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Tiempo verbal de la

Frase activa Frase pasiva

frase activa
presente I write a letter The letter is written
presente continuos I'm writing a letter The letter is being written
past I wrote a letter The letter was written
past continuos I was writing a letter The letter was being written
present perfect I've written a letter The letter has been written
past perfect I had written a letter The letter had been written
futuro I will write a letter The letter will be written
futuro I'm going to write a letter The letter is going to be written

Javier writes the heritage equation


Tom writes a letter A letter is written by Tom

Tom is writing a letter A letter is being written by Tom

Tom was writing a letter A letter was being written by Tom

Tom wrote a letter A letter was written by Tom

Tom has written a letter A letter has been written by Tom

Tom had written a letter A letter had been written by Tom

Tom will write a letter A letter will be written by Tom

Tom is going to write a letter A letter is going to be written by Tom

Tom can write a letter A letter can be written by Tom

Tom could write a letter A letter could be written by Tom

Tom must write a letter A letter must be written by Tom

Tom may write a letter A letter may be written...

Tom might write a letter A letter might be written...

Types of affixes:
The prefixes are those that are added before the root of the word or lexical
structure. Within these we find the following subtypes:
Derivative prefix. The result of the new word will give a new meaning to the
Flexive prefix. This type of prefix is not given in the Spanish language, in
others, what is sought is to give it another grammatical category.
Suffixes: Suffixes are those that are added after the root word. Within this type
there are the following subgroups:
Diminutive They give an affective proximity to the word.
Augmentative They give you a sense of wonder or exaggeration of a
Derogatory They seek to give a derogatory sense to the word for pejorative
The infixes are a type of affix that is inserted inside the root of the word or its

The patrimonial equation will be My friend Javier will write the

written by my friend Javier heritage equation

The financial statements were The manager analyzed the financial

analyzed by the manage statements

The balance sheet has been The board of directors has

received by the Board of Directors received the balance sheet

The book entries are made by my My teacher Morelia makes the

teacher Morelia accounting entries

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