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A Brief History of The Black Order

The Black Order was founded in January 1994 to re-presence the Shadow of
the Collective Unconscious of the European folk; its “Great Work” to fulfil
the destiny of the West – that of Imperium, expressing the ethos of the
Faustian soul.

The Black Order emerged at a time when the ‘occult’ had been captured by
New Age banality, when the so-called ‘sinister’ was represented by
Americanised hedonistic ‘Satanism’ devoid of any challenge to the status
quo, but rather reflective of it, in the West’s cycle of decadence; when the
revival of a so-called ‘European paganism’ was in reality nothing but a
contemporary contrivance called ‘wicca’ and other such puerility that had
nothing of the tribal, warrior ethos of our ancestors, but was yet one more
manifestation of the West’s spiritual malady.

The Black Order operated on both the exoteric and esoteric levels. Hence,
The Order was also concerned with social and political issues. Its terms of
reference politically included National Socialism as the expression of the
Wotan archetype, as Jung had referred to it. But again, The Black Order
arose at time when the self-proclaimed representatives of National
Socialism, as heirs to the legacy of Thule, had degenerated into
sloganeering about ‘white power’, and so far from working to restore the
spiritual ethos of Western Culture, had rendered National Socialism and
efforts to restore European identity into a soulless travesty.

Arising in such a vacuum of the soulless and the banal on both the esoteric
and political levels, The Black Order’s message of a return to origins, to
spirit and to ethos, achieved a response among those who were looking for
something more. The Black Order represented a spiritual brotherhood and
sisterhood above the ruins of a crumbling Civilisation in this dark age. The
response was immediate. Lodges were formed in Australasia, the USA,
Finland, France, Britain, Sweden, with representatives and individual
members in other countries of pan-Europa as well.

The Black Order was de-activated in 1995, having sown the seeds of its
doctrine, and having overseen many of its members branching out into
numerous fields of endeavour on their own initiative in various areas of
politics, the kulturkampf, publishing and the esoteric. The influence of The
Black Order therefore endures. Its work has additionally not only been
sustained but eventually surpassed by the American based White Order of
Thule, of which The Black Order members in America formed the nucleus.
Since the transmutation of The Black Order and its most active members,
its legend has endured. Western destiny thinkers and activists continue to
seek it out. The spirit lives on in a myriad of ways, as we have indicated.
Recently the founder and Grand Master of The Order has declassified the
main MSS, namely “The Book of Wyrd”, and “An Introduction for
Prospective Members”.

As for The Flaming Sword, this members’ only journal first appeared in
January 1994 and ran for six issues, until May 1995. With the sanction of
the Grand Master and editor of the journal, Steven, editor of Black Axis, has
selected the most relevant of the articles from The Flaming Sword for the
volume you now hold. Again, this is yet another means by which the legacy
of The Order endures and spreads. Perhaps also, there will be those who
read these MSS and articles and decide to embark upon a course in some
manner continuing the Great Work of The Black Order.

This volume is commended as having distilled the essence of the spirit of

The Order, and its mere publication at this time may yet serve as a further
catalyst in the great cosmic battle that swirls around us, seeding new fields
of endeavour.

Advance to Imperium.

Wulf Grimwald


The Black Order of Pan Europa, 10 June 2000

Editorial comment: This introduction was written by the founder of

The Black Order for the booklet “The Best of The Flaming Sword”, which
was an extract of the members only journal. It is also the declaration of
making certain MSS of the Order, de-classified. Soon after this booklet
was published, The White Order of Thule was dissolved.

The seed that had been placed in the ground, was not sown for nothing,
and the current that was felt and gave inspiration, would only grow
larger in strength. We can again see similar traits, where many of the
radical underground movements has become static and impotent. The
need of being both esoteric and exoteric, to include both the direct action
and shaping of the warrior ethos along, with the spirit of our Folk, forged
through walking through both Darkness and Fire, approaching the Abyss,
had never been more necessary.

16 years after this booklet was originally released a group of men

gathered at North tower of Wewelsburg castle, a group of dedicated men
swore an oath there under a starlit sky, bounded by blood to the banner of
our Sacred Order. This was the re-awakening of The Black Order of Pan

This introduction and history of The Black Order, tells much of the concept
of the Order, and how we differ from other esoteric groups, and this
difference is foremost seen in the totality and uncompromising attitude,
its hardness to ourselves and the willingness to sacrifice and live fully by
our code: Duty, Honour, Loyalty!

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