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Property Management Agreement 

For Short Term Vacation Rentals 

BY THIS AGREEMENT made and entered into on _________________________ between 
AirMGR, LLC, herein referred to as COMPANY, and 
________________________________________________________ (print full name), herein 
referred to as OWNER/LESSOR(S). WITNESSETH in consideration of the mutual 
promises and covenants herein contained, the LESSOR and COMPANY agree as 
a. OWNER/LESSOR hereby agrees to employ AirMGR as his/her exclusive 
agent for the rental and management of the property. This agreement 
may be terminated by either party upon 30 days written notice to the 
other party. 
b. LESSOR represents to the COMPANY as follows: (a) The LESSOR is the 
sole OWNER and holder of marketable record title to the following 
described property, hereinafter referred to as the PROPERTY and known 
and described as:  
Street Address:____________________________________________________ 
City, State, Zip:____________________________________________________ 
Name of property listing:__________________________________________ 
a. Act as primary point of contact for guests. 
b. Respond promptly and professionally to all guest inquiries and requests. 
c. Communicate proactively with guests to ensure any concerns are known 
and addressed. 
d. Review each guest on Airbnb post-departure, and encourage guests to 
review the property/host. 
e. Ensure all calendars are immediately updated with any new booking or 
booking change. 
f. Manage dynamic pricing and nightly rates for each available day on the 
calendar. Maximize profits by leveraging competitive data across other 
g. Inspect the property between guest rentals and immediately report any 
maintenance, damage, and repair need to OWNER. 

OWNER Initials _____________ Date______________ 

h. Receive all guest cleaning fees and be responsible for cleaning the 
houses between guests, including hauling garbage and recycling. 
i. Coordinate any known maintenance issues that arise, and notify OWNER 
and any applicable charges which will be included on the billing period 
j. Provide all cleaning supplies and equipment, and basic household 
supplies including paper towels, toilet paper, sponges, dish soap, laundry 
detergent, hand soap, shampoo, conditioner, and shower gel. 
k. Provide all linens, towels, and quilts/comforters. 
l. Coordinate ongoing hot tub, landscaping, and water service, and act as 
an intermediary between contractor and OWNER. OWNER to pay 
invoices directly to contracted service provider. 
a. Inspection:​​ OWNER agrees to provide COMPANY with all keys/codes 
and instruction manuals to the Property at the time of signing this 
Agreement if not already provided. OWNER agrees to inspect the 
Property on or before the time of signing this Agreement and complete an 
inventory of items in the property prior to guest reservations. 
b. Repairs/Improvements to Property​​: OWNER hereby recognizes that, in 
order to maintain the high standard of quality that COMPANY represents 
to renters, COMPANY will request that OWNER make certain repairs or 
improvements prior to listing the property. Also the COMPANY will 
request periodic replacement of worn, damaged, or non-functioning 
furnishings and appliances and will request performance of major 
maintenance or housekeeping functions, such as carpet, upholstery or 
drapery cleaning and wall painting. OWNER hereby agrees to promptly 
perform or have COMPANY perform the repairs recommended, at 
OWNERS expense, and agrees that COMPANY has no obligation to rent 
the property unless and until these repairs are performed to COMPANY’s 
c. Insurance:​​ It is the responsibility of the OWNER to carry fire, casualty 
and liability insurance on the property and provide COMPANY with proof 
of insurance. OWNER shall be fully responsible for all consequences of its 
failure to insure. In the event the property OWNER carries insurance 
coverage for “business income”, and a claim is triggered, AirMGR, LLC is 
entitled to lost commissions if the policy specifies as such. 
d. Liability:​​ The OWNER shall indemnify and hold COMPANY harmless from 
all damages suits in connection with the management of the PROPERTY 
and from liability from injury suffered by any employee or other person 

OWNER Initials _____________ Date______________ 

whomsoever, and to carry, at OWNER’S expense, necessary public 
liability insurance in such an amount as to be adequate to protect the 
interests of the parties hereto, which policies shall be so written as to 
protect the COMPANY in the same manner and to the same extent they 
protect the OWNER, and will name the COMPANY as co-insured. The 
COMPANY also shall not be liable for any error of judgment or for any 
mistake of fact or law, or for anything which it may do or refrain from 
doing hereinafter, except in cases of willful misconduct or gross 
e. Use of the Property:​​ OWNER acknowledges that the property may be 
reserved far in advance. To insure maximum occupancy of each property, 
the OWNER is requested to notify COMPANY of his own non-revenue 
intended use of this property far enough in advance as possible. OWNER 
agrees that COMPANY is unable to cancel confirmed revenue 
reservations. OWNER shall be responsible for housekeeping and any 
other fees related to OWNER’s occupancy of the Property. 
f. Property Taxes, HOA Dues​​: It is the responsibility of the OWNER to 
discharge their own responsibilities for Federal, State and County land 
and property taxes, homeOWNERs association dues, mortgage 
payments, and any other related homeOWNER’s expenses. 
g. Sale of the Property:​​ In the event the property is sold or leased with an 
option to purchase during the term of this agreement, this agreement 
shall terminate upon final closing. OWNER agrees that any sale or lease 
option shall be subject to all confirmed reservations for guests and that 
the contract for sale shall bind purchaser to honor all confirmed 
reservations. In the event that OWNER does not bind the purchaser to 
such rentals, OWNER shall be liable for all expenses, fees, damages, 
claims and losses incurred by COMPANY, including management fees, 
lost revenue, guest relocation costs and attorney’s fees, as a result of any 
failure to honor these rentals. COMPANY shall use reasonable effort to 
move reservations whenever possible. OWNER agrees that any listing 
contract shall be subordinate to this agreement. 
a. COMPANY, in return for its services, in addition to reimbursement for 
expenses previously identified, is entitled to a management fee of 
_______% of the gross rental revenues. This fee will cover the setting and 
adjusting of rental rates, maintaining listing, guest communication and 
reservations, marketing, accounting services, cleaning and maintenance 
scheduling. All other expenses are to be paid or reimbursed by OWNER 

OWNER Initials _____________ Date______________ 

separate from and in addition to the management fee. The gross rental 
revenues shall be the sums actually received by either OWNER or 
COMPANY from rental or occupancy of the property, less any tax 
incident to the occupancy or rental of the property, and less Airbnb fees, 
but not a tax upon the income of OWNER or COMPANY, and any 
forfeited deposits. 
a. COMPANY, in return for the cleaning/turnover and supply restocking 
services provided, is entitled to a cleaning fee of $________ which is to be 
paid or reimbursed by OWNER. OWNER may elect to charge a guest 
cleaning fee on the property listing in any amount to recoup these fees, 
which will be deposited to OWNER as part of gross rental revenue.  
a. COMPANY to invoice OWNER for any fees incurred on the 1st and 15th 
of each month of provided service. Reservations beginning between the 
1st and the 15th, and between the 16th and last day of the given month 
will be invoiced for that billing period. Additional invoices may be sent 
outside of this schedule for any other charges or fees incurred. 
COMPANY may charge late fees and/or terminate agreement early due to 
late or non payment. 
a. All parties shall be entitled, upon any breach, default or wrongful 
termination, to any remedies allowed by this Agreement or by law. In 
addition, the prevailing party in any mediation, arbitration or litigation 
hereunder shall be entitled to recover all costs and expenses, including 
costs of court, and attorney fees. 
a. This agreement contains the entire agreement of the parties with respect 
to the transactions contemplated and shall not be modified or amended 
except by an instrument in writing signed by or on behalf of all parties 
hereto; provided, however, nothing contained herein shall prohibit an 
additional or supplemental or verbal or written agreement for 
compensation for the COMPANY performance of additional or 
supplemental services. 
a. Nothing in this agreement shall constitute OWNER and COMPANY 
partners or in any manner render either liable for the obligations of the 
other, unless expressly set forth herein. 

OWNER Initials _____________ Date______________ 

a. OWNER acknowledges that all guest information, including guest 
addresses and phone numbers, will remain at all times the property of the 
COMPANY. Under no circumstances will the COMPANY be obligated to 
disclose this exact information to the OWNER without the COMPANY’s 
consent. It is acknowledged that the OWNER and COMPANY share the 
cost to acquire and maintain this information for the benefit of the 
OWNER; however this information is used for the benefit of the OWNER 
only at the COMPANY’s discretion. 
a. In order for our records to be complete and for us to be able to contact 
you at any time in case of emergency, please fill out the form below:  
First & Last Name__________________________________________________ 
Home Address____________________________________________________ 
Business Name (if applicable)_______________________________________ 
Business Address_________________________________________________ 
b. Insurance Company: 
Name of Insurer___________________________________________________ 
12. ACCEPTANCE DATE AND AGREED PARTIES: Please sign and date below to 
acknowledge an understanding of and an agreement to this contract. 
OWNER (Printed Name)__________________________________________________ 

OWNER (Signature)______________________________________________________ 


AirMGR, LLC Agent (Printed Name)________________________________________ 

AirMGR, LLC Agent (Signature)____________________________________________ 


OWNER Initials _____________ Date______________ 

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