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Prepared by: Aries John E.


I. TITLE OF THE I AM READY!: Equipping and Strengthening

PROGRAM/SUBJECT: Senior High School Students with Strong Work
Ethics and Professional Standards bridging towards
to being a future professionals
II. TIME/VENUE: Audio Visual Room, Busaon Integrated School
(7:30 – 12:00 Nn)

III. RATIONALE: The Busaon Integrated School will be conducting

a 1-Day seminar-workshop, solely for the Grade-12
Senior High School students together their beloved
parents in partnership with the teachers coming
from Junior High School and Senior High School
Department. Thus, this initiative from the teachers
aims to give awareness, to prepare and purposively
to educate G-12 students, and their parents thru
simultaneous topics, in preparation for upcoming
work immersion program under the K to 12

This 1-Day Seminar-workshop aims to equip the

senior high school together their parents the

importance, and the understanding about work

ethics, stress management, child protection policy

and etc. Hence, these ideals would help them to be

fully equipped towards their work immersion, and

as they have their outside learning path. Further,

this seminar-workshop enables parents to be more

proficient and efficient in supervising their children

inside and outside school activities.

IV. OBJECTIVES: Educate as to guide students and parents about their

roles and responsibility for the upcoming

endeavours (i.e. Work Immersion, N. C II,


V. TARGET PARTICIPANTS: (20) Grade-12 Students, (20) Parents,(5)

Teachers, 1 ICT Coordinator, and (1) School
VI. PROCESS/PROCEDURE/s: As, to wit: 1. Preliminaries 2. Welcome Remarks 3.
Introduction of the resource speaker/s 4.
Discussion Proper 5. Workshop Proper 6. Giving of

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