Behavior Systems

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Behavior System


Lori Staples
System Definition

• When a disruptive behavior occurs the classroom teacher is

responsible for dealing with the student(s)
• If they cannot deal with the behavior and it becomes a safety
concern the office is called and a behavior strategist responds
• The behavior strategist stays with the student in the classroom or
removes the student from their peers and discusses the displayed
• The student is returned to class by the behavior strategist when
they feel they are calm
Assessment of current system

• Teachers enter behavior referrals into Infinite Campus

- level 1 if handled in the classroom by teacher
- level 2 is support was needed
• If a level 2 is entered teachers are responsible for calling the
family of the student and explaining the situation
• Behavior referrals do not deter students from disruptive behavior
they are only used for data collection
Problems with our current system

• There is a lack of communication between the behavior strategist

and classroom teachers
• Students see the teachers as ineffective in managing classrooms
• There is not an opportunity for the teacher and student to discuss
the behavior and preventative measures for next time so there is a
plan moving forward
• Students do not see a reason to stop disruptive behavior
System Effectiveness

Referral Data
September: 357 Total referrals
Level 1- 54, Level 2- 302, Level 3- 1
Out of bounds- 94
Major Defiance- 75
Major Physical Contact- 115
Observations from teachers
• No consequences for any behavior
• Work avoidance
• No communication
Archetype: Shifting the Burden to the

Behavior Strategist
(external intervention)

Disruptive Student Behavior

(problem symptom) Classroom

Classroom Teacher responds

to student behavior
(internal solution)
Analyze Causes

• Students do not see why they should stop disruptive behavior

- no consequences to their actions
- small population that makes up most of the disruptive behaviors
• Teachers do not feel supported in their behavior concerns
• Miscommunication among staff
- beliefs
- expectations
Improvement Plan

• Disaggregate the data to see which students receive the most

• As a team supports will be put in place for students who consistently
display disruptive behavior
• Teachers and behavior strategist will have open communication about
student behavior
• Behavior strategist will take on the role as a coach- not just respond
to behavior calls
• Track referral data in IC, call log data, and survey teachers
• Data will be viewed weekly on the targeted students to see if the plan
is working

• Behavior strategist will review September and October data to look for
• Small group of students will be identified to pilot plan
• Behavior strategist and classroom teachers will meet to place supports for
students (open communication)
• Behavior strategist will be in classrooms, as a coach for the teacher, during
peak behavior times
• If behavior occurs the teacher will handle the behavior and the strategist
will teach the class
• If necessary consequences will occur, agreement between the teacher and
behavior strategist (natural consequences)
• Referrals will be entered in Infinite Campus and data review will occur

• Behavior strategist and teachers will review data weekly on the

group of pilot students
• Discuss how the plan is working and make tweaks to the student
supports as necessary
- are there less referrals?
- are teachers able to handle the behaviors independently?
• If the referral data and teacher perception data is improving the
plan will continue; if not, we will go back to the do phase and
make necessary changes

• The principal will address the staff to explain the rationale for the new
behavior system and the components
• Data will be used to identify students and teachers needing
coaching from behavior strategist
• The behavior strategist will coach teachers through dealing with
disruptive behavior
• As teachers grow in their management system in their class rooms the
behavior strategist can continue coaching other teachers
• Alleviate the “putting out fires” and allow behavior strategist to coach
teachers to be independent

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