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The Floppy


The NAILAB Newsletter

Volume 1, Issue 1

hat does your TEDxChange walks in the door idea drivers.
dream look like.. like in an old western, guns
Tonee Ndungu was the pitch
World over, most blazing! Say we get these ideas
Inside this issue: carrier for the NaiLab. Three
people quite simply don’t and match them up with a
minutes on a stage would allow
know. This is not because they couple of drivers and see
him to sell the NaiLab concept
lack any sort of intellectual where this goes. What say you?
Why Local Technology Matters 2 and present the three main
insight, neither is it because
needs the NaiLab had. Money
they have it. Its is mostly be-
could not be one of the needs.
cause they don’t have all the
NaiLab at TEDxPSU 2 ingredients: people! After the eight individual pitch-
es, each idea driver would have
TEDxChange - Amsterdam was
two 40 minute sessions with
about people. TED is a global
Nov - Dec 2010 Activity Calendar 2 ten people on his or her table
conference that brings people
for a “way forward” conversa-
from all over the world to
tion meant to concretize part-
share some of their best ideas.
Design Our Space: A Competition 3 nerships, expand networks and
A global conversation from a solidify resources (mostly in
local level. Words like “Glocal” knowledge management and
What You Can Expect 3 come to mind when you think best practices).
of the context the videos have
This newsletter is the NaiLab
had. They embrace a local but That was the drive behind
story after outlining the journey
also global context. In fact, the TEDxChange Amsterdam and
An Appreciation: THANKS 3 since then. Meet the people,
limitations set on the ideas exactly what happened at the
see the space, understand the
shared on TED.Com are as far Dialogues House of ABN AM-
dream, know the progress and
as the people applying them are RO Bank on the 20th of Sep-
The True Size Of Africa 4 tember 2010. A super-talented
see yourself in the growth of
willing to go. The single most
the Nairobi Laboratory - the
persistent setback with ideas cluster of 100 professionals
Digital Media Consultancy and
however is just that...they are were the audience hosting eight
Incubation Lab.

creativity and versatility that is A new design is in the works.
necessary to accommodate for We will talk more about how
othing beats creating new and rich media means we are getting the design in
something for others. From building the space that will page 3 but this we guarantee, it
fashion to food, work to sport, encompass these divergent and will be the space in the region
living space to working space sometimes clashing elements. for digital media consultation
and areas for learning to areas and incubation.
The 3D video on our
to create. The NaiLab, for website has Keep an eye on this space, the
many of those that will be in
been long deemed unfit to designs and sketches will be
this space, will be all of these.
cater for the environment we coming up over the next month
The challenge of creating a are working to build. The as more conclusive designs get
culture of professionalism and drawing boards are now out moved from concept to con-
efficiency while maintaining a and the pencils sharpened.. crete. We can’t wait!
Page 2 The Floppy

Why Local Technology Matters

communicate, others use social maybe it is a big problem. What
you have been networking. Some carry laptops can localized technology do to
one to travel, while others need little more help solve this problem.
there are a couple of than their blackberry, iPhone or
How about the Nokia Data
things that will always Android mobiles.
Gathering tool that converts a
draw you closer to or
Therein lies the importance of simple Nokia phone (E63) into a
further away from
local technology - not borrowed Birth registration tool. Infor-
memorable trip. The
or copy-paste. Here is a simple mation collected in an on-phone
main ones are the
example of how this can be more form including a photograph
pertinent in the developing world captured from its camera can be
people, history, archi-
than anywhere else in the world. sent to a government phone
tecture, language and
number as a series of intelligent
sometimes the most UBR stands for Universal Birth
SMS* texts that convert into a
Ugandan local food: technology, like important one; food! Registration. This is a right every
form once received. An automat-
local delicacies is not always the same in child in the world as that includes
So why should technology be any ed system then prints and faxes
every part of the world. birth registration, vaccination and
different? While some people the forms to relevant offices
a birth certificate. There is a little
prefer to use credit cards, others including the child’s parents.
problem of infrastructure in most
use mobile phones. While some Problem solved!
parts of the developing world. So
see e-mails as the fastest way to

NaiLab at TEDxPSU
“This, I must caution F or students at Penn State
University, the idea of a
locally started locally run digital
Tonee Ndungu, the creative mind
in the NaiLab was there to make
the presentation. Among many
to have a network that appreci-
ates the value of having a dream
and chasing it. At Penn State
you, will not last for
media consultancy and Incubator respected guests at the event (university) you have the good
ever. Every move was nothing stunning. But the was Rives of the 4am TED Global fortune of having a dream and
you make towards idea of incorporating the needs fame and a video from the uni- (educators) running alongside
of the local corporate digital versally popular Hans Rosling. you as you chase it.” Tonee said.
your dream, is one
media needs with the livelihoods
Fortunate to have the last spot “This, I must caution you, will not
step further from of young people from peri-urban
on the speaking roster, Tonee last for ever. Every move you
your comfort zone. settlements (also called slums)
was tasked with closing the event make towards your dream, is one
was an idea worth sharing.
That step better be on a high note and leaving the step further from your comfort
The NaiLab was invited to Penn students he flew 7000 miles to zone. That step better be worth
worth it.”
State University for the 10/10/10 present to, encouraged, enlight- it.”
TEDxPSU event that hosted a ened and engaged.
He got a standing ovation.
little over 1000 students and
“At the NaiLab we are fortunate
faculty members.

Nov - Dec 2010 Activity Calendar

ctober is coming to as a mass market in the African Some events we will be hosting
a close. The main and hopefully global scale. But we also include the launch of the
stage for partnership do believe in starting small. GISWatch report that is a com-
development, fund- prehensive report on ICT Poli-
Some deliverables for digital
raising and marketing are coming cies worldwide that is a copro-
media prospects and some
to a close for the NaiLab team. duction of Hivos and APC.
presentations for online solutions
We were bold, told and sold all
for our initial corporate clients Workshops on social media
we offered and planned. Now,
are in the works. We have a tools, activities, action plans and
we build.
week to work on those as we execution strategies area also in
Corporate and NGOs are two settle the matter of our three the pipeline. With all the drilling
clients we are beginning with this prism website; a consultancy and banging (construction) we
coming months with social media portal, incubation portal and think this will be a mostly indus-
products and solutions that blogging portal all integrated into trial space. We really like that!
attract a specific market as well one easy-to-use web site.
Volume 1, Issue 1 Page 3

Design Our Space: A Competition

e mentioned earlier NaiLab space and a € 2000 re- ship of the local space.
the complexities of ward would be for motivation.
The contest will last seven days
creating a design We are yet to have the students
and require the contestants to
everyone is happy with. It is visit the space but the buzz is
present not only a complete
something close to pleasing your almost combustible.
design, but photographs of mate-
mother-in-law. There are two
The contest has been organized rials they think would be applica-
alternatives to this. Try. Fail. List
with the help of an architect, ble to their concept and keep the
down best practices. Try again.
structural engineer and interior space as ECO-Friendly as possi-
Well, no. That will not work. The
designer that will select the bet ble. This will include the use of
next best solution was to crowd
concept and have the student daylight to light up the space and
source it. So we did!
lead on the design as the profes- energy saving suggestions and
Enter the University of Nairobi sionals implement the concepts. designs.
class of Architecture and interior
The beauty of the competition is The competition has been called:
design. Young passionate design-
that apart from the reward mon- Seven days to Space.
ers with enthusiasm that can
ey the young person gets, they
match jet engines but limited to Now all we have to do is confirm
get to have their name on the
canvas and computer imagery. a sponsor. We’re working on it!
NaiLab door permanently. There
We wondered what a tour of the
is nothing as important as owner-

What You Can Expect “..his prowess at vision

irst things first; The A seasoned professional in busi- NaiLab include:
Floppy newsletter ness development with three
management and
will soon grow into successful companies under his ⇒ A Complete Working Space
The Byte! We can’t belt, his prowess at vision man-
⇒ A Comprehensive Website
stay here forever can we? Until agement and concept-to-creation
then we will grow ourselves translate into productive, quanti-
that will be a global online translate into
portal for Consultancy and
under the direction of the NaiLab fiable and sustainable results for
Business Development Director NaiLab clients and partners.
Incubation. productive,
Sam Gichuru. ⇒ International and Local digital
Supported but the interdiscipli- quantifiable and
Sam is the drive behind the solid- nary board led by 1%CLUB’s Bart media working relationships by
ity of the NaiLab. Though you Lacriox, the NaiLab has begun on the end of 2010 sustainable results for
may see Tonee Ndungu’s face a stable platform and will sustain
⇒Monthly NaiLab progress
more than Sam, he is the con- this momentum as we go. NaiLab clients and
stant churn that keeps the ma- updates until its launch in
Careful not to be overly optimis- January 2011.
chinery moving in the NaiLab.
tic, some expectations of the

An Appreciation: THANKS
This is the section that belongs eveld of Accenture for running For Marlon Parker, a speaker,
to you. We have a large number our table. All the people on the RLabs founder and all round
of people to say thank you too. table that thrashed out the basics inspiration, and your table host
Rather than mention names and of getting the NaiLab off the Anna Chojnacka thank you for
leave out people, we figured we production line and onto service the support partnership and
would rather appreciate every- delivery, a big thank you. vision you both carry.
one that has taken the NaiLab
The organizing team behind Ben white, Emer Beamer (you
and made it a facet of their lives.
TEDxChange with Jim Stolze and helped us get home), Caroline de
Beginning with the lovely people Ilse Kerling holding it all together. Boer, and the lovely people that
at the 1%CLUB to those at the The NaiLab table had many took the time to comment, shake
1%EVENT that took NaiLab as amazing people most of whom our hands, clap when we finished
their business case. We would we have sent personal e-mails and gave us business cards. We
like to say thanks to you. A spe- too. Thanks again for the time appreciate you so very much. You helped us take off!
cial shout out to Laurens Co- and mind-share. Thank you. THANK YOU.
4th Floor - Bishop Magua Centre
Ngong Road - Nairobi
Phone: + 254 202 696 530

NaiLab Tip...

The NaiLab - Nairobi Laboratory - is a Digital Media Consulta1on Firm and Incubator in Nairobi. The NaiL-
ab focuses on new, rich and social media solu1ons for the Sub-Sahara African market while inves1ng in
an incuba1on Social Venture that develops clickable ideas that could enhance the digital media space in
this market. The NaiLab consultants execute projects with a vast network of online media experts in the
Eat healthy!
Nairobi technology scene while training young people from peri-urban se+lements to service NaiLab

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