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Leadership of 100 and 5 Stars – 15 -- Ed. 2.

Leadership of 100 and 5 Stars

Magazine Fifteen

The Leadership, and the English Language

The English Language, and the Leadership.

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Leadership of 100 and 5 Stars – 15 -- Ed. 2.0

Rich people constantly learn and grow. Poor people think they already know.
T. Harv Eker.

We first make our habits, and then our habits make us.
John Dryden.

The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today. Let
us move forward with strong and active faith.
Franklin D. Roosevelt.

Success is getting what you want. Happiness is wanting what you get.
Dale Carnegie.

As simple as it sounds, we all must try to be the best person we can; by making
the best choices; by making the most of the talents we've been given.
Mary Lou Retton.

The man who will use his skill and constructive imagination to see how much
he can give for a dollar, instead of how little he can give for a dollar, is bound
[guaranteed] to succeed.

Henry Ford

All achievements, all earned riches, Have their beginning in an idea.

Napoleon Hill

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Leadership of 100 and 5 Stars – 15 -- Ed. 2.0

What is the galaxy named «Lazos Increíbles»?. Definitively, it do an important

allusion towards the knowledge named «Management of Knowledge». As it
was referred, it is allusion, only. However, towards a lot of investigators present
ties - connections - with resonance and highlighting. So, John Naisbit said: ‘the
new source of power is not money in the hands of a few, But information in the
hands of many’.

M.C. Enrique Ruiz Díaz

Neither comprehension nor learning can take place in an atmosphere of anxiety.

Rose Kennedy

The past has infinite value if one learns from it.

Ken Hensley

The greatest teacher I know is the job itself.

James Cash Penney

Leaders are anticipatory thinkers. They consider all consequences of their

behaviors before they act.

Brian Tracy

The true test of leadership is how well you function in a crisis.

Brian Tracy

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Leaders concentrate single-mindedly [persistently] on one thing– the most

important thing, and they stay at it until it’s complete.

Brian Tracy

The purpose of a business is to create a customer who creates customers.

Shiv Singh

You never get a second chance to make a first impression.

Will Rogers

To keep a customer demands as much skill as to win one.

American Proverb

The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher
demonstrates. The great teacher inspires.

William Arthur Ward

Civilization is a race between education and catastrophe.

H. G. Wells

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I think education is power. I think that being able to communicate with people
is power. One of my main goals on the planet is to encourage people to
empower themselves.

Oprah Winfrey

Stay positive. I know for sure that what we dwell on is who we become.

Oprah Winfrey

Take action. The big secret in life is that there is no big secret. Whatever your
goal, you can get there if you're willing to work.

Oprah Winfrey

The secret of my success is that we have gone to exceptional lengths

[measurements] to hire the best people in the world.

Steve Jobs

The secret of living a life of excellence is merely a matter of thinking thoughts

of excellence. Really, it's a matter of programming our minds with the kind of
information that will set us free.

Charles R. Swindoll

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Lazos Increíbles

«Lazos Increíbles». Certainly, The Corporations of world class requires

Executives with effectiveness. However, the addition of the qualities,
qualities named soft–qualities of Leadership are required. Well, the
Galaxy named «Lazos Increíbles» has a lot of information and knowledge
in that awareness. And a lot of other resources. Finally, I finish with a
communication of Charles Handy, he declares: ‘The companies that
survive longest are the ones that work out [devise] what they uniquely can
give to the world not just growth [development] or money but their
excellence, their respect for others, or their ability to make people happy.
Some call those things a soul [spirit]’.

M.C. Enrique Ruiz Díaz


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Leadership of 100 and 5 Stars – 15 -- Ed. 2.0

Cognitive Verbs

1. Hypothesise - formulate a supposition to account for known facts or

observed occurrences; conjecture, theorize, speculate; especially on
uncertain or tentative grounds [arguments].

2. Identify - distinguish; locate [situate], recognize and name; establish or

indicate who or what someone or something is; provide an answer from
a number of possibilities; recognize and state a distinguishing factor or
feature [characteristic].

3. Implement - put something into effect, e.g. [let's say] a plan or proposal

4. Interpret -

(a) use knowledge and understanding to recognize trends [tendencies]

and draw conclusions from given information; make clear or explicit;
elucidate or understand in a particular way;

(b) bring out [produce] the meaning of, e.g. a dramatic or musical work,
by performance or execution; bring out the meaning of an artwork by
artistic representation or performance; give one's own interpretation

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(c) identify or draw meaning from, or give meaning to, information

presented in various forms, such as words, symbols, pictures or

5. investigate –

Carry out [Perform] an examination or formal inquiry [question] in order

to establish or obtain facts and reach new conclusions; search, inquire
into, interpret and draw conclusions about data and information

6. Judge –

Form an opinion or conclusion about; apply both procedural [technical]

and deliberative [considered] operations to make a determination

7. Justify -

Give reasons or evidence to support an answer, response or conclusion;

show or prove how an argument, statement or conclusion is right or

8. Make decisions -

Select from available options; weigh up [balance] positives and negatives

of each option and consider all the alternatives to arrive at a position.

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9. Organize -

Arrange [Assemble], order; form as or into a whole consisting of

interdependent or coordinated parts, especially for harmonious or united

10. Predict -

Give an expected result of an upcoming [future] action or event; suggest

what may happen based on available information.

11. Prove -

Use a sequence of steps to obtain the required result in a formal way.

12. - Reflect on

Think about deeply and carefully

13. Structure -

Give a pattern, organization or arrangement to; construct or arrange

according to a plan.

14. Summarize -

Give a brief statement of a general theme or major point/s; present ideas and
information in fewer words and in sequence.

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15. Symbolize -

Represent or identify by a symbol or symbols.

16. Synthesize -

Combine different parts or elements (e.g. information, ideas, and

components) into [interested in] a whole, in order to create new

17. Test -

Take measures to check [examine] the quality, performance or reliability

[consistency] of something.

18. Use -

Operate or put into effect; apply knowledge or rules [instructions] to put

theory into practice.

«Glossary of Cognitive Verbs». Editorial: «Queensland Government -

Queensland Curriculum & Assessment Authority». January 2018.


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Leadership of 100 and 5 Stars – 15 -- Ed. 2.0

Ask for the Order,

By Brian Tracy

… Step six in the seven parts of the sales

process is ‘‘closing the sale.’’

The very best and most profitable companies

have sales [trades] people who are masters at
closing the sale. The companies in trouble may have better products and more
salespeople, but because of fear of failure and rejection, they hold back [inhibit]
from asking the customer to make a buying decision. Don’t let this happen to

There are only three ways to increase your sales. First, you can make more
individual sales to individual customers. Second, you can make larger sales
with higher dollar amounts to each customer. Third, you can encourage your
customers to buy from you more frequently. All three methods require that
someone closes [finishes] the sale.

[Completing…] - «The competent seller understands both: (a) the offered

product(s) or service(s) are useful towards the client; and (b) our seller is
competent to understand if his/her client has the finances. Do the two issues
give affirmative answer?. Then, Ask for the Order».

M.C. Enrique Ruiz Díaz


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Leadership of 100 and 5 Stars – 15 -- Ed. 2.0

10 Quotes, by Maxime Lagacé

1. Do good to the people for the sake of [in considering to] God or for the
peace of your own soul that you may always see what is pure and save
your heart from the darkness of hate.
2. Make peace with the universe. Take joy in it. It will turn to gold.
Resurrection will be now. Every moment, a new beauty.
3. The only lasting beauty is the beauty of the heart.
4. There is a moon inside every human being. Learn to be companions with
5. Your task? To work with all the passion of your being to acquire an inner
6. A divine dance appears in the soul and the body at the time of peace and
union. Anyone can learn the dance, just listen to the music.
7. The garden of the world has no limits except in your mind.
8. It is certain that an atom of goodness on the path of faith is never lost.
9. I searched for God and found only myself. I searched for myself and
found only God.
10. Sit quietly and listen for a voice that will say, “Be more silent.” As that
happens, your soul starts to revive.


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- Some Precise Concepts

1. Attribute -

n. A character, quality, or aspect of any phenomenon whether person, thing,

event, or idea.

2. Autohypnosis -

n. Any self-induced trance or trancelike [fantastic] state in which the

individual is very suggestible, including self-suggestion. Also called self-

3. Automaticity -

n. The characteristic of requiring no conscious attention or effort in

performing some act or task.

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4. Automatic thought -

n. 1. In cognitive therapy, habitual thoughts that occur so rapidly that they

are barely [scarcely] conscious and that guide a person’s mood
[temperament], attentional focus, and actions, often without the person’s
realizing [understanding] that they are doing so. Becoming conscious of
these thoughts allows a person to change them to more accurate [precise]
ones which are better guides to feeling, thinking, and acting. 2. Thoughts that
have been so well learned that they no longer [sustained] take conscious
effort or attention.

5. Automatic writing -

n. Writing that occurs without conscious effort or attention, as sometimes

happens in a hypnotic or other trance. Hypnotherapists sometimes use it as
a therapeutic technique for self-discovery. –

[My person, M.C. Enrique Ruiz Díaz testify the event «Automatic writing is
true». Because of, I live it. I have completed works in that sense. Now, my
person, ERD, additionally, say ‘with respect to this very specific event a lot
of time it is controlled by my subconscious mind. Consequently, I cannot
order that event, in me, at least, as inexorable event’].


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Las Piedras Preciosas de Éxodo 39: 7-14

Me permito comunicarle que yo tengo el Libro ‘completo’ denominado

«Traducción del Nuevo Mundo de las Santas Escrituras» de la Iglesia de los
Testigos de Jehová. Ahora, tenemos que en Éxodo 39: 7-14, en la argumentación
que les compete, allí se mencionan al menos 11 Piedras Preciosas. Mismas que
a continuación cito. Disfrute la pasantía.

Las Piedras Preciosas en cuestión son, al menos, las siguientes

1) Rubi,
2) Topacio,
3) Esmeralda,
4) Turquesa,
5) Zafiro,
6) Jade,
7) Téschem,
8) Ágata,
9) Amatista,
10) Crisólito,
11) Ónice

También hacen referencia al muy valioso ORO. Gracias por su atención.

Recopiló: M.C. Enrique Ruiz Díaz.

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Leadership of 100 and 5 Stars – 15 -- Ed. 2.0

Peter Galison’s work as an historian belongs [have its place] to this moment.
Looking back from the perspective of the present, he has been able to show that
science never was quite so pure or quite so homogeneous a thing as nostalgia
[reminiscence] might make it seem. Science, in his view, has been continually
changing and reforming, as philosophy and technology, theory and experiment
have jostled [pushed] together to produce new ideas, new practices and new
groupings [categories] of scientists. And, if people can be brought to recognize
this reality, he says finally, it may make them less anxious about today’s

David Cayley

Vigilance [Observance] needs to be exercised, Richard Lewontin believes,

because it's easy to forget [fail to recall] that metaphors are metaphors, that they
are provisional and limited comparisons, not literal descriptions. To avoid
[evade] confusion, he says, one has to know which aspects of the metaphor fit
[correspond] and which don’t.

David Cayley

Well, but it's not holistic [universal] in the obscurantist sense that the world is
one big unanalyzable whole. I reject that completely. The world is analyzable.
It's analyzable into [interested in] bits and pieces provided you remember that
your process of analysis determines, in part, what the bits and pieces are, and,
in part, the bits and pieces are interacting with each other constantly.

Richard Lewontin

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When entering on new ground [earth] we must not be afraid to express even
risky [uncertain] ideas so as to stimulate research in all directions. As Priestley
put it, we must not remain inactive through false modesty based on fear of being
mistaken [erroneous].

Claude Bernard

When you steal from one author, it‘s plagiarism; if you steal from many, it‘s

Wilson Mizner

Who can estimate the value to civilization of the Copernican system of the sun
and planets? A round [spherical] earth, an earth not the center of the universe,
an earth obeying [observing] law, an earth developed by processes of evolution
covering [including] tens of millions of years, is incomparably grander
[splendid] than the earth which ante-Copernican imagination pictured.

W. Wallace Campbell

When faced with a problem you do not understand, do any part of it you do
understand and then look at it again.

Unknown author

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John Kenneth Galbraith

John Kenneth Galbraith was born in 1908 in Canada and died in 2006. He was
extremely influential in the public discourse on politics and economics. He was
also one of the first to write about cultural economics. He was somewhat [to a
certain degree] to the left of center in his politics and published a number of
books where, among other things, he criticized unchecked [unrestricted] market
capitalism. Galbraith was a professor at Harvard University and appointed by
President John F. Kennedy as the U.S. ambassador to India. He subsequently
returned to Harvard. He participated actively in American politics and was
involved in a number of presidential elections as one of the chief [principal]
advisors [consultants] of presidential candidates of the Democratic Party. He
exerted great influence on the American political discourse and for a time he
was the best known economist in the world. Galbraith received a number of
awards from the United States government and held [assumed] honorary
[representative] doctorates at a number of universities across the world.


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Johannes Gutenberg

Johannes Gutenberg was born in 1398 in Germany and died in 1468. He is best
known for his innovations in printing; he developed a special alloy [composite]
to cast [throw] moveable type [print] which was then arranged [organized] in
presses [reporters] to produce printed sheets [leaves]. He also invented a new
and improved ink [toner], all of which made printing both cheaper and more
efficient than it had been before. The invention of printing is regarded
[considered] as one of the most revolutionary events in human history, as before
Gutenberg books had to be laboriously copied by hand. To give an example,
over two thousand people were employed in transcribing books in Paris before
the introduction of the new technology. Gutenberg’s inventions transformed
the world and made it much easier to disseminate knowledge around the world
than before. Gutenberg printed a bible which was an acclaimed work of art and
is known as the Gutenberg Bible. Gutenberg always had difficulty financing his
inventions and spent much of his time on lengthy [extensive] litigation [court
case]. Nevertheless [However], he received some recognition for his life’s work
shortly before his death.


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Homer, the great Greek epic [classic] poet, is believed to have lived in the 7th or
8th century B.C. He is said [assumed] to have been the creator of the Iliad and
the Odyssey. The former is an account of the rage [fury] of Achilles, Greece’s
greatest hero, in the siege [barricade] of Troy in Asia Minor. The Odyssey is the
tale [narrative] of the trials [difficulties] and long journey [excursion] home of
Odysseus, one of the Greek generals in the Trojan War. The events are believed
to have been set in the 12th century B.C. Both epics were narrated and sung
[harmonic] in a long oral tradition before being written down [put in writing].
These works are the foundation of classical studies and Greek mythology and
have had a profound impact on literature and the arts for centuries. Since little
is known about Homer there are some who doubt that he even existed and
believe that the two epics are the works of many poets. This has been a matter
of dispute between scholars for a long time. The epics have been translated into
most of the world’s languages and are read in schools to this day.

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El Conocimiento OBAMA-VOA-ERD,
Es visto a través del Libro Santo
«Traducción del Nuevo Mundo de las Santas Escrituras»,
en el verso Bíblico Daniel 4:20-22.

20. El árbol que contemplaste, que se hizo grande y llegó a ser fuerte, y
la altura del cual finalmente alcanzó a los cielos, y que le era visible a
toda la tierra. 21 y el follaje del cual era hermoso, y el fruto del cual era
abundante, y en el cual había alimento para todos, debajo del cual las
bestias del campo moraban, y en las ramas mayores del cual los pájaros
[aves] de los cielos residían. 22 eres tú, oh rey, porqué te has hecho
grande y has llegado a ser fuerte, y tu grandeza se ha hecho grande y ha
alcanzado a los cielos y tu gobernación hasta la extremidad de la tierra.

[ /es]

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Leadership of 100 and 5 Stars – 15 -- Ed. 2.0


Evaluating Quality, Effectiveness and Impact of Entrepreneurship

in Higher Education

For entrepreneurship education to be successful, continuous improvement in

education quality and effectiveness is necessary. Effective ways must be found
to improve the assessment [measurement] of the impact of entrepreneurship
education on society and the economy.

In Europe, for example, the European Association for Quality Assurance
[Guarantee] in Higher Education (ENQA) standards and guidelines are
important for an evaluation in higher education.
Due to [As a result of] the special characteristic [representative] features
[characteristics] and goals of entrepreneurship education, the assessment
criteria [standards] for entrepreneurship programs, courses and activities may,
however, vary [differ] from general standards and guidelines.
Accreditation systems for economics and business programs are often used to
evaluate entrepreneurship programs and courses, although [while] the latter
[final] often have different objectives, approaches and results. Evaluation must
be adapted to the objectives and entrepreneurial competencies to be developed
(European Commission, 2008).

«Educating the Next Wave of Entrepreneurs - Unlocking entrepreneurial

capabilities to meet the global challenges of the 21st Century» - World
Economic Forum


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Leadership of 100 and 5 Stars – 15 -- Ed. 2.0

Economy Pushes Spanish

to Learn English.

This is the VOA Special English Education


Spain is struggling with a recession. More than one in five Spaniards are out of
work. Unemployment is the highest of the seventeen nations that use the euro.
But one area of the economy that seems to be doing well is English classes.

A report this year from the EF Education First Company listed Spain is a "low
proficiency" country in English. Spain ranked just below Italy and just above

About a fifth of the world speaks Spanish.

There are many Spanish language TV shows and movies. Spaniards can also
watch Hollywood movies dubbed [labeled] in Spanish or news from Latin

One of the few English voices on Spanish TV belongs to Richard Vaughan.

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RICHARD VAUGHAN: "Hello and welcome back to another half-hour segment

of Cloverdale's Corner. Today is Tuesday, and Lourdes has had to leave but we
still have four people here ..."

Richard Vaughan is from Texas but for thirty-five years has lived in Spain. He
operates that country's biggest English teaching company. It even has its own
TV channel. "Aprende Ingles" -- Learn English -- is Spain's only national channel
in English.

He says people watch his channel and take his classes to get a better job.

[Commentary: you can obtain the complete theme, and its associated resource].

Learn The English Language. Obtain themes and its mp3 from The VOA-ERD

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Jesus, I trust in Thee [you]

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JW Faith

About Salvation

1. According to the Jehovah’s Witnesses, salvation is by faith PLUS works.

“What things are involved in getting ‘saved’? (Acts 16:30) The prime
requirement is: ‘Believe on the Lord Jesus and you will get saved.’ (Acts 16:31)
This involves taking in accurate knowledge of God’s purposes and his way of
salvation. Then faith has to be exercised in Jesus Christ as the Chief [Principal]
Agent of salvation. (John 3:16; Titus 2:14) This places the Christian in a saved
condition, but he must now persevere in doing God’s will and continue to
adhere to all of God’s requirements for the rest of his life. Only then will he be
saved to eternal life. (Matthew 24:13)” (The Watchtower, Dec. 15, 1989, p. 30).

The Jehovah’s Witnesses


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To the law and to the testimony.

- [Linguistics, towards all its power]

20 To the law and to the testimony; and if they speak not according to this word,
it is because there is no light in them.
The Book of Mormon – 2 Nephi 18:20

20 ¡A la ley y al testimonio! Y si no hablaren conforme a esta palabra, es porque

no hay luz en ellos.
El Libro de Mormón - 2 NEFI 18:20

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«Para el Alma – Oraciones de Sanación y Liberación»

- A book of the Catholic Church

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Catechism [Religious education]

By love, God has revealed himself and given himself to man. He has thus
provided the definitive, superabundant answer to the questions that man asks
himself about the meaning and purpose of his life.
God has revealed himself to man by gradually communicating his own mystery
in deeds [performances] and in words.
Beyond [Ahead of] the witness [observer] to himself that God gives in created
things, he manifested himself to our first parents, spoke to them and, after the
fall, promised them salvation (Gen 3:15) and offered them his covenant
God made an everlasting [eternal] covenant with Noah and with all living
beings (Gen 9:16). It will remain in force as long as the world lasts [lives].
God chose Abraham and made a covenant with him and his descendants. By
the covenant God formed his people and revealed his law to them through
Moses. Through the prophets, he prepared them to accept the salvation destined
for all humanity.
God has revealed himself fully by sending his own Son, in whom he has
established his covenant [treaty] forever. The Son is his Father's definitive
Word; so there will be no further [advance] Revelation after him.

Title: «Catechism of the Catholic Church». Amount of pages: 1425. [Esteemed

reader, and researcher: I do not have more data, for the present reference.
Thanks to you all].


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The Bible

1. The parables of Solomon, the son of David, king of Israel,

2 To know wisdom, and instruction:

3 To understand the words of prudence: and to receive the instruction of

doctrine, justice, and judgment, and equity:

4 To give subtlety [discernment] to little ones, to the young man knowledge and

5 A wise man shall hear, and shall be wiser: and he that understandeth
[recognize] shall possess governments.

6 He shall understand a parable and the interpretation, the words of the wise,
and their mysterious sayings.

7 The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. Fools despise [hate] wisdom
and instruction.

8 My son, hear the instruction of thy [your] father, and forsake [desert] not the
law of thy [your] mother:

9 That grace may be added to thy [your] head, and a chain of gold to thy neck.

10 My son, if sinners shall entice [seduce] thee [you], consent [agree] not to

11 If they shall say: Come with us, let us lie in [delight in] wait for blood, and
let us hide snares [captures] for the innocent without cause:

12 Let us swallow [believe] him up alive like hell [perdition], and whole as one
that goeth down [descend] into the pit [profundities].

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13 We shall find all precious substance, we shall fill our houses with spoils

14 Cast [produce] in thy [your] lot [destiny] with us, let us all have one purse

15 My son, walk not thou [you] with them, restrain [restrict] thy [your] foot from
their paths.

Proverbs 1 - 1:15. - [Book] - The Holy Bible. Translated From The Latin
Vulgate Diligently Compared With The Hebrew, Greek, And Other Editions
In Divers Languages. Douay-Rheims Version. 1609, 1582.

Inside the period of a month the sun will hide with respect to the earth. It was
visualized and communicated for a clairvoyant. Please, do not worry, because
that event occurs already. Well, and obviously, the sun always means us

M.C. Enrique Ruiz Diaz

The purpose of life is to discover your gifts and the meaning of life is to give
them away [Divulge them].

Unknown author

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La Biblia

16 Más vale adquirir sabiduría que oro, | mejor poseer inteligencia que plata.

17 La senda del honrado se aparta del mal, | quien cuida su camino conserva
su vida.

18 La soberbia precede a la ruina; | el orgullo, a la caída.

19 Más vale ser sencillo entre pobres | que repartir botín con soberbios.

20 Quien atiende a la palabra prospera, | dichoso quien confía en el Señor.

21 Al hombre juicioso lo llaman prudente, | palabras suaves añaden persuasión.

22 La sensatez es fuente de vida, | la necedad castiga a los necios.

23 En mente sabia hay discursos prudentes, | sus labios tienen palabras


24 Panal de miel las palabras amables, | dulces al paladar, remedio para el


25 Hay caminos que parecen rectos | y al final conducen a la muerte.

26 Obrero necesitado trabaja con afán, | su propia boca lo estimula.

27 El depravado cava tumbas funestas, | lleva en sus labios fuego abrasador.

28 El tramposo provoca peleas, | el chismoso divide a los amigos.

29 El violento seduce a su prójimo | y lo lleva por el mal camino.

30 Quien guiña el ojo prepara intrigas, | quien ha hecho el mal se muerde los

31 Las canas son corona de gloria, | el fruto de una vida honrada.

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32 Más vale ser paciente que valiente, | dominarse que conquistar ciudades.

33 Se tiran los dados sobre la mesa, | pero la decisión viene del Señor.

Sagrada Biblia - Versión Oficial De La Conferencia Episcopal de España. -

Proverbios 16 – 16:33.

Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me -- put
it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.
Philippians 4:9

Daniel prayed: "Praise [Acknowledge] be to the name of God for ever and ever;
wisdom and power are his. He changes times and seasons [time of year]; he sets
up kings and deposes [removes] them. He gives wisdom to the wise and
knowledge to the discerning. He reveals deep and hidden things; he knows
what lies in [sleep in] darkness, and light dwells [resides] with him. I thank and
praise you, O God of my fathers: You have given me wisdom and power, you
have made known to me what we asked of you, you have made known to us
the dream of the king."
Daniel 2:20-23

May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship
of the Holy Spirit be with you all.
2 Corinthians 13:14

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Leadership of 100 and 5 Stars – 15 -- Ed. 2.0

This Product is made in Mexico, for

Mexico, and towards the World. M.C. Enrique Ruiz Díaz
Thanks for your attention. Ced. Prof. 5632071

Date of Publishing, 01 June 2019.

In science, read, by preference, the newest works; in literature, the

oldest. The classic literature is always modern.

Bulwer-Lytton, Edward
Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit: as it was in
the beginning, is now, and will be forever. Amen.

The Bible

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Leadership of 100 and 5 Stars – 15 -- Ed. 2.0

This is the book, in progress, named «Leadership of 100 and 5 Stars». It

will be among the greatest books of Leadership of last times. The book, as you
observe, at the present time, it is presented by magazines. Thanks.

English language:



Thanks to you all

Lazos Increíbles.

M.C. Enrique Ruiz Díaz.

The Books, and a Mexico with Competence of Integration in the World.

Visa & Passport of the 21st Century.

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Leadership of 100 and 5 Stars – 15 -- Ed. 2.0

The VOA- ERD Institution, for Your English.

Visit my Personal Page. Get ahead.

Go to:

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Leadership of 100 and 5 Stars – 15 -- Ed. 2.0

Know the Project: Books of English, from

English 1 to 5, for all the CBTIS of the
United Mexican States.

The Students can do the organization as they like it; but

absolutely, the Responses are written by hand, and the
Works are Presented by Groups with a Maximum of 5 persons.

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Leadership of 100 and 5 Stars – 15 -- Ed. 2.0

«I formulated a project for the CBTIS (Technological Industrial and of Services

Center of Bachelor Degree) 107 of Tuxtepec, Oaxaca, México consisting in giving to the
Library of this Institution with five volumes of English language, of my authorship. A
book for each semester, from the first English book to fifth English book (according to
the plan of studies in this regard of the CBTIS). At no cost to the Institution, because this
is a donation (in the staff, I solve my expenses of the project with income of my
employment as a professor that I would be in this CBTIS).
One of the major advantages of this project is to solve the need of the student
of spending in books of English language because the books will be at your complete
disposal into the student community in the Library of the institution.
Afterward, in an immediate subsequent phase of this project is that among the
student community of this CBTIS and all the CBTIS of the United Mexican States will
have these 5 volumes of English language by means of a page of Google; read it, neither
cost nor restriction to obtain them.
Well, as a last note, I must say that these books will have the format of
'workbook'. This, as an intelligent work with foundations and then their respective
exercises to resolve, into a concurrent process».
M.C. Enrique Ruiz Díaz.
Con título y cédula profesional 5632071 en la Maestría en Ciencias de la
Computación. Egresado del Instituto Tecnológico de Orizaba. Veracruz, México.

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Leadership of 100 and 5 Stars – 15 -- Ed. 2.0

Links, for Your Preparation.

Thanks to you all

English language:
Leadership of Gold:
Christian Songs, in Spanish:
Get Instruments for your Training.

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