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Acta Astronautica 64 (2009) 925 – 934

Design of a high performance suspension for lunar rover based

on evolution
Baichao Chena,∗ , Rongben Wanga , Yang Jiab , Lie Guoa , Lu Yanga
a Intelligent Vehicle Group, Traffic college, JiLin University, China
b China Academy of Space Technology, Beijing, China

Received 7 March 2008; received in revised form 17 October 2008; accepted 4 November 2008
Available online 21 December 2008

In this paper, we propose a new suspension for lunar rover called obverse and reverse four-linkage suspension (ORF-L
suspension for short). Its two components are designed based on the evolutions of bogie and rocker. Firstly, we analyze the
character of bogie and research the approach to improve its performance. Based on that research, an evolved mechanism of
bogie is proposed, named obverse four-linkage. It has better capacity than bogie. In addition an evolved mechanism of rocker
is also proposed, named reverse four-linkage. The bogie, rocker and their evolved mechanisms can compose four available
suspensions including the interested ORF-L suspension. Because ORF-L suspension is composed of two evolved mechanisms, it
has the highest performance. In order to check that, the performance comparison between ORF-L suspension and rocker-bogie
suspension are carried out based on simulation. Finally, a prototype rover with ORF-L suspension is designed and manufactured.
It shows excellent performance as expected.
Crown Copyright © 2008 Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Suspension; Four-linkage; Lunar rover; Exploration vehicle

1. Introduction suspension is used in Sojourner, Rocky7, MER, FIDO,

etc by NASA [1,2]; parallel architecture of the bo-
Wheeled locomotive system can move in various gies and spring suspended fork suspension is used in
kinds of soils with high efficiency. And not only are its SHRIMP by Swiss federal institute of technology, etc.
impact load, energy consumption and abrasion smaller, [3]; pentad grade assist suspension is used in Mcro5
but also its configuration is simpler than other types of by ISAS Japan [4,5]; RCL Concept series and CRAB
locomotive systems, for example tracked locomotive are also used in prototype vehicles for mars by ESA
system. Therefore wheeled locomotive system is used and ASL [6,7], and so on. Even though all suspensions
broadly in planet exploration. However, it is weak in are designed to perform well in rough terrain, each
trafficability, in order to enhance it, all kinds of sus- design has its advantages and drawbacks. For example,
pensions are developed. For example, rocker-bogie the SHRIMP with parallel architecture of the bogies
and spring suspended fork suspension has excellent
climbing capacity, but its platform stationarity is not so
∗ Corresponding author. well as a result of rear wheel being fixed on platform
E-mail address: (B. Chen). directly. Therefore it is still necessary to develop a new
0094-5765/$ - see front matter Crown Copyright © 2008 Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
926 B. Chen et al. / Acta Astronautica 64 (2009) 925 – 934

suspension to enhance the performance of wheeled invariance and ground clearance restrain each other. In
locomotion system completely. order to make a tradeoff, a proper  or  ought to be
Because Sojourner and MER had worked success- existent.
fully on Mars and all their suspensions are rocker-bogie The climbing of bogie can be regarded that the
suspension, rocker-bogie suspension is very worth re- torque which is loaded in bogie to help wheel climb
searching. Therefore, this paper starts with the analysis (active torque) overcomes the torque which is loaded
of rocker and bogie, and then proposes a new suspen- in bogie to prevent wheel from climbing (negative
sion mechanism based on the evolutions of rocker and torque). For bogie, no matter how to adjust the shape,
bogie. length and location of pivot, the climbing capacity is
still weak. That is because the torque for wheel 1 to
climb and that for wheel 2 to climb are restrained each
2. Obverse four-linkage mechanism design other and those adjustments cannot break this restraint.
In other words, the weak climbing capacity is inher-
2.1. The character of bogie ent for bogie and cannot be enhanced by optimizing.
Thus we must design a new mechanism to break that
Bogie is a component of rocker-bogie suspension. restraint.
The bogie of Mar rover Sojourner is shown in Fig. 1.
Because it is a curved bar, its stability is not strong and 2.2. Approach to enhance climbing capacity of bogie
it is easy to overturn on uneven road.
The pivot point of bogie and the center points of Through Section 2.1, we know that the bogie stability
wheel 1 and wheel 2 make the angles  and , and form and the wheel load invariance of Rocky7 are better than
a triangle (see Fig. 1). Through analyzing the stability those of Sojourner. Therefore the research starts with
of triangle, we know that the bigger the angle  the more the bogie of Rocky7.
easily the triangle turns clockwise; the bigger angle  The correlative parameters are given in Fig. 3(a) when
the more easily the triangle turns counter-clockwise. wheel 1 contacts obstacle. The forces and torques of
Additionally, when one wheel is uplifted relative to the wheel 1 giving bogie are F1 and Tf1 . The forces and
other one on uneven road, the bigger the angles  and  torques of wheel 2 giving bogie are F2 and Tf2 . The
the more the variation of wheel load is and the bigger distances between the pivot point of bogie and the cen-
the probability of bogie turnover is. ters of wheel 1 and wheel 2 are, respectively, L1 and
In order to enhance the stability of bogie and decrease L2 . The active torque for climbing is T1 , clockwise. The
the variation of wheel load, it is necessary to adjust the negative torque for climbing is T2 , counter-clockwise.
bogie to make the angles  and  less or even zero as The arms of F1 and F2 are Lb1 and Lb2 . The angles
the bogie of Rocky7 [8] shown in Fig. 2. Rocky7 is a re- between bogie and the arms of F1 and F2 are, respec-
formative type of Sojourner by NASA and its bogie is a tively, 1 and 2 . The angle between horizon and F1
straight bar. But that adjustment also decreases the clear- is 1 . The angle between horizon and F2 is 2 . The
ance between bogie and ground, which leads the bogie angles between bogie and horizon are, respectively, 1
likely to be blocked with obstacles. Although to shorten and 2 .
the length of bogie as Rocky7 can decrease the proba- When wheel 1 contacting obstacle, as a rule
bility blocked with obstacles, but which also decreases 0 < 1 < 90◦ and 0 < 2 < 90◦ . Through Fig. 3(a),
the stability. Thus, for bogie, stability, wheel load the smaller 1 the bigger T1 is. Obviously, 1 can be

Fig. 1. Sojourner and its rocker-bogie suspension.

B. Chen et al. / Acta Astronautica 64 (2009) 925 – 934 927

Fig. 2. Rocky7 and its rocker-bogie suspension.

Fig. 3. The parametric model of bogie: (a) the original state of bogie (where 1 = 0, 2 = 0); (b) the state of bogie being tilted.

decreased through head-up tilting the bogie (1 will be With the same way, it is not difficult to prove that
decreased to zero when 1 increase to 90◦ −1 ), see when wheel 2 contacting obstacle, the capacity of climb-
Fig. 3(b). Thus the active torque T1 increases when ing obstacle can be also enhanced under that pose.
the pose of bogie is head-up. Furthermore, from hor- Under that pose, the clearance between bogie and
izontal pose to this tilting pose, 2 goes up. Because ground is increased. The bogie stability is very high
T2 = F2 ×Lb2 = F2 ×L2 ×sin (2 −2 ) and 2 goes up, when wheel 2 is to climb obstacle. The question is that
T2 goes down. Thus the negative torque goes down un- the bogie stability is not so high when wheel 1 is to
der that pose. climb obstacle, because the followed turn of bogie will
According to above analysis, we know that when make angle 2 bigger (see also the analysis of Section
wheel 1 contacting obstacle, the capacity of climbing 2.1). But this trouble can be solved by twisting the bogie
obstacle will be enhanced (the active torque of climb- and increasing the length of L2 , as shown in Fig. 4.
ing increased and the negative torque decreased) if the According to the analysis of this section, we can draw
bogie is head-up tilted. a conclusion that the tilted and twisted bogie has strong
928 B. Chen et al. / Acta Astronautica 64 (2009) 925 – 934

climbing capacity and it is also good in mechanism motion trajectories and forces of the corresponding
stability and wheel load invariance. wheels are the same under the pivots with cross-shaped
mark being fixed. Therefore the obverse four-linkage
2.3. Obverse four-linkage mechanism design mechanism can have the same advantages as the tilted
and twisted bogie.
Above analysis has confirmed the advantages of the
tilted and twisted bogie. In order to perform those ex- 3. Reverse four-linkage mechanism design
cellent performances in practice, we must find a proper
equivalent mechanism, because that tilting pose of bo- We propose a reverse four-linkage mechanism based
gie cannot be kept in practical work. on the evolution of the rocker of bogie-rocker suspen-
Based on kinematics and mechanics [9], we proposed sion, shown in Fig. 6(b). The following analysis shows
an equivalent mechanism of the tilted and twisted bo- that the new mechanism has better performance than
gie, named obverse four-linkage mechanism, shown in the rocker shown in Fig. 6(a).
Fig. 5. The reverse four-linkage mechanism has four pivot
When obverse four-linkage is a parallel architecture points and the rocker has one pivot point. In order to
and the lengths and slope angles of corresponding link- simulate the actual working status, the pivots marked
ages between the two mechanisms are the same, the with cross are fixed and linkages can turn round the
fixed pivots freely.

3.1. Climbing capacity comparison

We make rocker and reverse four-linkage the same in

linkage sizes, corresponding angles, forces and torques
in order to compare them in justice (see Fig. 6). The
load from cab is G. The force and torque of wheel giv-
ing linkage are F3 and Tf3 . When wheel 3 contacting
obstacle, as a rule 0 < 3 < 90◦ (see also Fig. 3). The
Fig. 4. The tilted and twisted bogie of Rocky7. balance torques Te1 and Te2 are loaded, respectively,

Fig. 5. Bogie and its equivalent mechanisms.

Fig. 6. The parametric models of rocker and its evolved mechanism (reverse four-linkage): (a) rocker; (b) reverse four-linkage.
B. Chen et al. / Acta Astronautica 64 (2009) 925 – 934 929

Fig. 7. The parametric models of rocker and reverse four-linkage when wheel 3 climbing up obstacle: (a) rocker; (b) reverse four-linkage.

in the two load linkage ends to prevent wheel from the load linkage (see Fig. 7). The location to connect
climbing. Thus the climbing capacity of mechanism can cab is marked with quadrate. In initial state, the load
be reflected by its balance torque Te . The bigger the linkages of the two mechanisms are all horizontal (see
balance torque the stronger the climbing capacity is. Fig. 6).
The Te1 and Te2 can be written as follows: In the two mechanisms, the height of wheel 3 being
Te1 = F3 × [sin(3 ) × (L 3 + L 4 + c tan() × H1 ) lifted by obstacle is H2 . The slope angles of the two
load linkages are 1 and 2 . Thus, to compare 1 with
+ cos(3 ) × H1 ] − T f 3 − G × L 3 (1) 2 can evaluate the stationarities of the two cabs. 1 and
 2 are written as follows:
H1 × sin(3 + ) × F3 − T f 3  
Te2 = × sin() H2 − H1 + L 6 × sin(1 )
sin( + ) × L 5 × sin() 1 = arcsin (5)
 L3 + L4
+F3 × sin(3 ) × (L 3 +L 4 ) − G × L 3 (2)  
H2 − H1 + L 6 × sin(2 )
2 = arcsin (6)
L3 + L4
where R is the radius of wheel, f is the friction coeffi-
cient between wheel and ground. Thus T f 3 = F3 × R× f . Based on the kinematics of reverse four-linkage
We make , ,  = 45◦ and 0 < f < 1. The comparison mechanism, the turning direction of load linkage is the
between Te1 and Te2 can be written as follows: same as the direction of wheel linkage turning relative
to load linkage. Thus there is 180◦ − (2 + 2 ) > 180◦ −
H1 × sin(45◦ +3 ) × F3 −T f 3
Te2 − Te1 = (L 3 +L 4 ) (1 + 1 ) when the two load linkages turn counter-
L5 clockwise as the result of wheel 3 climbing up obstacle.

− 2 × F3 × H1 × sin(3 +45◦ ) + T f 3 According to Eqs. (5) and (6),  = f () is an increasing
(3) function. Based on above analysis, it is not difficult to
deduce 2 < 1 . Therefore the rover with reverse four-
According to Eq. (3), Te2 − Te1 can be more than zero linkage mechanism has better cab stationarity than the
when L5 meets the below inequation: rover with rocker when wheel 3 climbs up obstacle.
H1 × sin(45◦ + 3 ) × F3 − T f 3 With the same way, it is not difficult to draw the same
L5 < √ (L 3 + L 4 ) conclusion when wheel 3 goes down into crater.
2 × F3 × H1 × sin(3 + 45◦ ) − T f 3
(4) 4. Obverse and reverse four-linkage suspension
Thus the reverse four-linkage mechanism with proper design
design has better climbing capacity than the rocker.
Through Sections 2 and 3, we know that obverse four-
3.2. Cab stationarity comparison linkage mechanism (OF-L) has the better performances
than bogie and reverse four-linkage mechanism (RF-L)
The Sojourner’s cab is attached to the load linkage has also the better performances than rocker. It is rea-
(rocker) through an averaging mechanism [10,11]. That sonable to confirm that the suspension composed of
is an advisable method to connect cab and this method OF-L and RF-L is high-performance (this conclusion is
is also adopted in our rover. Thus we can evaluate the also validated by simulation in Section 6). With an avail-
cab stationarities through evaluating the slope angles of able combination of OF-L and RF-L being achieved,
930 B. Chen et al. / Acta Astronautica 64 (2009) 925 – 934

a new high performance suspension is born, named ob- ORF-L suspension and OF-L-rocker suspension are
verse and reverse four-linkage suspension (ORF-L sus- all novel suspensions without being used. The bogie-
pension), shown in Fig. 8. ORF-L suspension includes RF-L suspension is similar to the suspension of RCL
six linkages and seven pivot points. The installation and Concept-C rover by ESA, and the bogie-rocker suspen-
use methods of ORF-L suspension are the same as those sion is used in Sojourner, MER and other prototype
of rocker-bogie suspension. rovers by NASA.
ORF-L suspension inherits the advantages of OF-L We think that the performances of suspension can be
and RF-L, thus it has higher performances than bogie- decided by the performances of its component mecha-
rocker suspension in climbing obstacle, cab stationarity, nisms more or less, and based on that, the relative per-
wheel load invariance and suspension stability. formances of above four suspensions can be inferred.
The result is shown in Table 1.
5. Combination mechanisms analysis
6. Simulation validation
OF-L, RF-L, bogie and rocker can compose four
available suspensions, named, respectively, ORF-L sus- 6.1. Simulation model
pension, OF-L-rocker suspension, bogie-RF-L suspen-
sion and bogie-rocker suspension, shown in Fig. 9. Aiming at the ORF-L suspension rover and the bogie-
rocker suspension rover, some simulation comparison
works are carried out based on ADAMS. In simulation,
no control is set and all wheel velocities are a constant
According to the design requirements of Chinese
lunar rover, the outline size and mass of the ORF-L
suspension rover model (ORF-L rover for short) are
determined. For a fair comparison, the bogie-rocker
suspension rover model (Rocker-Bogie rover for short)
is designed with the same size and mass of ORF-L
The same parameters are as followed: outline size
is 1.5 m×1.0 m×0.8 m; rover mass is 200 kg; wheel
Fig. 8. Rover model with ORF-L suspension. mass is 3.5 kg; centroid height is 500 mm; diameter and

Fig. 9. The combination mechanisms: (a) ORF-L; (b) OF-L-rocker; (c) Bogie-RF-L; (d) Bogie-rocker.

Table 1
Performance comparisons of the four suspensions

Performance Climbing obstacle Cab stationarity Mechanism stability Wheel load invariance Weight and complexity

OF-L-rocker B C B B B
Bogie-RF-L B B C C B
Bogie-rocker C C C C A

Note: excellent A; good B; fair C.

B. Chen et al. / Acta Astronautica 64 (2009) 925 – 934 931

Fig. 10. The structures and sizes of two rover models: (a) ORF-L rover; (b) Rocker-Bogie rover.

Fig. 11. The course of the two rovers crossing the different height obstacles.

Fig. 12. Comparison of friction coefficients of two rovers.

width of wheel are 300 and 200 mm; wheeltrack is all the acceleration is set at 9.8 m/s2 and wheel velocity is at
same, and the wheelbase between front-wheel and rear- 0.3 rad/s. The structures and sizes of ORF-L rover and
wheel is 1200 mm. In the course of simulation, gravity Rocker-Bogie rover are shown in Fig. 10.
932 B. Chen et al. / Acta Astronautica 64 (2009) 925 – 934

Fig. 13. Comparison of invariance coefficients of two rovers.

Fig. 14. Comparison of cab pitch angle of two rovers.

6.2. Simulation and comparison 6.2.1. Comparison of friction coefficient

The friction condition needed in climbing can re-
To increase the friction coefficient between wheel and flects the climb capacity of rover. The smaller the fric-
ground until Rocker-Bogie rover and ORF-L rover all tion coefficient the stronger the climbing capacity is.
can climb over the 250 mm-high obstacle, and then to Fig. 12, respectively, shows the friction coefficients of
measure some interesting parameters. Fig. 11 shows the front wheels, middle wheels and rear wheels of the two
course of the two rovers crossing the different height rovers during crossing the 250 mm-high obstacle. Dur-
obstacles (the arrows in Fig. 11 are the forces of ground ing the time of zone A, the front wheels of ORF-L rover
giving wheels). contact, climb up and detach from obstacle. With the
B. Chen et al. / Acta Astronautica 64 (2009) 925 – 934 933

same state, zone B, C and D, E, F corresponds, respec-

tively, to middle, rear wheels of ORF-L rover and front,
middle, rear wheels of Rocker-Bogie rover. Obviously,
the friction coefficients leap and come to peak at the
moments of wheels contacting obstacle, therefore those
moments are the most difficult for wheel to climb. Ac-
cording to Fig. 12 the friction coefficients of ORF-L
rover are all less than 0.7, but for Rocker-Bogie rover
the maximum friction coefficient is close to 1.0. There-
fore the climb capacity of ORF-L rover is stronger than
that of Rocker-Bogie rover, which is the same as the
conclusion of the analysis in Sections 4 and 5.

6.2.2. Comparison of invariance coefficient of wheel

The invariance coefficient of wheel load is also an
important performance index for rover. It reflects the Fig. 15. The prototype lunar rover with ORF-L suspension.
variation degree of wheel load in rough terrain, and
the smaller the value the less the wheel sinkage is and
the more the wheel tractive power is. The invariance 7. Experiments
coefficient is defined as followed:
A prototype lunar rover with ORF-L suspension is
Invariance coefficient designed, shown in Fig. 15. Because the key technolo-
current wheel load − initial wheel load gies of ORF-L suspension in manufacture and instal-
initial wheel load lation are the same as that of rocker-bogie suspension,
ORF-L suspension has good practical value.
Fig. 13, respectively, shows the load invariance coef- Some interesting tests are carried out on lunar sim-
ficients of front wheels, middle wheels and rear wheels ulation ground to check the practical performances of
of the two rovers during crossing the 250 mm-high ob- rocker-bogie suspension. In test, the rover passes over
stacle. Obviously, the coefficients of ORF-L rover are various typical blocks and craters facilely, and not only
smaller than those of Rocker-Bogie rover. is its cab relatively stationary but also the loads in six
wheels is relatively homogeneous. The test states are
partially shown in Fig. 16.
6.2.3. Comparison of cab pitch angle
Cab stationarity can be evaluated through measuring
the pitch angle of cab, and the smaller the angle the 8. Conclusion
better the cab stationarity is. From Fig. 14, it is obvious
that the pitch angle of ORF-L rover cab is nearly sym- In this article we use an effective method to de-
metric and the maximum pitch angle of ORF-L rover sign the suspension of lunar rover, which is evolution.
cab is smaller than that of Rocker-Bogie rover cab. Based on that, we design a high-performance suspen-
sion, called ORF-L suspension and evaluate the relative
performances of four different evolutionary suspen-
6.3. Simulation conclusions sions. Because ORF-L suspension has the all-round
excellent performance, it can make rover interesting
In simulation, the ORF-L rover performs more ex- to cross higher obstacles rather than to avoid and go
cellent performances than Rocker-Bogie rover in climb- down steeper slope instead of abandoning. Its good
ing obstacle, wheel load invariance and cab stationarity. cab stationarity is in favor of the on-board instruments
That verifies the conclusions of the theory analysis in to work. Its good wheel load invariance can decrease
Sections 3–5. Meanwhile, we find there are also some wheel sinkage and produce more tractive power. Its
the same trends in the performance curves of two mod- key technologies in manufacture and installation are
els. We think that those improvements and similarities the same as those of bogie-rocker suspension, which
just reflect the effect of evolving. makes it has high working reliability.
934 B. Chen et al. / Acta Astronautica 64 (2009) 925 – 934

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