 3490 3476 3458 3444 3420 j) Repeat part (i) assuming an infinite aquifer, and again assuming re / rR = 5.0 k) At what time in days do the aquifer limits begin to affect the influx? 1) From the limiting value of WeD for re / rR =8.0, find the maximum water influx available per psi drop. Compare this result with that calculated in part (b). ANSWER: The solution of this problem is left to readers. PROBLEM 8.6 Find the cumulative water influx for the fifth and sixth periods in Ex. 8.3 and Table 8.3. ANSWER: The solution of this problem is left to readers. PROBLEM 8.7 The actual pressure history of a reservoir is simulated by the following data which assume that the pressure at the original oil-water contact is changed instantaneously by a finite amount, AP. Use the van Everdingen and Hurst method to calculate the total cumulative water influx. ‘How much of this water influx occurred in the first two years? Other reservoir properties include the following Reservoir area = 19,600,000 ft2 Aquifer area =686,900,000 ft2 k =104md $=25% pow = 1,098 cP ct =7.01(10)-6 psi -1 h=10ft Time, Years AP, psia 0 40 05 60 1.0 94 15 186 2.0 110 25 120 3.0 - ANSWER: a) he [sses00000) =14786.f8 145 eo [19600000 _ 408.9 6(Finite reservoir) kh dtctre t, = 6.32810" 10.4(10) 0.25(1.098)(7.01%10™ )(2498)? B=1.1196C hr,’ f =1.119(0.25)(7.01x10™ (102498)? => B= 122.4 = 6.32810" 0.0548¢ we = BY Apwel = 1224 (7686) = 9.409x 10° bbl. Time/year | tp | wD | AP AP wD 3 6 16356) 40 662.4 25 50 16.05 | 60 963 2 40 7 1493 | 94 1403.42 15 30. «13.74 | «186 2555.64 1 20 9 «1116 | 110 1227.6 05 10 | 7.293 120 875.16 YAPw.D —7687 b) we = BY Apw,, =1224(3827) = 4.684x10° bbl Timelyear | tp) | wD | AP AP wD 3 60 | 1493 40 597.2 | 25 | 30 [1374 6] 8244 | 2 40 | 1116) 94 1049 15 30 | 7.293 186 1356.5 YAPw,D=3827 146 PROBLEM 8.8 An oil reservoir is located between two intersecting faults as shown in the areal view in Fig. 8.17. The reservoir shown is bounded by an aquifer estimated by geologists to have an area of 26,400 ac. Other aquifer data are the following: -0.21 k=275 md h=30f — ct=7(10)6 psi-l Bw = 0.92 cp The average reservoir pressure, measured at three-month intervals is as follow: Time, Years P, psia 0 2987 913 2962 182.6 2927 273.9 2882 365.2 2837 456.5 2793 Fig. 8.17. Reservoir between interconnecting faults. 147 Use both the van Everdingen and Hurst and the Fetkovich methods to calculate the influx that occurred during each of the three month intervals. Assume that the average reservoir pressure history approximates the oil reservoir aquifer boundary pressure history. ANSWER: Van Everdingen & Hurst method: Bal U9 hf B=1.119(0.21(7 x10-*)(10600)*(30) = >B=9242 1, =6328x10° "5, <0.01146r OL, Time/day | tp | AP | weD We 273.9 | 3.138 | 12.5] 3.42 | 39509 182.6 [2.092 | 30 | 263 | 7291938 91.3 | 1.046 | 40 | 1.712 433265 After thethird period > Ew, =15575Sbbl 148 Timelday | t) | AP | wD | w 365.2 4.18 | 12.5 | 4.15 | 47943 273.9 3.138 30 3.42 94823 182.6 | 2.092 | 40 | 2.63 | 97226 913 1.046 | 45 1.712 71200 After thefourth period Ew, =311192bb1 Time/day AP | wD We 12.5 48 5545 30. 4.15 | 115063 40 3.42 126430 182.6 45 2.63 | 109379 913 44.5 | 1.712) 70409 | After thefifth period > Dw, ‘The Fetkovich method: Time | Pr | (Poa | (Pador | (anion | Wn | We 0 2987 2987 2987 Cv) 0 0 T | 2962 2974.5 | 2987 125 15209 | 15209 2 2927 2944.5 | 2985.2 40.7 49550, 46759 2882 | 2904.5 | 2979.4 15 91157 | 155916 4 [2837 | 2859.5 | 2968.8 1093 132974 | 288890 5 2793 2815 2953.4 138.4 168366 | 457256 149 io 1, = =442 r, 1, =46864/t 1, =10600/1 Step1: Hoss x 2 2 = P= yho= '46864* —10600*)30(0.21) w, 5615" rhe 615° 930(0.21) = 7345345374 Step2: we, = qu p,f = 7x10 9 2981) = 25.610" bbl Step3: _0.00708khf © porLnr, 0.75] 0.92[Ln(4.42)—0.75] AB, _ 14372987) 1 gray ige we, 25.6x10° p. | we, 0. 0070%275)30)(22) = 360. 14.37 1 Exp 41.677 x10 x 91,3]= 0.142 1 ex0| - Step4: (Awe), = os =[(Pa),., - (Pr), [1-20 25.6x10° (Awe), = MF)... (Bn), 142 (Awe), =1216.7[(pa),., - (pr), ] (a), =@,0- 2") wei 150 PROBLEM 8.9 For the oil reservoir-aquifer boundary pressure relationship that follows, use the van Everdingen and Hurst method to calculate the cumulative water influx at each quarter (see Fig. 8.18): 60.20 k=200md h=40f — ct=7(10)-6 psi-l pw = 0.80 ep Area of oil reservoir = 1000 ac Area of aquifer = 15,000 ac pre a aa ed a fe 0 | —_ amo |} on ° 1 2 3 ‘ 5 ° Fig. 8.18. Boundary pressure relationship for Prob. 8.9. ANSWER: The Van Evedingen and Hurst method 1 =3723ft 1, =14421ft B=1.119¢e,hr? f =1.119(0.2)(7X10")(40)(3723)' = 868.5 151 (200) ty = 6.328 x10" —— oe 0.2(0.8)(7 x10 )(3723)" 1, = 0.0815¢ Stepl: Ap =16 1, = 7.44 weD = 6.02 4020 — 3988 we = BApweD = 868.5(-—F 6.02 => we =83654b61 ‘After 91.3 days Step2: Di=P. 4p. 1, = 14.88 weD =9062 we = (we)Ap, + (we) Ap. = 363728bbI = (868.516 x 9062) + (868.5 44x 6.02) After 182.6 days Step3: water influx after 273.9 days: Time/day to AP | wD | BAP w.D 273.9 22.3 | 16 | 13.333 185275 182.6 14.88 44 | 9.62 367618 913 744 65 | 6.02 | 339844 We-89273 bbl 152 Step4: water influx after 365.2 days: Time/day | t) | AP | wD | BAPw.D 365.2 29.8 | 16 | 16.5 229284 273.9 | 22.3 | 44 [13.333 509507 182.6 14.88] 65 | 9.62 | 543073 91.3 7.44 | 80 | 6.02 418269 We=1700133 bbl Step5: water influx after 456.5 days: Timeday | t | AP) wD | BAPw.D 456.5 37.2 16 19.7 273751 365.2 | 298 | 44 16.5 | 630531 273.9 | 223 | 63 1333 752511 182.6 14.88 | 80) 9.62 | 668379 913 | 744 [90 6.02) 47553 we=2795743bb1 PROBLEM 8.10 Repeat Prob. 8.9 using the Fetkovich method, and compare the results with the re: Prob. 8.9. 153 ANSWER: Time | Py | (Pym | (Pad | (Padnni-(Pdn | (AWeda We 0 | 4020 | 4020 | 4020 0 0 0 T3988 | 4004 | 4020 16 80600 | 80600 2 | 3932 | 4960 | 4006 64 235493 | 316093 3 3858 | 3895 | 3967 R 364794 | 680887 4 | 3772 | 3815 | 3908 93 467542 | 1148429 5 | 3678 3725 | 3833 108 545409 | 1693838 Fetkovich method: 43560(1000) _ 334i x 1, =! =387 x "5.615 = 8688118384 x . =r; hhg=—— (1442? — 3723’ )40(0.20) Of rhb 6615 )40(0.20) Step 2: =(7x10" yw, (4020 362 =24.45x10° bbl 360 Step 3: = _2.00708khy__0.00708(200)(40) 4474 0.8[, 3.87) — 0.75] 154 Jp, _\17.4(4020) we, 24.45x10° = 0.0192 1= B9|-2B-ar]=1-Aspl-0019201 yh.28 we, Step 4: (Awe), =""\ (pa), - (Pr), [ire P, 24.45x10° ay l(Pad a ~ (Pr), 0.828 (Awe), =5037.5|(pa),., - (pr), | (Bde =(0,), 0 ey 155 CHAPTER 9 THE DISPLACEMENT OF OIL AND GAS. PROBLEM 9.1 (a) A rock 10 em long and 2 sq cm in cross section flows 0.0080 cu em/sec of a 2.5 ep oil under a 1.5 atm pressure drop. If the oil saturates the rock 100%, what is its absolute permeability? (b) What will be the rate of 0.75 ep brine in the same core under a 2.5 atm pressure drop if the brine saturates the rock 100%? (c) Is the rock more permeable to the oil at 100% oil saturation or to the brine at 100% brine saturation? (d) The same core is maintained at 40% water saturation and 60% oil saturation. Under a 2.0 atm pressure drop, the oil flow is 0.0030 cu cm/sec and the water flow is 0.004 cu cm/sec. What are the effective permeabilities to water and to oil at these saturations? (e) Explain why the sum of the two effective permeabilities is less than the absolute permeability. (8) What are the relative permeabilities to oil and water at 40% water saturation? (g) What is the relative permeability ratio ko/kw at 40% water saturation? (h) Show that the effective permeability ratio is equal to the relative permeability ratio. 156 ANSWER: a) aul _ 0.008(2.5)(10) AAp 2(1.5) k = 0.067darcy = 67md 0.067(2)(2.5) _ 9 447 em?/ wl 0.75(10) see ) Absolute permeability is one of the properties of rock and it is not related to the fluid type. d) k= febll _ 0.00400.750119) _ 9 0975 darcy = 7.5 md Ap 2(2) Gb _0.00302.5)09) «9,91 875darcy = 18.75md ‘AAp 2(2) ° e) Effective permeability is the ability of rock to transmit one specific fluid. When fluid saturation is less than 100% of pore volume, then the two effective permeabilities is less than the absolute permeability. 9.0075 — 9.112,47, = = 0.067 0.01875 _ 0.0075 157 PROBLEM 9.2 ‘The following permeability data were measured on a sandstone as a function of its water saturation: Sv 0 10 20 30* 40 50 60 70 75* 80 90 100 ko 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.94 080 0.44 0.16 0.045 0 0 0 0 kw 0 0 0 0 0.04 0.11 0.20 0.30 0.36 0.44 0.68 1.0 *Critical saturations for oil and water a) Plot the relative permeabilities to oil and water versus water saturation on Cartesian coordinate paper. b) Plot the relative permeability ratio versus water saturation on semilog paper. c) Find the constants a and b in Eq. (9.3) from the slope and intercept of your graph. Also find a and b by substituting two sets of data in Eq. (9.3) and solving simultaneous equations. d) If po = 3.4 ep, pw = 0.68 cp, Bo = 1.50 bbl/STB, and Bw = 1.05 bbl/STB, what is the surface water cut of a well completed in the transition zone where the water saturation is 50%? e) What is the reservoir cut in part (4)? £) What percentage of recovery will be realized from this sandstone under high- pressure water drive from that portion of the reservoir above the transition zone invaded by water? The initial water saturation above the transition zone is 30%. g) If water drive occurs at a pressure below saturation pressure such that the average gas saturation is 15% in the invaded portion, what percentage of recovery will be realized? The average oil volume factor at the lower pressure is 1.35 bb/STB and the initial oil volume factor is 1.50 bbV/STB. h) What fraction of the absolute permeability of this sandstone is due to the least permeable pore channels that make up 20% of the pore volume? What fraction is due to the most permeable pore channels that make up 25% of the pore volume? 158 ANSWER: a) The solution of this problem is left to readers. 'b) The solution of this problem is left to readers. °) k, nto =ae 20= ae a =13629.6 0.15=ae* 4) * + b=163 ats, =50% > An — 0-44 _ oi 1 0.68, 1.05 14. 4(258) 05 k ES f. f) 0.85-0.30 Recoyery= 285939 ecovery= 8) S,=0.15 = /. B=150bh/ Assume: S, = 0.75 Recovery=0.5Sorrecovery=55% 159 h) 0% and 46%. PROBLEM 9.3 Given the following reservoir data: Throughput rate = 1000bbl/day ‘Average porosity = 18% Initial water saturation = 20% Cross-sectional area = 50,000 #2 Water viscosity = 0.62 ep Oil viscosity = 2.48 ep ko/kw versus Sw data in Fig. 9.1 and 9.2 Assume zero transition zone: a) Calculate fw and plot versus Sw. b) Graphically determine Ofw/OSw at a number of points, and plot versus Sw. ©) Calculate Ofw/0Sw at several values of Sw using Eq, (9.17), and compare with the graphical values of part (b). 4d) Calculate the distances of advance of the constant saturation fronts at 100, 200, and 400 days. Plot on Cartesian coordinate paper versus Sw. Equalize the areas within and without the flood front lines to locate the position of the flood fronts. e) Draw a secant line from Sw = 0.20 tangent to the fw versus Sw, curve in part (b), and show that the value of Sw at the point of tangency is also the point at which the flood front lines are drawn. £) Calculate the fractional recovery when the flood front first intercepts a well, using the areas of the graph of part (d). Express the recovery in terms of (1) the initial 160 oil in place and (2) the recoverable oil in place (i.c., recoverable after infinite throughput). g) To what surface water cut will a well rather suddenly rise when it is just enveloped by the flood fronts? Use Bo = 1.50 bbl/STB and Bw = 1.05 bbl/STB. hh) Do the answers to parts (f) and (g) depend on how far the front has travelled? Explain. ANSWER: 1 = > for, =50% > f,=——_! _ =o, fw i, for example > for, = 50% = f, 02,062 0.686 0.12" 2.48 a) S. | 03° 04 7 05 | 06 | 07 | O8 | 0.85 KJKy | 25 88 | 184 | 0.59 | 0.14 | 0.03) 0 f | 0.138) 0.312 | 0.685 | 0.871 | 0.966 0.99 1 Then draw Sy. versus fy. b) for example S, ©) Su __ orl poybae™ gay fromfigure9.2 &w [l+(zav/ po)ae™] Sw 0.2 | 93 04505 06 | 07 08 | 0.9 [ B&/8S, 70.526 | 15673047287 1284 | 0414 0118 | 0.0327 d) _5.615q't ae GR 161 for t=100days=> x,,, = 9150000000) (F 0.18(5000) 9. for t = 200 day = x,., =124.8( 8, fort =400 day = x, =249( 9 &, ¢) The solution of this problem is left to readers. f) The answers are 0.69 and 0.56. 8) 1 “0.62, 1.05 14 (ey +549 T50 =0.851 PROBLEM 9.4 Show that for radial displacement where rw << r 5.6159 Fy 0h (yo! where ris the distance a constant saturation front has travelled. ANSWER: The solution of this problem is left to readers. 162 PROBLEM 9.5 Given the following reservoir data: S, 10* 15 20 25 30 kk 0 0.08 0.20 0.40 0.85 ky 0.70 0.52 0.38 0.28 0.20 *Critical saturations for gas and oil Absolute permeability = 400 md Hydrocarbon porosity = 15% Connate water = 28% Dip angle = 20° Cross-sectional area = 750,000 ft2 Oil viscosity = 1.42 ep Gas viscosity = 0.015 ep Reservoir oil specific gravity = 0.75 Reservoir gas specific gravity = 0.15 (water = 1) 35 40 45 50 1.60 3.00 5.50 10.0 0.14 0.11 0.07 0.04 Reservoir throughput at constant pressure 10,000 bbl/day 62* a) Calculate and plot the fraction of gas, f,, versus gas saturation similar to Fig. 9.13 both with and without the gravity segregation term. b) Plot the gas saturation versus distance after 100 days of gas injection both with and without the gravity segregation term. c) Using the areas of part (b), calculate the recoveries behind the flood front with and without gravity segregation in terms of both initial oil and recoverable oil. 163 ANSWER: a) 1-2.115k,, *""140.0106k, /k, With gravity drainage: S, 01) O15 | 02 7 025) 03 | 035 | 04 | 05] 062 f, 0 | 0.0881 0.186 | 0.397 0.569 0.669 0.764 | 0.85 | 0.914 Without gravity drainage: S,) 01) O15 | 02 ] 025) 03 | 035 | 04 | 05 ] 062 f, | 1 | 0.883 | 0.949 | 0.974 | 0.987 | 0.993 | 0.996 | 0.998] 0.998 b) sisi 5, pe 8," © 15(10000)(100) _ &, a 0.15(750000) 6f/88, | X(without gravity) | Sf/8S, | X(with gravity) 0.188 938 2.02 101.14 0.096 48 1.63 814 0.055 2.74 1.29 645 0.03 15 0.99 49.88 0.018 09 0.78 38.94 0.011 055 0.676 33.73 0.0072 0.36 0.534 26.66 c) The answers are 80.8, 50.1. 28.6, and 17.7. 164 PROBLEM 9.6 Derive an equation including a gravity term similar to Eq. (9.23) for water displacing oil. ANSWER: 141.127 Xo (9 433ysina) WH, Equation for water displacing oil with gravity drainage: -0488KA(p, - p, (sink, (u,q') 14(k,/k, Ee) PROBLEM 9.7 Rework the water displacement calculation of Table 9.1, and include a gravity segregation term. Assume an absolute permeability of 500 md, a dip angle of 45°, a density difference of 20% between the reservoir oil and water and an oil viscosity of 1.6 cp. Plot water saturation versus distance after 240 days, and compare with Figure 9.11. 165 S. 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90, ko 0.93 0.60 0.35 0.22 0.12 0.05 001 0 ANSWER: Displacement with gravity drainage-69% Displacement without gravity drainage=59% PROBLEM 9.8 Continue the calculations of Ex. Prob. 9.1 down to a reservoir pressure of 100 psia using: a) Muskat method b) Schilthuis method c) Tamer method ANSWER: The solution of this problem is left to readers. 166 CHAPTER 10 HISTORY MATCHING PROBLEM 10.1 The following data are taken from a volumetric, undersaturated reservoir. Calculate the relative permeability ratio kg/ko at each pressure, and plot versus total liquid saturation. Connate water, Sw = 25% Initial oil in place = 150 MMSTB Boi = 1.552 bb/STB P R N, B, B, Ro Hdlty psia SCF/STB MMSTB_ bbI/STB- bbI/SCF SCF/STB 4000 903 3.75 1.500 0.000796 820 3L1 3500 1410 13.50 1.430 0.000857 660 37.1 3000 2230 20.70 1.385 0.000930, 580 42.5 2500 3162 27.00 1.348 0.00115 520 50.8 2000 3620 32.30 1.310 0.00145 450 612 1500 3990 37.50 1.272 0.00216 380 773 ANSWER: k, pan oi HB k, u,B, 167 15 he Ly aax10? k for p= 4000 psia = 903 = 820+“ (31.1) P a xO 9.000796” k, k, ‘ for p = 3500 psia => © =1.21x10" > for p = 3000 psia > “* =2.60x107 > > for p= 2500 psia => “= =4.43x107 k, for p= 2000 pia => == ~ 3107 k for p=1500psia => 7 =0.079 S§,=S,+(1-S,)1-—) = 8, HUSA 3.75 1. forp =4000psia => S, =0.25+ (10.25) 22) P Ps ‘ 50 1552 for p=3500psia => S, = 0.879 for p= 3000psia=> S, = 0.827 forp=2500psia > S, =0.784 for p= 2000psia=> S, = 0.747 forp=1500psia > 8, =0.711 3000 | 2500 0.026 | 0.0443 82.7 2000 0.0573 TAT P(psia) | 4000 1500 KJ/K, 0.00142 SL(%) | 95.7 3500 0.0121 87.9 TBA 7A 168 PROBLEM 10.2 Discuss the effect of the following on the relative permeability ratios calculated from production data a) Error in the calculated value of initial oil in place. b) Error in the value of the connate water. c) Effect ofa small but unaccounted for water drive. d) Effect of gravitational segregation both where the high gas-oil ratio wells are shut in and where they are not. e) Unequal reservoir depletion. f) Presence of a gas cap. ANSWER: The solution of this problem is left to readers. PROBLEM 10.3 For the data that follow and that are given in Figs. 10.15 to 10.17 and the fluid property data presented in the chapter, perform a history match on the production data in Figures 10.18 to 10.21, using the computer program in Table 10.1. Use the new permeability ratio data plotted in Figures 10.8 and 10.13 to finetune the match. Laboratory core permeability measurements Average Absolute Permeability to Air (md) Well Zone | Zone 2 5-6 5.1 4.0 8-16 8.3 68 9-13 Wt 6.0 14-12 8.1 16 169 wa SS ey) ig. 10.18. Structural map of well locations for Problem 10.3, 170 @ KE ig. 10.17, Tsopach map of Zone 2 for Problem 10.3. 171 EESerereeey =| "} EPREL -| PROBLEM 10.4 ‘Write a computer program that uses the Muskat method discussed in Chapter 9 in place of the Schilthuis method used in Chapter 10 to perform the history match on the data in Chapter 10. ANSWER: The solution of this problem is left to readers. 172 PROBLEM 10.5 Write a computer program that uses the Tamer method discussed in Chapter 9 in place of the Schilthuis method used in Chapter 10 to perform the history match on the data in Chapter 10. ANSWER: The solution of this problem is left to readers. 173 MoreBooks! publishing i want morebooks! Buy your books fast and straightforward online - at one of world’s fastest growing online book stores! Environmentally sound due to Print-on-Demand technologies. Buy your books online at Kaufen Sie |hre Bucher schnell und unkompliziert online — auf einer der am schnellsten wachsenden Buchhandelsplattformen weltweit! Dank Print-On-Demand umwelt- und ressourcenschonend produzi- ert. Bucher schneller online kaufen \/ VDM Verlagsservicegesellschaft mbH \ arene eave Te en 749 earns aero

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