Andrew Tram Student - Heritagehs - Spes Standards 1

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Censorship in Fahrenheit 451 was different from

Mackinnon’s talk because the book focused on the censoring of

knowledge and Mackinnon talked more about the censoring of
free speech. Fahrenheit 451 talked about how the censoring of
knowledge can cause people to become ignorant, which is
different from Mackinnon who talked more about how
government censoring of media can prevent peoples free
speech. They described two different sides of censorship in
their arguments and how it can potentially affect people.
Mackinnon In her talk showed examples that are connected to
real life and Fahrenheit 451 rely more on getting readers to
visualize what they are saying. These two ways are different
because Mackinnon can show a real-life example, while
Fahrenheit 451 can’t because it’s a book that focuses on the
visualization of their words. Fahrenheit 451 & Mackinnon were
different in the end because they talked about different
variations of a subject and used two distinct types of examples
for their audience to understand the argument.

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