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Welcome to the world's happiest city, a citadel where only the children can live ...
or who have not lost the spirit of joy and happiness of a child, typical of the truly
evolved souls. Welcome only those who can enjoy the simple things of life, those
who may feel a great happiness when they embrace a tree and managed to
whisper in silence: - "I love the magnificence that is in you, it is stirred in me.
Those who appreciate the winter because it avoids the drought, those who bless
the summer because it brings abundant flowers, who are happy with the day
because it gives the light energy and who love the majesty of the night because
they can see the stars . We're waiting for you.
But are not welcome here who have lost the ability to smile, schismatics who find
errors everywhere but on them, the greedy, the cocky and who have lost their
compassion and still enjoy the death of a noble animal in a public square.
Those who lie down quietly without caring that three billion people go to bed
hungry and the children roll in the streets of their illogical cities to meet death from
malnutrition. The blind of Understanding that believe they still have time and
stubbornly think they will find a solution to the global meltdown that has already
started its unstoppable crash ... get out here.
Welcome to those who have the ability to distinguish between what is that we
should do at this end of times, and can choose among the many proposals that are
vented to the four winds all announcing, "This is the correct." Finally, welcome
those who feel citizens of the world, because the same force that guides the stars
in the Cosmos, is leading us to form a United World here on Earth.

One Country………………………………..The World

One Frontaire………………………………The Space
One Enemy………………………… The Ignorance
One Language……………………………...Esperanto
One Race…………………………………Human Race
One Religion………………………………………..God
One Clean Source of Energy……………….The Sun
One Plague to fight…………………………Starvation
One Colony…………………………………The Planets
One great ambition………………………..To Be Good
One material benefit……………………………...Peace
One triunph………………………………………….Love



I was looking for the origin of matter and I saw it was made of energy.
I was looking for the origin of energy and I saw it was made of life.
I was looking for the origin of life and I saw it was made of love.
I was looking for the origin of love and I saw it was made of God…
I was looking for the origin of God and I found it everywhere in the existence.

In the citadel everybody work but with obvious differences in number of hours per
activity schedule, age, health and circumstances. The person has the right to
express the kind of jobs that likes most and in which may be more useful then will
take high priority in this regard. But it must express a willingness to change when
the city required to strengthen other areas of work even if temporary.
The moral majority is given at 12 years (given the right education in the
ecociudadelas there are not teenagers: This name occurs only in backward
societies that do not know how to educate children)
Most social age is obtained at the age of 15 when the person is specialized
professionally and will work 6 hours a day Monday through Friday at times
indicated. For each child the parents must raise one hour a day until the children is
7 years old . It is not a punishment for the parents, but a consciously acquired
This is not a society that exploits children - as unprepared may be thinking -. Many
of the jobs are simple learning games that teach them that life has no meaning
unless it is to serve with love.
This is a smart and fair society that does not keeps a man until 18 years old or
more, hunging and squeezing his parents, and not even his hands has given not a
single fruit to the society that is holding him.
Opposite case, egoworld society mocks of not exploiting children with jobs, but it
leave them to die lying in the streets, allowing millions of girls in prostitution since
childhood due to lack of food, home, study opportunities, medicine and love.
In the citadels Astron every child born has secured all the necessary until the end
of his life, regardless of which can occur with their parents. It means that
parents do not have to worry about the future of their children.
Children as young as three years in their care have a class of educational games
very nice that are called jobs. It is to instill the desire since childhood to serve,
because, who does not live to serve is not good for life.
Otherwise, in the cities of egoworld you hear expressions like: It's so horrible this
work that I even get paid, "or" if the work is health rather I stay sick. "So despite
disastrous ways has resulted in a generation drones living of those who have to
work to deplete their forces for a wage ... that infamous injustice.
The youngsters, who at 7 years start his professional career, made a very light
work of one hour a day within their own universities until twelve years old. Upon
graduation an hour increase in the workshops of their own expertise and for their
own benefit.
As you can understand, life flourishes here on the basis of a rational work accepted
with pleasure and service awareness. Since there is neither lazy rich nor poor, and
they all work, it is not required to perform exhausting days in the cities where,
between work and transport, they waste so much time to live. Today people get in
to their homes at night after work and have not enjoy the day to live.
In the eco towns the day was made to live and the night to sleep : a person who
takes his shift at 6 am, at 12 noon is free to go to the restaurant. Then you can
have your free time to go to watch a movie, a concert, to the library, to meet
friends in the main park, swimming in the pool, practice your favorite sport or go
home to rest, do some work on your computer personal endowment or watch TV.
The person who takes his shift at 2 pm has had all morning to enjoy the daily life
in complete freedom. The night shifts are few and rotating. People of 55 years work
5 hours, at 66 - 4, at 65 - 3, at 70 – 2, at 85 - 1 plan subject to the health of the
But older people, who love to take their time and not wanting to feel worthless, they
can take the volunteer work they want and whenever they want. There are
pleasant and very satisfying work like taking care of the lush gardens surrounding
the buildings of the citadel, or tell stories from grandparents to children, customs
lost in cities without souls.
There are no kitchens or
dishwasher, and washing
machines, and large dining tables,
everyone goes to the restaurant,
and for the sick, the food is
special and send them from the
restaurant supervised by the
nutritionist. The clothes - except
for the intimate – is taken to the
laundry and removed there.
Thus the economics of food,
water, energy, waste control,
pollution, time and manpower is
enormous, because the above work will be performed professionally in series or at
industrial level with professional teams and technological machines specially
designed to perform in large .
The ladies, in today's cities are doomed to be locked in a house slave of domestic
work, but in the ecociutadels they work the agreed hours according to their
abilities and then enjoy all day and an exciting life in a friendly society.
They own their free time to spend on attending the shows and various cultural
programs and height that occur there daily. They do not have to beg their
husbands to take them out of his cell once a week ... if it is so.
Many will wonder what can I work at if I am not an expert on something? Well if she
knows and likes to talk then she is an expert on a lot and can do a job on a
professional level and extremely highly regarded man:
As explained above, the ecociudadela will serve noble grandmothers and
grandfathers tenacious from the cities where relatives can not attend them, and
realize that ecociudadelas constitute healthier and safer place where they will find
a new life.
We know that grandparents more than medicines they need warm company of
people who hear and understand them. How beautiful work who professionally
can provide it.
We have to look after children, tourists and ourselves: In the eco-citadels boiled life
fed with the warm energy of human labor, and every day is an endless feast of
activities carried out with love.
But the social rumble ends at 6 pm when residents retreat to the privacy of their
simple but comfortable homes. Only ecovillagers take their places, for seasons,
must meet essential night hours.
In the foreground of the main building there are three skate paths; one for artistic
presentations, other for free skating and one for children and teachings. In the area
of sand would be practiced beach sports and exhibitions of some oriental
disciplines. There are swimming pools for children and adults.
The great avenue circumvent has three lanes of 4 meters wide each for more than
three miles around. The first lane is proper for walking or jogging. The second for
high-speed skates, and the third for bicycles. In the streets bicycles and
skateboards are not allowed. The children only can ride their little trikes in the
central park.
There are no stupid machines for walking static in a dark room with noise and
polluting. In the central park in the early hours gather many people to do aerobics
exercices led by experts.
Wheelchairs, including patients on stretchers rolling, can circulate all around so
that people in recovery, and even delicate, can attend any show they want,
accompanied by his physician and persons and equipment as required ... feeling
understood, well cared for and being a participant in social life and in
complete freedom, is the best medicine.
There the doctors does not spare time or effort, contrary to the 15 minutes
appointments that occur in social health centers in the cities egoworld. Fresh air,
sun, water sources, gardens and smiling friendly people are the indispensable and
irreplaceable doctors of the fractaric medicine "there are no clinics or nursing
homes in the cities because they seem like cementous graves of concrate
Specifically made for the living.
The dance is given in all its glory. In the musical conservatory area are two large
ballrooms, one for artistic or professional dance and one for folkcloric dances
which prohibits entry to people over 180 years. Every day there are activities in
these centers.
The Citadel is not a monastery. There is known to admire the beauty without
The conservatory of music govern art and music activities. The music is a matter of
basic education since the unborn child is in the womb.
At three years old the kinder school receives the child with a musical instrument
before presenting them a pencil. And before the pencil a colored box is given to
him to learn to draw and get interested in the fine arts. Then comes science.
No one should play a musical instrument in public which has not studied

No music programmer can exercise without having graduated from the


In this way the music does not degrade in a pitiful demonstrations with which
increase brutalization of the populace in cities today.
We know that uneducated people is the safety for the tyrant.
The symphony orchestras of the citadels Astron would be the only ones that will
have a Dermistron. Since the current system is immovable, riveting and because
the lock of the prejudices and archetypes that prevent someone to dare for taking
the next step.

There is freedom of worship within an order. In one of the largest buildings or

bigger areas there are several rooms that are provided to followers of different
religions to conduct their worship or religious activities.
But no religion, teacher, priest or pastor may advertise, promote or perform any
religious activity outside of the classrooms assigned . It is important to know that
the ecociudadela at the time of providing jobs or positions, takes no relevance the
religious offices, these offices should be staffed by people interested in their own
free time.
However, as an example: if a serious ill person that was Catholic, in case of
requesting a priest, and not having one at the Citadel, it will hire in the city and will
respond to the request of a terminally ill patient who requests it. Also the same will
happen if a significant number requested distanced celebration of religious events
and there is no person who can do it by themselves.
Teachers and leaders of religions of other regions are welcome and invited to the
area designated for their activities. But if all the inhabitants of the citadel were the
same religion, they could not determine that the religion they profess would be the
official one in the citadel. And they may not perform religious acts in mass outside
the areas provided.
United World is not a religion nor a sect: is a perfect system for living in a society.
Respect all religions but does not act either of them because it believes that
religions are diferent paths to the same God ... shame that the remain in the
majority goes in opposite direction.


The eco citizens respect the laws of the country where it settles and are not averse
to the visiting of politicians and leaders: they are welcome and it will be an
opportunity to show that it is possible to live differently.
In a study by a prominent lawyer, it was evident that there may be more than three
million of laws in the world which are in constant change. The Ecociudadela is
governed by one law which determines 12 immovable principles. This law is also
found in all major religions ... but is not enforced. Within our organization must be
met. The highest law is: "Do not to others what you don´t want for
The other difference between the religions that preach and do not comply, and our
brotherhood, is that we know "others" are also animals, trees, rivers, sea,
atmosphere and all this cluster of life which want to return one day to the only
source from which it departed.
A second form of the same and great Law is: "Do to others what you would like
to receive from them," and that is the reason why we encourage from childhood
to organized labor in pursuit of service to others.


The study in the egoworld cities is determined by the perfidious and cruel
exploitation to the detriment of parents who have to support their children for over
20 years and still are not ready to bear fruits. It's big business to extend the study:
the longer it takes major sources of money.
Someone would say that those years are required to prepare an individual. Lie:
People who mock they may be studied and knowledgeable, learned, they know
everything ... except live: they do not know how to feed themselves and that hence
the number of degenerative diseases, they do not know to be honest and they
believe that throwing money is everything unreservedly to obtaining it.
The greatest proof that education today is a farcical is just looking at the social
decay that is torning the world in the few recent years that remain before the Big
Crunch: Robbery rape, infidelity, promiscuity, embezzlement, murder, theft,
dishonesty at all levels particularly social leaders, drugs, alcohol, snuff, guerrillas,
protests, bombings and terrorist groups.
Moreover, the uncontrolled severe weather, floods, tornadoes and unusual rains,
earthquakes, deforestation outside the boundary air pollution, tsunamis. All TV
news day and night are filled to the top of disastrous news. Is it above the
reflection of an excellent education?
Impossible colleges and universities are blame for all this because, in regard to
education, they are sadly mistaken; only working to produce and to make
money. They believed that technology is civilization and with this approach they
achived the world were devoured with science taught without

We reached the basic statements that are touched in just a few aspects of what
are the citadels Astron.. We know is not enough for knowing the depth that the
subject deserves, since it is a new way and new concepts to achieve life in a truly
advanced society.
The facets that holds a beneficial change for humanity are complex and require
good will and patience to understand.
Dealing with extraterrestrial technologies necessary for the defense of the citadels
and survival in them for the impending global collapse that we all have to face.
The men will begin to kill each other immediately when precipitate a financial
collapse provided by the increasation in the price of oil. The prices of everything
will skyrocket, trade will decrease by 80% and unemployment hit bottom.
Stock markets and banks go bankrupt close their doors. In the absence of money
in circulation will start looting. Thereafter the terrible events happen like dominoes
that will end in war.
There is no longer any possibility of a solution because the Earth can not
withstand more than 2000 million people without coming into decline ... and we are
already 8,000.000.000 and we finished 85% of the forests and have polluted the
rivers, the atmosphere and oceans.
Nature has activated its defense system and what follows is to wait for his
punishment. All the egoworld people can do is to pray to their god of clay, after
having destroyed the earth, to reserve a good seat in heaven.
You do not know how much we thank you for having the courtesy of reading. We
apologize for errors and misunderstandings that can generate this short
explanations of such a topics so deep and delicate.
Everything is ready to begin short-term the eco cities ... we only need a handful of
people of good will. Could there be some three thousand people decided not to
continue polluting between all these eight billion polluters ...?


Mother Earth - like any other living being - allways has had to get rid of some
dominant species that threatens the breath of life which is its ecology: it happened
when the dinosaurs took over the Earth: the giant herbivores were able to kill all
vegetation, and huge, aggressive carnivores were really decimating the other
animal species in their path devastating.
That's when the planet using an unknown mechanism, ended abruptly with the
powerful species for which there were no enemies. Some say it was a meteoric
fireball like of those now roam the Earth threatening encounters in ever closer.
Others say that it was a virus or disease that attacked the huge beasts, and others
say that it was an accion taken by the aliens in charge of supervising quietly
inhabited worlds and take corrective action according to the direction that will take
the natural evolution. All we really know about the sudden disappearance of the
giant destructive dinosaur species is that actually occurred.
The strange thing is that even they were giants, numerous and aggressive, they
were selectively removed, by themselves, leaving the other animals to live ...
amazing and inexplicable event! It seems that some great force at a given time
protects the beings who offer no threat to planetary health and attacks only the
Since not all humans will succumb and is an encouraging news: only most of
humanity will perish.
Fortunately perhaps would remain one of every five thousand individuals, and
those would bethe people who for years have been protecting the Earth, by
example, eco-villages retired to live a simple life, defending animals, practicing
vegetarianism and struggling in vain to the looks of contempt of conformity and
blind optimists who see the future with a prism pink carved by ignorance and evil.
How will this privileged class of women and peaceful men know what to do and
where to be safe when occurs the panic that will cause an apocalyptic stampede
that would unleash the unprecedented human carnage?
We recognize that this book is catastrophic (global collapse) because it announces
the disaster of disasters of humanity where the cruelty and anguish come without
parallel in history, and it was reported with the harshness that the situation
warrants. As every rule has its exception, the only 3 points are, first: it has been
warned in time to a tiny number of people who have the ability to change - With a
handful of great people enough -.
Second: the world and nature will be spared of a great scourge and, thirdly: that
manages to announce the 4 books that will give the keys to those chosen by merit
who will begin the new era of wise people who will populate and protect EARTH
forever. (It would not be the "Angel of the Lord" for choosing those who have long
prayed, but there will be a selection of those who have acted correctly.)
They are being selected and in time they would know what to do, the rest will
perish in the most horrific nightmare as described above, that very soon will
become reality ... there is no doubt.



After the Big Crunch, the species would stop extinction, forests would flourish and
clog of upright and mature trees to proclaim it´s vitalizing power producing
abundant oxygen.
Nature wound will have the opportunity to recover from the insults and to cover
their scars, the rivers would cease to be channels of putrid human waste and the
veins of nature again be conquered by multicolored fish.
The birds would return to chart their paths through space and unpolluted sky, and
whales will travel the oceans ends without being hunted, the animals will no longer
be enslaved, tortured, massacred and denigrated. No more fox fur coats to wear
The ozone layer will begin to weave and mend its huge ears. Tornadoes will
appease and the brutal cyclones would flattened their high waterspouts destructive
power and become soft and pleasant sea breezes. The raging tsunami will never
be awakened from their peaceful sleep ocean.
The climate would recover becoming generous with the true owners of the Earth
that are the plants and animals
And the Earth will smile again. Nature will replace the dirty pollution by the pleasant
scent of multicolored wildflowers whom would grow up without fear of being cut
and sold for slowly die in the putrid waters of a vase.
The heavy armored tanks and fast warplanes, once finished the black blood that
gave them life, would die in a junkyard. The huge tractors and chainsaws that killed
the forests will be devoured by rust, then land will rest and bud.
The world will become a paradise because it had no choice but to escape in a
short time - and suddenly sharp – from it´s most terrifying and destructive enemy.
The virus from virus: the man who, with his worst excrement - the " progress "and
unbridled nonsense taught in universities - has left the planet to the brink with the
macabre intention of dying, so unlucky that they came out with just the other side
arround and shot and killed themselves.
… And once free of the greedy ...

There goes Gaia riding

gracefully across the galaxy looking with it´s majestic body the Blue Planet:
carries a small but excellent class of women and men, good, wise, and so
Regarding as siblings to the animals and will never again feed from them.
They will be formidable guardians of the Earth.
They will not draw boundaries of hate anymore. There would be no more
wars because nations will no longer exist.
No one will use a single drop of oil to foul the earth, and they will not use
money for not getting dirty their souls.
Speak a single language, Esperanto, and governed by one law: the truth.
... And especially practically forever one religion: true love.

Magnum Astron
Note: remember the name Magnum Astron means in the language Esperanto:
mondcivitano and a man is not limited in time and space, but a succession of
Any who embodies his position represents a philosophy and should strive for a
lifestyle in harmony with nature.

What is mondcivitano?, Please ask to an Esperanto speaker!

We have much to do and we would do it with your

support ... or the good people, and therefore
evolved and compassionate, who not only want,
but are willing to put a grain of sand for this world
to stop going like this:
Please: do not return to visit those who want to sleep on the soft carpet of
But if you're a "mondcivitano" and want to put a bit in this great project, together in
an organized and coherent working plan, we are waiting for you with great
yearning. Other people are urgently needing us.

Thank you for reading

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