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What​ is Mind Body  The Center for  The Effect of 

Medicine?  Mind Body 

● An alternative  Medicine: ​A Global  Mind Body 
medicine that uses  Impact  
Medicine on 
the ​connection  ● The ​Center for Mind Body 
between the ​brain 
and the ​body ​to 
Medicine​ is currently 
working with impoverished  PTSD 
and war-stricken areas to 
improve mental and  provide relief from PTSD 
By Grace Hills 
physical health.  and other trauma-induced   
  mental conditions. 
● Countries include: 
○ Gaza 
○ Kosovo 
○ Israel 
○ Haiti 

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The Center for Mind Body Medicine  
Mind Body-Medicine 

How​ to use Mind  What​ is Post  Can Mind Body 
Body Medicine?  Traumatic Stress  Medicine ​treat 
1. Meditation​ ​~ ​regulated  Disorder?  PTSD? 
and controlled breathing 
● A ​mental health condition  ● Studies, conducted by the 
  that’s triggered by  Center for Mind Body 
2. Biofeedback ​~ ​use of  experiencing or witnessing  Medicine, have shown that 
electric sensors to provide  a ​traumatic event  people with ​PTSD ​who do 
information on heart rate,    yoga​ experience 
breathing, muscle  improvements in: 
● Symptoms  ○ PTSD Symptoms 
contractions, etc. 
○ Flashbacks  ○ Anxiety 
  ○ Nightmares  ○ Depression 
3. Guided Imagery​ ~ ​use  ○ Severe anxiety  ○ Quality of Life 
○ Negative thoughts  ○ Overall Health 
of words and music to 
○ Sleep 
produce a ‘mental escape’  ○ Sleep issues  
  What ​Is the ​Science 
4. Autogenic Training​ ~  Behind Mind Body 
Use of autosuggestion to 
create a feeling of warmth 
● When practicing yoga & 
and heaviness throughout  meditation, the parasympathetic 
the body  nervous system speeds up, 
  slowing down the sympathetic 
  nervous system.  
5. Yoga ​~ ​Breath control,  Pine Rest Christian Mental Health Services  ○ Creating a sense of 
meditation, and specific  relaxation ​and ​calmness 
bodily postures   
Audience: Dr. Jennifer Thompson, PhD
Dr. Thompson is a Collegiate Professor and Program Chair of Psychology at the University of Maryland University College.

● Description of PTSD should be one of the first things that the reader sees in order for them to have an understanding of why Mind Body Medicine is
● Good balance between words and pictures
● Use different colored fonts and bolded letters to make certain information pop out
● Use font that is clear and easy to read
● Present information in easy to understand language, avoid medical jargon
● Make sure information is presented in an order that is fluent and logical

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