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Elizabeth f.

Schneider, Wallace Charity, Sara Owen, Professor ahead Susanne Weber, Mylene
Sylvestre, Wallace Chyerl, Bettina Buerger, Mirinal Smith, Hannah, Oda, etc ….

Body skeleton of digital design can use set = {(measurable (amount), utility
(tool)), (instill(node), infuse(edge)), (custom(event), trust(time)) = ( while it can
result in x = not yet defined, then mount or manage it shall run around behind
spending effort for a progress yielding )] }

Draft copy of June second 2nd 2019

In fact, the major aspect of being attached into operative opportunity of creationism concept which
can have intentional illustrative aspects through deep study of its inner intellectual inspiration
insight would determine whether a worthy wealthy show of balancing behavior can have the great
deal of delivering ideal ideas in smart show on what is more refined version of coordination, cannot
deny a certain degree of evolution

but it can claim that the work of digital design concept shall return an appreciate assignment of a
super work would lead in matter specification shall treat proposal presentation of exerting existence
in selective show of occurrence and appearance. Hence the doctrine of intelligent digital design is to
consider phenomena can produce event shows whose aim object is to accomplish thread task jobs
for application of finest human being ask functionalism of inner intellectual inspiration insight to
trust the effectiveness of history harmony in accordance with an appeal of timing simulation whose
seriously specification show can decide whether an urgent heartfelt request can make a trace ability
show of being involved in a much more probably to appear or occur. measurement procedures that
can act through the usage utility of sensitive and sensible behavior to comply with a furnishing
fundamentals belong to decorative logics show uses liable linguistic logics tractability to can
impose a major main principles of transaction and transition terminology.

Hence because a transition can mean a process or a period of changing from one state or condition
to another, liable linguistic logics has to ,provide the whole things of balancing behavior with the
essential driven dynamics of trustfulness when a harmony show of hopefulness can take part of
what it can be core subject of judgment can defend and promote the scientific knowledge culture in
hazard hierarchy where the rights of productivity shall ignore all sort kind stuffs of rectifying
reality. Hence one or more reason for recognizing the symbolic aspects of transition terminology
can speak of the teaching tractability to be one of a fundamental scientific aspect of appreciate
analysis wishes itself to understand the history of any proposal transition then to apologize the
chance of being alongside clear methodology can figure out a clear concept of operative objective
vibration (oscillation maintain the connection link to creative concept of inner intellectual
inspiration insight) while scientific knowledge culture can then make overviews points of
personality thanking exerting existence can comment precisely processing hold the streaming aspect
of advances belongs to the major main principles of discrete event simulation shall deliver an
operative overviews on advances algorithms in measurable units of intentional interventions can
influence the sensible behavior show when the competence of rigorousness shall build in its effects
of valid show along over away for better timing simulation.

Hence when looking backwards to understand the timing simulation, the first step it can be
operative around "count a day away to be aware :: if sun"event and sun rising edge then
{ statements}. Despite definitive legal cases that have established this conditional constitutionality
of teaching intelligent design uses "count a day away to be aware" clauses in order to can bring new
aspects of transition terminology remains consistently under study for further usage utility of
productivity performance. Today that battle of "count a day away to be aware which can be
converted into if sun' event && sun rising edge then {statements} has been won everywhere—
except in the public imagination. Embarrassingly, the most scientifically advances around the clear
concept of knowledge culture that can persuade politics policy and can judge ordinary and regular
real truth of supporting specification in quiet situation of clear alternative advances show can have
been debating whether moral compass ant its proper intelligent way can ask for much more feasible
appeal able treatment of revolution reaction to bring chance for mimetic learning show to gain
space for sure sensitivity can admit its exerting existence around discussion of growing growth that
can intend to treat ('genuine = something, unjust = something) mapping pair or (genuine =
something, unjust = anything else) mapping would then deploy the driven dynamics of a
measurable challenge that can cover the balancing of vital issues in a sliding stormy show uses all
sort kind stuffs of being attached to proper way of logic thoughts. Hence challenge = ratio of
(d²progress / dt²) to (illusion ± ration of clear * behavior to dynamics) to can adjust the performance
of yielding progress in precisely trustfulness of usage utility units show.

Because the first step of progress yielding can then treat the narrowing direction of myths or soul
origin to understand the actions of first moves around helpfulness remains the same aim object can
mark point overviews for its smart specification in abstraction speech of research literature can
engage itself for progress yielding speak of fines human being and cooperative coordination in
magnificent meaningfulness of symbolic soul sense show. Research can reveal into a quotidian
show would understand the secret signs of "suffering during", "angry mentality", "be upset and how
to be happy along away".... etc . Certainly it can great question concern associate assumptions have
to grow the transition show of inner intellectual inspiration insight along over away for further
design of body skeleton show assume to gain point overviews which assume that research shall
reveal to proposals of a similar show thought being truly accepted among a rational reign for
achieving accomplishment much more likely than an adjustment of owning references. Although
according to a separate survey by the scientific aspects show and the appreciate assignment of
wellness and quiet happiness can influence professional work of finest human being along over
away. Thus the usage utility of set = {(measurable(amount), utility(tools)), (instill(node),
infuse(edge)), (custom(event), trust(time)) = (while it can result in x = not yet defined, then mount
or manage y = progress yielding show )} which would be used for many purposes of digital design
show. Hence, soul origin can be selective subject for liable linguistic logics to gain respect of either
grammar or parser show while a clear connection link into an inner inspiration insight can occupy
great operating opportunity of exerting existence which has to provide such a balancing behavior
around the determination of what it can be feasible for further recording of usage utility units in
terms of confidence and trustfulness.

Hence the major main idea to can deploy a heavy show of set = {(measurable(amount),
utility(tools)), (instill(node), infuse(edge)), (custom(event), trust(time)) = (while it can result in x =
not yet defined, then mount or manage y = progress yielding show )} can assume that the final step
is to conceive free way for liable linguistic logics to handle holding harmony sign of being master
-slave show. Thus, a best abstraction show of justice judgment show can have been conceiving a
touch control of clear character core insight:: a character core concept that shall treat references and
the basic benefits of time units when using first references such as:: Body behavior as a function
form and the psyche soul sight symbolization to accomplish the rational reign of achievements and
involvements:: thereupon the progress yielding show of comprehensive concept can aid and help
people and finest human being to understand things or conclude things all around behind about
robust references which can be angels who are instruments of God:: first being in relationship with
a wonderfulness of judgment has to turn finest human been into illustrative imaging show of
faithfulness then it can be time to believe in something much more valuable when things shall
design trustfulness of (genuine = something, unjust = something else) mapping pair or (genuine =
something, unjust = anything else) mapping pair... etc..

The major main mechanism of trustfulness has to decide for better proposal processing around the
body behavior concept in order to can integrate the resulting in reality of action in progress when
the power of separate parts require to invoke the linguistics of operative opportunity can explore the
expertise and the passionate show of secret signs belong to feeling functionalism, harmony of
responsibility, impressive imaging of impact show, .... etc ... reign of trustfulness. Liable linguistic
logics can have to treat the exerting expertise of great dream work can go further Mirroring mount
management of digital design scientific aspects while a robust reality of balancing behavior can
impose an intentional instrumental insight can help running the reality of real truth across any
sensible behavior show.. Thereof the first threat task job of digital design shall comply with usage
utility units of set = {(measurable (amount), utility (tool)), (instill(node), infuse(edge)),
(custom(event), trust(time)) = ( while it can result in x = not yet defined, then mount or manage it
shall run around behind spending effort for a progress yielding )] }.

Therefore it is better to jump into a symbolic show of operative balancing can figure out the spread
of any reality concerns the digital design show when something can have great imaging impact on
what it is responsibility for further design of ahead staff would accomplish associate assignment of
being actually of super sell when a center indexing access can meet professional processing of
electrical expertise while to judge a selective situation can be the only way for root ultimate use of
best class of character core to fill in all sort kind sort stuffs of responsibility from under
battleground to a holding hierarchy of harmony can say much more about the ahead staff. Hence,
the major main principles of digital design show to improve the quality of knowledge culture show
in order to allow clear character core show to be used for further conceive of a balancing behavior
can make the benefit of trustfulness along over away to decide whether resulting in reality of digital
design can use the offering opportunity of progress yielding can say something about human being
can drop into a composing concept of screening state squeeze show. Hence it is important to notice
that the valid elaboration of such a balancing behavior can run away to decide whether the mount
management of liable linguistic logics can have effects on what it shall be aim object to combine
the resulting in of conceiving character core show. Something in free style can go step further to
engender the trademark show when the robust reality can ask for much more safety on what usage
utility units would be to bring upon imaging impact in simply selective show a driven dynamics of
digital challenge either using a simply easy exploration of challenge = ratio of (d² progress / dt² ) to
( illusion ± ration of clear * behavior to dynamics) when the operative opportunity around this work
would bring things into harmony of timing simulation when something can tell much more then
higher precision can fix the ratios of progress.

Hence this work can offer much more stability for further design of higher hierarchy in order to
return into a rolling rule play can adjust the mechanism of liable linguistic logics show along over
away can result in valid elaboration of transaction terminology while the final decision show has to
deploy the secret signs of hierarchy and harmony in scaling step show can speak of valid level
variation of it can concern a free world show of hypothesis hope to work well when something shall
find itself inside similarity of scheduling iterator it = find (file.getch()) which shall comply with if
(iterator it == NULL) then ( being ready to fill in the required mapping pair list map <char, int>
through simple use of insert function Map.insert(pair<char, int> (file.getch(), 1) or any other use of
functions can handle the real communicative show of storage space management. Hence, the major
main principles of digital design concept can arrive to strongly solve the leading problems of
abstraction and judgment. to admit robust reality of usage utility units when the deadlock can select
something much more in connection with sensible standards of digital design policy to reach an
objective legitimized locality of progress yielding.
Hence, the proposal process of exerting elaboration shall obey to something much more convenient
when timing simulation can speak of ordering options would allow the containerization of character
core shall be aside for further call of participation and its translation units to can feel much more
safe in fragmentation of liable linguistic logics show can remain at higher level the best flavor case
for trustfulness and its imaging impact should impose resulting in roots to explore the specification
of that is a setup record of real truth can admit that digital design show has to offer much more for
sweet scaling of sensible behavior.
Wile the major main principles of digital design has to provide balancing behavior of transaction
traceability with inner intellectual inspiration insight would treat the real truth admits that sensible
behavior can use sensor show to testify whether hazards shall modify the imaging impact of start up
settlement across time.
n∗p n∗p
log 2 (2− ) log 2( 1+ )
n+ p n+ p

∑ (appear (i)) p=
N (total=how many) card (fully)
A∗log 2 (∑ ( appear (i))) A∗log 2(appear (i))
p= p=
1+ k∗log( ∑ ( appear (i))) 1+log 2 ( ∏ (appear (i)))
Hence, the earning part of proportional processing would use the effectiveness of modeling modes
can exploit the driven dynamics of node and anti-node for new version of physics and its
exploration to figure out the imaging impact of such sensitive coherence in super higher scaling
schemes would impose its connection links to operative opportunity of digital design trustfulness.
When the real truth can ask for further design of sensitive scheduling can fix a built in behavior of
exclusion in great show of valid availability to ensure something much more required within the
statistics of individualism show can treat things in distinct ways of hopefulness and helpfulness leaf
like a chosen integer number of thirty 30 can help people make great progress inside Senate
parliament in fragmentation functionalism can assume that such a number is a best chosen for a
skeleton body of politics policy to generate better ways of discussion in harmony of being informed
look for free style to overdrive thing along around usage utility units ask for being free to achieve
and be free from involvement inside. But always “neither guilty nor faulty shall report.
Further more it is then a great operating opportunity to speak of the flavor cases of being involved
with the scientific aspects of mapping pair show like (genuine = something, unjust = something
else) mapping pair or (genuine = something, unjust = anything else) mapping pair for further
judgment of dualism has to provide its business benefit show with the newest legislative lectures to
bring upon things around Archimedes assignment in distinct faces show. This can be achievable for
inner insight uses probabilistic show to decide whether such resulting in reality has to be the only
imaging impact show for faithfulness and hopefulness.






In fact robustness touch control can help people to understand what it is a real making choices shall
be while a further steps inside illustration of where is the reasonable staff of valid reign shall deploy
inside a chosen concept of trustfulness in particular way of measurement. The charging choice
management shall then decide to fill all sort kind stuffs for resulting in requirement of frequency
focus on while it apparently is precisely faithfulness across thanks to the accessibility allows people
adjust appreciate assignment inside a great show of gaining growth around benefit built in behavior.
Hence using (genuine = something, unjust = something else) mapping pair or (genuine = something,
unjust = anything else) mapping pair would help understanding why liable linguistic logics shall
look next after reliability of exerting expertise when the fashionable fundamental can assume that
the existence of a character core concept shall feel much more proud of being involved within such
thread task job. The sweetest thing is to believe in a higher harmony of instrumental tools which can
have been chosen for making decision process. The appreciate assignment can then guard traces on
what liable linguistic logics would ensure to set its major main principles for best classification of
character core concept in tram show of data flow while transaction tractability can then result in free
style of sensitivity show either using screening streams or to can share advantages of balancing
behavior can use (X = sin², Y = cos²) mapping pair or similar to develop its emergent check in of
sharing database while the source look to remain the same for further wave show of sensitivity and
precisely sensible show. Thus it is a strict situation to talk about appreciate advantages would adjust
the resulting in reality of usage utility along over away. The first when trying to raise the
trustfulness on what required need hope to stabilize the built in behavior of transaction tractability
in order to bring upon a productivity performing that shall think about pregnant proportionally
acceptance can introduce itself to influence any atmosphere of digital design would have touch
control of witness and free hand can guarantee the free unit of scheduling. No matter whether
template< class T > would be used or other type of compiling to can influence the major main
procedures can affect the entirely show of impressibility for a driven design of liable linguistic
logics can use if clock'event and clock rising edge then {achieve something much more convenient
can handle the resulting in reality of symbolic success can reflect the symbolic show of sight
symbolization and its appreciate arrangement can appear to remain the only operative usage utility
unit for sweet suitable scheduling of sensitive sensible behavior can assume that its exerting
expertise shall comply with the work of wealthy battleground can solve all kind of tricks and can
offer an extensible expertise of imagination can invite people to take part of favor case and to study
the cause of its finest world would treat proper show of liable linguistic logics can furnish digital
design for being ready for next scheduling show. Hence to slam the built in behavior of using
map<char, int> and map<char, float> in small show of sliding slice windows while data can flow in
portions of character core sets would deliver a fresh call for imaging world ensures that this
structural driven design of read(char) of Lempel and Ziv did make the great challenge when using
an similar show of dictionary design can hold all sort kind stuffs of trace-ability can decide for an
infrastructural insight of digital design can gather much more operatives for being alive. Hence
when testing the best case of being informed it can be great opportunity to search around the
trustfulness of transaction tractability and its complete show of knowledge culture that can help
being asking for need to do something dominate can happen in step scaling in such imagination
world. The composite components of such an imagination world can then decide whether such a
threat task job of a built in behavior of transactions such that transaction = {signal (i) (j)} list wanna
to deliver a holding trace-ability of valid level variation can speak of waves to be inside human
usage utility units when the judgment process of liable linguistic logics can make changes around
over away. Hence finest human being while valid balancing shall then decide whether such a built
in behavior can deliver a clear character core concept can be famous for great talent of digital
design show.






Hence using such a driven dynamics of (genuine = something, unjust = something else) mapping or
(genuine = something, unjust = anything else) mapping pair or to try to protect the driven procedure
have involved illustrative images of skeleton body uses (measurable(amount), utility(tools))
mapping pair or a simple pairing such ( (measurable(amount), utility(tools)), (instill(node),
infuse(edge)) mapping and so on to can provide the whole entirely expertise with something much
more convenient around the behavior show of usage utility units. Hence as it is the core subject of
strong show would ensure a clear continuity of telling truth about politics policy having great tasty
of trustfulness while same things can ignore its images of exerting existences in flavor cases of
charging choices can use probability show and its accordingly to stochastics in strong show of
hopefulness and helpfulness usage utility. Hence something can be very usual useful when such a
thread task can ask for much confidence of mimetic learning show can assume to deliver a great
confidence of sustainability can speak for safety of data in finest storage space show can use the
structural show of stack pointer show would seek such a vector data in which function form to
amazingly deliver a built in behavior of securing show in touch control of free style functionalism
handle the sensible behavior of transaction tractability aiming a real truth show of adjustment across
proposal show of digital atmosphere. Liable linguistic logics for its rolling rule play can fix a great
opportunity of progress yielding progress can hold the best classification of such a character core
would make the balancing bears a challenge in best way of re try's reality can hold the harmony of


Professor Susanne Weber, Elizabeth f. Schneider, Mylene Sylvestre and Mirinal Smith
draft copy of June 02nd 2019

Dear Mister President of USA the next step of being informed is to conceive a driven
dynamics of hopefulness and helpfulness would offer people all sort kind stuffs of being in
a higher level of trust and faithfulness to invoke an inner inspiration insight would bring
advantage show for making decision process in a great unit of considerable progress while
the valid level of trustfulness has to provide the balancing behavior of units which shall
return available feelings concerns balancing benefit show regard all sort kind stuffs of
harmony and the complete world of simulation across bearing witness process that can
hold secret signs of hierarchy. Hence, it is a core subject would offer the ability show of
knowing how to define a precision show while people can look next after an appreciate
show of achievement would impose its existence around imaging of logics and loyalty such
that a perfect performance show of collaboration has to drive for long term within the idea
that politics policy would build the real image show of a sensible behavior can help people
understand the trustfulness of proposal show for further design of stability inside politics
policy. For great growing reality of recommendation, imposing of thirty 30 sort kind stuffs
inside us parliament would offer people the great operative opportunity to great
faithfulness can store its images inside a deep design of democracy. Hence while scientific
aspects are going to take great advantages of appreciate assignment, the call into
envisage great install of such a scientific aspects shall be the aim object of any politics
policy while an auto vote pivot shall be a first step to can install a primary processing
generate robustness choices for final decision would ask people to take advantages of
specialty show while the aim object of judgment shall then be associate abstraction of
(genuine = something, unjust = something else) or (genuine = something, unjust =
anything else) mapping pair, Sincerely, Liz

Dear Mister President of USA the next step of being informed is to conceive a driven
dynamics of hopefulness and helpfulness would offer people all sort kind stuffs of being in
a higher level of trust and faithfulness to invoke an inner inspiration insight would bring
advantage show for making decision process in a great unit of considerable progress while
the valid level of trustfulness has to provide the balancing behavior of units which shall
return available feelings concerns balancing benefit show regard all sort kind stuffs of
harmony and the complete world of simulation across bearing witness process that can
hold secret signs of hierarchy. Hence, it is a core subject would offer the ability show of
knowing how to define a precision show while people can look next after an appreciate
show of achievement would impose its existence around imaging of logics and loyalty such
that a perfect performance show of collaboration has to drive for long term within the idea
that politics policy would build the real image show of a sensible behavior can help people
understand the trustfulness of proposal show for further design of stability inside politics
policy. For great growing reality of recommendation, imposing of thirty 30 sort kind stuffs
inside us parliament would offer people the great operative opportunity to great
faithfulness can store its images inside a deep design of democracy. Hence while scientific
aspects are going to take great advantages of appreciate assignment, the call into
envisage great install of such a scientific aspects shall be the aim object of any politics
policy while an auto vote pivot shall be a first step to can install a primary processing
generate robustness choices for final decision would ask people to take advantages of
specialty show while the aim object of judgment shall then be associate abstraction of
(genuine = something, unjust = something else) or (genuine = something, unjust =
anything else) mapping pair, When things are going to be a built in behavior of
hopefulness and helpfulness the second charging chance is to can measure a higher
hierarchy of feeling harmony can notice that structural design of what it shall be quietness
and wellness has to hold the major main principles of ordering options which shall decide
whether a proposal people can have the great decisive choice to work for its inner
intellectual inspiration insight in selective way shall invoke the innocent image of indexing
illustration ::: yep it can be great opportunity to invest in time when things have to surround
responses would occupy impressive intentions have its turns to balance the simulation
show that can discuss the effects of sensitivity through a depth abstraction of elaboration ::
proposal plans can still be await for review but such a review shall be core subject for
Senate to reach the operative design of delivering opinions :: such a rolling rule shall play
great attention within Senate sensitivity show to ask for great reform of people parliament
when the thirty 30 sort kind stuffs of politics policy shall be present inside such a politics
room or house to can decide whether such driven soul's sight symbolization scheme can
translate the efforts of being alive. The afterlife process is a trusting terminology of
progress inside how to can govern when distinct overviews points shall be taken in
consideration through concrete participation of ideas and maintaining mount management
of opinion delivering design. How to can measure progress is something very usual useful
without backward return to evaluate resulting in reality of imaging impacts that win space
room for hopefulness around the investment of effort inside optimization of proposal within
the regards into influence of time and its accordingly to driven dynamics can offer great
show of charging choice to balance a parliament house into a fixed unit of thirty 30 sort
kind stuffs work together, In fact, a best abstraction show of justice judgment show can
have been conceiving a touch control of clear character core insight:: a character core
concept that shall treat references and the basic benefits of time units when using first
references such as :: Body behavior as a function form - and the psyche soul sight
symbolization to accomplish the rational reign of achievements and involvements::
‫الذات = الجسد او البدن ‪ -‬و خصال الونفس ‪ ::‬اولنفس اللووامة ‪ ...‬بل النسان على نفسه‬
‫بصيرة ‪ ...‬و يحذركم الله نفسه ‪ ....‬هل الله ذو المعارج يصعد او يعرج الى نفسه‬

‫الى نفسه في يوم كان ماقدار الف سنة ليدبر الماور‪ -‬هذا سؤال صعب‬


‫قال أبو جعفر ‪ :‬يعني تعالى ذكره بذلك ‪ ،‬ويخوفكم ا مان نفسه أن تركبوا ماعاصيه‬


‫‪ .‬قال الزجاج ‪ :‬أي ‪ :‬ويحذركم ا إياه‬


‫يدبر المار مان السمااء إلى الرض ‪ :‬قال ابن عباس ‪ :‬ينزل القضاء والقدر!!!‬


‫وقيل ‪ :‬إنها أخبار أهل الرض تصعد إليه ماع حمالتها مان المالئاكة‬


‫يدبر أمار الدنيا أربعة ‪ :‬جبريل ‪ ،‬ومايكائايل ‪ ،‬ومالك الماوت ‪ ،‬وإسرافيل ; صلوات ا عليهم أجماعين ‪ .‬فأماا‬
‫جبريل فماوكل بالرياح والجنود ‪ .‬وأماا مايكائايل فماوكل بالقطر والمااء ‪ .‬وأماا مالك الماوت فماوكل بقبض الرواح ‪.‬‬
‫وأماا إسرافيل فهو ينزل بالمار عليهم ‪ .‬وقد قيل ‪ :‬إن العرش ماوضع التدبير ; كماا أن ماا دون العرش ماوضع‬
‫‪The progress yielding show of comprehensive concept can aid and help people and finest‬‬
‫‪human being to understand things or conclude things all around behind about robust‬‬
‫‪references which can be angels who are instruments of God:: first being in relationship‬‬
‫‪with a wonderfulness of judgment has to turn finest human been into illustrative imaging‬‬
‫‪show of faithfulness then it can be time to believe in something much more valuable when‬‬
‫)‪things shall design trustfulness of (genuine = something, unjust = something else‬‬
‫‪mapping pair or (genuine = something, unjust = anything else) mapping pair... etc ..‬‬

‫ب العالمين ‪ 2 ,‬المسد ‪ -‬تبت يدا ابا لهب ‪3 ,‬‬

‫الترتيب المثالي ‪ 1::‬الفاتحة ‪ -‬الحمد لله ر ب‬
‫التكوير ‪ -‬اذا الشمس كورت ‪ 4 ,‬العلى ‪ -‬سبح اسم ربك العلى الذي خلق فسوى ‪ 5 ,‬و‬
‫بالبتوالي ‪ ::‬اليل ‪ ,‬الفجر ثم الضحى ومحور ما وبدعك ربك و ما قلى‪ 8 ,‬الشرح‪ :‬الم نشرح‬
‫ن النسان لفي خسر ال الذين ‪ -‬خواتم‬ ‫لك صدرك ‪ -‬مفتاح الصبر و ‪ 9‬العصر‪ :‬و العصر ا ب‬


‫الناس إلى فلن عرف واحد‬

‫الناس إلى فلن عرف واحد‬

‫والمرسلت عرفا‬

‫هل ينظرون إل تأويله يوم يأتي تأويله يقول الذين نسوه من قبل قد جاءت رسل ربنا‬

‫هل ينظرون إل تأويله يوم يأتي تأويله يقول الذين نسوه مان قبل قد جاءت رسل ربنا بالحق فهل لنا مان شفعاء‬
‫فيشفعوا لنا أو نرد فنعمال غير الذي كنا نعمال قد خسروا أنفسهم وضل عنهم ماا كانوا يفترون‬

‫والصواب مان القول في ذلك عندنا أن يقال ‪ :‬إن ا تعالى ذكره أقسم بالمارسلت عرفا ‪ ،‬وقد ترسل عرفا‬
‫المالئاكة ‪ ،‬وترسل كذلك الرياح ‪ ،‬ول دللة تدل على أن الماعني بذلك أحد الحزبين دون الخر ‪ ،‬وقد عم جل‬
‫ثناؤه بإقساماه بكل ماا كانت صفته ماا وصف ‪ ،‬فكل مان كان صفته كذلك ‪ ،‬فداخل في قسماه ذلك مالكا أو ريحا أو‬
‫رسول مان بني آدم‬


‫وإذا الرسل أقتت‬

‫قال العوفي ‪ ،‬عن ابن عباس ‪ :‬جمعت‬


‫فالعاصفات عصفا والناشرات نشرا‬

‫وأولى القوال في ذلك عندنا بالصواب أن يقال ‪ :‬إن الله تعالى ذكره أقسم بالناشرات‬
‫نشرا ‪ ،‬ولم يخصص شيئا من ذلك دون شيء ‪ ،‬فالريح تنشر السحاب ‪ ،‬والمطر ينشر‬
‫الرض ‪ ،‬والملئكة تنشر الكتب ‪ ،‬ول دللة من وجه يجب التسليم له على أن المراد من‬
‫ذلك بعض دون بعض ‪ ،‬فذلك على كل ما كان ناشرا‬

‫عن علي رضي ا عنه ) فالعاصفات عصفا ( قال ‪ :‬الريح‬

‫عن أبي العبيدين أنه سأل ابن ماسعود عن ) الناشرات نشرا ( قال ‪ :‬الريح‬

‫فالرياح العاصفات عصفا ‪ ،‬يعني ‪ :‬الشديدات الهبوب السريعات المامار‬

‫‪Conlusion :: leaf like a windy wealthy thread task job belongs excitement‬‬
‫‪energy show.‬‬


‫فالفارقات فرقا‬

‫والصواب مان القول في ذلك أن يقال ‪ :‬أقسم ربنا جل ثناؤه بالفارقات ‪ ،‬وهي الفاصلت بين الحق والباطل ‪ ،‬ولم‬
‫يخصص بذلك مانهن بعضا دون بعض ‪ ،‬فذلك قسم بكل فارقة بين الحق والباطل ‪ ،‬مالكا كان أو قرآنا ‪ ،‬أو غير‬

‫عن ابن عباس ) فالمالقيات ذكرا ( يعني ‪ :‬المالئاكة‬

‫عن ابن عباس ) عذرا أو نذرا ( يعني ‪ :‬المالئاكة‬

‫لنهماا ماصدران بماعنى العذار والنذار‬

‫ول خلف هاهنا ; فإنها تنزل بأمار ا على الرسل ‪ ،‬تفرق بين الحق والباطل ‪ ،‬والهدى والغي ‪ ،‬والحلل‬
‫والحرام ‪ ،‬وتلقي إلى الرسل وحيا فيه إعذار إلى الخلق ‪ ،‬وإنذار لهم عقاب ا إن خالفوا أماره‬


‫إنماا توعدون لواقع‬

‫هذا هو الماقسم عليه بهذه القسام ‪ ،‬أي ‪ :‬ماا وعدتم به مان قيام الساعة ‪ ،‬والنفخ في الصور ‪ ،‬وبعث الجساد‬
‫وجماع الولين والخرين في صعيد واحد ‪ ،‬وماجازاة كل عامال بعماله ‪ ،‬إن خيرا فخير وإن شرا فشر ‪ ،‬إن هذا‬
‫كله لواقع أي ‪ :‬لكائان ل ماحالة‬


‫قال البخاري ‪ :‬حدثنا عمار بن حفص بن غياث ‪ ] ،‬حدثنا أبي [ ‪ ،‬حدثنا العماش ‪ ،‬حدثني إبراهيم ‪ ،‬عن‬
‫السود ‪ ،‬عن عبد ا ‪ -‬هو ابن ماسعود ‪ -‬قال ‪ :‬بينماا نحن ماع النبي صلى ا عليه وسلم ‪ ،‬في غار بمانى ‪ ،‬إذ‬
‫نزلت عليه ‪ " :‬والمارسلت " فإنه ليتلوها وإني لتلقاها مان فيه ‪ ،‬وإن فاه لرطب بها ‪ ،‬إذ وثبت علينا حية ‪ ،‬فقال‬
‫النبي صلى ا عليه وسلم ‪ " :‬اقتلوها " ‪ ،‬فابتدرناها فذهبت ‪ ،‬فقال النبي صلى ا عليه وسلم ‪ " :‬وقيت شركم‬
‫" كماا وقيتم شرها‬


‫وفي رواية ماالك ‪ ،‬عن الزهري ‪ ،‬عن عبيد ا ‪ ،‬عن ابن عباس ‪ :‬أن أم الفضل سماعته يقرأ ‪ " :‬والمارسلت‬
‫عرفا " ‪ ،‬فقالت ‪ :‬يا بني ‪ ،‬ذكرتني بقراءتك هذه السورة ‪ ،‬أنها لخر ماا سماعت مان رسول ا صلى ا عليه‬
‫وسلم يقرأ بها في الماغرب‬


‫وقال الماام أحماد ‪ :‬حدثنا سفيان بن عيينة ‪ ،‬عن الزهري ‪ ،‬عن عبيد ا ‪ ،‬عن ابن عباس ‪ ،‬عن أماه ‪ :‬أنها‬
‫سماعت النبي صلى ا عليه وسلم يقرأ في الماغرب بالمارسلت عرفا‬

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