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4. Personal protective equipment (PPE)

Personal protective equipment (PPE)

What is personal protective equipment (PPE)?

Personal protective equipment (PPE) is clothing or equipment designed to be worn by someone to protect them from
the risk of injury or illness. PPE can include:

 hearing protective devices, such as ear muffs and ear plugs

 respiratory protective equipment

 eye and face protection, such as safety glasses and face shields

 safety helmets

 fall arrest harnesses for working at heights

 skin protection, such as gloves, gauntlets and sunscreen

 clothing, such as high visibility vests, life jackets and coveralls

 footwear, such as safety boots and rubber boots.

Where does the use of PPE fit in the risk management process?
The use of personal protective equipment is lowest on the list of control priorities. These controls should not be relied
on as the primary means of risk control until the options higher in the list of control priorities have been exhausted.

Therefore, PPE should only be used:

 as a last resort, where there are no other practical control measures available

 to be a short-term measure until a more effective way of controlling the risk can be used

 together with other controls measures such as local exhaust ventilation

 by itself during maintenance activities.

There may be specific PPE requirements for working with harmful substances or in certain work activities. Read more
about PPE for working with:

 asbestos

 infectious diseases
Who pays?
If PPE is required, the person conducting the business or undertaking must provide it to workers free of charge.

However there may be circumstances where the payment for it can be negotiated.

In deciding who should provide PPE consider:

 the availability of equipment

 whether the equipment can generally be used outside work, such as sunglasses or boots

 the need for a personal fit

 the requirements in the relevant industrial award or enterprise agreement regarding provision of PPE.

When choosing PPE consider these factors:


 Check the PPE is a suitable size and fit for each worker. Respiratory protective equipment, for example, requires

a good facial seal.

 If PPE is comfortable to wear and workers are involved in choosing it, they will be more likely to use it.

 Individual circumstances of workers may affect choice. For example wearing of prescription glasses, allergies

such as latex allergy and some medical conditions.

 Consider workers’ medical conditions, which can influence whether they can use certain items of equipment.

Work task

 Match the PPE to the hazard, remembering that a work task may expose workers to more than one hazard. For

example welders may need protection from harmful welding gases and fumes, as well as ultraviolet radiation, hot

metal and sparks.

 How the work is carried out and the level of risk to the worker. For example a more protective respirator may

need to worn where the level of air contamination is very high.

 How long PPE will need to be worn.

 Work demands of the work activity. For example the level of physical activity or dexterity required.

 Make sure PPE that is to be worn at the same time can be used together.

Work environment

 Understand the impacts of a hot and humid work environment.

If you are protecting against exposure to a substance such as a hazardous chemical or a biological substance,
consider how the substance can enter the body. For example where a chemical can be absorbed through the lungs
and skin, skin protection as well as respiratory protection may be required.
Choose PPE that meets current Australian Standards.

Proper care and maintenance is essential to ensure PPE continues to provide the necessary level of protection.

 Look for broken or damaged components before using PPE and repair or replace it as needed.

 Replace PPE that has expired or reached its usable lifespan.

 Clean reusable PPE after use and store in a clean area such as a cupboard, drawer or resealable container.

 Report broken, damaged or contaminated PPE.

Sharing PPE
Most PPE is provided for the personal use of a worker. However, PPE may be shared in some circumstances, for
example where PPE is only required for limited periods.

Shared PPE must be properly cleaned and disinfected before it is used again to ensure there are no health risks to
the next person. Refer to the manufacturer’s instructions for appropriate methods.

Information, training and instruction

Workers must be provided with enough information, training and instruction on when to use PPE and how to:

 use, fit and wear it including any adjustments that may be needed

 carry out repair or replace parts

 clean and store it correctly.

When wearing more than one item of PPE to protect against substances, such as hazardous chemicals or biological
substances, it is important to put on and remove each item correctly. If hands could become contaminated when
removing PPE, it is important to wash them thoroughly to prevent accidental contamination.

Injury prevention & safety

 Incidents and notifications
 Managing risks
o First aid and emergency plans
o General workplace management
o Health and safety representatives and health and safety committees
o Managing risk
o Personal protective equipment (PPE)
 Respiratory protective equipment (RPE)
o Remote and isolated work
 Injury Prevention and Management (IPaM) program
 Small business
 Young workers
 Health and wellbeing at work
 Mentally healthy workplaces
 Workplace hazards
 Hazardous exposures
 Hazardous chemicals
 Hazardous manual tasks
 Asbestos
 Electricity
 Safety Leadership at Work Program
 Alerts

Respiratory protective equipment (RPE)

Respiratory protective equipment (RPE) is a type of personal protective equipment (PPE) designed to protect the

 from airborne contaminants:

o fumes for example welding fumes

o asbestos

o hazardous chemicals and dusts

o infectious substances.

 from low levels of oxygen such as working in a confined spaces

 during diving work.

Before deciding to use a respirator, put in other practical control measures such as local exhaust ventilation to
eliminate or minimise contaminants in the air.

On this page:

 Types of respirators

 Select the right respirator for the job

 Check the facial fit

 Maintenance

 Supply clean breathing air for air-supplied respirators

 Respiratory protection program

 Resources
Types of respirators
The two main types of respirators are:

 Air-purifying respirators – protect the wearer by using a filter to purify the air being breathed in. These types of

respirators can be disposable or reusable and either

o non-powered – uses the wearer's breathing to draw air through the filter

o powered – uses a fan to draw air through the filter.

 Supplied-air respirators – protect the wearer by supplying clean breathing air from an independent source such

as an air compressor or compressed air cylinder.

Never use an air-purifying respirator in an area where oxygen levels may be low, such as a confined space, or
where the level of airborne contaminants is immediately dangerous to life or health.
Respirators come in different shapes and sizes. One size will not fit everyone. It is important that a fit-test is carried
out for each person who will wear a respirator.
Surgical or patient care masks and nuisance dust masks do not protect the wearer from airborne contaminants
such as small particles, aerosols, gases or vapours. These masks protects the wearer from splashes of large
droplets of blood or body fluids only. Some nuisance dust masks look like respirators but usually have only one
strap. In addition, these masks will not be marked with the Australian Standard AS/NZS 1716.

Select the right respirator for the job

There are two important factors to consider when selecting a respirator:

 The level of protection given by the respirator is suitable for the level of air contamination.

 The filter in the respirator is suitable for the type of airborne contaminants in the workplace.
Respirators to be worn in certain types of situations will need special consideration. These may include:

 working with biological hazards such as micro-organisms

 diving work

 where the level of oxygen may be low, such as in a confined space

 where the level of airborne contaminants is immediately dangerous to life or health

 where the level of airborne contaminants is unknown

 emergency escape

 where there is a risk of breathing in carbon monoxide

 flammable or explosive atmospheres.

Respirators used at work should comply with Australian standard AS/NZS 1716. This number is usually displayed
on the respirator or its packaging.

Match the respirator to the level of air contamination

Knowing the level of air contamination in the workplace is an important factor in choosing the correct type of
respirator. In some work situations it is possible for the level of harmful airborne contaminants to exceed the
capability of the respirator to protect the wearer.

The more contaminated the workplace air, the more protective the respirator needs to be.

Choose the correct type of filter

Filters used in air-purifying respirators must be suitable for the type of air contaminant you are protecting against.
The filter in an air-purifying respirator is designed to protect from dusts, aerosols, fumes or gases. Filters may be
built into the respirator or come separately and can be changed.

It is essential the right type of filter for the work task is used otherwise the wearer may be unprotected.
Particulate filters

Particulate filters only protect against solid and liquid particles including micro-organisms. They do not protect
against gases or vapours such as solvent vapour.

Particulate filters are classified and marked as P1, P2 or P3, with P3 providing the highest level of protection.
However, P3 protection can only be achieved if the P3 filter is used in a full-face respirator.

Use a P2 or P3 filter where the air contaminants are produced by a hot process for example soldering.

Gas and vapour filters

For protection from gases and vapours, ensure the filter will absorb the type of gas or vapour you need protection
against and has the capacity to absorb the level of contamination in the air. The capacity to absorb is indicated by
the Class of the filter. Absorption capacity, from lowest to highest, is indicated by the following – Class AUS, Class
1, Class 2 and Class 3.

Filters for gases and vapours are identified with letters and colours to indicate the type of chemical it will protect
against. For example a respirator that will protect against ammonia is marked with K.

Gas and vapour filters do not protect against particles.

Combined particulate and gas/vapour filters

There is no one type of filter that provides protection from all contaminants. However, some filters may give
combined protection against a number of contaminants such as particles and gases.

Filter types for gases and vapours

Filter Examples of contaminants / uses

Type A – organic vapours Solvents (with boiling point above 65°C)

Type B AUS or B1 – acid gases Chlorine / sterilization of water, chemical manufacture,

hydrogen chloride / chlorinated organic chemical
manufacture, steel pickling

Type B2 and B3 – acid gases and Plastics manufacture, gold ore refining, HCN fumigation
hydrogen cyanide (HCN)
Type E – sulphur dioxide (SO₂) SO₂/casting of metals, bleach manufacture, manufacture of
sulphuric acid, fertilizer manufacture, metal cleaning,
petroleum refining

Type G – agriculture chemicals Low vapour pressure (below 1.3 Pa at 25°C) organic vapours,
pesticide spraying, mixing, manufacture

Type K – Ammonia (NH₃) NH₃/refrigeration, manufacture of fertilizers, explosives,

plastics, low boiling point amines/chemical manufacture

Type AX - Low boiling point organic As specified by the manufacturer (e.g. dimethyl ether, vinyl
compounds (below 65°C) chloride)

Type NO - Oxides of nitrogen Oxides of nitrogen

Type Hg – Mercury Metallic mercury/chemical industry, inorganic mercury


Type MB - Methyl bromide Fumigation

Other types For use against specific chemicals not falling in the above
type description as specified by the manufacturer (e.g.
hydrogen fluoride)

Respirator selection table

The following tables show examples of minimum RPE required depending on the level of air contamination based
on AS/NZS 1715:2009 Selection, use and maintenance of respiratory protective equipment.

Negative pressure respirators

Air Half-face disposable Half-face reusable Full-face

contamination level

Particles Gas/Vapour Particles Gas/Vapour Particles Gas/Vapour

Up to 10x WES P1* Class AUS (1) P1* Class AUS (1) P1* Class AUS (1)
P2 Class 1 (1) P2 Class 1 (1) P2 Class 1 (1)
P3 Class 2 (1)
Class 2 (1) Class 2 (1)
Class 3 (1) Class 3 (1)

Up to 50x WES x x x x P2 Class AUS (1)

Class 1 (2)

Up to 100x WES x x x x P3 Class 2 (2)

Class 3

Over 100x WES x x x x x x

Unknown level x x x x x x

Oxygen level of less x x x x x x

than 19%

*P1 filters not suitable for particles produced by hot processes (e.g. soldering and welding).
Note 1–Class AUS and Class 1 are not suitable where maximum gas/vapour concentration is over 1,000 parts per
Note 2–Class 2 filters are not suitable where maximum gas/vapour concentration is over 5000 parts per million.
Positive pressure respirators

Air Powered air Air-hose Air-line SCBA

contamination le (PAPR)

Particl Gas/Vapo Particl Gas/Vapo Particl Gas/Vapo Particl Gas/Vapo

es ur es ur es ur es ur

Up to 10x WES P1* Class A US

Class 1 (1)
Class 2 (1)

Up to 50x WES P2 Class 2 (2)

Up to 100x WES P3 Class 2 (2)

Over 100x WES P3 x Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Unknown level Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Oxygen level of Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
less than 19%

*P1 filters not suitable for particles produced by hot processes e.g. soldering and welding.
Note 1–Class AUS and Class 1 are not suitable where maximum gas/vapour concentration is over 1,000 parts per
Note 2–Class 2 filters are not suitable where maximum gas/vapour concentration is over 5,000 parts per million.
These tables are based upon the content of tables 4.2, 4.3, 4.5 and 4.6 from Australian standard AS/NZS 1715.
Refer to this standard for further information on the selection of suitable RPE based on the required minimum
protection factor.

Other factors that affect respirator selection

When choosing RPE consider the following factors.


 Face shape and size will influence the size and model of respirator appropriate for each wearer. One type and

size will not suit everyone so carry out a fit-test for every worker.

 Facial hair can prevent some types of respirators from sealing properly.

 Pre-existing medical conditions of the wearer may restrict or prevent the wearing of a respirator for example,

chronic lung diseases such as asthma.

 Psychological considerations such as possible claustrophobia and anxiety.

Work task

 How long the respirator will be worn and the physical demands of the task for example, wearing unpowered

RPE for more than an hour or during hard physical work may become uncomfortable and result in a person

removing the respirator while still in a contaminated area.

 Other risks from the work task for example, a half-face disposable respirator with an exhalation valve may not

be appropriate where there is a risk of splashes.

 What other PPE will be worn for example, some safety glasses may interfere with the fit of the respirator.

 Vision and communication requirements.

Work environment

 How hot and humid the work environment is for example, powered respirators may be more appropriate

where heat stressis a risk.

 Some respirators, such as powered air purifying respirators, may act as an ignition source for flammable or

explosive vapours, gases and dusts.

A safety equipment supplier, occupational hygienist or occupational health and safety professional may be able to
help select the most suitable respirator for your workplace.

Some RPE manufacturers or suppliers have selection charts that can help in selecting the correct type of respirator
and filter.
Respirator selection examples
Example 1 - particulates

 Workers carry stone benchtop fabrication with engineered stone that contains quartz (a form of crystalline silica)

for eight to ten hours each day.

 The fabrication work generates crystalline silica particles small enough to be breathed in, called respirable

crystalline silica, and are harmful to lungs.

 The workplace exposure standard (WES) for respirable crystalline silica is 0.1 mg/m3 (8 hourTWA*).

 Air monitoring was carried out to measure the level of respirable crystalline silica in the workplace air. The

following results were measured

o stone saw machine operator - 1.5 mg/m3 (8 hourTWA*)

o others polishing stone slabs - 0.3–0.5 mg/m3 (8 hourTWA*).

*8 hour time-weighted average (TWA) is the maximum average airborne concentration of a substance when
calculated over an eight hour working day, for a five day working week. The Hazardous Chemicals Information
System (HCIS) provides more information on workplace exposure standards.

RPE suitable for the stone saw machine operator

The following table shows some RPE that may be suitable to protect the stone saw machine operator who is
exposed up to 15 times the WES for respirable crystalline silica.

Respirator type Filter type Comment

PAPR P2 Suitable for wearing the whole shift and

allows worker mobility

Full facepiece P2 Not suitable for wearing the whole shift

Air-line using compressed Not applicable Not suitable as worker mobility would be
air restricted

PAPR that incorporates a high impact helmet, eye and face protection, fitted with P2 particulate filter.

RPE suitable for the workers polishing stone slabs

The following table shows some RPE that may be suitable to protect the other workers who are exposed to three
times the WES for respirable crystalline silica.

Respirator type Filter type Comment

Half facepiece P1 or P2 Suitable as tasks are carried out for a short

Disposable half-face P1 respirator

This example is for illustrative purposes only. Other control measures such as water suppression, local extraction
ventilation, isolation and substitution must be implemented before RPE where reasonably practicable.

Example 2 – gas/vapour

 A worker adds toluene, a volatile solvent, to a solvent based paint blending tank for half an hour each day.

 Vapour from the toluene released during the process is harmful to the nervous system and could cause irritation

of the nose and throat.

 The WES for toluene are

 50 parts per million (8 hour TWA*)

 150 parts per million (STEL#)

 Air monitoring was carried out to measure the level of toluene in the workplace air during the process. The

airborne concentration of toluene was measured at 190 parts per million.

*8 hour time-weighted average (TWA) is the maximum average airborne concentration of a substance when
calculated over an eight hour working day, for a five day working week. The Hazardous Chemicals Information
System (HCIS) provides more information on workplace exposure standards.
#Short term exposure limit (STEL) is the time-weighted average maximum airborne concentration of a substance
when calculated over a 15 minute period. The Hazardous Chemicals Information System (HCIS) provides more
information on workplace exposure standards.

RPE suitable for the work activity

The following table shows some RPE that may be suitable to protect the worker who is exposed up to two times the
STEL and four times the 8 hour TWA for toluene.

Respirator type Filter type and class Comment

Half facepiece Type A Suitable for wearing for one hour and allows
Class 1 worker mobility

PAPR with half facepiece Type A Suitable but not necessary due to short
Class 1 exposure time

Air-line using compressed Not applicable Suitable but not necessary due to short
air with half face-piece exposure time

Half face-piece reusable respirator fitted with an A1 gas/vapour filter which has low to medium absorption capacity
and is suitable for certain inorganic gases and vapours.

This example is for illustrative purposes only. Other control measures such as local extraction ventilation, isolation
and substitution must be implemented before RPE where reasonably practicable.

Check the facial fit

The effectiveness of a tight-fitting respirator facepiece, such as a half-face or full-face respirator that uses straps,
relies on getting a good seal with the wearer’s face. If a respirator does not fit properly, the wearer will not get the
expected level of protection.
Use both of the following methods to make sure a respirator is a suitable fit for each worker:

 fit-test and

 fit-check.

Facial hair, including beards, moustaches, sideburns and stubble, between the sealing surface of a tight-facing
facepiece and the face will stop the respirator from sealing properly.

Workers should be clean shaven where the respirator facepiece comes in contact with the skin before wearing their

Only wear a half-face or full-face respirator that has been fit-tested to you.

Fit-tests are important for disposable and reusable respirators.


People's faces vary significantly in size and shape so it is important that a tight-fitting respirator is a suitable fit for
each worker.

Fit testing detects if air leaks into the respirator through gaps in the seal between the respirator facepiece and face.
There are two methods of fit testing:

 Qualitative fit testing - is a pass/fail test that relies on the wearer’s ability to taste or smell a test agent. This type

of test can be used on half-face respirators.

 Quantitative fit testing – uses specialised equipment to measure how much air leaks into the respirator. This

type of test can be used on half-face and full-face respirators.

Fit-testing can be carried out in-house by a competent person, manufacturer, supplier or service provider.

Fit-testing should be carried out:

 before the respirator is selected or used for the first time

 at least once per year to ensure it continues to fit adequately

 whenever there is a change in the wearer’s facial characteristics or features which may affect the facial seal

e.g. large weight loss or gain.

A written record of fit tests carried out should be kept for each worker including:

 type of test performed

 make, model, style and size of respirators tested

 date of the test

 result of the test.


Each time a tight-fitting respirator is put on, the wearer should carry out a fit check.
A fit-check is a quick check to ensure the respirator, which has been fit-tested, has been properly positioned on the
face and there is a good seal between the respirator and face.

Fit-checks do not replace the need for a fit-test.

Follow the manufacturer's instructions on how to carry out a fit-check.

Read about how to put on and take off a respirator.

The maintenance of some respirators will need special consideration such as those used:

 when working with biological hazards such as microorganisms

 in diving work

 as part of a supplied air systems including air lines, air hoses and self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA).

Disposable respirators

Disposable respirators are for single use and should be disposed after use. Ongoing maintenance is not required.

Re-usable respirators

 inspect the respirator before and after each use and during cleaning

 replace all parts that are cracked, torn, broken, missing or worn

 follow the manufacturer's instructions.


 ensure there are no holes or tears

 check the face seal are not distorted

 clean and/or disinfect according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

Head straps or harness

 check webbing for breaks, elasticity and frayed edges.

Inhalation and exhalation valves
 ensure there are no tears, cracks or distortions

 make sure the valve and valve seat are free from dust, dirt and hair.


 replace filters before the end of their service life

 ensure filters are properly secured and filter housing is not cross threaded.
Batteries and alarms

 check the battery charge and flow rate of powered RPE

 calibrate monitors or alarms.

When to replace filters

Replace a particulate filter when it becomes difficult to breathe through, or the filter is visibly dirty or damaged.

Gas and vapour filters have a certain capacity for removing gases or vapours from the air. Once this capacity is
reached, gas or vapour will pass straight through and provide no protection to the wearer.

When to replace gas and vapour filters depends on a number of factors including the following:

 Class of the filter - For example class 1 filters can absorb less total contaminants than a class 3.

 Level of contaminants in the workplace air - For example, the higher the level of airborne contaminants the

shorter the service life of the filter.

 Work intensity of the wearer - For example, higher breathing rates will reduce the filter service life.

 Temperature and humidity - For example, high humidity can significantly decrease filter life.

 Manufacturer’s instructions - For example, expiration date.

Establish a filter replacement schedule and keep a record of the date a filter is changed and when the next change
is due.

Many respirator filter manufacturers produce guidance information and on-line tools for calculating expected filter

Supply clean breathing air for air-supplied respirators

Air compressors can be used to supply clean breathing air to RPE used in a range of industrial and manufacturing
processes such as abrasive blasting and spray painting. The quality of supplied air must meet the minimum
standard outlined in AS/NZS 1715. This standard defines acceptable levels of oxygen, carbon monoxide, carbon
dioxide, oil, moisture and pressure for supplied-air respirators.

Provide breathing air that meets AS/NZS 1715 by:

 using a breathing air system that is designed for safe use with supplied-air respirators
 regularly testing the quality of the air from the system in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions

 installing a continuously operating carbon monoxide monitor equipped with an alarm on oil-lubricated

compressors in a position as close to the user as practicable

 installing a high temperature protection cut-off switch, where available from manufacturers, on oil-lubricated

compressors. The high temperature protection cut off circuit should be connected to a fail-safe mechanism

 placing the compressor air intake well away from sources of contaminants, particularly exhaust gases from

operating plant, equipment or vehicles, or areas where exhaust fumes may accumulate.
General purpose air compressors designed to supply industrial air to equipment should not be used to supply
breathing air, as the air can become contaminated with harmful gases and substances including carbon monoxide.

Read more about risks of carbon monoxide in breathing air for industrial and manufacturing work and in diving
Respiratory protection program
All workplaces that use RPE should implement a respiratory protection program.

A good respiratory protection program will include:

 correctly selecting appropriate RPE

 medical screening of RPE users

 training in the correct use and maintenance of RPE

 ensuring RPE is correctly used

 fit testing and fit checking

 inspection, maintenance and repair of RPE

 correct storage

 keeping records.



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