Stall English Questions-12022015

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Routine Exercise for Men

Running for 20 minutes
5 minutes cycling
5 minutes for thies

3 sets 15 each

This exercise targets your abdominals and the hip flexors. This exercise brings coordination, strength
and develops core stability.
1. Lay down flat on your back on the mat.
2. Place your arms to your sides.
3. Flex at the hips and keep your legs straight.
4. Now raise your feet upwards slowly.
5. Hold at the position when your hips are perpendicular to your trunk.
6. Slowly bring your feet down in a controlled manner.
7. Repeat for about 10 times or more according to your stamina.

3 sets each 15

To perform Upper Body Crunches:

1. Lie on your back on a padded or comfortable surface.

2. With knees bent on the floor, and hands loosely placed behind your head, tuck your chin in toward
your chest.
3. Exhale as you bring your rib cage toward your pelvis.
4. Inhale, and return to lying down starting position

How to do a Basic Plank?

1)Start in the push-up position. Lower both forearms to the ground.
2)Tilt your pelvis and pull the abdomen inside. Nothing except toes and forearms should touch the
3)Hold this position as long as you can. With practice increase the time to hold your plank and build
core strength of your abdomen

5) SideWaist Fat Loss

 Stand with a poll between your shoulders. Keep your back straight, and your feet apart.
Twist your waist from side to side while looking straight ahead. See how many rotations you
can do. Try to do as many as 50 rotations.

Nutrition Guide during Belly Fat Loss

Now coming to the diet part, there are some eatables that you need to avoid completely while doing
exercises of advance lower abs.

Eatables that need to be avoided are as follows:

 Soda water and drinks: you need to avoid completely these, as it contains carbon dioxide and
sugar that is not at all good for a person doing exercises for lower abs.
 Salty foods: A person should not eat too much salty food as it increases the fat at the lower
abdominal potion of the body. This is one of the main reason for people with huge bellies.
 Don’t Eat Sugar… and Avoid Sugar-Sweetened Beverages Like The Plague . Make a decision to
minimize the amount of sugar in your diet, and consider completely eliminating sugary
drinks.This includes sugar-sweetened beverages, fruit juices, various sports drinks, as well as
coffees and teas with sugar added to them.

Bottom Line: Excess sugar consumption may be the primary driver of belly fat accumulation, especially sugary
beverages like soft drinks and fruit juices.

Eatables that are strongly recommended while doing exercises for lower
abs at advanced level are:
Eating More Protein May be The Best Long-Term Strategy to Reduce Belly Fat

 Almonds: Almonds are full of magnesium, and it is one of those minerals that is necessary to
produce energy in one’s body. It also does regulate the blood sugar. If you are doing exercises for
lower abs you are recommended to take up to 23 almonds daily.
 Eggs: Egg is one of those food items that have sufficient amount of protein. They also help a
person to balance amino acids in their body. A person is recommended to take up to one egg a day.

Bottom Line: Eating enough protein is a very effective way to lose weight. Some studies suggest that protein is
particularly effective against belly fat accumulation.

Cut Carbs From Your Diet

Carb restriction is a very effective way to lose fat.

Eat: Meat, fish, eggs, vegetables, fruit, nuts, seeds, high-fat dairy, fats, healthy oils and maybe even some tubers and
non-gluten grains.

Don’t Eat: Sugar, HFCS, wheat, seed oils, trans fats, “diet” and low-fat products and highly processed foods.

Low Carb Food List – Foods to Eat

 Meat: Beef, lamb, pork, chicken and others. Grass-fed is best.

 Fish: Salmon, trout, haddock and many others. Wild-caught fish is best.

 Eggs: Omega-3 enriched or pastured eggs are best.

 Vegetables: Spinach, broccoli, cauliflower, carrots and many others.

 Fruits: Apples, oranges, pears, blueberries, strawberries.

 Nuts and Seeds: Almonds, walnuts, sunflower seeds, etc.

 High-Fat Dairy: Cheese, butter, heavy cream, yogurt.

 Fats and Oils: Coconut oil, butter, lard, olive oil and cod fish liver oil.

If you need to lose weight, be careful with the cheese and nuts because they’re easy to overeat on. Don’t eat more than
one piece of fruit per day.
Bottom Line: Studies have shown that low-carb diets are particularly effective at getting rid of the fat in the belly area,
around the organs and in the liver.

If a person is not experiencing anything after doing these exercises, then there may be several reasons
for stress. Stress plays a key role in the development of lower abs.

Stress also results in the development of fat in one’s body. As it increases the body’s cortisol level and
since cortisol has direct contact with fats storage in our body due to which our body doesn’t respond to
any exercise.

For relieving stress, a person can do yoga, meditation and completely removing the factors that result in
increasing pressure.

This was all about the exercises, diet, etc. You will see a change in your physique immediately after 7 to
8 days of exercising. Before advance comes beginner and intermediate. If you have done both the
modules in a good appropriate way, then the only advance module will affect your physique.

You first need to be mastered in the above two mentioned modules. A person needs to maintain
discipline and patience while doing exercises for lower abs.

Many people stop exercising because they do not see any change in their body. Don’t let your mind say
not to exercises. Maybe the day you left exercising, is the day that was going to show you some ultimate
changes in your body.

So stay healthy. Keep exercising. Your dream of getting lower abs is not too far.

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