Lesson Plan

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Lesson plan

Faculty Member: Samaa Ayach Grade: 4H,I,J

Topic: what are some physical changes? Date : 29/01
Warm – up Time Activity
Prior Game Story Review quiz Flash Real life Check Others 3 I Individual
knowledge cards problem home P Pair
work min G Group
 W Whole Group
T Teacher
Objective (1) Learning activity Time Recourses
Compare and Do Read Worksheet
Write Practice Book
contrast a what ? Search Game
mixture and Instruction Think Internet
a solution. Draw Video
Explain how a solution can be formed by a mixture, but a mixture sometime can’t E-Resources
form a solution. Textbook
Explore how sugar mix with water and doesn’t mix with alcohol. Notebook
How ? I Individual write the answers on the notebook. Flashcards Other
P Pair (Please Specify)
G Group discuss and compare the two beakers and identify which one is a solution. ______________
W Whole Group
T Teacher check student answers and review with them the meaning of a solvent
and solute.
Objective (2) Learning activity Time Recourses
Do Read Worksheet
Write Practice Book
what ? Search Game
Instruction Think Internet
Draw Video
Explain E-Resources
explore Textbook
How ? I Individual Notebook
P Pair Flashcards Other
G Group (Please Specify)
W Whole Group ___________
T Teacher
Objective (3) Learning activity Time Recourses
Do Read Worksheet
Write Practice Book
what ? Search Game
Instruction Think Internet
Draw Video
Explain E-Resources
explore Textbook
How ? I Individual Notebook
P Pair Flashcards Other
G Group (Please Specify)
W Whole Group ___________
T Teacher
Assessment Time Activity
Digital Quiz Oral Worksheet Competitions Others I Individual
responses to P Pair
questions G Group
W Whole Group
T Teacher
Easy and hard Different Group work Student peer Extension work Learning style Other
example activity/ teaching
Connection: Homework:

Differentiation: What strategies did the teacher use to ensure all students were focused, actively engaged, and
participating in the lesson? How successful were the strategies that were implemented?
Strategies and Learning Activities for Low Performers Strategies and Learning Activities for High Performers

Assessment : How do you know the Student Learning Outcomes and Grade Level Standards were met with
success? What indicators did you use to form this impression? How will you use this assessment to guide further

Effective questioning

Reflection: Was the lesson organized? Did the lesson begin and finish on time? Did the teacher allot enough
time for each part of the lesson? Was the teacher prepared with all resources? What strategies did the teacher
use to ensure students were focused, actively engaged, and comprehending the lesson? How successful were the
strategies that were implemented?
Area(s) of Success Area(s) of Improvement

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