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Professor Susanne Weber, Elizabeth f.

Schneider, Mylene Sylvestre and Mirinal Smith

draft copy of June 02nd 2019

Dear Mister President of USA, the essential excitement show

concerns "tower after tower ..... the hour is still an hour ... a noun is a
person, a place or a thing" can provide the real truth of governable
howtos with a charging concept can impose its centric metrics to
elaborate a serving judgment whose driven kernel core would
persuade people accomplishing the thread task jobs of fragmentary
show can judge situation of quietness and wellness. Hence be surely
informed about a thirty 30 places reserved for scaling pieces of
lawmakers who can persuade anyone across USA country that the
only thing to think about is to return operating opinions for any special
show furthermore to decide whether things can be accomplished in
regular normal way can discuss all sot kind stuffs of freedom and
liberty. Be free to achieve thread task jobs is hard complex concept
for supporting the sensitive show of being existed anywhere when
some calls or similar touch control call would design whether such a
person has to be present across calibration show or doing things the
right way while an auto vote pivot complete suit software (from Intel)
can help the government measure its first steps within any proposal
progress around trustfulness and hopefulness. Any person across
USA country can hope be free from any determination of criteria
comply with an exerting existence of a modeling world would offer
much more than envisage expectation can intervene on imposing
inner intellectual inspiration insight of being American :: a continue
work for Infrastructure enhancement -> subways all around big city
show, high way for fastest speed show, combat terminology on what
a required need shall be as exceptional example the design of better
city show would deliver a great aspiration show of survive event in
relaxed way of body aids and its corresponding concept of logic
presence such that expending money and person dependency which
can edge spaces defending finest human being. Thereupon, Dear
Mister President of USA, it is a great opportunity to can distinguish
between the reality of (how to govern = genuine = something, how to
measure = unjust = something else) mapping pair for further
measurement of precisely tasks can play great attention roles for
innocent imaging impact of trustfulness while a touch control of
balancing behavior shall determine whether a processing o what
business benefit behavior shall affect the reality of yielding progress
show to maintain a robust link into an overview of valid profit can
make real passage into clear sustainability can try to guard a great
concept of imposing a real truth answer all sort kind stuffs about
balancing behavior. Because finest human being is something treats
the reality of existence, its envisage excitement would then invoke the
reality show of being informed on what finest human being would look
like. Hence logic thoughts would then offer a first step into justice
inside making decision process to can recuperate the meaningfulness
of finest human being. Be sure that something like "tower after ... the
hour still an hour ... a noun is a person, a place or a thing" can return
all associate assignment into an exercise of believing ... believing in
existence of some names which can be a king, a land, a people, a
person, a hopefulness, a helpfulness, ... this driven dynamics can
then hold a structural show for surrounding convenient concept of
imposing clear character core show would deliver its resulting in
impressive shows on large deliberation or deliberateness on
intervention on what finest human being shall mean for any person
across country. Thus, Dear Mister President of USA the next step of
being informed is to conceive a driven dynamics of hopefulness and
helpfulness would offer people all sort kind stuffs of being in a higher
level of trust and faithfulness to invoke an inner inspiration insight
would bring advantage show for making decision process in a great
unit of considerable progress while the valid level of trustfulness has
to provide the balancing behavior of units which shall return available
feelings concerns balancing benefit show regard all sort kind stuffs of
harmony and the complete world of simulation across bearing witness
process that can hold secret signs of hierarchy. Hence, it is a core
subject would offer the ability show of knowing how to define a
precision show while people can look next after an appreciate show
of achievement would impose its existence around imaging of logics
and loyalty such that a perfect performance show of collaboration has
to drive for long term within the idea that politics policy would build
the real image show of a sensible behavior can help people
understand the trustfulness of proposal show for further design of
stability inside politics policy. For great growing reality of
recommendation, imposing of thirty 30 sort kind stuffs inside us
parliament would offer people the great operative opportunity to great
faithfulness can store its images inside a deep design of democracy.
Hence while scientific aspects are going to take great advantages of
appreciate assignment, the call into envisage great install of such a
scientific aspects shall be the aim object of any politics policy while
an auto vote pivot shall be a first step to can install a primary
processing generate robustness choices for final decision would ask
people to take advantages of specialty show while the aim object of
judgment shall then be associate abstraction of (genuine =
something, unjust = something else) or (genuine = something, unjust
= anything else) mapping pair, Sincerely, Liz

Dear Mister President of USA the next step of being informed is to

conceive a driven dynamics of hopefulness and helpfulness would
offer people all sort kind stuffs of being in a higher level of trust and
faithfulness to invoke an inner inspiration insight would bring
advantage show for making decision process in a great unit of
considerable progress while the valid level of trustfulness has to
provide the balancing behavior of units which shall return available
feelings concerns balancing benefit show regard all sort kind stuffs of
harmony and the complete world of simulation across bearing witness
process that can hold secret signs of hierarchy. Hence, it is a core
subject would offer the ability show of knowing how to define a
precision show while people can look next after an appreciate show
of achievement would impose its existence around imaging of logics
and loyalty such that a perfect performance show of collaboration has
to drive for long term within the idea that politics policy would build
the real image show of a sensible behavior can help people
understand the trustfulness of proposal show for further design of
stability inside politics policy. For great growing reality of
recommendation, imposing of thirty 30 sort kind stuffs inside us
parliament would offer people the great operative opportunity to great
faithfulness can store its images inside a deep design of democracy.
Hence while scientific aspects are going to take great advantages of
appreciate assignment, the call into envisage great install of such a
scientific aspects shall be the aim object of any politics policy while
an auto vote pivot shall be a first step to can install a primary
processing generate robustness choices for final decision would ask
people to take advantages of specialty show while the aim object of
judgment shall then be associate abstraction of (genuine =
something, unjust = something else) or (genuine = something, unjust
= anything else) mapping pair, When things are going to be a built in
behavior of hopefulness and helpfulness the second charging chance
is to can measure a higher hierarchy of feeling harmony can notice
that structural design of what it shall be quietness and wellness has
to hold the major main principles of ordering options which shall
decide whether a proposal people can have the great decisive choice
to work for its inner intellectual inspiration insight in selective way
shall invoke the innocent image of indexing illustration ::: yep it can
be great opportunity to invest in time when things have to surround
responses would occupy impressive intentions have its turns to
balance the simulation show that can discuss the effects of sensitivity
through a depth abstraction of elaboration :: proposal plans can still
be await for review but such a review shall be core subject for Senate
to reach the operative design of delivering opinions :: such a rolling
rule shall play great attention within Senate sensitivity show to ask
for great reform of people parliament when the thirty 30 sort kind
stuffs of politics policy shall be present inside such a politics room or
house to can decide whether such driven soul's sight symbolization
scheme can translate the efforts of being alive. The afterlife process
is a trusting terminology of progress inside how to can govern when
distinct overviews points shall be taken in consideration through
concrete participation of ideas and maintaining mount management
of opinion delivering design. How to can measure progress is
something very usual useful without backward return to evaluate
resulting in reality of imaging impacts that win space room for
hopefulness around the investment of effort inside optimization of
proposal within the regards into influence of time and its accordingly
to driven dynamics can offer great show of charging choice to
balance a parliament house into a fixed unit of thirty 30 sort kind
stuffs work together,

In fact, a best abstraction show of justice judgment show can have

been conceiving a touch control of clear character core insight:: a
character core concept that shall treat references and the basic
benefits of time units when using first references such as :: Body
behavior as a function form - and the psyche soul sight symbolization
to accomplish the rational reign of achievements and involvements::
‫ و يحذركم الله‬... ‫ بل النسان على نفسه بصيرة‬... ‫ اولنفس اللووامة‬:: ‫ و خصال الونفس‬- ‫الذات = الجسد او البدن‬
‫ هل الله ذو المعارج يصعد او يعرج الى نفسه‬.... ‫نفسه‬

‫ هذا سؤال صعب‬-‫الى نفسه في يوم كان ماقدار الف سنة ليدبر الماور‬

‫ ويخوفكم ا مان نفسه أن تركبوا ماعاصيه‬، ‫ يعني تعالى ذكره بذلك‬: ‫قال أبو جعفر‬

‫ ويحذركم ا إياه‬: ‫ أي‬: ‫ قال الزجاج‬.

!!!‫ ينزل القضاء والقدر‬: ‫قال ابن عباس‬ : ‫يدبر المار مان السمااء إلى الرض‬

‫ إنها أخبار أهل الرض تصعد إليه ماع حمالتها مان المالئاكة‬: ‫وقيل‬

‫ فأماا جبريل‬. ‫ وإسرافيل ; صلوات ا عليهم أجماعين‬، ‫ ومالك الماوت‬، ‫ ومايكائايل‬، ‫ جبريل‬: ‫يدبر أمار الدنيا أربعة‬
‫ وأماا‬. ‫ وأماا مالك الماوت فماوكل بقبض الرواح‬. ‫ وأماا مايكائايل فماوكل بالقطر والمااء‬. ‫فماوكل بالرياح والجنود‬
‫ إن العرش ماوضع التدبير ; كماا أن ماا دون العرش ماوضع التفصيل‬: ‫ وقد قيل‬. ‫إسرافيل فهو ينزل بالمار عليهم‬


The progress yielding show of comprehensive concept can

aid and help people and finest human being to understand
things or conclude things all around behind about robust
references which can be angels who are instruments of
God:: first being in relationship with a powerfulness of
judgment has to turn finest human been into illustrative
imaging show of faithfulness then it can be time to believe in
something much more valuable when things shall design
trustfulness of (genuine = something, unjust = something
else) mapping pair or (genuine = something, unjust =
anything else) mapping pair... etc ..
‫ب العالمين ‪ 2 ,‬المسد ‪ -‬تبت يدا ابا لهب ‪ 3 ,‬التكوير‬
‫الترتيب المثالي ‪ 1::‬الفاتحة ‪ -‬الحمد لله ر ب‬
‫‪ -‬اذا الشمس كورت ‪ 4 ,‬العلى ‪ -‬سبح اسم ربك العلى الذي خلق فسوى ‪ 5 ,‬و بالبتوالي ‪ ::‬اليل‬
‫‪ ,‬الفجر ثم الضحى ومحور ما وبدعك ربك و ما قلى‪ 8 ,‬الشرح‪ :‬الم نشرح لك صدرك ‪ -‬مفتاح‬
‫ن النسان لفي خسر ال الذين ‪ -‬خواتم المور‬ ‫الصبر و ‪ 9‬العصر‪ :‬و العصر ا ب‬

‫الناس إلى فلن عرف واحد‬

‫الناس إلى فلن عرف واحد‬

‫والمرسلت عرفا‬

‫هل ينظرون إل تأويله يوم يأتي تأويله يقول الذين نسوه من قبل قد جاءت رسل ربنا بالحق‬

‫هل ينظرون إل تأويله يوم يأتي تأويله يقول الذين نسوه مان قبل قد جاءت رسل ربنا بالحق فهل لنا مان شفعاء فيشفعوا لنا أو‬
‫نرد فنعمال غير الذي كنا نعمال قد خسروا أنفسهم وضل عنهم ماا كانوا يفترون‬

‫والصواب مان القول في ذلك عندنا أن يقال ‪ :‬إن ا تعالى ذكره أقسم بالمارسلت عرفا ‪ ،‬وقد ترسل عرفا المالئاكة ‪ ،‬وترسل‬
‫كذلك الرياح ‪ ،‬ول دللة تدل على أن الماعني بذلك أحد الحزبين دون الخر ‪ ،‬وقد عم جل ثناؤه بإقساماه بكل ماا كانت صفته ماا‬
‫وصف ‪ ،‬فكل مان كان صفته كذلك ‪ ،‬فداخل في قسماه ذلك مالكا أو ريحا أو رسول مان بني آدم‬


‫وإذا الرسل أقتت‬

‫قال العوفي ‪ ،‬عن ابن عباس ‪ :‬جمعت‬

‫فالعاصفات عصفا والناشرات نشرا‬

‫وأولى القوال في ذلك عندنا بالصواب أن يقال ‪ :‬إن الله تعالى ذكره أقسم بالناشرات نشرا ‪ ،‬ولم‬
‫يخصص شيئا من ذلك دون شيء ‪ ،‬فالريح تنشر السحاب ‪ ،‬والمطر ينشر الرض ‪ ،‬والملئكة تنشر‬
‫الكتب ‪ ،‬ول دللة من وجه يجب التسليم له على أن المراد من ذلك بعض دون بعض ‪ ،‬فذلك على كل ما‬
‫كان ناشرا‬

‫عن علي رضي ا عنه ) فالعاصفات عصفا ( قال ‪ :‬الريح‬

‫عن أبي العبيدين أنه سأل ابن ماسعود عن ) الناشرات نشرا ( قال ‪ :‬الريح‬
‫فالرياح العاصفات عصفا ‪ ،‬يعني ‪ :‬الشديدات الهبوب السريعات المامار‬

‫‪Conlusion :: leaf like a windy wealthy thread task job belongs‬‬

‫‪excitement energy show.‬‬
‫فالفارقات فرقا‬

‫والصواب مان القول في ذلك أن يقال ‪ :‬أقسم ربنا جل ثناؤه بالفارقات ‪ ،‬وهي الفاصلت بين الحق والباطل ‪ ،‬ولم يخصص بذلك‬
‫مانهن بعضا دون بعض ‪ ،‬فذلك قسم بكل فارقة بين الحق والباطل ‪ ،‬مالكا كان أو قرآنا ‪ ،‬أو غير ذلك‬

‫عن ابن عباس ) فالمالقيات ذكرا ( يعني ‪ :‬المالئاكة‬

‫عن ابن عباس ) عذرا أو نذرا ( يعني ‪ :‬المالئاكة‬

‫لنهماا ماصدران بماعنى العذار والنذار‬

‫ول خلف هاهنا ; فإنها تنزل بأمار ا على الرسل ‪ ،‬تفرق بين الحق والباطل ‪ ،‬والهدى والغي ‪ ،‬والحلل والحرام ‪ ،‬وتلقي إلى‬
‫الرسل وحيا فيه إعذار إلى الخلق ‪ ،‬وإنذار لهم عقاب ا إن خالفوا أماره‬

‫إنماا توعدون لواقع‬

‫هذا هو الماقسم عليه بهذه القسام ‪ ،‬أي ‪ :‬ماا وعدتم به مان قيام الساعة ‪ ،‬والنفخ في الصور ‪ ،‬وبعث الجساد وجماع الولين‬
‫والخرين في صعيد واحد ‪ ،‬وماجازاة كل عامال بعماله ‪ ،‬إن خيرا فخير وإن شرا فشر ‪ ،‬إن هذا كله لواقع أي ‪ :‬لكائان ل ماحالة‬


‫قال البخاري ‪ :‬حدثنا عمار بن حفص بن غياث ‪ ] ،‬حدثنا أبي [ ‪ ،‬حدثنا العماش ‪ ،‬حدثني إبراهيم ‪ ،‬عن السود ‪ ،‬عن عبد ا ‪-‬‬
‫هو ابن ماسعود ‪ -‬قال ‪ :‬بينماا نحن ماع النبي صلى ا عليه وسلم ‪ ،‬في غار بمانى ‪ ،‬إذ نزلت عليه ‪ " :‬والمارسلت " فإنه ليتلوها‬
‫وإني لتلقاها مان فيه ‪ ،‬وإن فاه لرطب بها ‪ ،‬إذ وثبت علينا حية ‪ ،‬فقال النبي صلى ا عليه وسلم ‪ " :‬اقتلوها " ‪ ،‬فابتدرناها‬
‫" فذهبت ‪ ،‬فقال النبي صلى ا عليه وسلم ‪ " :‬وقيت شركم كماا وقيتم شرها‬

‫وفي رواية ماالك ‪ ،‬عن الزهري ‪ ،‬عن عبيد ا ‪ ،‬عن ابن عباس ‪ :‬أن أم الفضل سماعته يقرأ ‪ " :‬والمارسلت عرفا " ‪ ،‬فقالت ‪:‬‬
‫يا بني ‪ ،‬ذكرتني بقراءتك هذه السورة ‪ ،‬أنها لخر ماا سماعت مان رسول ا صلى ا عليه وسلم يقرأ بها في الماغرب‬

‫وقال الماام أحماد ‪ :‬حدثنا سفيان بن عيينة ‪ ،‬عن الزهري ‪ ،‬عن عبيد ا ‪ ،‬عن ابن عباس ‪ ،‬عن أماه ‪ :‬أنها سماعت النبي صلى‬
‫ا عليه وسلم يقرأ في الماغرب بالمارسلت عرفا‬

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