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Table of Contents

Statement of Faith
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
About Ian
Partnering with Ian Clayton to write this new volume of his revelatory teaching has been an
honour and a privilege. Thank You Abba, Your ongoing commission to see these books written
has been a strength and an inspiration to us, with visionary experiences of arenas of heaven and
the angelic amid the battles. Recording prophecy and inspirational teaching has always been our
heart passion, but there has never been a speaker whose words have inspired us in the creation of
a book until Ian Clayton came to the UK a number of years ago. Our greatest goal in seeing Ian
Clayton’s work published, is to unlock the experience of being in heavenly realms with Christ
for those wanting to find this reality.
We want to honour the support, friendship and dedication of our IT and media team and the
many others whose attention and diligence have been invaluable, together with the graphic
design expertise of several talented team members, especially our design lead Gabrial Heath of
Aspect Reference Design, who created the cover for us and Iain Gutteridge for his excellent
graphic support throughout. We owe special gratitude to our media and IT support team,
including Andy Page who created the YouTube video, Prav Kumar who created much of the
website and our spectacular project manager and ‘go to guy’ who wishes to remain anonymous.
We want to especially thank all the Kingdom family in Christ who donated to help with the
creation and publication costs of this book. We couldn’t have done it without your touching
generosity and we were moved and encouraged by all the wonderful messages of support, thank
you so much.
Our special thanks goes to our wonderful, international transcription team, whose generous
and loving companionship on the journey brought about the birth of this new book months
before it might otherwise have been available. Thank you so much, all of you, our friends named
and those wishing to remain anonymous. May the Lord pour the blessing your work gives to
others into your hearts and lives as well.
We cannot give adequate thanks to the numerous precious sisters and several dedicated
brothers who walked with us along the journey of creating this book, including proof readers,
intercessors and friends of wise counsel, without whom this book would still be a vision. They
have chosen to remain anonymous but they continue to be counted with affection as part of the
Revelation Partners family.
We also want to express our love and gratitude for the kindness, encouragement and prayer of
many which opened doors along the way, including Stephen McKie of Scotland Ablaze;
Matthew and Pearl Nagy of Glory Company and the wonderful Kingdom family in Horsham; Liz
Wright, Lulu, Ann, Anne, Funmi and precious prayer community in Guildford and faithful
intercessors and friends Michelle Beare and Michelle Kerslake – thank you so much for your
loving support for this work as we walk into heavenly realms together.
We would like to express our heartfelt thanks and appreciation to Carole Carrick and the team
of volunteers who worked so tirelessly on this material.
Finally, we want to express our affection and gratitude to Ian, his wife, family and team,
especially Karl Whitehead, for their wisdom, support and oversight of this labour of love.
Revelation Partners United Kingdom 2017

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