Presentation (Skincare)

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I. Grabber/Hook: How many of you leave for college without washing your face in the
morning? Let me tell you the germs are still sitting on your face right now and
welcoming the new ones. There are about billions of bacteria living on your face, there
are 2000 species just living inside our inner elbow. Imagine this same amount tripled on
your face!

II. Introduce Self –My name is Hamna Pervez and I work as skin care specialist at

III. Thesis statement – Why skincare is important? and what are the steps you can
take to look after it.

IV. Topic Overview statement(s) – There are just three things you need to do to look
after your skincare.

-Treat your skin like its baby’s bum

-Don’t smoke it really does kill your skin

-For God sake eat a healthy diet

Body/Discussion –

I. Sub topic 1 Treat your skin like its baby’s bum

A. Avoid soaps
1. easy yes but it harms your skin
2. chemicals that destroy your skin
3. Alternative gentle cleansers that read gentle care
B. Pat dry
1. will ruin your skin
2. You be like all clean but you just destroyed your upper epidermis
making it the perfect home for germs.
3. avoid it
C. Shave carefully
1. use a sharp razor
2. Do it with saving cream, lotion or gel
3. Don’t shave against the way your hair grow

II. Sub topic 2 – Don’t smoke it really does kill your skin

A. skin looks older

1. Elasticity becomes loose
2. It narrows the tiny blood vessels in the outer skin
3. Depletes the skin with oxygen
B. Skin cancer
1. cancerious components
3. Sub-subpoint

C. Skin looks paler and ages quickly

1. if you do smoke try to quit it

II. Sub topic 3 – Eat a healthy diet

A. Veggies
1. greens are good
2. Provided skin with repairing qualities
B. Fruits
1. boosts cell growth
2. Vitamin c is food send by the GOD
3. gives the extra nutrition

C. Water
1. protects from dehydration
2. Makes you look more fresh
3. repairs skin naturally


I. Summary statement(s) - These are the steps you have to take to have a healthy

II. Concluding statement – This is why skin care is important and the steps I have
explained are affordable and available almost around you.

III. Recommendation/Call to action – SO, go out after this class wash your wash with
a splash of water and drink some green tea and feel the freshness on your face.

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