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Majmaah University - College of Engineering - Civil and Environmental Engineering Department

Dated: Course Title:

Name: I.D #:

Q.1: A single reinforced concrete rectangular beam is simply supported on a center to

center span of 6.0 m and a clear span of 5.60 m, is loaded with a working DL of 10
kN/m (excluding the beam weight). b = 300 mm, h = 550 mm, d = 489 mm, As = 4#22=
1520 mm2, fc’= 35 MPa and fy = 400 MPa. Calculate the DL deflection.
k = 1.2 − 0.2M o / M m

5k M m L2n Ln = 5.60 m
48 Ec I eff L = 6.0 m

fr I g
Ig. Ec = 4730 f c' , f r = 0.62 f c' , M cr = , bc 2 / 2 = nAs ( d − c ) ,
I ct = b(c)3 / 3 + nAs (d − c) 2 I eff = ( M cr / M a ) 3 .I g + [1 − ( M cr / M a ) 3 ]I ct ,

Q.2: If the beam of Question (1) is subjected to a working moment of 125.0 kN.m, estimate the
maximum probable crack width at the centroid of steel and at the tension face using Gergely
and Lutz equation.
a − c a = distance from the compression face to
wmax . = 13.3 10 −6 R  f s 3 d c A , R = ,
d −c
the point considered, c = N.A. axis, dc = distance from the tension face to the centroid
of the lowest reinforcement layer, A = effective tension area of concrete / No. of bars.
M (d − c)
fs = n ,
I ct

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