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Menses too soon; too long; flow copious; more strikingly

prolonged; flows and dribbles just enough to stain the linen,

starting up now and again with clots. One menstrual flow is

prolonged into another. This will be accompanied with the mental

state; excitable, oversensitive to medicines. "Menses too early

and too profuse; occur too soon and last too long; flow dark." At

times attended with violent pains, cramps in the uterus,

extending over the body, ameliorated from the heat and pressure;

aggravated by the slightest current of the air or cold; pains and

spasms ameliorated by the hot water bottle, clothing and heat.

Labor pains with soreness like (Arn.)--urging, etc. Bearing down

as if contents would protrude, with teasing to urinate and urging

to stool. The flow may be scant and fitful. Itching of the vulva

is prominent.

Desire too strong; with burning in vulva. *Menses; *profuse,

*early and prolonged; intermittent; of dark lumpy bloody;

irregular; with fainting spells. Dysmenorrhoea; cramps extend to

the whole body; with constant urging to stool. Leucorrhoea;

foetid; staining yellow. Inefficient labour pains; faints at

every labour pain. Profuse bleeding after abortion. Prolapse of

uterus; from straining or lifting. All the old symptoms are worse

after menses. Lochia scanty, offensive. Nipples; sore; white spot

in centre. Tensive pain when nursing. Painless gathering of milk

in breast from not nursing the child.


Cramp-like and contractive pains in

uterus and hypogastrium, extending to thighs, with painful

pressure towards the parts (and discharge of mucus

bearing down of uterus. Bearing-down with dysuria, cannot

sit down without pain.

Catamenia: premature and too scanty, too early and too

profuse, with dark, black blood. Metrorrhagia. Return of

catamenia at the period of full moon. Menses excessive, with much

vaginal irritation (agg., ***R.T.C.). During the catamenia,

spasmodic colic, nausea and vomiting in morning, great fatigue

(attacks of faintness), cephalalgia, with shiverings and

rheumatic pains in limbs. During and after menstruation,

appearance of new and worse of old ailments.

False and

inefficient labour pains, with frequent pressure to urinate and

to pass stool. After-pains too violent and of too long duration.

Fainting away after every labour pain, in labour where, withevery

pain there is a sensation as though the bowels ought to be

moved, in threatened abortion, or retained placenta, after

abortion or parturition, with a constant feeling of uneasiness in

rectum, as though bowels ought to be moved, haemorrhage from

uterus with the same symptom.



Most violent dysmenorrhoea in girls of delicate fiber, sallow

Sepia comes in when the woman ought to menstruate when the child

ceases to nurse; sometimes the child dies and menses;ought to be

established but do not appear, and the mother runs down, pines

away; Sepia will establish the flow.

(Calc.) is the opposite; the menses come on while the child is

nursing. Thick greenish acrid or milky leucorrhoea. Leucorrhoea

in little girls.

Both male and female have aversion to the opposite sex. In the

female there is a state as if she had indulged to excess, when

this is not the case. No endurance, tired after coition,

sleepless nights, sleep full of dreams, jerking of muscles,

twitching, leucorrhoea, congestion of the pelvis. A woman who has

been normal in her relations with her husband brings forth a

child, and then the thought of sexual relations causes nausea and




everything would escape from vulva; must cross limbs or hold

parts to prevent protrusion.

Coition painful; from dryness of vagina; bleeding after.

Dryness of vagina and vulva; after menses; causing disagreeable

sensation when walking. Aversion to coition, or complaints after.

Menses; absent; at puberty; after weaning. Menses; too late, and

scanty; irregular; early and profuse. Labia swelled; abscessed.

Leucorrhoea; yellow, greenish, milky, in large lumps in little

girls; instead of menses, foul;

Retained placenta; after abortion. Sub-involution.

Exhaustion after coition. Nausea and irritability on thought of

coition. Amenorrhoea. Metritis with pain in lumbar region and

frequent urination. Motion of foetus is intolerable. Metrorrhagia

at the time of climaxis. Sudden flushes of heat, with weakness

and sweat during climaxis. Tendency to abortion; from 5TH to 7TH

month. Severe itching in vulva causing abortion. Sterility. Mania

from profuse menses.


.-Bearing down in uterus, which obstructs

respiration.-Pressure as if everything would protrude through

the vulva (with oppression of breathing).

Pains in both groins

and bearing down, with constipation but no leucorrhoea, sleep

heavy and non refreshing, coldness all over, tongue flabby (cured

in stout woman, 35.-***R. T. C.).

-Metrorrhagia, during climaxis or during


Menses too profuse.-Menses suppressed, or too feeble,

or else too early (appearing only in morning).

When menses fail

to appear in mothers who do not nurse, with inflation of

Colic before menses.-During menses: irritability,

melancholy, toothache, headache, nose-bleed, and painful

weariness in limbs, or spasmodic colic and pressure towards the

parts.-Must cross her limbs to prevent protrusion of the parts.

Dull, heavy pain in ovaries, especially l.


Leucorrhoea, or a yellow or greenish red water, or purulent and

fetid, sometimes with inflation of abdomen, or shootings in


Leucorrhoea in place of menses.-Leucorrhoea like milk,

with soreness of pudenda.-Itching, corrosive leucorrhoea.

Inclination to miscarriages. Abortion after the fifth month.Tendency

to abort fifth to seventh month.

Sudden hot flushes of climaxis, with momentary sweat,

.-Retained placenta after

miscarriage.-Soreness of abdomen, feels motions of child too


During pregnancy yellow brown spots on face.Terrible

itching of vulva causing abortion.-Offensive

excoriating lochia, very long lasting.



Vagina painful, especially on coition.



in the woman induration and

enlargement of the ovaries and uterus. "Uterine spasms during too

early and scanty menses."

This medicine has dwindling of the mammary glands

as well as enlargement and induration.

It has cured fibroid

tumors of the uterus. It has restrained cancerous growth of the

An abscess of the breast becomes

surrounded by lumps and nodules. Nodules in the breast even where

milk has not yet formed; lumps and nodules indurations and

enlarged glands form under the skin all over the body. Conium has

been used extensively for malignant affections of glands, because

it takes hold of glands from the beginning and infiltrates, and

they gradually grow to a stony hardness, like scirrhus.


Glands esp. ***MAMMARY

and ovaries are affected with engorgement, and ***STONY


Menses; irregular; too late; scanty. Dysmenorrhoea, with drawing

down thighs.

*Breast enlarged and become painful before and during

menses, worse at every step. Wants to press breast hard with

Mammae lax and shrunken with or without sexual desire.


tumours in mammae; with stitches or piercing pain.

Stitches in mammae and in nipples, on taking deep breath or


Too much milk before menses.

*Leucorrhoea; white, *acrid;

preceded by griping in abdomen; after urination.

Cutting pain in

ovaries and uterus. Ovaries enlarged and indurated; lancinating

pains. Ovaritis.
Fears when alone, but dread of strangers or

company during menses.

Ill effects of suppressed sexual desire,

of suppressed menses. Motion of child painful during pregnancy.

Prolapse of uterus from straining at a hard stool. Itching deep

in vagina.



Vicarious menstruation, from lungs and bowels.

Menses; half

liquid half clotted; bright red; worse : slightest provocation.

Menorrhagia; of climaxis; after abortion. Oozing of dark blood;

clotted, forming large black strings.

Cervix spongy, easily bleeding.

Acute ovarian pain (left).

Burning distress in ovaries (right).

Pains shoot down thighs.

Foul, yellow or brown leucorrhoea.

Pain under left

breast; at margin or ribs, between periods; constant.

Uterus feels drawn into a knot.

Bearing down pains when child nurses.

Fibroids. Tumours have been

noted to have disappeared after its use.

Menses suppressed,

without cause with accompanying symptoms.



provings brought out a specific affinity for the generative

sphere of both sexes, and especially for the left ovary and


bleeding taking place from the lungs and bowels,

and bleeding between the periods with left inframammary pain.

Loss of hair and

nails is a keynote for *Ust., and combined with the other

symptoms made the correspondence perfect.

Yellow and offensive leucorrhoea.

Tenderness of left ovary, with

pain and swelling

. Intermittent
neuralgia of left ovary, enlarged, very tender.

. Menses: too

scanty with ovarian irritation, too profuse and too early, blood

clotted, as if everything would come through.

Between periods

constant suffering under left breast at margin of ribs.

Oozing of

dark blood, highly coagulated, forming occasionally long, black,

stringy clots.

. Menses that had just ceased returned,

bright-colored, soreness and bearing down in left side preceding

the flow and partially ceasing with it.

Menses copious, bright

red, not coagulating easily (in a woman who thought she had

passed the climacteric, as there had been no discharge for over a


it stopped as suddenly as it began, no pain, only

faintness and confused feeling in head.

Menorrhagia at climaxis.

Bland leucorrhoea. Abortion. Deficient labor pains. Constant

flooding. Puerperal peritonitis. Lochia too profuse, partly fluid,

partly clotted, prolonged bearing-down pains, uterus feels

drawn into a knot. Hypertrophy and subinvolution.



It is adapted to sensitive, nervous, lively,

affectionate women, who are very tired, weak and run down; must

lie down which aggravates. Pains are diagonal, ovary to opposite

breast. Climacteric sufferings.

. *Violent nervous sexual desire; *nymphomania; from least

contact with the parts.

Bearing down pains; *must keep legs

tightly crossed.

** Copious menses with large clots.


thick; yellow, bloody; alternating with mental symptoms.

Pain in

mammae during menses.

Walking difficult, all joints are weak

during pregnancy.
Prolapse, enlargement of the uterus.


of blood through the vagina or bloody leucorrhoea, during stools.

As if bones of pelvis getting loose.


*Murex produces frantic sexual desire, and tends to have

excessive haemorrhage with large clots,

Another leading feature of *Murex is:

Consciousness of the womb, sore pain in uterus

The sinking,

all-gone sensation is very well marked

*Murex has a sensation

of dryness and constriction in the womb.

The pains are frequently

diagonal and shoot from ovary to opposite breast


peculiar symptom of *Murex is: A feeling as if something were

pressing on a sore spot in the pelvis. This is analogous to a

general sensitiveness to touch.

The least contact with the parts

causes violent sexual excitement.

The cervix is sensitive to the

examining finger.

The slightest touch causes bleeding of

excoriation on cervix. (May be thought of in cauliflower

There is excessive secretion of urine, and

frequent necessity to rise at night to urinate. This nightly

polyuria, with the hungry craving of *Murex and other symptoms,

has led to its successful use in diabetes.

Must lie

down from weakness, but lying down worse all symptoms.

Extreme irritation of genital parts, with ardent sexual desire

to a degree almost maniacal, slightest touch re awakens desire.

Sensation of dryness, and of constriction in uterus, pulsation,

incisive pain, as if caused by cutting instruments.

Knife-thrusts in uterus as if os were cut.

Sensation of weight in vagina during the abdominal pains.

Menstruation too profuse. Haemorrhages. Expels large coagula _

During the profuse menstruation, sensation of constriction at


Leucorrhoea: serous greenish thick, becoming sanguineous,

reappearance of sanguineous leucorrhoea while at stool.

During pregnancy:

leucorrhoea, sensation of pelvic bones getting loose.



It manifests its chief action upon the ***VENOUS CIRCULATION;

*of the heart and ***FEMALE ORGANS; *ovaries and uterus; and is

useful for many reflex conditions dependent on some pathological

condition of these organs.

Often indicated in unmarried women.


***HEAVY OR FORCED OUT feeling; in uterus, ovaries, heart etc.

*Utero-ovarian sagging. Wandering, flying, shooting pains or

opening and shutting pains; radiating; from ovary to heart, to

left breast; down the legs etc

*Backward pains; about eyes; to

occiput; from nipples through chest; from heart to left scapula.


in warm room or after standing for a long time.

*Heavy dragging or outward pressing in pelvis, with dysuria; as

if all organs would escape through vagina; must hold it.


early, scanty, dark, clotted, offensive. Flow only when moving

*Ovarian (left) pain down thighs; or up below the left


Leucorrhoea; thin, brown, acrid; stains brown, worse

after menses.

Neuralgic pains in uterus, cannot bear pressure of



(3) Sweetish nausea without inclination to vomit.

Abnormal fullness worse after eating ever so little.

5) Bloating

more pronounced and chiefly across hips in uterine region,

darting pains in head and lower abdomen from ovaries down thighs,
pressure in vagina, pain at top of sacrum extending to hips.

"downward dragging" from shoulders, from thorax, from left

breast, from epigastrium down to pelvis, and out at the vagina as

if everything would be forced through.


downward pressure involved the rectum and bladder, and loins.

Menses came at regular times but flowed only as long as she kept


Much hurried and driven, she knows not why. Heart

symptoms came on at this time, about a month after commencing the

proving: sudden fluttering sensation, less felt *if she can busy

herself very much.

A patient to whom I gave *Lil. tig. 30 said it caused a

sensation in the abdomen as if the contents were "tied up in

***C. Sigmund Rue has observed (*H.R. xi. 482) excellent

results from *Lil. t. 3x and 30 in cases of uterine fibroid

presenting the characteristic symptoms of the remedy.

With nausea, a lump in center of chest which could be moved down

by empty swallowing.

"Cannot walk on uneven ground." (*H. C. Allen).

Burning palms and soles accompany other


The symptoms are better lying on left side, when

lying down at all is tolerated. Rest in general worse.

disposition to use obscene language

Menses continue only when moving about, and cease when sitting or
lying down


menses returning occasionally, or again remain absent for some




Many and various symptoms reflex from ovaries and uterus or

sexual organs

Localized; coldness; of single

parts, eyes, ears etc.; or *numbness; of scalp, face, coccyx,

calves etc.

Haemorrhages; with black clots with fluid.

Pains increase and decrease gradually.

*Bandaged feeling.

Sticky discharges; tears, stools, menses, etc.

*Painfully sensitive genitals; with itching, tickling or

Excessive sexual desire esp. in virgins; that leads to


Nymphomania worse in puerperal state.

Menses; dark,

thick, profuse, clotted, too early; too short; with dragging;

Ovaritis; with burning pains; with sterility.

Dysmenorrhoea, with shrieks and jerks

Vaginismus; from excessive

sensitiveness of sexual organs, coition is impossible

leucorrhoea like white of an egg, only

by day worse after urination; rising from a seat.

Sterility from

excessive sexual excitement.

Frequent sensation as if menses would appear.

Amenorrhoea in emigrants.

*Plat. Lost sense of proportion in both ocular and mental

vision. Objects look small or the patient thinks them small. The

becomes pride and hauteur in the mental sphere, the patient

(generally a woman) looks down on everything and everybody. This

is a keynote of Plat.

Another is the occurrence of cramps,

cramping pains and spasms, developing into convulsions. The

cramping pains causes numbness and tingling in the parts


Pains as if nipped, squeezed in a vice, and these pains

increase gradually to an acme and then as gradually decline.


the rectum this becomes tenesmus, in vagina, vaginismus.

Changing moods, sad and gay alternately, laughs and

cries by turns

There is also a perverse state: Laughs

immoderately, but in the wrong place, laughs at serious things.

The mental disorder at times takes a homicidal form. Jahr cured

with *Plat. A woman who had an inspiration to kill her child,

Kent (*Med. *Adv., xxv. 184) records the case of a

middle-aged lady, mother of several grown-up daughters, who

complained of a peculiar mental symptom: A fear, in the absence

of her husband, that he would never return, that he would die, or

be run over. She wept all the time he was away.

The action of *Plat. to a

large extent center in and radiates from the sexual organs, male

and female

Tendency to

uncover completely in sleep is a leading note of it.

The stools of *Plat. are tenacious and sticky,

adhere to the rectum and anus like putty, or they may be hard as

if burnt, the constipation comes on while travelling, in

emigrants, during pregnancy.

Metrorrhagia (with great excitability of the sexual

system) of thick, deep-coloured blood, with drawings in groins.

Catamenia too early and too profuse (blood dark and coagulated),

sometimes with headache, restlessness and tears.


when the discharge is very abundant, thick and black like tar,

and is very exhausting, spasms and screaming at every menstrual


Catamenia too long continued.

Before catamenia, cuttings

and pains like those of labour in hypogastrium.

Cramps at

commencement of catamenia

Leucorrhoea, like white of eggs, flowing chiefly after urinating,

and on rising from a seat.



A haemorrhagic remedy esp. when haemorrhages are profuse,

*bright red, *gushing.

Metrorrhagia; with vesico-rectal tenesmus; after abortion;

with diarrhoea or dysentery; after least motion.

Leucorrhoea, with urinary irritability.

Abortion because of exertion.


Wilmot Moore has given it with success in three cases of

placenta previa. He gave the IX trituration

Metrorrhagia with violent irritation of rectum and bladder,

after abortion, with diarrhoea and dysuria, with prolapsus uteri.

Very profuse flow of bright-red blood, every movement of patient

increases the flow, pallor and weakness. Leucorrhoea profuse,

with spasmodic pains, and irritation of the bladder and rectum.

Bloody lochia return after the least motion, better during rest.

The only marked symptom in addition to the

haemorrhage that should lead to its selection over other remedies

of this class, especially in its haemorrhages from the pelvic

organs, is the marked violent IRRITATION OF THE RECTUM and

bladder. Here we must remember also CANTHARIS, LIL-T.,and NUX-V



In the female there is oversensitiveness of all parts.

Inflammation of the ovaries and uterus. Burning in the vagina.

Membranous dysmenorrhoea. Menses too early, profuse, black.



is anger in a very acute degree amounting to paroxysms of rage,

and a corresponding condition of the bodily tissues.

The word

"*irritation" best expresses the totality of the *Cantharis


The pains are burning, and sharp, lancinating along the

course of a nerve

*Canth. produces amorous frenzy,

unbounded sexual desire, also sexual erethism and excitability.

The sexual appetite is aroused to the point of mania.

Coitus does not always reduce it.

*Canth. "expels moles, dead fetus, placentae, promotes

fecundity" (Guernsey).

Catamenia premature and too copious, with black blood and pains

during the flow.

Corrosive leucorrhoea, with burning sensation on making water,

and excitement of sexual desire.


Its action is *rapid and


destructive; in the mucous and serous membranes. ***PAINS ARE




Painful urination, as a

concomitant in any diseased condition.

Menses, too

early; too profuse, blood black or scanty.

Breasts painful, with dysuria.

Expels moles, dead foetus and placenta. Pruritus, with

strong sexual desire; at climaxis

leucorrhoea, with sexual

excitement, causing itching and masturbation.


An enormous number of the symptoms of *Bell.

are developed in and from the head and sensorium. Conformably

with this, the pains of *Bell. run downwards, i.e., away from the

head. (*Sil, and *Gels. have a pain running *up the back)
it is a medicine which has great general *sensitiveness and also

sensitiveness of the special senses, sensitive to light, to

slightest noise, to motion or jar as when some one touches the


It is a *chilly medicine, sensitive to changes from

warm to cold, to *draught of air, to damp weather, to chilling

from having the head uncovered, or *having the hair cut, better

from being wrapped up warmly in a room.

Under this drug there is

a remarkable quickness of sensation, or of motion, the eyes snap

and move quickly.

The pains *come and go suddenly no matter how

long they may last.

*stabbing are very characteristic: "stabbing from

one temple to the other."

It has cured a

very severe headache in a nervous man occurring whenever he was

exposed to tobacco smoke.

*Heat, redness and burning are three great characteristic notes

of *Bell., and are constantly cropping out in the pathogenesis

The mouth is exceedingly dry without thirst.

Sensation of a hand clutching intestines.


menstrual flow is hot, of light colour, or bad smell.


short, dry, tickling, similar to cough of *Rumex and Phos.

Whooping-cough, with crying or pains before the attack, flushed

Swellings of breast with bright red streaks

radiating from center of inflammation

Sweat on covered parts only.

A very general characteristic of *Bell. is

worse on lying down. It refers to headache and all kinds of

inflammatory affections.

Symptoms are worse afternoon, 3 p-m., 11 p-m.

Catamenia too

copious, and too early, or too tardy. Catamenia too pale.


the catamenia, fatigue, colic, loss of appetite, and confused


During the catamenia, nocturnal sweat on the chest, with

yawning and transient shiverings, colic, or anguish of heart,

burning thirst, sharp and cramp-like pains in the back and in the


Flow of blood beyond the period of catamenia

Flow of blood

between the periods.

Menstrual discharge bright red, feeling very

hot like the sealing-wax.

Metrorrhagia of clear red blood, with a

discharge of fetid clots, with violent pain in the small of the

back and bearing down.

Flow of milk from the breast.

Mammae swelled, inflamed, or indurated.


They have symptoms of great suffering, of great


The parts are sensitive; the uterus and ovaries are

congested, sore to touch, sensitive to jar.

Irritable uterus,

until it has become enlarged and painful, and sore to the touch.

Sometimes it remains in this state after parturition. Or, after

every menstrual period it is a little larger, and remains. It

does not return to its normal state, but remains congested, and

the woman feels all through the interim as if she was


Uterine haemorrhage from congestion, with

spasms with great sensitiveness. The uterus contracts with

violence, hence, a spasmodic contraction. Great soreness, with a

(<)copious flow of bright red fluid mixed with clots, is

the characteristic of the Belladonna flow(>). It is like (<)Sabina(>)

in that respect. Those two medicines have that in a high


The uterus fills with a clot, and then comes a

contraction like a labor pain and expels it; for a while a

copious flow of fluid; and then contractions like labor pains

come on again, expelling the clots, and then comes the flow. The

blood clots soon, and the haemorrhage is attended with great

exhaustion., Now this occurs almost without any provocation.

This haemorrhage occurs also in connection with abortion

Belladonna is a great remedy to check the haemorrhage in

connection with abortion or from any cause whatever where

the symptoms of sensitiveness are present. sensitive to

touch, sensitive to a jar; the patient herself is in that state

of irritable sensitiveness, great nervous excitement manifested

both when awake and in sleep; often with fever.

haemorrhage, with febrile conditions, but usually the

haemorrhage takes the place of the fever, and commonly if there

is haemorrhage it will relieve the fever.

It is also a great remedy for haemorrhage after confinement.

(<)The blood feels hot(>). Haemorrhage, with hour-glass contraction.

It has also the most violent dysmenorrhoea. Pains like labor-

pains. Spasmodic labor-pains. Circular contractions are the

commonest forms in Bell. All of the fibers should take part

uniformly and do their work uniformly, and thereby gradually

bring to bear a tightening upon the contents

Violent contraction of the circular fibers, and

hence, a woman will often describe it as feeling as if the uterus

was clutched with a string.

The uterus comes down and is partly exposed

between the labiae. Prolapsus as if the whole inner parts were

coming out is a common feature, and with this she is worse from

a jar.

Many of the Bell. cases cannot lie down,

because of the stretching of the abdominal muscles. When they lie

down they must draw up the limbs to relax those muscles. Must

sit, or take a flexed posture.

Great induration; hard as a stone. Bell. will stop

the pain in the breast in a few hours. It will stop that

congestion, and will relieve all sufferings.

When the mammary glands are inflammed without any general

symptoms, but merely an inflammation of the glands give


Menses; bright, red, with clots, too early, too profuse, *hot,

*gushing, offensive

. Metritis. Rigidity of the os.


bearing down towards genitals, as if everything would fall out,

better standing and sitting erect worse lying down.


pain throbbing, redness, *streaks radiate from the nipples.

Breast; heavy, hard and red

. Lochia; diminished, hot offensive.

Useful in confinement of women who have their children late in


Leucorrhoea, with colic. Labour pains come and go suddenly;

or ceasing.


The woman flows too much at the menstrual period; too long, and,

of course, this naturally brings her around too soon. Often

every three weeks lasting a week, with a copious flow.

Menstrual period too soon, lasting too long, and profuse.

Calcarea is not always indicated; not unless all of the

symptoms go together to make up the Calcarea patient.

leucorrhoea. Copious,

thick, constant leucorrhoea, discharging day and night.

Leucorrhoea that is acrid, keeping up an itching, and smarting,

and burning. "Leucorrhoea thick and yellow," from one menstrual

period to another, and sometimes it intermingles with the

menstrual flow. "Vaginal polypi. Burning soreness in the

genitals" from leucorrhoea. "Itching and rawness" from

leucorrhoea. Haemorrhage of the uterus from over-lifting;

from excitement; from shocks; from anything that greatly

disturbs; from fear, from any great emotion, or from straining

the muscles. Such are the conditions of relaxation and weakness.

Inability to strain the muscles, or to exert herself mentally or


After delivery,

weakness and prostration; sweating. Weakness from nursing.


It is inimical to

*Bryonia, and should not be given immediately before or after

that medicine.

Calc. also corresponds to ailments following

losses of fluids, such as from self-abuse, and it corresponds to

a form of menorrhagia, the flow being excessive and the intervals

shortened. Periods return too soon after excitement. There is

often pain in the breasts before the flow commences, as with

*Conium. But if the menses are scanty or absent, and the *Calc.

characteristics of chilliness and cold, clammy feet are present,

*Calc. will still be the remedy.

Suppression of menses in women

of full habit after working in water.


or uterine pains, right side, extending down thighs, worse on

reading or writing (left, *Lil-t.).

sensations of heat and burning: heat in and on

the vertex. In connection with this the sweat of the head must be

remembered. It occurs chiefly on occiput and forehead (that of

Sil. is all over). There is better uncovering during the heats

(as with *Lyc. and unlike *Sil.).

The characteristic *Calc. hand

is soft, warm, and moist, a boneless hand. Also hands inclined to


There are copious night sweats, which may be sour or


The sweats of *Calc. give on relief

Rumination is among the *Calc. effects.

Nausea after drinking water, even ever so little, *but not if iced.

There is ravenous hunger, hunger and feeling of

emptiness immediately after a meal, and in the early morning. If

he doesn't have his breakfast at the proper time, a headache

comes on.
Craving for eggs, for indigestible things, chalk, coal, etc.

Milk disagrees, sour vomiting of large curds.

Inability to swallow solids.

Chronic disease of left tonsil,

feeling of lump in left side of throat which he wants to swallow

pain from left tonsil to ear

Swellings, false appearance of

fat, milk leg better by elevating the limb, worse hanging it

down. The same conditions mark the sciatica of *Calc., which

follows on working in water.

*Calc. is an eminently sycotic medicine, as the early morning

aggravation would indicate.

The Calc. patient is slow in movements

dread of the open air ranks most

prominently, the least cold air goes right through. Great

sensitiveness to cold, damp air. Also cannot bear sun. The

slightest change worse. Dread of bathing and water. There is

inclination to stretch and put the shoulders back, but

straightening worse rheumatism. *Calc. is hydrogenoid and

sycotic_sensitive to cold and damp and early morning aggravation.

Catamenia premature and too copious. -Sterility, with


too early, and too profuse.

Before the catamenia, mammae swollen

and painful, fatigue, headache, disposition to be frightened,

colic, and shivering.

During the catamenia, congestion in the

head, with internal heat, or cuttings in the abdomen, and cramp-

like pain in the lumbar region, or else vertigo, headache,

toothache, nausea, colic, and other sufferings.


menstruation, with full habit. Miscarriage.-Voluptuous sensation

in the genital parts, with emission.

-Leucorrhoea before the catamenia. -

Leucorrhoea, with burning itching, or else like milk, flowing by

fits, and during the emission of urine.

Swelling of the glands of the breast.

-Breast painful and tender before menses. -Milk too abundant, or


Menses too early (in girls); too profuse, too long; with


toothache and cold damp feet.

Thick, milky, gushing or

yellow leucorrhoea, worse during urination, with itching and


Breast tender and swollen, before menses.

Abundant milk,

but disagreeable to the child. Deficient milk.

Sterility, with

copious menses.

Uterine polypus. Nipples; cracked, ulcerated;

very tender.

Mental excitement brings on dysmenorrhoea or causes

menses to return.

Cramps in toes, or soles, during pregnancy.

Menses late in fat, flabby girls; with palpitation, dyspnoea and


Coition followed by sweat and prostration.

tching and

burning in genitals

. Absence of menses in plethoric women; from


Clumsy, awkward and tired, during pregnancy. Severe

stitches in mammae, when nursing.



It is a great friend of the woman in inflammation and

neuralgia of the (<)ovaries,(>) and in inflammation of the (<)uterus.(>)

The neuralgia especially affects the right ovary, with a tendency

to the left. Inflammation of the ovaries, when the right is more

affected than the left. It has cured cystic tumors of the right


Lycopodium produces and cures dryness in the vagina in which

coition becomes very painful.

It has disturbance of menstruation. Absence or

suppression of menses for many months, the patient being

withered, declining, pale and sallow, becoming feeble. It seems

that she has not the vitality to menstruate

It is also suitable

in girls at puberty when the time for the first menstrual flow to

appear has come, but it does not come. She goes on to 15, l6, I7

or 18 without development, the breasts do not enlarge, the

ovaries do not perform their functions. When the symptoms agree

Lyc. establishes a reaction, the breasts begin to grow, the

womanly bearing begins to come, and the child becomes a woman


has a wonderful power for developing, and in that respect it is

very much like (<)Calc. phos.(>) "Discharge of flatus from the

vagina." "Varices of the genital."


10) Burning pains better by heat, burning like hot coals

between scapula. Burning stinging in breasts.

Nymphomania with terrible teasing desire in external organs.

Itching, burning, and gnawing in vulva.

Burning pain in the vagina,

during and after coition.

Catamenia (too early) too profuse, and of too long duration.

Catamenia suppressed readily, and for a

long time, by fright.

Before menses: shivering, sadness,

melancholy, bloatedness of the abdomen

During menses: delirium,

with tears, headache, sourness in the mouth, pain in loins,

swelling of feet, fainting, vomiting of sour matter, cuttings,

colic, and pain in the back

Menstruation too late, lasts too

long, sometimes suppression of, profuse, protracted, flow partly

black, clotted, partly bright red or partly serum, with labour-

like pains followed by swooning, with sadness, suppressed by


May find females at change of life with one side of the

body greatly hypertrophied.

Metrorrhagia, at menopause, dark blood with large

clots pour from her

A rumbling begins in upper abdomen and

descends to lower, when a flow of blood follows, and so on


Leucorrhea: milky, yellowish, reddish, and

corrosive, sometimes preceded by cuttings in abdomen

Swelling of the

breasts with nodosities.

Milk in breasts without being pregnant.


Menses; of clots and serum;

discharge of blood from genitals

during stools.

*Leucorrhoea; acrid; *periodical; milky; worse before

full moon.

Hard burning nodosities in

mammae with stitching aching pains, and soreness.



Menses too late, short, scanty, and difficult; thick, black, ACRID,


Menses preceded by headache or

suddenly stopped.

Leucorrhoea, burning, excoriating.


Uterine pains running from groins to back.

Moroseness and apprehension with uterine pain.

Pressure on the parts. (Bearing down with nightly enuresis.


Burning in the

vagina, is scarcely able to keep still.

Ascarides of vulva.

Menses to late, too short. Delay of first

menses. (Amenorrhoea, dreadful depression and apprehension,

headache, numbness of arms and legs, cramp and sick feeling at

molimen. R.T.C.) (Imperfect development of the genital organs,

menstruation does not appear at the usual age, breasts

imperfectly developed, pains about the shoulders, in the stomach

after meals, in left side on inspiration, anorexia and vertigo.

Catamenia premature and too profuse, or too feeble or

entirely suppressed ( with

colic, abdominal spasms, headache, pains in loins, pressure at

stomach, congestion in head, and nasal hemorrhage, agitation, and

even attacks of epilepsy.

Menstrual blood thick, acrid, corroding

thighs, scanty, dark,, putrid, clotted.

Before menses: headache,

itching in the parts, spasmodic colic, inquietude, cough,

toothache, pyrosis, epistaxis, leucorrhoea, and asthmatic

sufferings. Bearing down in pelvis, congestion to uterus.

Sterility, with too early and profuse menstruation.

Promotes expulsion of


Hemorrhoids during pregnancy and in childbed.

After menses:

itching in nose. Menstrual blood too pale or of an acid smell.

the nipple

smarts and burns very much as soon as the infant lets go of it).


Symptoms alternate sides. Glistening parts. Oversensitiveness to touch.

Dries up milk.

< Touch 3 > Open air

< Jar 2 > Cold drinks.

< After sleep

< During menses 2
< Cold air 2 / wind / drafts
< Morning of one day & Evening of next

Gross irritable child abuses and screams all times especially at night.
-It dries up milk in woman who cannot breast feed the baby (Asaf).

-Sore throats and cough are apt to begin and end with menstruation.

-Menses too early, profuse, flow in gushes, bright red, stringing. Breast swollen painful before and during menses.

-Discharge of flatus from vagina.

-Breasts inflammed painful < towards evening, must hold them firmly when going up and down stairs (Bry.)

-Violent palpitations turning on right.

-Backache suprasacral region - right sided sciatica

-Pain at base of coccyx. Very sensitive to touch or pressure.

-Dreams of snakes, of urinating.

-Craves milk, but aversion to liquids, warm drinks, whiskey, spicy, salt.

-Heat and sensitivity of feet, uncovers the feet.

-Sleep on back with one leg drawn up, so the foot rests on opposite knee.

Phy. Name: CLASSIC Date: 11/05/2012

Specific PQRS rubrics for the selected drug Complete->MindSpecific PQRS rubrics for the selected drug
Complete->MindSpecific PQRS rubrics for the selected drug Complete->MindSpecific PQRS rubrics for
the selected drug Complete->Mind

Selected Drug Symptom Count / Total Weightage: Lac-c 36 / 58

Sr. Symptoms Lac-c

1. 2 Absent-mindedness:

Post a letter, goes to, brings it home in her hands:2:Lac-c

2 Ailments from:( tiraskaraamu,cheekottita,dikkaramu,atineechamuganenchu)

Scorn, being scorned: Looked down upon by everyone, feels he is: 2:Lac-c

3. Delusions, imaginations: Animals, of: Snakes: Lying on a large: 1:Lac-c

Spiders: 2:Lac-c

Bed: Headboard was swaying: 1:Lac-c

4. Body, body parts: Nose:Someone elses, has: 1:Lac-c

Parts: Short: 1:Lac-c

Diminished:Short, he is: 1:Lac-c

Faces, sees,Dark, in the: The face that haunts most is one she has really seen: 1:Lac-c

Heart; Heart or respiration is going to stop, or otherwise frightens herself causing heart to beat

Insane: Become, that she will: Unless she got out of her body: 1:Lac-c

Lie, all she said is a: 1:Lac-c

Looked down upon, that she is: 2:Lac-c

Visions, has: Creeping things, of: 2:Lac-c

Horrible: Afraid they will take objective form: 2:Lac-c

Sees them in the light not in the dark: 1:Lac-c

5 Dreams: Animals, of: Snakes: Bed, in: 2:Lac-c

Journey:Separated from party and had to walk a long distance and arrived at station in time to see
train start:2:Lac-c

Excitement, excitable:Tendency:Examination of throat, too great to allow: 2:Lac-c

6. Fear: Constant: Diphtheria, in: 2:Lac-c

Duty: Being unable to do her: 2:Lac-c

7. Knives, of: Thinks how horrible it would be if a sharp pain like a knife should go through her, on lying
down: 1:Lac-c

8. Hysteria: Coition (See Sexual): Agg. at height of orgasm: 1:Lac-c

9. Insanity, madness:Orgasm, at height of: 1:Lac-c

10. Liar: Lie, believes all she says is a: 1:Lac-c

11. Rage, fury:Paroxysms, in: Provocation, at slightest: 2:Lac-c

12.Shrieking, screaming, shouting: Children, in: Day and night: Night especially, cannot be pacified:

13. Thoughts (see fancies, ideas): Frightful: Evening: Bed, in: 1:Lac-c

14. Weeping, tearful mood: Tendency: Nursing, while: Attempt, at every: 2:Lac-c

Paroxysmal: Two or three times a day: 2:Lac-c

Whispered sound: 2:Lac-c

15 Work: Aversion to mental: Wants to leave everything as soon as it is commenced: 2:Lac-c

16. Writing: Mean and contemptible things to her friends, all sorts of: 2:Lac-c


Trembling; Odor of flower, from:

Bed; Touching the bed when lying, as if not:

Food and drinks;Milk;Desires;Disliked, which he; He drinks much:

Symptoms; Every is a settled disease:

Change; Symptoms, constant change of:2

Clothing; Intolerance of:2

Discoloration; Whiteness of parts usually red:3

Food and drinks;Brandy, whisky, whiskey; Desires:3

Food and drinks;Fish; Amel.:1

Food and drinks;Fish; Desires:1

Food and drinks; Marinade, desires:2

Food and drinks; Mustard, desires:2

Food and drinks;Pepper; Desires:2

Food and drinks;Pepper;Desires; Black:2

Food and drinks;Salt or salty food; Desires:2

Food and drinks;Spices, condiments, piquant, highly seasoned food; Desires:2

Food and drinks;Warm;Drinks; Desires:2

Jar, stepping; Agg:2


Wandering features in the mental sphere,

wandering and alternating states. Cannot collect the thoughts.
She wants to leave everything as soon as it is commenced, a
condition of irresolution common to quite a number of remedies.

She is impressed with the idea that all she says is not so,
thinks everything she says is a lie, as if there is no reality in
the things that be. In this it is somewhat analogous to
(<)Alumina,(>) in which the patient feels as if someone else and not
himself were saying everything, a lack of consciousness of the
reality of things.

Every time a symptom appears she thinks it is a settled

disease; fear and anxiety that some horrible disease has come
upon her, a delusion that she was suppurating and in a loathsome
state; infested with snakes. Horrible sights are presented to the
mental vision, not always snakes, and she fears the objects will
take form and present themselves to her eyes. This is analogous
to (<)Lach.,(>) which has the feeling that the atmosphere is full of
hovering spirits, although he never sees them.

She cannot bear to be alone.


pain in the region of the right ovary, ameliorated by the flow of
bright red blood, is again somewhat like (<)Lach.(>) These pains take
alternate sides. (<)Zinc.(>) also has pain in the ovaries ameliorated
by the flow; she never feels well except when menstruating;
hysterical at all other times but well at the menstrual period,
is (<)Zinc.(>)
Sore throat beginning and ending
with the menstrual period. (<)Mag. carb.(>) has sore throat before
the menstrual period and (<)Calc. c.(>) has cured painful throat when

Escape of gas from the vagina. The fermentation of mucus and

other substances in the bladder causing the escape of gas when
urinating is found only under (<)Sars.;(>) the urine flows with a
loud noise. It is not uncommon for a child to break wind when
urinating, and the urine is passed with a gurgling noise; this is
cured by (<)Sars.(>)

Much trouble with the mammae; they feel as if they would

suppurate. When a mother has lost her infant and it is necessary
to dry up the milk, Lac c. and (<)Puls.(>) are the best remedies for
this purpose, when no symptoms are present.

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