Manager (Wela Wulandari) : Interview Dialog'S

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Pelamar (Nadita Mia) : “ Excuse me Mrs. May I come in ?

Manager (Wela Wulandari) : “ Yes please, have a seat. Your name is Nadita Mia, isn’t it ?
Pelamar (Nadita Mia) : “ Yes Mrs. I was called by phone Yesterday in order to have
Interview today “.
Manager (Wela Wulandari) : “ Yes. I have read your application and your curriculum vitae and
the owner of this company ask me to call you and have you in an
interview.Firts I want to know you.please tell me about yourself.
“ Of course Mrs.My complete name is Nadita Mia.I am 17 years
Pelamar (Nadita Mia) : old.I was graduated from a Vocational high school in
Bengkayang. I graduated Financial Accounting three monts ago
Manager (Wela Wulandari) : “ And you apply for the vice of chief Financial Division. What
make you sure you can work as the vice of chief Finansial
Division, since you are a fresh graduated. You don’t have
working experience.
Pelamar (Nadita Mia) : “ I think this is the perfect job for me Mrs. I have learnt about
financial for three years, I have done my apprentice in the
Government Office a State Bengkayang. I can work individuallly
or in team.
Manager ( Wela Wulandari) : “ Yes, I see. I have read it in your application. I think you are good
enough for this position. I also want to know your weaknees also.
Pelamar (Nadita Mia) : “ Honestly I am afraid of height.
Manager ( Wela Wulandari) : “ Hahaha, you’re so funny. It doesn’t have any relation with
financial tasks. Well, financial deal with money. This is a big
company which means with big money. This job require a honest,
full of responsibility, carefull, and full of agility. Can you do all of
Pelamar (Nadita Mia) : “ I will do my best Mrs.
Manager ( Wela Wulandari) : “ Ok. I have finished. We will call you back if you were accepted.
Pelamar (Nadita Mia) : “ Thank you very much Mrs. I have a big dream that Ican work
here. Good morning Mrs.

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