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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region V-Bicol
Division of Camarines Norte
AlawihaoDaet, Camarines Norte

Chapter 1
The Problem

The function of education is to bring change in child behavior and

personality in a more desirable form. These are also recognized as a source of

enrichment and vitalization of the school’s curriculum, mainly through the

cultivation of hobbies, interests, etc. these activities are no longer looked upon as

extras but as an integral part of the school program. The distinction between

curricular and extra-curricular is gradually disappearing in modern educational

practice and the coordination and integration of all the experiences of the pupils’

intellectual, social, moral, emotional and physical abilities has become the object

of the persistent efforts of the school. Co-curricular activities, as the name

implies, are those, not directly related with the prescribed curriculum and include;

sports, athletics, scouting, cubing, various hobbies, excursions literary societies,

dramatics, debates etc. to bring social and physical adjustments in the child. The

basic idea behind such activities in educational institutions is the building up of

the student character and personality as well as training of their mind that may

help / facilitate academic achievements of the child.1

Students who participate in extracurricular activities generally benefit from

the many opportunities afforded them. Benefits of participating in extracurricular

activities included having better grades, having higher standardized test scores

and higher educational attainment, attending school more regularly, and having

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region V-Bicol
Division of Camarines Norte
AlawihaoDaet, Camarines Norte

higher a higher self-concept. Participants in out-of-school activities often learned

skills such as teamwork and leadership while decreasing the likelihood of alcohol

use and illicit drug use and related problem behaviors. Those who participate in

out-of-school activities often have higher grade point averages, a decrease in

absenteeism, and an increased connectedness to the school.2

They have a responsibility to perform those tasks correctly with

confidence, whether it is tough works. When students perform these things

correctly they are rewarded for their good behavior, to cooperate and they take

pride in their accomplishments.

This is a crucial time for students to join in extracurricular activities

because they are under supervision, guidance, and they are engaged and

enriched learning experiences. But we should balance to avoid biases and low

self-esteem to social aspect. This is the time that will lead when they are at the

most risk of committing violent acts and victimizing.3

This paper describes the role of extracurricular activities to perceive the

positive and negative effects that they can have on students of all kinds ranging

from the above standard to the student that is on the brink of dropping out of


Along with interest in how leisure time is being spent, researchers are

wondering why there are high levels of disinterest, underachievement,

disengagement, and increased amount of time teens spend unsupervised by

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region V-Bicol
Division of Camarines Norte
AlawihaoDaet, Camarines Norte

adults. Participation in activities has been linked to social and academic success,

yet over-participation may be too stressful for young adults as it may consume

too much of their free time.4

The researchers aim to access the student in their extra-curricular

activities to how to manage the different kinds of activities in their school. And to

know the factors affecting to their self-esteem and behavior of Grade 8 students

in Moreno Integrated School.

Theoretical Framework

This study was correlated to Erik Erikson Stage of Psychosocial l

Development and Albert Bandura on Observational Learning Theory.

In each Stage Erikson believe that people experience a conflict that serve

as a turning point in development. First, Psychosocial Stage 1-Trust vs

Mistrust.The first stage of Erikson theory of psychosocial development occurs

between the birth and year of age and is the most fundamental stage in life.

Second, Psychosocial Stage 2, Autonomy vs Shame and doubt the second stage

of psychological development takes place during early childhood and is focused

on children developing a greater sense of personal control. Third, Psychosocial

Stage Innovative vs. Guilt takes place, during the preschool years, children begin

to assert their power and control over the world through directing play and social


Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region V-Bicol
Division of Camarines Norte
AlawihaoDaet, Camarines Norte

Fourth, Psychosocial l Stage 4, Industry vs. Interiority place during the

early school years from approximately age of 5 to 11. Through social interaction

children begin to develop a sense of pride in their accomplishment and ability.

Fifth, Psychosocial l Stage 5 Identity vs. Confusion takes place during the often

trivalent teenage years. This stage plays essential soles in developing a sense of

personal identity which will continue to influence behavior and development for

the rest of a person life.

Sixth Intimacy vs. Isolation when this stage covers the period of early

adulthood when people and exploring period relating, seventh generativelyvs

Stagnation During adulthood we continue to build our lives focusing in over

career and family. Eight Integrity vs. Despair find Psychosocial Stage occurs

during old is focused on reflecting back on life.6

Albert Bandura’s Observational Learning Theory. Observational learning is

sometimes also referred to as shaping, modeling, ad vicarious reinforcement.

While it can take place at any point in life, it tends to be the most common during

childhood as children learn from the authority figures and peers in their lives. 7

The theory of the researcher is the positive behavior of a student. The Erik

Erikson theory and Albert Bandura helped the researcher to come up for a new

theory. Positive Behavior Theory refers on what are the positive characteristics

that the students would attain.

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region V-Bicol
Division of Camarines Norte
AlawihaoDaet, Camarines Norte

Theoretical paradigm that follows shows the behavior of students in

Moreno Integrated School; Positive Effect of Extra Curricular Activities.

Psychosocial Stage Observational Learning

Theory Erik Erickson Theory Albert Bandura

It develops; It develops;

 Social Interaction  Communication/Soci

Build relationship alization skill
with other  Self-awareness
 Develop personality  How will he/she
 Fellow Shipping behave
 Personal and  Interact
Ethnical values  Good/Bad Values
 Adapting new

Positive Behavior of a Student

Figure 1

Theoretical Paradigm of the Study

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to know the A Behavioral among Grade 8 students in

Moreno Integrated School, Positive Effects of Extra Curricular Activities.

1. Specifically, this study seeks to answer the following questions: What are

demographic profiles of the respondents?

1.1 name 1.2 age 1.3gender 1.4section

2. What are the effects of Extra Curricular Activities conducted in Moreno

Integrated School?

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region V-Bicol
Division of Camarines Norte
AlawihaoDaet, Camarines Norte

o Increase self-esteem/self confidence

o Sportsmanship

o Disciplined students

o Highly motivated

o Camaraderie

o Flexibility

3. What are the positive effects of Extra Curricular Activities in Moreno Integrated


o Increase self-esteem/self confidence

o Sportsmanship

o Disciplined students

o Highly motivated

o Camaraderie

o Flexibility

4. What are the advantages of Extra Curricular Activities that can be suggested

to further developed positive behavior among students?



Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region V-Bicol
Division of Camarines Norte
AlawihaoDaet, Camarines Norte

5. How can Extra-Curricular Activities manage to their Academic Performance in

Grade 8 students in Moreno Integrated School?

6. What are the factors can affect to Behavioral among Grade 8 Students in

Moreno Integrated School, Positive effect of Extra Curricular Activities?

7. What are the implications of this study to the students of Grade 8 students in

Moreno Integrated School?

8. What is the possible output of this study based from the finding of this study?


The researcher assumed:

1. The school administrator will give permission to the researchers to

conduct an interview and survey to the said school. The teacher will also

participate to help the researchers to gather information from their students.

2. The students involve in this study will answer the survey questionnaire

that provided by the researcher because it ca help them to improve their talents,

help also to make good physical, mental, social etc.

3. That students will be benefited from this study even poor programs with

less than adequate coaching facilities with the focus of them spirit adult

connection and leadership opportunities not limited to finding other opportunities.

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region V-Bicol
Division of Camarines Norte
AlawihaoDaet, Camarines Norte

4. The researchers will be fitting the study successfully and useful to

everyone that can help for the problem encountered by the students related to

the behavior and extracurricular.


This study aims to know the behavior among Grade 8 student in Moreno

Integrated School and the Positive Effect of Extra Curricular Activities 2018-

2019the study wants to know the effects of an activities especially in terms of

their behavior. The following are the objectives of the study.

1. To develop the students determination and dedication necessary to

complete his/her chosen goals.

2. To develop a willingness to place the good the group or individual.

3. Provide opportunities to exemplify and observe good sportsmanship

while teaching participants the negative action may result in consequences.

4. Provide competitive opportunities for students.

5. To teach how we can connect to their or social ecologies and influence

then the importance of that extra-curricular activities

Scope and Delimitation

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region V-Bicol
Division of Camarines Norte
AlawihaoDaet, Camarines Norte

This study focuses on the identification of the behavior among Grade 8

Students in Moreno Integrated School: Positive effect of Extra Curricular


The coverage of the study will be conducted to 50 Grade 8 students in,

Moreno Integrated School, Daet Camarines Norte.

This study will use the quantitative method by means survey questionnaire

and interview as a tool gathering to assess the validity of this study.

Significance of the Study

This study will benefit the following people and agencies:

Students- The output of this study and the respondents gathered by the

researchers by the can give an idea and knowledge to students to know the

possible effect of extra-curricular activities to their behavior.

Parents- the result of this study will give them an idea and awareness

about behaviorof the students and other positive effect of extra-curricularactivities

to those students in grade 8.

Teachers- The study will provide a deeper understanding about the

student’s behavior, why other students tend to become inactive in the school.

And to help them to provide ideas, strategies and techniques on how make their

students actively participating in the school.

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region V-Bicol
Division of Camarines Norte
AlawihaoDaet, Camarines Norte

School Administrator- This research will help to implementing the school

activities, rules and regulation and to have a critical interpretation about positive

effect of extra-curricular activities.

Future Researcher- This study will help to them to gain knowledge and

gather information and it will contribute to improve their research.

Definition of Terms

This is the section present the operational definition of different terms used in this

study for better understanding of the readers

Academic Clubs-are clubs that are related to academic subjects such as

Computer, English, and Social Studies

Academic Performance-refers to the grades of the respondents

Curricular activities-pertain to activities that are academically related and that

all students must participate in and have benefits towards that academic

performance of a student

Competitive co-curricular activities-refer to the school activity involving the

approved intramural or interscholastic competition, as formally organized and

sponsored by the School District

Extracurricular Activity Any activity that is additional to core academic content

of the schools, usually taking place during non-school hours. Activities can be

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region V-Bicol
Division of Camarines Norte
AlawihaoDaet, Camarines Norte

housed in school or in the community; this includes sports, choir/drama, student

government etc.

Extracurricular activities build confidence. A child who struggles in the

classroom may begin to believe that he lacks the ability or aptitude to learn. If

that child then has a more positive learning experience outside of the classroom,

he may be able to tackle his schoolwork with greater confidence and a new

sense of self-belief

Extracurricular activities build relationships. Sports, theater, music, and other

out-of-school learning means more opportunities for friendship, mentoring, and

general relating

Extracurricular activities build character. Drills, practices, and rehearsals

allow children to develop discipline, control, and a healthy respect for authority.

Participation in after-school activities can also develop a child’s morals, sense of

worth, and sense of respect.

Performing club-are clubs that enhance the skills and talents of its member

Scholastic Growth-refers to the growth of a student relating to the philosophical

tradition or school of scholasticism

School Organization-is an organized group of people that has one particular

purpose. It gives or offers free training to the students on a specific field or


Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region V-Bicol
Division of Camarines Norte
AlawihaoDaet, Camarines Norte

Social Adjustment-refers to the adaptation of the person to the social

environment. Adjustment may take place by adapting the self to the environment

or by changing the environment

Social Dynamics-refers to the behavior of groups those results from the

interactions of individual group members as well to the study of the relationship

between individual interactions and group level behaviors

Varsity-enhances the skills in playing sports and develops sportsmanship

amongst the players

Sportsmanship - A positive social interaction related to game play the tendency

to behave in accordance with one's most mature moral reasoning patterns, even

when conventional dictates or success strategies would encourage alternative


Insight-the capacity to gain an accurate and deep intuitive understanding of a

person or thing.

Priorities something that is more important that other things and that needs to

be done or deal with first

Responsibilities a duty or task you are required or expected to do

Encourage give a support, confidence on hope to someone

Establish to begin or create something that is meant to last or for a long time

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region V-Bicol
Division of Camarines Norte
AlawihaoDaet, Camarines Norte

Rule one of the set of explicit or understood regulation or principles governing

conduct within particular activity or sphere

Aspects a particular part of a feature of something and grammatical category or

form that express the way which time is denoted by the verb

Prospective likely to be or become something, specified in the future or likely to


Review of Related Literature and Studies

This chapter, Review of related literature’ surveys related works on Extra-

curricular activities. It is felt essential to provide ideas, theories, explanations and

strategies that may by valuable to formulate the problems face in the research, to

avoid the risk of duplicating the study undertaken earlier, to suggest methods of

research and design the tool appropriate to the problem, to locate comparative

data that are useful for the interpretation of results and to contribute to the

understanding of the general scholarship of the investigator.

Foreign Related Literature

The making of man was regarded as an artistic and not a mechanical

process. Indeed, the aim of education is to develop pupil's personality, his innate

and latent capacity. The academic curriculum has never been all that schools

offer to their students. Often a range of other classes and activities are available

to students in class routine and even after school hours. These are referred to as

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region V-Bicol
Division of Camarines Norte
AlawihaoDaet, Camarines Norte

the co-curricular activities and they are mostly voluntary for students. Examples

would include sports, games, community service, social services, religious study

groups, charitable fund raising, Young Enterprise projects, military cadet

activities, cultural activities like dance, singing, drama, street play, debate,

elocution, essay writing, story writing, science clubs, and hobbies such as

gardening, crafts, cookery, coin collection, stamp collection etc.

According to the Students Skills in 21st CenturyCo-Curricular Activities

prepare students practically for the future. Modern education has recognize that

when the child comes to the school, he/she comes in mentally, physically,

spiritually, socially, and vocationally and as such he/she must be educate in all of

them, now they recognize that these activities are valuable media for developing

proper attitudes, habits, interests, ideals among people, because of their

importance in education, they have been rename as co-curricular activities as

they form an integral part of the school curriculum. The organization, therefore,

needs much care and forethought. India is the largest democracy in the present

world. Democracies, as we all know, are nourish by democratic methods

adopt in the various institutions of a country. It depends more on the

quality of its schools than on the educational contribution of any other

single social institution with the possible exceptions of the home .The quality

of the schools as well ,we will depend upon the educational experiences

provided to the students . 9

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region V-Bicol
Division of Camarines Norte
AlawihaoDaet, Camarines Norte

Casinger, J. (2014) College extracurricular activitiesCo-curricular

activities form a vital link in the pattern of blended educational experiences

which is very much essential for all boys and girls in the modern Indian

School and College. A great variety of education experience is to be

provided in the School and College programme which may contribute to a

long, happy and normal life. Only well – adjusted citizens will be able to ensure

national development in all its parameters. These educative experiences

comprise experiences inside as well as outside the classroom, curriculum

as well as curricular, extracurricular, as well as co - curricular to cover all

facets of growth pattern and ensure balance development of the child and

good citizenship for the country. In fact, the distinction between the

curricular and extracurricular must cease to exist. 10

Rousseau, Herbert Spencer, Dewey The Education Commission also

stressWe conceive of the school curriculum as the totality of learning

experiences that the school curriculum as the totality of learning experience

that the school provides for the pupils through all the manifold activities, in

the school or outside, that are carried on under its super vision.Each country

has its own unique education system. Co-curricular activities are activities that

enhance and enrich the regular curriculum during normal school .

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region V-Bicol
Division of Camarines Norte
AlawihaoDaet, Camarines Norte

Co-curricular orExtracurricular or non-academic activities are found at

all the levels of school in many different forms. Which can be sports, subject

clubs, and cultural activities such as debate, drama, Street play, dance, singing,

student council and other social events. A student’s future can be determine

in the things that they do in the hours after and before their parents get


All over the universe, many scholars have analyze that the Co-

Curricular, Extracurricular or Non Academic Activities develops over all

personality of students in various ways. 11

Amy, F. Feldman & Jennifer, L. Matjasko (2013) The role of school-based

Extracurricular Activities in Adolescent Development reviews the contemporary

literature on school-based activity participation, focusing on patterns of

participation, academic achievement, substance use, sexual activity,

psychological adjustment, delinquency, and young adult outcomes. Also, the

authors discuss possible mediators and moderators of extracurricular activity

participation in regard to adolescent development. The review indicates that the

associations between school-based activity participation and these outcomes are

mostly positive but that the picture becomes mix once moderator variables are

include. The authors suggest areas for future research that include using new

methods for measuring activities and applying an overarching theoretical

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region V-Bicol
Division of Camarines Norte
AlawihaoDaet, Camarines Norte

framework to investigations of extracurricular activities and adolescent


Finally, to move toward a causal model of activities and adolescent

functioning, future research must consider the mechanisms through which

activities exert their influence on development. The authors propose several

possible mechanisms of participation in terms of adjustment during adolescence

and young adulthood. 12

American Sociological Association (2013) Linking Extracurricular

Programming to Academic Achievement analyzes data from the National

Educational Longitudinal Study of 1988 to test the effect of participation in

extracurricular activities on high school achievement. It also explores potential

mediating mechanisms that link such participation to academic success. The

results show that participation in some activities improves achievement, while

participation in others diminishes achievement. Participation in interscholastic

sports promotes students' development and social ties among students, parents,

and schools, and these benefits explain the positive effect of participation on


According toMahatma Gandhi , By education, I mean an all-round

drawing out of the best in child and man - body, mind and spirit. All

roundness is the theme of modern education which recognizes that when

the child comes to the school, he comes for mental, physical, social,

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region V-Bicol
Division of Camarines Norte
AlawihaoDaet, Camarines Norte

spiritual and vocational education and as such he must be educated and

nourished in all of them. 14

According to Indian Education System ,Co-Curricular and Extracurricular

Activities General policy : Recognizing the importance of providing educational

activities that enrich and broaden student experiences as an integral part of the

curriculum as well as beyond the normal academic day, the School Committee

supports the development of co-curricular and extracurricular programs in

accordance with the policies established by the School Department. Co-

curricular programs are defined as those activities that enhance and enrich the

regular curriculum during the normal school day.

Extracurricular programs are defined as those activities that broaden the

educational experience which usually take place beyond the normal school day.

Students who desire to participate on athletic teams shall do so on a volunteer

basis with the understanding that it is a privilege and not a right to be a member

of a school team. All students are invited to participate, but it is recognized that

some students may not be capable of competing at the varsity level. At non-

varsity levels, participation may be restricted based on safety and space

restrictions. It shall be the policy of the School Department to compete in

interscholastic athletics sanctioned by the Rhode Island

Interscholastic League and to abide by that organization's rules and

regulations. Activities should be design to meet the needs of and to stimulate

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region V-Bicol
Division of Camarines Norte
AlawihaoDaet, Camarines Norte

interests express by students and should cover a broad range of abilities. There

shall be equal opportunities for all students to participate in such programs. The

expenses of voluntary activities may be cover by the students, the school,

school-related organizations, and / or non-school groups. Elementary Level

recognizing the positive aspects of co-curricular programs that enrich and

enhance the regular elementary school program, the School Committee supports

the development of such activities in all areas of the approved curriculum. 15

According toProf. Dr. R Gopal, a Director, Dean and Head of D Y Patil

University, Navi Mumbai, School of Management, published his article in DNA

Academy Newspaper, Mumbai. On Tuesday ,September 11, 2015He highlight

certain aspects of Students Holistic Development were elaborate in his

article in which he express that : Industry desires that the MBA Graduate

should have Holistic Development.

Socially Involved Projects ( SIP ) also leads to this and in turn,

results in a Study Life Balance ( SLB ) concept where in the student enjoy

the high demand student life of a MBA. The objective of these projects is

to create an awareness of the social issues and through this awareness

the self-development measured in terms of group working, negotiations,

communication skills, ethical working etc. In many cases, the student

could also become not just a manager but a leader himself or even an

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region V-Bicol
Division of Camarines Norte
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entrepreneur. SIP projects could include for example; blood donation

camps, eye camps, awareness of HIV, clean Mumbai projects etc.

One another noteworthy project adopt through the SIP group

involved adopting a village and carrying out activities in the area of

women empowerment, microfinance etc. Through these SIP projects,

diverse groups of students, villagers and other stake holders come

together, think of plan and implement the same. The initial fright of how

to approach, how to communicate with unknown persons, the negotiating

skills, group dynamics etc are all practically learnt and implement.

In implementing these SIP projects it is a case of perform or perish.

Ways need to be evolving to ensure theseprojects are successful. The logistic

of the entire project is sometimes very crucial and needs to be carefully

studied. Thus for example, the issue in a case of blood donation camp

would involve identifying the donors, collaboration with a group of doctors

or NGO, identifying and collaborating with a blood bank, having an

ambulance ready in hand in case of emergency etc. Most importantly

ensuring that cleanliness, storage facility of the blood are strictly adhered

to as per norms. After the blood donation camp, collecting the blood donor's

card and distributing the same to the donors. In the blood donation camp,

the logistics aspects are extremely important for the success of the project.

SIP projects provide opportunities to the students to develop himself

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region V-Bicol
Division of Camarines Norte
AlawihaoDaet, Camarines Norte

holistically. This will help him to hold himself in the corporate world an

important aspect which the corporate looks at evaluating a student. 16

According to John Schofield (2013) carried out an article “After School

Boycott” has emphasize the essence of school life that foster talent, confidence

and friendship. He is of the opinion that nothing but extra-curricular activities can

build up these qualities in students. He establishes his view with the practice

followed in many schools in his locality. He says that no one denies the

fundamental importance of extra-curricular activities but regrets the approaches

of the curriculum designers who fail to allocate significant schedule of time for

many extra-curricular activities that could foster values in students.17

According to McNeal (2013) he conceptualizes the high school context as

one which provides an opportunity structure for students within this theoretical

frame work, to examine how the school affects student participation in high

school extra-curricular activities.

It used the high school and beyond, database and analyses school

structural and contextual effect on student participation in extra-curricular

activities in general and athletics in specific, using hierarchical linear modelling

procedures. His findings indicate that complex set of structural factors (size and

pupil/teacher ratio) and contextual characteristics (general school climate, mean

socio economic status of the student body and percentage of students from

single aren’t households) impinge upon student participation. Furthermore there

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Region V-Bicol
Division of Camarines Norte
AlawihaoDaet, Camarines Norte

are subtle differences between school attributes that affect involvement in

general and those affecting participation in athletics. The researcher has

concluded that school structure and context are significant determinants of

students’ participation in extra-curricular activities (termed as co-curricular

activities in this research) effectively altering student access to sources of

human, cultural and social capital. By examining the school’s role in shaping

access to extra-curricular activities, Ralph makes a significant contribution to the

literature to this study. 18

According to Krathwohl's Taxonomy (2013) attitude can alter every aspect

of a person's life, including their education. Student attitudes on learning

determine their ability and willingness to learn. If negative attitudes are not

altering, a student is unlikely to continue his education beyond what is required.

Changing students' negative attitudes towards learning is a process that involves

determines the factors driving the attitude and using this information to bring

about change. Student attitudes on learning, good or bad, affect their outlook

toward learning throughout life. Their attitude towards learning affects not only

their amount of education but their desire for education. 19

Attitude is a learning behavior and, as such, is highly susceptible to

change. The Behavioral Theory requires positive reinforcement or reward for

good behavior of a students

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not only the students, also the people in this world. This theory is consistent with

the attitudes toward learning. He states that a learning attitude is develop over

time, and that past learning experiences affect future learning experiences. This

is evident in adult students considering returning to school to further their


Review Related Studies

Correa, et al (2015) found out in their study entitled Extracurricular

Activities and Academic Achievement extracurricular activities is part of

experience and strengthens the ties between students and their institutions. In

their study they link student’s engagement in extracurricular activities with

positive academic performance while others suggest that low academic

performance does not result from extracurricular activities. The impact of Greek

letter organizations on academic achievement yield controversial views but report

an increase in student self-esteem and development of leadership skills. Major-

related activities provide good student satisfaction and higher academic

performance academic affairs officials are encouraged to engage their students

in different activities out to improve their skills 21.

Morita et, al. (2016)according to their studies they report the positive

associations between physical activity and academic achievement. Three studies

indicated that the more physical activity the students participated in, as well as

the more fit they were, the more likely they were to get good grades will
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the physical activity was at a moderate or high intensity level. They assert that

students who are physically active during their adolescent years tend to achieve

higher levels of education and better socio-economic status as adults.22

Johnson (2015) according to his study entitled Impact of Extracurricular

Activities on Students he found out that students who participate in

extracurricular activities generally benefit from the many opportunities afforded

them. Benefits of participating in extracurricular activities included having better

grades, having higher standardized test scores and higher education attain,

attending school more regularly, and having higher a higher self-concept.

Participant in out-of-school activities often learned more skills such as teamwork

and leadership while decreasing the likelihood of alcohol use and illicit drug use

and related problem behaviors. Those who participate in out-of-school activities

often have higher grade point averages, a decrease in absenteeism, and an

increased connectedness to the school23.

Related Foreign Studies

Shamsudin et, al (2014) in their study entitled Examining the Effect of

Extracurricular Activities on Academic Achievements among the Public University

Students in Malaysia emphasizing more and more on incorporating extracurricular

activities into the core curriculum to improve students’ knowledge and

understanding, they should be highly aware of the in effectiveness of the program

or even possible negative consequences on academic achievements of the

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Region V-Bicol
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students. This study they recommend an in-depth exploratory study to examine

how extracurricular activities affect student’s academic achievements. 24

According toYesantharao /Puri(2016) they found out in their study entitled

Extracurricular Activities in Basic Educationextracurricular activities is a part of

growing up of young and adults, both social and intellectual, involves activities

outside academic performance of students. In sports they predicted competence

beliefs and valuing education; delayed and continuous participation in

performance arts/clubs then predicted teacher-rated engagement and letter

grades. Benefits of participation were similar across gender and ethnicity. College

admissions take into account not only how a student performs in tests. The

grades a student has on his or her transcript are often not the only thing colleges

consider. Colleges like to see what a student thinks is worth spending his or her

effort and time.25

According toBurrows and McCormack (2011)they are conduct a case

study involving a successful secondary school in New Zealand. This all-girls high

school boasted a high rate of participation in sports; consistently outrank most

other schools in the region on national exams, and being pride to itself on

producing well-rounded graduates. The study includes personal interviews with

students and staff members, detail observations of activities both in and out of

the classroom, documentation of aesthetic features of the school itself, and

intense studying of school documents, policies, and so forth. Ultimately, the

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authors suggested several ways in which extracurricular sports contributed to

academic success: by providing balance, promoting self-confidence, increasing a

sense of contribution and duty, and cultivating feelings of belonging. 26

Attitude is a learning behavior and, as such, is highly susceptible to

change. The Behavioral Theory requires positive reinforcement or reward for

good behavior of students not only the students, also the people in this world.

This theory is consistent with the attitudes toward learning. He states that a

learning attitude is develop over time, and that past learning experiences affect

future learning experiences. This is evident in adult students considering

returning to school to further their education.27

Synthesis of the State of the Art

The review of related literature and studies presented some

similarities and differences in vital stressed concerning a behavior of students in

grade 8 students in Moreno Integrated School and positive effect of extra-

curricular activities the following are the similarities and differences were;

In the study of Students Skills in 21st CenturyCo-Curricular Activities they

pointed that it will depends more on the quality of its schools than on the

educational contribution of any other single social institution with the

possible exceptions of the home .The quality of the schools as well ,we will

depend upon the educational experiences provided to the students .

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A close connection in the study of Rousseau, Herbert Spencer, Dewey

(2012) The Education Commission also stressWe conceive of the school

curriculum as the totality of learning experiences that the school curriculum

as the totality of learning experience that the school provides for the pupils

through all the manifold activities, in the school or outside, that are carried

on under its super vision. Each country has its own unique education system.

Co-curricular activities are activities that enhance and enrich the regular

curriculum during normal school .

A close connection in the study of Amy, F. Feldman & Jennifer, L.

Matjasko (2013) The role of school-based Extracurricular Activities in Adolescent

Development reviews the contemporary literature on school-based activity

participation, focusing on patterns of participation, academic achievement,

substance use, sexual activity, psychological adjustment, delinquency, and

young adult outcomes. Also, the authors discuss possible mediators and

moderators of extracurricular activity participation in regard to adolescent


Casinger, J. (2014) is different to the present study in the sense that he

pointed that educative experiences comprise experiences inside as well as

outside the classroom, curriculum as well as curricular, extracurricular, as

well as co - curricular to cover all facets of growth pattern and ensure

balance development of the child and good citizenship for the country. In
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fact, the distinction between the curricular and extracurricular must cease to


Their study difference to the present study because they focused in Inter-

scholastic League and to abide by that organization's rules and regulations.

Activities should be design to meet the needs of and to stimulate interests

express by students and should cover a broad range of abilities. There shall be

equal opportunities for all students to participate in such programs. The

expenses of voluntary activities may be cover by the students, the school,

school-related organizations, and / or non-school groups. Elementary Level

recognizing the positive aspects of co-curricular programs that enrich and

enhance the regular elementary school program, the School Committee supports

the development of such activities in all areas of the approved curriculum.

The aforementioned studies showed similarities and differences to the

present study. With the various result concerning to the Behavior of grade 8

students in Moreno Integrated School and positive effect of extra-curricular

activities as its locale were not yet tackled in the reading conferred.
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1Institute of Research Advances

2Impact of Extracurricular Activities on Students

3(Howie et al. 2010, 120)


_activities_on_students_in_private_school_of_Lucknow_District [accessed Sep

02 2018]










10Jonas Yago (2018) Behavioral Differences Between High School And
College Student

11Erik Erikson Stage of Psychological Development -of-psychosocial-developement-2795740

12Albert Bandura’s Observational learning

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13Mayo Clinic : Time Management; Tips to reduce stress and improve

productivity; Harvard Business Review: How Leaders Become Self-Aware
Alaska Strategic Prevention Framework State Incentive Grant: Risk and
Protective Factors for Adolescent Substance Use ( and Other Problem
Behavior )


010.pdf Marsh













23 A Literature Review of the Impact of

Extracurricular Activities Participation on Students'
Academic Performance
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24 Turkish online journal of qualitative inquiry,October 2013, 4(4)1 coping, life

stress, and psychological and somatic distress. European Journal of Personality,
9, 253-270
25 National Federations of State High School Associations.“The case for high
Activities”. 27 June 2006,
26.Yesantharao / Puri (2016 “Extracurricular Activities in Basic Education27
27 The Behavioral Theory and Attitude
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Chapter 2


This chapter presents the methods and procedures used in this study. The

succeeding paragraphs describe the discussion of the research design,

population of the study, sources of data and data gathering procedures and

statistical tools.

Research Design

The researchers will use the descriptive method in this study. Descriptive

method describes information that demonstrates relationship. It involves

collection of data in order to test the validity of the answers in the questions

concerning the current status of the subject of this study. It involves surveys, in

which the data that will gather were used to describe between variables and

development studies which seek to determine changes over time. In the present

study, the researchers will use sets of survey questionnaires and will conducting

interviews to collect and organize data necessary to the success of this study.

Respondents of the Study

The researchers will be conducted a preliminary survey using checklist

and interviews to different respondents that divides into different categories.

There are a total of fifty (50) respondents in this research. The respondents are

the selected Grade 8 students in Moreno Integrated School.

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Data Gathering Tools

In order to answer the specific sub-problem or questionnaire of the study,

researcher distributed questionnaire to the respondents. The questionnaire was

the tool used by the researcher to gather information and also the researcher use

internet or computer for additional information that has a great help to make the

study more informative. The researcher will undergo the proper action in

gathering data and information like accessing the permit to conduct researcher

from the head office Moreno Integrated School.

Questionnaire- this tool will use to collect personal information

concerning the subjects and their ideas and knowledge about the present topic. It

has three (3) parts. The first part is to all about the demographic profile of the

respondents consisted of items such as gender, and age of the students in

Grade 8.

The second part will comprise checklist to prioritize the time of the

respondent and also it’s containing an essay which they can give their opinion

and suggestion about behavior of the students and positive effect of extra-

curricular activities. The researcher guided the respondents in answering the

questionnaire for some additional information.

Interview Guide- this tool was intended for the students. The interview

will be conducted to the respondents on the time when the school principal

permitted the researcher to gather the needed data and when the respondents
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are available. Researcher will use this method to gain information and datum


Observation- To get an accurate and a real feel of students in Grade 8 on

how they participate, to determine the behavior of the students inside and outside

in the classroom and to look the different kinds of activities; and information

board and how students used and apply their knowledge about the extra-

curricular activities of Grade 8 students. It will observe the behavior of the


Data Sources

This study involves both primary and secondary sources of data. The

primary data will be collected from the answers of the respondents in the

questionnaire. On the other hand, the secondary sources of data include written

articles and studies from printed materials, various website and other reliable


Validation of Questionnaire

The researchers will use different sets of questionnaire in conducting this

study. The adviser will check the questionnaires to ensure the validity, efficacy

and to provide necessary data for the realization of the objectives of this

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Statistical Tools

The statistical tools that will use in analyzing the data are the following:

A. Percentage. It will use to determine the corresponding percentage of a

certain frequency.1

𝐏= × 𝟏𝟎𝟎




N= number of Respondent

100= constant
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Esther L. Baracuros ,Practical Research 1 (Manila:Rex Bookstore 2010 105-106

Alex B. Bolanos.Probabilities and Statistical Concepts: An Introduction ( Manila

:Rex Bookstore 2010 –12

Antonio S Bruto ,Statistics Made East ( Manila :Sunagtula Publisher .Ink 2011 8-

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Analysis, Presentation and Interpretation Data

The way in which one acts or conducts oneself, especially toward other is
what we call behavior .The researchers choose the topic about behavior among
grade 8 student because students was near to different activities that they have in
their school. Researcher wonder of what is the positive effect of extra-curricular
activities to the behavior of students. As a student have a big effect to the behavior
by doing an activity, because it will help us to be a self-confident, increase self-
esteem, being highly motivated, flexibility and sportsmanship. By doing this activities
we can build a good relationship to other people and discover our strength and to
know how to face our weaknesses that we have in our personality.

This chapter is the presentation, discussion and interpretation of the data

gathered about the behavior among grade 8 students in Moreno Integrated School:

Positive effect of extra-curricular activities.

Profile of the Respondent

The subsequent tables illustrate the profile of the 50 respondent in terms

of age, gender, and their section.

Table 1

Age of the Respondents

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Indicators Frequency Percentages Rank

12 3 6% 4th

13 22 44% 1st

14 18 36% 2nd

15 5 10% 3rd

16 2 4% 5th

17 2 4% 5th

The table 1 present the age of the respondents, the majority age of the

grade 8 students in Moreno Integrated School belong to the age bracket of 13

which got a total of 22 respondents or 44%. It was followed by those who fell

while a total of 5 were in the age bracket 15 or 10% and rank third the age of 12

got 3 respondents or 6 % and the waves numbers of respondents belong to 16

and 17 with 20% respectively.

Table 2

Gender Profile of the Respondents

Indicators Frequency Percentages

Male 27 54%

Female 23 46%

Total 50 100%
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Table 2 shows the distribution of the respondents according to their

gender. It was revealed that the male respondents are not equal to female

because it will random in to two sections. Male got a total of 27 or 54% and the

female got a total of 23 or 46% a total of 100% presentation of data.



In this chart shows how many times did participate in different

extracurricular activities in a school year. Most of the respondents were really

participated to different school activities. 45% respondents sometimes

participate. 30% say yes and 25 % is no.

Table 3

Question # 2

Times Frequency Percentages Rank

1-3 37 74% 1st

4-6 5 10% 2nd

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7-9 1 2% 3rd

10 above 0 0% 4th

On the question “how many times did you participate in extra-curricular

activities in a school year? Out of so respondents 42 students 84 % 1-3 times

participated in activities because they said that they are busy for their academic

performance in school 4-6 times answered activities, l respondents that 7-9 times

participate in extracurricular activities in the school in Moreno Integrated School.

Table 4

Question # 3

Extra-Curricular Frequency Percentage Rank


Sports 36 72% 1

Academic Related 25 50% 2

Arts 4 8% 3

Leadership 6 12% 4


Figure 3

In this chart shows that 36 out of so respondents that participate in sports,

25 respondents out so participate in academic related, 4 out of 50 respondents

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participate in arts and 6 out of 50 respondents participate in leadership related in

thin school of Moreno Integrated School.

Sports Frequency Percentage Rank

Basketball 16 32% 1

Soccer 13 13% 2

Volleyball 8 8% 3

Total 37 37%

Figure 3.1

In this table 37 out of 50 respondents joined in sports. 16 of respondents on

32% in basketball, 18 respondents or 20% participate in soccer, 8 of respondents

or 16% participate in volleyball.

Academic Related Frequency Percentages Rank

Editorial Writing 7 14% 1

Journalism 5 10% 2

Essay Writing 3 6% 3

Figure 3.2

In this academic related some respondents joined in editorials writing got

a respondents or 14% socialism got 5 respondents or 10% that joined and 3

respondents or 6% joined in essay writing.

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Leadership Frequency Percentage Rank


Yes-O 4 8% 1

DLC 3 6% 2

SSG 2 4% 3

Total 9 18%

Figure 3.3

In this chart show the kind of leadership such as yes-o got a 4

respondents or 8% that participated 3 respondents on 6% joined in DLC and 2 or

4% respondent joined ln SSG in the Moreno Integrated School.

Arts Frequency Percentage Rank

Poster 4 8% 1

Charcoal 1 2% 2

Total 5 10%

Figure 3.4

In this chart show those 5 respondents that really like arts 4 respondent

participate in poster in 8% and 1 respondent 2% participate in charcoal in their


Table 3. In this chart show the positive effect of extracurricular activities.

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27% Increased self-esteem/confience

21% Highly motivated


Figure 4

In this chart show that 36 out of so respondents increased self-esteem

and confidence, 46 respondents out 50 the positive effect which is

sportsmanship, 27 of respondent out (50) they have a disciplined come from

positive effect of extra-curricular, 25 out of 50 respondents got a highly

motivated, 6 out of 50 respondent got a flexibility and 5 out of 80 got a


What are the advantages in joining extra-curricular activities? The

result gathered from the grade 8 students in Moreno Integrated School in terms

of extra-curricular activities. Extracurricularactivities teach and help us to be an

interacted person and build a good relationship with friends, teachers,

competitors and other person related to the activity. It improve the self-
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confidence of the student to learn and discover new things and become a highly

motivated student.

Any suggestion about extracurricular activities related to the

development of positive behavior.

In overall answer of the respondents, the researchers found out that

thestudents has a different behavior based on the activities that they can

encountered. There’s a time where the learners really interested to the

activityand sometimes they felt boredom that’s why they can’t participate to the

activities. They suggest also that a lot paper works such as reporting, making

portfolios and outputs, assignments and etc. will affect the behavior of the

students. So the development of the behavior will be weaker.The school

administrator need to focus on extra-curricular activities rather than paper works

to enhance and use accurately the skills, intelligent, and ability of the students

which is related to their behavior.

Chapter IV

Findings, Summary, Conclusion, and Recommendation

This chapter will present the summary, findings, conclusion and the

recommendation of the study;

This chapter present analysis ,presentation and interpretation of data

gathered by the researchers on the problem a behavior among Grade 8 students

in Moreno Integrated School and positive effect of extra-curricular activities.

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Profile of the Respondents

Respondents conduct a study in Grade 8 students in Moreno Integrated

School. In this study the respondents are random came from the different

sections. It contains (50) respondents at the ages of 12 to 17 years old. 27 or

54% of male and 23 or 46% of female in randomize section of grade 8 students.

As to age profile, it was present that majority of the respondents include

within the bracket of 13 years old of age of 14 who gut a total of 18 respondents

or 36% while a total 5 were in the age of 15 or 10%. The age of 12 years old got

3 respondents or 6% and the last number of respondent bent to 16 to 17 with 2%


As to according to their gender it was revealed that the mate respondents

is not equal to female because it will random in to two sections. Male got a total

of 27 or 54% and the temple gut a total of 23 or 46% a total of 100% presentation

of data.

According to that chart shows how many times did participate in different

extracurricular activities in a school year. Most of the respondents were really

participated to different school activities. 45% respondents sometimes

participate. 30% say yes and 25 % is no.

According to the question “how many times did you participate in extra-

curricular activities in a school year? Out of so respondents 42 students 84% 1-3

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times participated in activities because they said that they are busy for their

academic performance in school 4-6 times answered activities, l respondents

that 7-9 times participate in extra-curricular activities in the school in Moreno

Integrated School.

According to the respondents 37 out of 50 respondents joined in sports. 16

of respondents on 32% in basketball, 18 respondents or 20% participate in

soccer, 8 of respondents or 16% participate in volleyball

According to the 36 out of 50 respondents that participate in sports, 25

respondents out so participate in academic related, 4 out of 50 respondents

participate in arts and 6 out of 50 respondents participate in leadership related in

thin school of Moreno Integrated School.

According to the answer of the respondents inthis academic Related some

students joined in editorial writing got a respondent or 14% socialism got 5

respondents or 100% that joined and 3 respondents or 6% joined in essay writing

According to the chart show the kinds of leadership such as Yes-O got 4

respondents or 8% that joined, 3 respondents on 6% joined in DLC and 2 or 4%

respondent joined in SSG in the Moreno Integrated School.

According to the chart show that 5 respondents that really like arts 4

respondent or 20% participate in charcoal in their school.

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According to gathered data show that 36 out of so respondents increased

self-esteem and confidence, 46 respondents out 50 the positive effect which is

sportsmanship, 27 of respondent out 50 they have a disciplined come from

positive effect of extra-curricular, 25 out of 50 respondents got a highly

motivated, 6 out of 50 respondent got a flexibility and 5 out of 80 got a


According to the respondents the other advantages related to positive

behavior did experience in joining extra-curricular activities by combining the

answers gathered from the grade 8 students in Moreno Integrated School in

terms of extra-curricular activities. The result of the gathered data states that the

advantages of positive behavior are to participating in different extra-curricular

activities especially their hobby to do with their friends and family. Using socialize

they create a good relationship by doing extra-curricular activities. By combining

their answer when they are participating in extra-curricular activities, they are felt

an increase of self-confidence because of that they didn’t shamed to face other

people and they got a disciplined as a player or as a students.

The respondents suggest any other extracurricular activities that can help

developed a positive behavior in combining the answer of the respondent they

can suggest to help develop a positive behavior of students is to have a different

activity that students really want or interested. Some of the students suggest

avoiding overload activities inside in the classroom such as projects in different

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subjects, PowerPoint presentation. Portfolios because of this overload activity

they can control their behavior to think cutting their classes, don’t attend their

school or continued to participate in class. They want to declare the school

administrator that more extra-curricular activity than lot of papers to be finished.

More activities outside that can relax, enjoy avoiding thinking negative

Implication of the Study

The implication of the study is to know the behavior among grade 8

students in Moreno Integrated School, Positive effect of extra-curricular activities.

Give information about positive effect of extra-curricular activities to the behavior

of the students, which can be a great help to manage the behavior of students.

And to know the factors can affect to behavior of the students to determine what

the things are have to consider improving for their behavior when they taking an

extra-curricular activities. Summary

This research assessed the Behavior among grade 8 students in Moreno

Integrated School: and positive effect of extracurricular activities specifically, it

answered the profile of the respondents in terms of age, sex and section. It is

also conducted to provide background information about behavior effect to extra-

curricular activities in the students of Moreno Integrated School in Grade 8. And

determine how extra-curricular activities help to the student’s positive effect of

extracurricular activities and how to develop. This study focused on the students

of Grade 8 in random sections. On different sections in Moreno Integrated

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School, the researchers selected (50) students in two section in Grade 8, 27

male random in two section and 23 female in random section in Grade 8 of

Moreno Integrated School. This research used a descriptive design of study to

gather the necessary information needed about the Behavior among Grade 8 in

Moreno Integrated School and positive effect of extra-curricular activities. A

descriptive study is characterized by an intensive study of a person on individual.

It discusses the positive effect of extra-curricular activities and how it is help to

the student’s behavior. This study used a quantitative analysis. The researcher

used to gather information a survey questionnaire to gather needed data to make

it easily know the problem and how to solve it. The researchers gathered data

through different resources such as internet, Books and Articles.


Based from the findings the following conclusion are drawn;

1. Most of grade 8 students they are not already familiar to extra-curricular

activities and the benefits of this extra-curricular activities to their behaviour as a

student. In that situation we all know that Moreno integrated School are have a

different kinds of extra-curricular activities but it is limited to proposed because of

very busy to other paper works.

2. High School students in grade 8 are busy to their study and they didn’t

enjoy of being teenager because of they are focus to studying, compile their
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projects, group activity that affect to the behavior of student. And it is possible to

have a not good build a relationship to other people.

3. Most of the respondents who are most active in extra-curricular

activities at the age bracket of 13 years old .And they not prioritize to participate

or joined in extra-curricular are the age of 16to 17 years old.

4. The students of grade 8 sometimes got a highest participate of the

student in extra-curricular activities and some are said no because of they don’t

have enough time to joined that activities, so we conclude that they are prone to

stress and they didn’t practice a time a management.


Based on the confusion presented the following recommendations were

hereby given:

1. The making of man was regarded as an artistic and not a mechanical

process. Modern education has recognized that when the child comes to the

school, he/she comes in to developed then mentally, physically spiritually.

Socially, vocationally as must be educate in all of them. Now they recognize that

these accounts are valuable media for developing proper attitudes, habits

interest ideal among people, because of their importance in education they have

been rename as co. Curricular Activities as they form an integral part of the

school curriculum.
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2.College student who participate in different extracurricular activities is a

good role model for the high school and Elementary level on how activities

effectively help to socialize to other students. This educative experience

comprise experience inside as well as outside the classroom, curriculum as well

as curricular extracurricular, as well as co-curricular to cover all facts of growth

pattern and ensure balance development of the child and good citizenship for the


3. Parents, guardians or family should motivate their child to participate in

extra-curricular activities and support their wants, interest and hobbies to male

develop their maturity. Give them a time to share their feelings about their want in

life. If we give this they already know the truth about what they interest to

participate in extra-curricular activities and surely their talents was boost if they

joined in different extracurricular activities.

4. According to the respondents they recommend to have different

extracurricular activities every year. The majority answered of the respondents

the best strategy to have a positive in different extracurricular activities is to don't

have a limited propose activities in their school.

5. Every individual must learn the stages of human development especially

when they socialize to other people. The human has it’s a cycle to undergo and

everyone must know. Every stages of developing of their age they discovered

their hidden talents and stages of maturity have a time to learn of discovering.
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6. The government should increase school funding and allocate a specific

amount for each co-curricular activity in the schools and in the districts. This will

ensure that resources necessary for students to participate are put in place to

increase their participation and consequently develop student’s activities.

7.The government and the relevant stakeholders; teachers, parents and

education officials should cooperate and put the relevant infrastructure in place to

encourage students participation in co-curricular activities and this will ensure

that all activities are tapped and students guided to make informed career paths.

8. Parents should be positive about co-curricular activities in schools and

encourage their children to participate in them as some may make a career out of

them. They should away from the popular believe that they can only succeed in

life if they only excel in academics.

9. Counselors could work with students to determine a "best fit" for

participation in activities that build on their interests and skill level. Community

partnerships are encouraged as working together.

10. For the next researcher more research is needed to determine what

motivates students to find a reason to get up and come to school. Offering a

variety of options at minimal cost and a variety of levels could engage the student

in a positive experience which may result in a win-win for all involved.

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12Albert Bandura’s Observational Learning

Erik Erikson Stage of Psychological Development
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AlawihaoDaet, Camarines Norte
m?content _ID=163>.


_activities_on_students_in_private_school_of_Lucknow_District [accessed Sep
02 2018]
student-academic-performance.php -of-psychosocial-developement-2795740

Articles/Books A Literature Review of the Impact of

Extracurricular Activities Participation on Students' Academic Performance

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AlawihaoDaet, Camarines Norte

Harvard Business Review: How Leaders Become Self-Aware Alaska Strategic

Prevention Framework State Incentive Grant: Risk and Protective Factors
for Adolescent Substance Use ( and Other Problem Behavior )
Online Journal of Qualitative Inquiry, October 2013, 4 (4)1 Coping, life stress,
and psychological and somatic distress.. European Journal of Personality, 9,
The Behavioral Theory and Attitude

Published Materials

(Howie et al. 2010, 120)

10.pdf Marsh
National Federation of State High School Associations “The case for high school
Activities”. 27 June 2006,


(Roulin and Banqueter, 2013” (Brown, M.D., 2000) Extracurricular Activities Build
Students' Self-esteem
Veronesi and Gunderman, 2012, Thompson et al., 2013)(.1

Yesantharao / Puri (2016 “Extracurricular Activities in Basic Education27

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Appendix A


Before Answering the Survey Questionnaire

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AlawihaoDaet, Camarines Norte

On the pictures show the student in Moreno Integrated School who are

listening to the discussion of the researcher before they are answering the survey

questionnaire that the researchers given. The researchers teach how to answer

the survey questionnaire and guide the student when they are answering to the


Appendix B
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region V-Bicol
Division of Camarines Norte
AlawihaoDaet, Camarines Norte

After Answering the Survey Questionnaire

This pictures show the students answering the survey questionnaire in titled

behavior of students in Moreno Integrated School, Positive effect of extra-

curricular activity. Out of two sections that we conduct an interview and

observation a total respondents are 50 random.

P-1 Brgy.Dogongan,
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region V-Bicol
Division of Camarines Norte
AlawihaoDaet, Camarines Norte

Daet, Camarines Norte



Age: 19
Date of Birth: June 23 1999
Place of Birth: Brgy. DogonganDaet,CamarinesNorte
Hometown: Brgy. Dogongan, Daet,CamarinesNorte
Sex: Female
Civil Status: Single
Height: 5’6
Weight: 55kg.
Citizenship: Filipino
Religion: Roman Catholic
Language: English, Filipino and Bicol
Parents: Marilou C Eboña
Jerome S. Eboña

 Computer literate (Microsoft word and power point)
 Ability to work well independently or in a group
 Patient and hardworking
 Good written and oral communication
 Good Leadership skills
 Responsible
 Optimistic Thinking



Brgy. Alawihao, Daet, Camarines Norte
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region V-Bicol
Division of Camarines Norte
AlawihaoDaet, Camarines Norte


Brgy. Alawihao, Daet, Camarines Norte


Brgy. Alawihao, Daet, Camarines Norte


October 13-17, 2017 “Leadership Enhancement”

Alawihao National High School
Brgy. Alawihao, Daet, Camarines Norte


Zenaida "Bong" EcanoMadona V. Zabala

Daet Camarines Norte Daet Camarines Norte

Brgy.Kapitan in Dogongan SHS Teacher

(Alawihao National High

Angela O. Catalon Floricel M. Balderama

Daet, Camarines Norte Daet, Camarines Norte

SHS Teacher SHS Teacher

(Alawihao National High School) (Alawihao National High School

Purok-6 Brgy. Alawihao,
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region V-Bicol
Division of Camarines Norte
AlawihaoDaet, Camarines Norte

Daet, Camarines Norte



Age: 18
Date of Birth: February 26 2000
Place of Birth: Brgy. Alawihao Daet,CamarinesNorte
Hometown: Brgy. Alawihao, Daet CamarinesNorte
Sex: Male
Civil Status: Single
Height: 5’6
Weight: 60kg.
Citizenship: Filipino
Religion: Roman Catholic
Language: English, Filipino and Bicol
Parents: Leonor V Garcia
Dante V. Garcia

 Patient and hardworking
 Good written
 Responsible
 Industrious



Brgy. Alawihao, Daet, Camarines Norte


Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region V-Bicol
Division of Camarines Norte
AlawihaoDaet, Camarines Norte

Brgy. Alawihao, Daet, Camarines Norte


Brgy. Alawihao, Daet, Camarines Norte


Roberto Palencia Madona V. Zabala

Daet Camarines Norte Daet Camarines Norte

Brgy.Kapitan in Alawihao SHS Teacher

(Alawihao National High

Angela O. Catalon Floricel M. Balderama

Daet, Camarines Norte Daet, Camarines Norte

SHS Teacher SHS Teacher

(Alawihao National High School) (Alawihao National High School

September 19, 2018


A pleasant and prosperous day!

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region V-Bicol
Division of Camarines Norte
AlawihaoDaet, Camarines Norte

We would like to request a permission to conduct a survey regarding our study

on “A Behavior among Grade 8 students in Moreno Integrated School; Positive Effect
of Extra Curricular Activities S.Y. 2018 – 2019.” If given the permission we would like to
utilize our subjects in English Academic, Pagbasa at Pagsusuri, Trends and Network.
Angela Catalon
English Academic
Monday to Friday12:55-1:55pm)

Donna Zabala
Pagbasa at Pagsusuri
Monday to Friday (1:55-2:55pm)

Floricel Balderama
Trends and Network
Monday to Friday (3:05-4:05pm)

We are hoping your kind consideration on this matter.

Very truly yours,

Jeanylyn Eboña
Nhoriel Garcia

September, 2018

A pleasant and prosperous day!

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region V-Bicol
Division of Camarines Norte
AlawihaoDaet, Camarines Norte

We would like to request to conduct a survey regarding our study on “A

Behavior among Grade 8 students in Moreno Integrated School; Positive Effect of
Extra Curricular Activities S.Y. 2018 – 2019.” If given the permission we would like to
utilize our subjects in Reading and writing, Practical research II and Personal

Jedrick Paul Frilles

Reading and Writing
Monday to Friday (6:45-7:45am)

Floricel Balderama
Practical Research II
Monday to Friday (7:45-8:45am)

Cristina Quirijero
Personal Development
Monday to Friday (8:45-9:45am)

We are hoping your kind consideration on this matter.

Very truly yours,

Jeanylyn C.Eboña
Nhoriel Garcia

September ___, 2018

Mrs. Susana Salcedo
School Principal
Moreno Integrated School
Daet Camarines Norte
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region V-Bicol
Division of Camarines Norte
AlawihaoDaet, Camarines Norte


A pleasant and prosperous day!

The undersigned student of Alawihao National High School under track of

Humanities and Social Science (HUMSS) is presently conducting a research study. In
view of this, we would like to request permission from your good office to allow us to
gather data in relation to our study titled “A Behavior among Grade 8 students in
Moreno Integrated School; Positive Effect of Extra Curricular Activities”. Attached
is a sample questionnaire for your research.

We are hoping that you could assist us in this study.

Thank you very much and more power!

Very truly yours,

Jeanylyn C Ebona

Noted by
Nhoriel Garcia
Research Teacher
Approved by:

School Principal

September ___, 2018

Aristotle Decena
School Principal
Alawihao National High School
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region V-Bicol
Division of Camarines Norte
AlawihaoDaet, Camarines Norte

Alawihao, Daet Camarines Norte

Good day!

The undersigned students of Alawihao National High School under track

of Humanities and Social Science (HUMSS) is presently conducting a research
study. In view of this, we would like to request permission from your good office
to allow we to gather data in relation to our study titled “A Behavior among
Grade 8 students in Moreno Integrated School; Positive Effect of Extra
Curricular Activities”. Attached is a sample questionnaire for our research.

We are hoping that you could assist us in this study.

Thank you very much and more power!
Very truly yours,
Jeanylyn C Ebona

Noted by: Nhoriel Garcia


Research Teacher Approved by:

School Principal

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