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Sanitary Napkins their contains alternative and

by PRAFULLA PATIL on May 25, 2019

Sanitary Napkins their contains and safety

Thanks to the people who invented the sanitary napkins. But after reading
this article you will be realized that what the truth is.

Sanitary Napkins their contains and safety

Since last few years this is bombarded on Indian women, that how
theSanitary Napkins are essential part of their life. The campaigns are
carried out by NGO and government, films also made on the same issue.
The aids of various companies are showing that how they are caring about
your hygiene, but aid are mostly based on marketing policies, touching
your emotions and not really hygiene related.
The Sanitary Napkins are kept under medical products, so there is no
pressure on companies to make better and healthy quality products. It
is not required to companies to tell you what is inside these napkins, as the
FDA does not regulate these products.
There is no research background is set for inspection of the Sanitary
Napkins sold in India. In India, the standard was not updated since 1980
for Sanitary Napkins testing, that’s why it is observed that products rejected
in the US or Germany have been recycled in India.
The purpose of a sanitary napkin is not just to absorb but it has to
take care of your hygiene parameters. Most of the women choose Sanitary
Napkins based on the cost, design and packaging and forgot the main
objective which must be hygiene. Most of the time it is simply because they
are embarrassed but this factor works as advantage of the manufacturers.
The cleaver consumers always insure that he is buying a product
which is not harmful for us as well as environment.

Now the important question is that, Are Sanitary Pads Safe? Do you
know which chemicals are present in them?
Let’s take a look at the harmful ingredients used in these products.

1. Dioxin:- this is the chemical which is used for bleaching (make them white)

2. Pesticides:- at the time of cultivation of cotton pesticides are used

3. Artificial Perfume:- you feel fresh all through your periods perfume is added.

4. Plastic:-

Your pads are made of plastic materials. Generally one sanitary pad contains the
equivalent plastic material of about four plastic bags.
The most important contents of sanitary pads are dioxins and SAPs, high
absorbency cellulose acetate electrospun nanofibers.
Sanitary Napkins their contains and safety

Sanitary Napkins Health Hazards

Skin is the largest natural cover of your body, and also the thinnest
that is less than 1/10th of an inch. It separates your body from
environment. But your skin is highly permeable. That’s why it is necessary
to pay attention to the ingredients used in sanitary pads and tampons. Skin
allows that chemicals present in sanitary pads and tampons to enter in
your bloodstream.
When you eat something, the various enzymes in your body reacts and
flush it out of your body, but putting chemicals on your skin is more
dangerous than eating them as once they find way into your body there is
no enzymes.
A woman can use near about 5 to 6 thousand Sanitary Napkins in her
lifetime. During the regular use of sanitary napkin the various chemicals
are absorbed in body.
The dioxin accumulates in the body will be responsible for serious
health risks and diseases such as ovarian cancer, immune system
damage, hormone dysfunction, pelvic inflammatory disease, diabetes, and
others. According to research, if dioxin can exposure to skin for some time
results in a skin darkening and also altered liver function and they can
cause infertility and birth defects
Cotton crops are being sprayed with pesticides and
herbicides. Furan is one of them a potentially dangerous chemical, linked
to cancer in some experiments.
Herbicides and pesticides are linked to thyroid malfunction, infertility
and other health problems.
Sanitary pads contain odor neutralizers or deodorants to minimize the
smell of blood. That odor neutralizers or deodorants are also contains
various chemicals.
BPA and BPS chemicals are required to make plastic. This chemicals BPA
and BPS causes complicate embryonic development that is lead to organ damage.

Sanitary pads are made of cellulose gel. The fiber in the absorbent pads can
cause cervical cancer.

Also, it is not recommended to use because this products can cause

irritation, yeast infection and prone to bacterial growth and other infections.
These bacteria release some toxins which may cause a sudden drop in
your blood pressure. Use of Sanitary Napkins in a full day leads
to overgrowth of staphylococcus aurous bacteria in your vagina.
Being a woman is not just about having your monthly period, or being
beautiful with your makeup on but it is to being mature enough to take care
of your body and of your reproductive health.
Some studies say that an estimate of 10 thousand tons sanitary waste
is generated annually in India. We are addict to dispose this menstrual
waste along with routine household waste. These wastes are non-
degradable and their environmental impact is questionable.

Sanitary Napkins Safer options

It’s better to take help of a gynecologist, but if you need more help
choosing hygiene products some of them are,
· Diva Cup
· Banana fiber napkins
· Glad Rags Organic Sanitary Napkins
· 100% Organic Cotton Tampons

Sanitary Napkins and Environmental Concerns

From an environmental concern this product uses large amount of
water, plastic and toxic chemicals which is non degradable material. By
adding SAPs, the Sanitary Napkins can hold water up to 30 times its
weight. Landfills of this material are serious issue. How can they be good
for you? If they’re harmful to the environment,

Think on it, every mother suggested or carry forward same brand for her
daughter. Be careful; carry forward your love to her.

Sanitary Napkins by using banana fiber

The banana fiber is good for absorbing water. There are no plastic or
other non-organic materials, so the Sanitary Napkinsbiodegrade in just
three months and 1200 times faster than plastic pads.
During manufacturing, no bleach or other chemicals are used, and any water
consumed is recycled
‘Saathi’ makes India’s first compostable Sanitary Napkins from banana
fibers and absolutely zero chemicals. The only other eco-friendly Sanitary
Napkins manufacturer is ‘Aakar’.
The banana fiber Sanitary Napkins is soft and does not cause any
irritation to the skin.
The Sanitary Napkins making by using banana fiber is similar to that
of regular Sanitary Napkins. Only changes is that banana paper is used
instead of plastic cover and also you can use dry pulp to replace cotton.
The pulp and banana paper making step by step process is
explained in my blog article, link is given below.

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