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Indian Journal of Anaesthesia 2008; 52 (4):387-396 Special Article

Intra Aortic Balloon Pump (IABP): Past, Present and

Jatin D Dedhia1, Naren Chakravarthy Kotemane R2¸ Aamer B Ahmed3

Intra Aortic Balloon Pump (IABP) is the most commonly used mechanical circulatory assist device in cardiac
patients. IABP can improve ventricular function by decreasing the preload and increasing systolic output with signifi-
cant improvement in myocardial oxygen supply/demand ratio. Pre-operative IABP therapy in ‘high-risk’ coronary
patients has been shown to reduce hospital mortality and shorten ICU stay significantly, compared with controls. The
introduction of sheathless insertion kits has reduced the incidence of vascular complication rates. Pro-Active Counter
Pulsation is a new IABP system which automatically detects the irregular pattern and result is an improvement in the
haemodynamic effect of IABP during periods of arrhythmia. Today, continued improvements in IABP technology
permit safer use and earlier intervention to provide haemodynamic support. These developments have made the
IABP a mainstay in the management of ischemic and dysfunctional myocardium. This review article aims to provide
basic concept of IABP to hospital doctors especially anaesthetists, intensivists cardiologists and cardiac surgeons. It
discusses the common indications, contraindications, the physiologic aspects of IABP, the equipment needed to
facilitate IABP, the use of the IABP in special situations and complications of its use.

Key words Intra Aortic Balloon Pump, Coronary blood flow, Oxygen supply/demand, ProActive
Counter Pulsation, Console.
Introduction dependence of coronary blood flow on diastolic blood
pressure. This was achieved by rapid withdrawal of
IABP is the most common mechanical circulatory arterial blood from the femoral artery during systole
assistance device used in clinical practice since the last and by its re-infusion during diastole. Thus, systolic
35 years. unloading and diastolic augmentation were accom-
plished. This concept led to the development of the
Initially mechanical support was developed in intra-aortic balloon pump (IABP) by Moulopoulos et
1951 and was used for open intra-cardiac operations al.1,2
(heart-lung machine). This device could perform the
entire functions of the cardio-pulmonary system. Later, More recently, sophisticated and innovative de-
to help the patients with acute left ventricular systolic vices have been developed which are capable of deliv-
dysfunction in association with excessive preload, as- ering a greater degree of assistance to the failing left
sist pumps were devised, which work by temporary ventricle (LV) for a longer period (circulatory assist with
diversion of excess preload from the heart and its re- an auxiliary pump). These devices have a variety of
turn to the patient. This helps the failing heart to re- booster pumps that remove blood from the left heart
cover. or from the ascending aorta during systole and return it
to the aorta during diastole, thereby augmenting the di-
In 1960s, the concept of counter-pulsation was astolic blood pressure. An abdominal left ventricular
introduced. The fundamental basis of this concept was
1.SpR in Anaesthetics, Leicester Royal Infirmary, Leicester, LE5 1WW, 2. SpR in Anaesthetics, Leicester General Hospital,
Leicester, LE5 4PW, 3. Consultant Cardiothoracic Anaesthetist, Glenfield General Hospital, Leicester, LE3 1WW,
Correspondence to: Aamer B Ahmed, Consultant Cardiothoracic Anaesthetist, Glenfield General Hospital, Leicester, LE3 1WW,
Email: Accepted for publication on:22.5.08

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Indian Journal of Anaesthesia, August 2008

assist device (LVAD) is capable of assisting the left This review article discusses the common indica-
ventricle three to five times as much as an IABP. tions and contraindications (Table 1), the physiologic
aspects of IABP, the equipment needed to facilitate
Despite the increasing popularity of using circula- IABP, the use of the IABP in special situations and
tory assist devices with an auxiliary pump, these were complications of its use.
associated with few drawbacks - like lack of control
over the after load and the neurohormonal component, Establishing intra-aortic balloon counterpulsation
which occurs due to changes in stroke volume, asso- requires the insertion of the catheter and connecting it
ciation with trauma to blood elements and haemolysis. to the console.
But IABP offers a simple method of circulatory assist
that can achieve ventricular improvement (decrease in Balloon Pump Console (Fig 1):
preload) and increase in systolic output with significant
The drive console consists of a pressurized gas
improvement in myocardial oxygen supply/demand ra- reservoir, a monitor for ECG and pressure wave re-
tio. Today, continued improvements in IABP technol-
cording, adjustments for inflation/deflation timing and
ogy permit safer use and earlier intervention to provide
triggering selection switches. It is portable, light weight
haemodynamic support. Preoperative IABP-therapy in and has the option of mains and battery operation. There
‘high-risk’ coronary patients have been shown to re- are two types of consoles, Stationary and Portable.
duce hospital mortality and shorten ICU stay signifi-
Stationary consoles are used at the bedside and for
cantly, compared with controls. 3 These developments
short distance transport. Portable consoles are used
have made the IABP a mainstay in the management of
for long distance transfer. The gases used for inflation
ischemic and dysfunctional myocardium.
are either helium or carbon dioxide. Helium has low
Table 1 Indications and Contraindications of IABP density and rapid diffusion coefficient. However car-
Indications Contra-indications
bon dioxide has an increased solubility in blood, which
reduces the potential consequences of gas emboliza-
Left ventricular failure Aortic dissection
tion following a balloon rupture. A standard console
Acute myocardial infarction Severe aortic insufficiency
Cardiogenic shock Severe peripheral vascular
Refractory unstable angina disease
Failure to wean from Irreversible brain damage
cardiopulmonary bypass
High-risk PTCA 5
Failed PTCA
Thrombolytic therapy
Bridge to cardiac transplantation
Stunned myocardium
Stabilisation of high risk patients
for general anaesthesia
Low cardiac output syndrome
Myocarditis Fig 1 Console for intra-aortic balloon counter-
Severe myocardial contusion pulsation (By permission of ARROW International,

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Jatin D Dedhia et al. Intra aortic balloon pump (IABP): past, present and future

comprises the following features:

• Rear panel which consists of DC input, IAB fill

and drain port, helium supply, and patient con-
• Monitor which displays alarms, ECG , IAB sta-
tus, pressure source, operation mode, battery and
helium indicators,
• Key pad controls
• Recorder to record ECG, pressure and balloon
pressure waveform
• System battery which displays charge status and
portable operation
• Doppler storage facility
Fig 2 Insertion of IABP
Balloon catheters
rect placement of the IAB is in the descending aorta
Balloon catheters are presented in a sterile inser- with its tip at the distal aortic arch (below the origin of
tion kit and are disposable and single use only. Balloon the left subclavian artery).
catheters are made of polyurethane and are manufac-
tured in sizes varying from 8.5F to 10.5F. For children Doppler ankle pressures should be monitored and
sizes are available between 4.5F to 7F. The adult cath- compared with the pre-insertion value. Vascular com-
eters have a standard length of 32.5 inches. The vol- plication rates are lower after IABP insertion using
ume of the balloon is 30-40 ml in adults and 2.5-25 ml smaller sized catheter and a sheathless technique. The
in children. sheathless method of insertion should be preferred in
patients with diabetes mellitus and peripheral vascular
Insertion technique disease6,7.

The balloon catheter is placed via the femoral ar- Physiology of coronary circulation
tery using a modified Seldinger technique. The patient
is heparinised prior to insertion of catheter providing Myocardial blood supply is from the right and left
there are no contra-indications such as recent surgery. coronary arteries. The dependence of coronary blood
After cardiac surgery patient should be given low-mo- flow on diastolic pressure is due to the mechanical com-
lecular weight dextran at instead of heparin. pression of coronary blood vessels within the myocar-
The balloon is fully collapsed applying 30ml vacuum dium during systole. Left heart pressures are much
with 60ml syringe. The femoral artery is punctured and higher than the right side. As a result the right side of
a J-shaped guide wire is inserted to the level of the the heart is better perfused during systole compared to
aortic arch and then the needle is removed. An 8Fr to the left side. The coronary vascular bed is auto regu-
10.5Fr dilator/sheath combination is used to enlarge lated balancing myocardial oxygen supply and demand
the arterial puncture side. The balloon is threaded over (Table 2). Coronary vascular resistance is influenced
the guide wire into the descending aorta just below the by neural, metabolic and haemodynamic factors. The
left subclavian artery (Fig 2). The sheath is pulled back coronary arteries are innervated by the sympathetic and
to connect with the cuff on the balloon hub. The cor- parasympathetic nervous systems. Alpha receptor

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Indian Journal of Anaesthesia, August 2008

stimulation causes vasoconstriction while stimulation of

the beta-2 receptor and the vagus nerve causes va-
sodilatation. Regional perfusion is regulated by meta-
bolic factors. Several mediators such as carbon diox-
ide, adenosine, hydrogen ions, phosphate, prostaglan-
dins and potassium cause vasodilatation. When coro-
nary perfusion pressure falls to below 60 mmHg, auto
regulation is lost, the coronary vessels become maxi-
mally dilated and blood flow depends only on perfu-
sion pressure. Haemodynamic factors that affect coro-
nary perfusion include arterial pressure (diastolic pres-
sure), diastolic time and the intra-ventricular pressure.

Table 2 Determinants of myocardial oxygen supply

and demand
Oxygen Supply Oxygen Demand Fig 3 IABP Augmentation.
Autoregulation Heart rate (a) The balloon is timed to inflate just after the
Diastolic perfusion gradient Contractility dicrotic notch, and deflation is triggered by
Diastolic time interval Afterload the R wave of the ECG.
Patency of coronary arteries Pre-load (b) Large arrow indicate IAB pumping. Small
arrows indicate diastolic augmentation.
Physiologic effects of IABP therapy:
The ultimate aim is to increase myocardial oxy-
After confirming the correct placement, the bal- gen supply and decrease myocardial oxygen demand.
loon is connected to a drive console. The IABP is a
volume displacement device designed to provide par- Triggering:
tial assistance to the left ventricle by inflation and defla-
tion of IAB catheter synchronized to the patient’s car- Inflation and deflation need to be correctly timed
diac cycle (Fig 3 ). to the patient’s cardiac cycle. There are seven trigger-
ing modes on the Arrow International IABP console.
By deflating the balloon just prior to the ventricu-
lar systole, inertial resistance to blood flow is reduced a. ECG PATTERN: The height, width and slope of
and left ventricular afterload falls. This results in in- a positively or negatively deflected QRS com-
creased stroke volume and cardiac output (10-40%), plex are analysed by the IABP machine. This is
decrease in heart rate and pulmonary artery wedge the preset (default) trigger mode.
pressures. b. ECG PEAK: The height and slope of a positively
or negatively deflected QRS complex are analysed
Inflation of the balloon at the commencement of
by the IABP machine. This is the trigger mode of
the diastole results in increased aortic diastolic pres-
choice in wide complex rhythms.
sure (up to 70%). Since diastolic blood flow is respon-
sible for 70% of cardiac perfusion, coronary and car- c. A-FIB: The QRS complex is analysed in the same
diac flow should theoretically increase. There is a fall in manner as in the peak mode. This is the trigger
peak systolic arterial pressure of 5%-15%, with no mode of choice in varying R-R intervals as in atrial
change in mean arterial pressures. fibrillation.

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Jatin D Dedhia et al. Intra aortic balloon pump (IABP): past, present and future

d. V PACE: Ventricular signal is used as the trigger ProActive Counter Pulsation is a new IABP sys-
signal. This is the trigger mode of choice in 100% tem which incorporates two new and unique technolo-
ventricular or AV paced rhythms. gies, the WAVE timing algorithm and the ability to moni-
e. A PACE: Atrial spike is used as the trigger signal. tor the Arterial Pressure (AP) signal from a Fibre Op-
This is the trigger mode of choice in 100% atrial tic Source (FOS) using the Fiber Optix™ IAB cath-
paced rhythms. eter. WAVE is an acronym for the Windkessel Aortic
Valve Equation, which automatically sets inflation tim-
f. ARTERIAL PRESSURE: Systolic upstroke of the
ing to occur precisely at the time of the Aortic Valve
arterial pressure waveform as the trigger signal.
Closure (AVC).
This is the trigger mode of choice where ECG
signals are distorted or unavailable. The WAVE algorithm converts the arterial pres-
g. INTERNAL: The balloon inflates and deflates at sure (AP) waveform to understand the patient’s aortic
a preset rate regardless of the patient’s cardiac flow in the cardiac cycle (Fig 4). Aortic valve closure
activity. This mode is used in situations where occurs at the lowest point in the flow wave, after peak
there is no cardiac output or ECG is unavailable. flow occurs. Timing is set within each beat (intra-beat)
for that specific beat, as it occurs. This results in highly
Timing and weaning accurate inflation timing, which is specific to that beat,
Inflation of the IAB should occur at the beginning for that patient at that moment in time.
of diastole, coinciding with the dicrotic notch on the
For setting deflation timing, during an arrhythmia
arterial waveform. Deflation of the balloon should oc- the IABP system automatically detects the irregular
cur immediately prior to the arterial upstroke. Balloon pattern and sets a conservative deflation to occur while
synchronization starts usually at a beat ratio of 1:2. assessing the balloon’s performance in relation to the
Weaning from the IABP may begin by gradually de- patient’s cardiac cycle. The combination of the WAVE
creasing the balloon augmentation ratio. It must be en- inflation timing with automatic ‘R’-Wave deflation tim-
sured that the patient has a sufficiently high platelet count ing results in real-time, beat to beat timing, which cor-
(>100 000/mm3) prior to removal. Direct pressure to responds to the changes in the patient’s cardiac cycle.
the arterial puncture site should be applied for duration The result is an improvement in the haemodynamic ef-
of 30 minutes after removal. fect of IABP during periods of arrhythmia.
ProActive Counter Pulsation: The Fiber Optix™ IAB catheter (Fig 5) incorpo-

Fig 4 WAVE timing algorithm converts Aortic

Pressure to Aortic Flow. The lowest point of the
flow wave corresponds to the AVC event (By Fig 5 Fiber Optix IAB catheter (By permission of
permission of ARROW International, Inc.) ARROW International, Inc.)

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Indian Journal of Anaesthesia, August 2008

rates fibre optic sensor technology into the tip of the circulation by palpating pedal pulses and documenting
IAB catheter. Once zeroed prior to insertion, it does ankle pressures on hourly basis. 10 Absent pulses after
not require any further maintenance, such as re-zeroing IAB removal may need thrombectomy. In the event of
or flush systems. It is immune to electrical interference, visceral arterial occlusion therapy is dictated by spe-
patient movement or activities that interfere with the cific end organ dysfunction. False aneurysm which are
quality of the arterial pressure signal, such as transport. generally associated with previous wound infection,
require operative repair.
AutoPilot automatically:
Balloon rupture is attributed to rough handling and
• Selects ECG and AP signal sources upon connection is recognised by failure to achieve diastolic augmenta-
• Changes ECG and AP sources as required to main- tion and by appearance of blood in balloon shaft.
tain triggering Prompt recognition of cerebral air embolism second-
ary to IABP rupture requires a high level of suspicion
• Selects trigger mode based on patient conditions such and is confirmed by CT scan of Head. 11 Treatment
as heart rate and rhythm consists of immediate discontinuation of counter pulsa-
• Selects timing method based on available signals tion, the application of suction to the balloon, placing
• Sets and adjusts timing in response to patient’s needs. the patient in Trendelenburg’s position, and IAB re-
placement. IAB entrapment is unusual sequela of bal-
Use of low molecular weight dextran and pro- loon membrane rupture and needs open removal.12
phylactic heparin will reduce the incidence of IABP Excessive advancement of balloon causes intermittent
related vascular complications, the majority of which obstruction of arch vessels. When the caudal end of
are thromboembolic in nature. Other complications are the IAB is located within the abdominal aorta, renal
listed in Table 3. and mesenteric obstruction can occur. The use of fluo-
roscopy during balloon placement and chest roentgeno-
Table 3 Complications of IABP gram should eliminate this problem.
Vascular Balloon Miscellaneous
Related Septic complications include fever, bacteremia, su-
Arterial injury Rupture Infection perficial and deep wound infection. Positive blood cul-
Aortic perforation Tear Acute hepatic failure 8
tures will guide to appropriate antibiotic therapy. Wound
infections may need surgical intervention.
Aortic dissection Perforation Entrapment
Peripheral Gas Haemorrhage Haemorrhagic complications results from bleeding
embolization embolization from insertion site or systemic anticoagulation therapy.
False aneurysm. Incorrect Sepsis Groin wound hemorrhage can often be controlled with
positioning compressive dressing. Complication due to systemic anti-
Limb ischemia Thrombocytopenia coagulation therapy consists of correcting the coagulopathy
Visceral ischemia and removing IAB. Balloon-dependent patients can be
Femoral vein cannulation adequately protected with low molecular weight dextran.

Vascular complication rates vary from 6%-24%. Haemodynamic monitoring

Patients with longer balloon duration have increased
risk of a major complication.9 Limb ischemia leads to Haemodynamic monitoring plays an important
fasciotomy or amputation. Aortic dissection is man- role in the management of patients with heart failure.
aged by balloon removal. Thromboembolic complica- The variables which help in assessment include heart
tion can be reduced by proper evaluation of peripheral rate, central venous pressure, arterial blood pressure,
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Jatin D Dedhia et al. Intra aortic balloon pump (IABP): past, present and future

pulmonary artery pressure, pulmonary capillary wedge pulmonary capillary wedge pressure, CO – cardiac
pressure and cardiac output. output, HR – heart rate, BSA – body surface area,
CVP – central venous pressure)
Heart rate reflects cardiac performance, bearing
in mind it may also be affected by other factors. Cen- Haemodynamic assessment
tral arterial blood pressure such as that from the femo-
ral artery is more accurate in the presence of periph- It may be best to position the patients horizontally
eral vasoconstriction. Central venous pressure (CVP) to gain the full benefits of balloon counterpulsation to the
is usually reliable in the absence of heart failure. Pul- coronary circulation. 14 The efficacy of diastolic augmen-
monary artery pressure (PAP) and pulmonary capil- tation can be assessed by clinical improvement in patient’s
lary wedge pressure (PCWP) are very useful in the condition and haemodynamic parameters. Clinically, an
presence of heart failure. They are measured using a awake comfortable patient with reduced frequency and
Swan-Ganz pulmonary artery flotation catheter. The severity of angina is a good sign. Other signs include a
device helps to measure left and right sided filling pres- change in skin temperature, reduction in sweating, a de-
sures and diagnose rare complications. Variations in crease in heart rate and episodes of arrhythmia, an im-
central venous oximetry reflect changes in cardiac out- provement in urine output and the appearance of pe-
put in a linear fashion in the presence of stable oxygen ripheral pulses. Haemodynamic parameters include a
consumption. Cardiac output measurements are under- reduction in PCWP, an increase in arterial blood pres-
taken by the thermo-dilution technique and are taken sure, cardiac output and stroke work index.
at 6 to 8 hour intervals and at any time when the plan of
therapy or the patient condition is changed. Systemic management of patients on IABP

Data Acquisition Other systems need careful attention and man-

agement in patients on IABP. These include renal, res-
Data acquisition includes calculation of clinically useful piratory, haematological, nutritional and neuropsychi-
data. They are cardiac index, left to right shunt, stroke atric management. A decrease in cardiac output and
volume, stroke index, stroke work, left ventricular stroke blood pressure due to cardiac failure results in decrease
work index and systemic vascular resistance. These pa- in renal plasma flow and renal impairment. In high-risk
rameters can be calculated using appropriate formulas. 13 patients undergoing OPCAB (off pump coronary ar-
tery bypass), routine preoperative insertion of IABP
1) Cardiac index = CI (l/min/m2) = cardiac out electively reduces the incidence of acute renal failure.
put /body surface area 15
. Haemodialysis may be required in patients with high
2) Stroke volume = SV (ml) = cardiac output / potassium, uraemia, fluid overload and severe acido-
heart rate sis. Patients admitted with acute myocardial infarction
3) Stroke work = SW (g.m) = MAP – PCWP frequently have pulmonary congestion. Mechanical ven-
CO 0.0136 HR tilation is required for patients with respiratory failure
secondary to cardiac failure, after general anaesthesia
4) Left ventricular stroke work index = LVSWI
and cardiac or respiratory arrest.
(g.m/m2) = SW
BSA The presence of central lines and invasive cath-
5) Systemic vascular resistance = SVR (dyne/sec/ eters need antibiotic prophylaxis.16 Hyperthermia in-
cm-5) = (MAP – CVP) 80 creases myocardial oxygen consumption and should be
treated aggressively. Anticoagulant therapy should be
instituted in patients on IABP. Neuro-psychiatric prob-
(MAP – mean arterial blood pressure, PCWP –
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Indian Journal of Anaesthesia, August 2008

lems can be challenging to deal with and are usually use of IABP has been recommended for patients with
due to prolonged cardiopulmonary bypass. In ITU, blunt cardiac injury and overdose of certain drugs, who
haloperidol is used successfully in the treatment of these fail to respond to conventional treatment. 21-22 IABP in
problems. In patients receiving IABP therapy for more conjunction with cardiopulmonary resuscitation has
than 2 days nutritional support should be instituted as been shown to improve coronary perfusion pressure.
soon as possible.17 Ambulation of patients should be 23

instituted as soon as the IABP catheter is removed.

IABP therapy has been used in children with car-
IABP in special circumstances diac anomalies and heart failure. IABP therapy can serve
as an alternative to ECMO- membrane oxygenators.24
Patients with impaired cardiac function are at high-
risk of developing complications when undergoing gen- Trouble shooting when using IABP
eral anaesthesia and surgery. Use of IABP support pre-
operatively for non-cardiac surgery in high-risk patients Problems may arise while using the equipment for
may be useful in providing haemodynamic stability. 18- counterpulsation. A knowledge of the basic problem
IABP increases coronary blood flow and improves encountered will increase efficiency in management
tissue perfusion in patients with septic shock. 20 The (Table 4).

Table 4 Trouble shooting during counterpulsation

Problem Causes Action
ECG Trouble shooting
•Interference on ECG Faulty lead/electrodes Check electrode contact, replace electrode
•Intermittent ECG Faulty lead/electrodes/patient cable Check electrode contact, replace electrode
•Weak ECG signal Electrode position or poor quality Try alternate lead configuration. Adjust
ECG gain to increase size
Trigger Trouble shooting
•System does not trigger ECG signal too small Increase ECG gain
•System triggers erratically Large A-pacer tails in ECG trigger Select A Pacer trigger
Demand Pacer in V/A-V mode Select ECG or pressure trigger
•System triggers every other Pressure trigger needs Start resynchronisation
cardiac cycle in pressure trigger resynchronisation
Balloon Trouble shooting
•Balloon requires frequent Leak in safety disc Check and replace
pre-loading Loose attachment of patient balloon or fill hose Check and tighten
Leak in balloon Replace if necessary
• Poor augmentation Clogged filter, mufflers, faulty Call service representative
pressure regulators
Leak in balloon, safety disk Check and replace
• Cannot auto-fill No Helium Replace Helium cylinder
Malfunction in auto-fill Use Manual fill
Power-up Trouble shooting
•Cannot pump in portable mode Low battery charge Recharge battery to full

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Jatin D Dedhia et al. Intra aortic balloon pump (IABP): past, present and future

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The text of original articles should be divided into sections with the headings: Sum-
mary, Key-words, Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, References, Tables and
Figure legends. For a brief report include Summary, Key-words, Introduction, Case
report, Discussion, Reference, Tables and Legends in that order. Do not use subhead-
ings in these sections. Use double spacing throughout. Number pages consecutively,
beginning with the title page.

Abstract Maximum Text Maximum No. of Maximum No.

Word Length Word Length Figures/Tables of References

Review Article 250 4000 8 90

Special Article 250 3500 5 50

Clinical Investigation 250 3000 5 30

Case Report 100 1000 3 10

Letter to Editor N/A 500 1 5

Pramila Bajaj
Editor, IJA


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