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21 Safety Rules for Working with Electrical Equipment

By Edvard author-avatar December, 12th 2012

21 Safety Rules for Working with Electrical Equipment

21 Safety Rules for Working with Electrical Equipment

A safe work environment is not always enough to control all potential electrical hazards. You must be
very cautious and work safely. Safety rules help you control your and others risk of injury or death from
workplace hazards.

If you are working on electrical circuits or with electrical tools and equipment, you need to use following
golden safety rules:

21 Golden Safety Rules

Rule no. 1

Avoid contact with energized electrical circuits. Please don’t make fun of this rule if you already know
this (and you probably already know if you are reading these lines) and remember that if something bad
occurs – you probably won’t have second chance. That’s not funny.

Rule no. 2
Treat all electrical devices as if they are live or energized. You never know.

Rule no. 3

Disconnect the power source before servicing or repairing electrical equipment.

The only way to be sure.

Rule no. 4

Use only tools and equipment with non-conducting handles when working on electrical devices.

Easy to check.

Rule no. 5

Never use metallic pencils or rulers, or wear rings or metal watchbands when working with electrical
equipment. This rule is very easy to forget, especially when you are showing some electrical part
pointing with metallic pencil.

Always be aware.
Rule no. 6

When it is necessary to handle equipment that is plugged in, be sure hands are dry and, when possible,
wear nonconductive gloves, protective clothes and shoes with insulated soles.

Remeber: gloves, clothes and shoes.

Safety clothes, gloves and shoes

Safety clothes, gloves and shoes

Rule no. 7

If it is safe to do so, work with only one hand, keeping the other hand at your side or in your pocket,
away from all conductive material. This precaution reduces the likelihood of accidents that result in
current passing through the chest cavity.

If you ever read about current passing through human body you will know, so remember – work with
one hand only.

If you don’t clue about electric current path through human body, read more in following technical

Do You Understand What Is Electric Shock?

What psychological effect does an electric shock?

Rule no. 8

Minimize the use of electrical equipment in cold rooms or other areas where condensation is likely. If
equipment must be used in such areas, mount the equipment on a wall or vertical panel.

Rule no. 9

If water or a chemical is spilled onto equipment, shut off power at the main switch or circuit breaker and
unplug the equipment.

Very logical. NEVER try to remove water or similar from equipment while energized. Afterall, it’s stupid
to do so.

Rule no. 10

If an individual comes in contact with a live electrical conductor, do not touch the equipment, cord or
person. Disconnect the power source from the circuit breaker or pull out the plug using a leather belt.

Tricky situation, and you must be very calm in order not to make the situation even worse.

Like in previous rules – Always disconnect the power FIRST.

Always disconnect the power FIRST

Always disconnect the power FIRST

Rule no. 11

Equipment producing a “tingle” should be disconnected and reported promptly for repair.

Rule no. 12

Do not rely on grounding to mask a defective circuit nor attempt to correct a fault by insertion of another
fuse or breaker, particularly one of larger capacity.

Rule no. 13

Drain capacitors before working near them and keep the short circuit on the terminals during the work
to prevent electrical shock.

Rule no. 14

Never touch another person’s equipment or electrical control devices unless instructed to do so.

Don’t be too smart. Don’t try your luck.

Rule no. 15
Enclose all electric contacts and conductors so that no one can accidentally come into contact with them.

If applicable do it always, if not be very carefull.

Rule no. 16

Never handle electrical equipment when hands, feet, or body are wet or perspiring, or when standing on
a wet floor.

Remeber: Gloves and shoes

Rule no. 17

When it is necessary to touch electrical equipment (for example, when checking for overheated motors),
use the back of the hand. Thus, if accidental shock were to cause muscular contraction, you would not
“freeze” to the conductor.

Rule no. 18

Do not store highly flammable liquids near electrical equipment.

Rule no. 19
Be aware that interlocks on equipment disconnect the high voltage source when a cabinet door is open
but power for control circuits may remain on.

Read the single line diagram and wiring schemes – know your switchboard.

Rule no. 20

De-energize open experimental circuits and equipment to be left unattended.

Rule no. 21

Do not wear loose clothing or ties near electrical equipment. Act like an electrical engineer, you are not
on the beach.

Example of human stupidity and ignorance of basic safety

Electrical safety, come on… I guess we’ll never know did the cord extension drop into water… Hope not.

Example of stupidity

Example of stupidity
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Edvard Csanyi

Electrical engineer, programmer and founder of EEP. Highly specialized for design of LV/MV switchgears
and LV high power busbar trunking (<6300A) in power substations, commercial buildings and industry
facilities. Professional in AutoCAD programming.



MAY 28, 2019

Please i want to how connect inter switch,from my generator to light .



MAY 26, 2019

Am so much grateful,, God bless you


Kelvin John

APR 26, 2019

I am an electrician who has low power, but I need to be inquisitive to know more high-quality electricity
will connect more into this page and be educated on learning electronic things, thank you


James Taylor

APR 14, 2019

Thanks great advice(s)



FEB 20, 2019

Thanks for these live saving tip. This article has transformed me to an Electrical safety officer. I rely on
you to become a great ELECTRICIAN



JAN 08, 2019

Good information



NOV 12, 2018




AUG 05, 2018

Dear edward syangi,

How to arrest humming sound in lv busbar trunking system?



JUL 21, 2018

Thanks for the safety tips I really liked it an also I follow the safety guidelines.


Sumita Bhattacharjee

JUL 13, 2018

Thank you so much for sharing the information. These safety rules are lifesavers for many. Keep sharing
such info. Regards.



JUN 22, 2018

Thank you so much updating safety rule..we will sure follow this safety rule.


Win Nwe

JUN 20, 2018

Thanks for your knowledge, which is important on technical and handling. So, Thank you so much again!
I will learn from you and I will sharing these knowledge.



MAY 27, 2018



Hillary Mugauri

FEB 07, 2018

Thank you very much,the rules will help



DEC 20, 2017

Nice & Some points Improve



Bobby Saint

NOV 11, 2017

I couldn’t agree more when you mentioned avoiding making direct contact with energized electrical
circuits. This can be potentially dangerous and can possibly lead to death depending on the voltage of
the item or unit. It is recommended that you stay away from live wires and make sure that these are far
from the reach of children. Always remind them not to play with electricity. It’s always better to be safe
than sorry. Thanks.


Noah Simiyu

OCT 10, 2017

I appreciate for your good work



FEB 06, 2017

Hey Edvard, I cannot seem to be able to find the date this article was published, would you happen to be
able to send me that info? Doing a project for school and need that info to fill out my APA for it. Thanks!

Zachary Whitford

OCT 07, 2016

If you can perform and if it safe then try using only one hand and keep the other hand on your side away
from the electric circuits. This safety precaution while working with electricity can actually reduce the
passing of current through your body.


Abdullah Mujahid

AUG 21, 2016

Nice Instructions

I am thankfull of you for this work.


Sunita Naik

JAN 17, 2016

thanx this rules are very helpful for me


Maxwell Fully

NOV 23, 2015

Thanks so much for the tips on safety.


Eliza Cranston

OCT 22, 2015

Thank you for the electrical safety tips! I’m thinking of doing some electrical wiring myself in my new
home, but I want to be sure that I stay safe. Would you recommend do it yourself wiring for amateurs or
should I call in an electrician just to be safe?



OCT 18, 2015

Thanks in advance



SEP 22, 2015

i am very pleased with these tips


Pawar Abhishek

AUG 29, 2015

its really really important to know this inst. for every individual!!!!!!



AUG 24, 2015

These tips are really helpful. Thanks!


Handyman Soho Ltd.

AUG 18, 2015

Very useful rules! I am glad I found them. I was trying to explain my 7 years old daughter how dangerous
electricity is. I will show her this article and make her learn all the rules. Thank you for sharing it.


David Calkins

AUG 17, 2015

These 21 rules seem to be good with one exception: rule 17. I have seen pictures of the hands of
individuals who practiced this rule and hand their hand blown to smithereens! It’s NEVER a good
practice to contact live conductors even with the back of your hand.


Electrician Telford

AUG 14, 2015

Thanks for the following useful blog, safety is first and must while dealing with electrical work. Also,
thanks for the tips you mentioned above.


Aidan Denny

AUG 05, 2015

these 21 safety tips are very effective for the people. hope people keep in mind these tips.


Abdus Salam

JUL 27, 2015

thank you for the safety advise


Uniform Management

JUL 15, 2015

thank you for safety tips.


Chuck Sampson

MAR 03, 2015

I don’t work on big power like you guys. Usually only a few kilowatts. However these rules are pretty
much universal and apply at all power levels. I couldn’t think any other rules, however I would make one
change and that would be to combine rule 3 with rule 13. So many times I’ve seen guys get hit when
they forgot to discharge the input or output caps of a power supply or amplifier before they started to
service it and then discharged those caps through themselves.

Just turning off the power isn’t good enough,

You need to make sure every part of the circuitry has been discharged. I usually wait four or five minutes
-probably longer for the big power guys -and then check the voltages with my DMM before I start
working on any electrical equipment.

Thanks for the reminders.



SEP 23, 2014

Hi Mr Edvard,

If I may ask can I include these Rules in our Safety Policy?

Thank you.



AUG 19, 2014

these is gud prosejurs thenks


K Kavia

JUL 22, 2014


All above safety rules are very fine. I wish Pictures / photos / video if were were associated with
respective rules, it would have been very much effective, with an impact to whomsoever it is being
shown especially to train the working staff and to save human life. Thanks.

K Kavia



JUL 16, 2014

many thankss


Daniel Didam Afuwai

FEB 25, 2014

I like the rules they will help me as I train non-technical staff in the University system and also those that
use consumer electronics. This also apply to Solar Energy users. Great work.


DEC 16, 2012

At times accidents do not occur due to negligence but unintentional short cuts in the process of rushing
to get unplanned work finished.

Short cuts savings are short lived!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



DEC 15, 2012

Thanks Mr Edvard for the life saving tips on electricity




DEC 15, 2012

You’re welcome Arifkunnath!

Many of above tips are so common that probability to be forgotten is very high ;)



AUG 06, 2013

Thanks Mr.Edward


DEC 12, 2012

Nice article. Safety is never too much.





DEC 12, 2012

Thank you Brunolda. There are 100+ other safety rules to be added, but I tried to write up just the
important ones.


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