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Why do you want to enter our company?

I am a big fan of Watsons. You know the memes circling in Facebook about Men holding
the hands of their girlfriends when passing by watsons? That’s literally me and my
partner. Haha! Aside from being a fan of the beauty products your store is selling, Its
obvious that Watsons is the leading health and beauty retailer in the Philippines and in
whole Asia, and I would love to be part of this leading company.

In 5 years time, how do you see yourself in this company?

I see myself up by one step position holding bigger responsibilities.

What have I accomplished so far, how did I succeed, and what was the measurement
My Department is responsible for entering all personal information of all employees in
our Human Resource information system. Unfornately, the whole team was new and we
are on an Emergency Response. I was working in an INGO at that time. It was
necessary for people to submit all their requirements and the challenge was collecting
the information as everyone was always out for field work. One major challenge also is
the internet connection and that the system needs to be connected to be able to use it.
Well, as part of the team, I decided to make it my mission and to accomplish the task. I
presented my idea to my superiors and how to achieve it.

How did I handle a difficult work situation, what was it and what was the result?
Being an HR staff,

How can you motivate your co-workers?

Phone Interview: Background, current job detail, questions

Panel Interview: basic information, understand of job details, reason of changing jobs
and choosing their company, pro and cons, willingness to travel

Interview Questions

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