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Practice Building | roundtable | research & applications lab talk patient care

Minimal-Preparation Veneers
a computer image that acts as a guide
for the clinician as to where he or she
needs to reduce the convex areas and
how to eliminate any undercuts (Figure
From the laboratory’s perspective, using the platinum-foil technique with minimally invasive
3). Teeth Nos. 6 and 11 were deemed to
preparation techniques can yield very satisfactory results. be 1 mm long and were reduced with a
By A. T. Klemma, DDS | Luke Kahng, CDT medium-grit diamond. The sharp edges

and convex areas were also reduced.
All of the reduced areas were polished
with a rubber cup to give the technician
orcelain veneers and clinician asks about the laboratory’s the multi-porcelain layering technique smooth surfaces with which to work.
their preparation de- perspective on no-preparation veneers, would cover the discoloration and result Polyether impressions were taken, the
signs have come full the authors’ answer is that success de- in a harmonious smile. After speaking co-author’s proprietary Chair Side
circle over the last 30 pends on proper case selection and the to the laboratory, the clinician gath- Shade Selection Guide was used to help
years. From the origi- patient’s goals. Several factors lend ered the necessary information, which laboratory communication (Figure 4),
nal designs of minimal themselves to a successful outcome in included digital photographs, polyether and the patient was dismissed. By using
tooth reduction to the no-preparation veneer cases: spacing impressions of the patient’s teeth, and a this minimal-preparation technique,
gross over-reduction of tooth structure, between teeth, teeth that need to be request that the patient visit the labora- no anesthesia or temporaries were
we are now heading back to a more con- lengthened, and teeth that do not need tory to evaluate the trial veneer. Several necessary, to the delight of the patient
servative preparation, which can yield to be lightened more than three shades. veneers were fabricated for the evalua- and the clinician.
a very satisfactory result. Minimal or The following case will illustrate how tion process. When the patient arrived
no-preparation veneers are heavily ad- even when all three of these rules are for his scheduled appointment at the Laboratory Procedures
vertised as the answer to our patients’ violated, with careful use of the multi- laboratory, the trial veneers were tried The platinum foil had to be prepared
cosmetic needs—which they can be if porcelain layering technique, a success- in with water soluble try-in paste and before the porcelain build-up could
they are used correctly in the appro- ful result can still be achieved. evaluated by the patient and his parents. be applied (Figure 5). GC Initial™ (GC
priate case. The multi-porcelain veneers were well America; porce-
For years, laboratory technicians Case Description received by the patient and he and his lain was applied to the dentinal area, as
have asked clinicians for more room A 17-year-old boy presented with sig- parents scheduled an appointment at well as placed to get some side-effect
on the veneer preparation to allow for nificant discoloration on all of his the clinician’s office for minimal-prep- enamel (Figure 6). In the next step, GC
the placement of several different por- teeth, in particular the anterior teeth aration veneers. Initial cervical translucency modifier
celains to give a natural look to the ve- (Figure 1 and Figure 2). He and his par- The appointment for minimal-prep- was applied (Figure 7). The eight fin-
neer. The room needed for some types ents sought esthetic correction of this aration veneers is a very simple ap- ished veneers fabricated by using the
of veneers was actually 0.8 mm to 1.5 problem, and they had been presented pointment. The laboratory generates multi-layering technique are displayed
mm. This is quite a difference from the with a treatment plan of veneers with
original idea of not destroying any tooth reduction of the tooth structure. They
structure to help the patient receive an were a little reluctant to proceed with
improved smile. In some carefully se- that course and sought a second opin-
lected cases of no-preparation veneers, ion. Because of the patient’s young age,
the author has seen outcomes that par- the clinician’s first thought was to try to
allel a full-preparation veneer case in restore the anterior dentition in a non-
copying nature’s beauty. So when a invasive technique using a conservative
composite approach. Several mock-ups
were performed to evaluate whether fig. 1 fig. 2
the discolorations could be masked by
A. T. Klemma, DDS
Private Practice
the direct bonding technique. Several
Schaumburg, Illinois different shades were used along with
a composite opaquing system to try to
mask the discoloration while restoring
the teeth to natural brilliance. After mix-
ing and matching composite material as
a possible solution, it was determined
that the composite results were not the
Luke Kahng, CDT
LSK121 Oral Prosthetics solution that had been hoped for. It was
Naperville, Illinois at this point that the clinician called the fig. 3 laboratory about the possibility of us-
ing a minimal-preparation veneer tech- PRETREATMENT (1. & 2.) A 17-year-old boy presented with significant dis-
nique as a solution to the problem. The coloration on all of his teeth, in particular the anterior teeth. Using the Chair
Side Shade Selection Guide, the patient’s surface texture was checked as
laboratory’s thinking was to fabricate part of the custom shading process. (3.) A computer image generated by
a trial veneer that would determine if the laboratory acts as a guide for the clinician as to where he or she needs
to reduce the convex areas and how to eliminate any undercuts.
2 inside dentistry | November/December 2009 |
Exchange Lab Talk

on a mirror (Figure 8). Measuring the

veneers with a caliper reveals their con-
tact lens-like thinness, 0.2 mm in the
lateral areas and 0.3 mm in the body of
the veneer (Figure 9).
The veneers for teeth Nos. 8 and 9
were tried in the mouth for fit and ap-
pearance (Figure 10). After the patient
approved the two centrals, teeth Nos. 9
through 12 were tried in with a water- fig. 4 fig.8 fig.12
soluble try-in paste and evaluated by
the patient for any possible changes that
he would like accomplished before final
cementation (Figure 11). After final ap-
proval, the teeth were pumiced, etched,
and bonded into place (Figure 12).

“For years, fig. 5 fig. 9 fig. 13

technicians have
asked clinicians
for more room on
the veneer
preparation to
allow for the fig. 6 fig. 10 fig. 14

placement of
several different
porcelains to give
a natural look to
the veneer. ”
fig. 7 fig. 11 fig. 15

PLATINUM FOIL (4.) The propri- CEMENTATION (8.) The eight FINAL RESULTS (12.) After final
In a photograph taken while looking etary Chair Side Shade Selection finished veneers are displayed on a approval, the teeth were pumiced,
Guide was used to help laboratory mirror. (9.) A caliper reveals the ve- etched, and bonded into place. (13.)
down over the top of the patient’s head, communication. (5.) The platinum neers’ contact lens-like thinness, 0.2 In this view, taken over the top of
the beautiful thin margins are clearly ev- foil was prepared. (6.) Porcelain mm in the lateral areas and 0.3 mm the patient’s head, the beautiful
ident (Figure 13). One of the clinician’s was applied to the dentinal area in the body. (10.) The veneers for thin margins are clearly evident.
and placed to get some side-effect teeth Nos. 8 and 9 were tried in the (14.) The finished restorations im-
main concerns about this case was the enamel as well.(7.) Cervical translu- mouth for fit and appearance. (11.) mediately after cementation. (15.) A
marginal thickness, but the technician cency modifier was applied. Teeth Nos. 9 through 12 were tried portrait of the happy patient.
found that he could reach natural tooth in with a water-soluble try-in paste.
form because the previous gingival area
was under-contoured. Figure 14 shows
the finished restorations immediately psychological bonus for the patient. incisal edge position, tooth contours, Conversely, for simple two-color ve-
after cementation, and Figure 15 is a With minimal or no preparation, there and occlusion. neers, no preparation will have close to
portrait of the patient. is no temporization involved, which is a Often, patients cannot really describe the same effect as a traditional prepara-
plus for the patient, too, because most what they want to accomplish by having tion. Everyone will be pleased with the
Conclusion patients do not care for anesthetization. veneers placed on their teeth. If they are results if that is the look they are inter-
No-preparation veneers are a sought- But when the clinician considers the looking for opal and clear translucency ested in. It all depends on the percep-
after treatment for esthetic smile im- amount of preparation necessary for a and mamelon, this cannot be accom- tion of the patient and the clinician as
provement. There are several reasons porcelain veneer, he or she must keep plished with no or minimum prepara- to how they will view the final outcome
for this popularity. Obviously, the lack in mind the patient’s goal, as well as the tion. A traditional preparation will be and whether or not they will both be
of preparation is one; this alone is a cant, lip position and fullness, color, needed to create this illusion. satisfied. | November/December 2009 | inside dentistry 3

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