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Elements of the Lesson Evidence that Documents the Elements

I. Standard K-ESS2-1 Use and share observations of local weather conditions to describe
District curriculum guidelines, MDE core curriculum, or CCSS patterns over time.**

II. Objectives/Targets and I can statements I can…

​What am I going to teach? ·​ ​I can track weather over time.
What will the students be able to do at the end of the lesson? ·​ ​I can identify the five types of weather (rain, snow, cloud, wind, sun).
What formative assessments are used to inform my I can identify the clothes that are needed to be worn for different types of
What challenges might students encounter?
Why is this concept/target important?

III. Lesson Management: Focus and Organization Go over Mrs. Brown’s classroom rules and expectations. Especially the big rule:
​What positive strategies, techniques and tools will I use? Listen when the teacher is talking.
What on task, active and focused student behavior will I see? Diamond rule: Keep your eye on the target.
Plus rule #1: Follow directions quickly.
Rule #2: Raise your hand for permission to speak and Rule #3 raise your hand for
permission to leave your seat.
Rule #4 make smart choices and #5 make your dear teacher happy.
I would also use the CHAMPS expectations as well to ensure that my students will
be following all of the expectations and rule that are in place at the school and in
Mrs. Brown’s classroom.
I will reward good behavior (raising your hand and having a voice 0) and the
following of directions for the lesson and the lesson activity with Smarties or with
stars on the Super Improver Wall (the students need 10 stars to move up the wall
to become a Genius Level).

IV. Introduction: Creating Excitement and Focus for the I will play a​ Y​ ouTube video​ to get the students engaged and excited about
Lesson Target learning about the 4 seasons. I will begin to teach the students about each
season and the order of the seasons. I will have the students “teach” their
​What will I do to generate interest?
partners each season after I introduce it and then something that is associated
How will I access prior knowledge?
with that season. I will use Whole brain Teaching and have them turn and
What will I have students practice/review? talk/”teach” their partners.
V. Input: Setting up the Lesson for Student Success Task Analysis: The learner will need to know that there are 5 main different kinds
Task analysis: of weather. The students will also have to know that we dress accordingly to the
· ​What information does the learner need? If needed how weather of the day and that we will dress differently with different types of
will it be provided?
Depth of Knowledge:
· ​How is the lesson scaffolded? Recall: Ask students to tell me what the weather is. Also ask students to help me
Higher Level Thinking: Questions to engage students’ brainstorm different kinds of weather that they have seen. And have them
thinking brainstorm different kinds of clothes that are needed to prepare for each type of
· ​Remembering weather.
· ​Understanding Accommodations: For students that need to be challenged, the students will
brainstorm 2 pieces of clothing that is needed during that kind of weather and
· ​Applying
“teach” their partner that.
· ​Analyzing For the students that need extra help, I will have them do a think, pair, share
· ​Evaluating with a partner and have them “teach” each other the 5 different types of
· ​Creating weather over and over again.
Webb’s Depth of Knowledge
· ​Recall/Reproduction Materials:
· Chart Paper
· ​Skills/Concept
· Smelly Markers for chart paper
· ​Strategic Thinking
· Daily weather chart (done with the morning routine)
· ​Extended Thinking · 20 copies of Printable Book (What’s the Weather Book)
Accommodations: Differentiating to meet students’ needs ·
· ​Remediation/Intervention · Weather Bear and Clothes
· ​Extension/enrichment
Methods, Materials and Integrated Technology
· ​Instructional techniques
· ​Engagement strategies
· ​Materials and Integrated Technology list
VI. Modeling: I Do Then I will use chart paper to make a chart that demonstrates the five different
​SHOW/TELL ​(Visual/Verbal Input) types of weather (wind, sun, rain, snow, cloud). I will make a chart paper with the
​What will I ​show/demonstrate ​for students? What will I ​tell 5 types of weather.

HOW/WHAT ​(Questioning and redirecting)
How ​to do as well as​ What ​to do

VII. Checking for Understanding Some examples of questions that I could ask for this CFU are:
Samples of questions to be asked ·​ ​“What is one of the 5 types of weather, Bleighten?”
Ways in which students will respond and be engaged ·​ ​“What type of weather do you wear gloves in, Summer?”
·​ ​”I am using an umbrella. What is it doing outside, Miranda?”
Formative assessment strategies to be implemented
“What is the weather you wear a swimsuit in, Cedric?”

VIII. Guided Practice: We Do I will have the students help me read the “What’s the Weather?” printable mini
​What do the teacher and student do together? book. We will read the book together and then I will show them that it’s a cut
How will a gradual release of responsibility be accomplished? and paste activity in the book. I will then have the students complete the cut and
paste activity in the book with my guidance as a whole group.

IX. Collaborative (You Do Together) and/or Independent I will have the students complete the cut and paste worksheet for weather. I will
Practice (You Do) then have the students complete the cut and paste mini-book on weather buy
themselves. This will be independent practice for them and will help to reinforce
​What practices will be demonstrated?
the concepts being taught in this lesson.
X. Closure ·​ ​ I will go back over the 5 main types of weather.
​How will the ‘I can’ statement(s) be reviewed? ·​ ​I will review the weather over the previous week. ( what the weather has
How will students be involved? been like the most of the days)
·​ ​I will review the I Can Statements
What connections to future learning will occur?
·​ ​I will have the students turn and talk and teach their partner 3 of the 5 main
types of weather as a way to sum up the lesson.
I will play a weather song.

XI. Assessment I will be informally assessing during the weather with thumbs up and thumbs
​What evidence supports that the target(s)/objective(s) were down throughout the lesson.
met? I will also be assessing the students on a cut and paste worksheet that I will have
them complete as the You Do part of my lesson. Also the cut and paste
What do my students know, understand and are able to do
mini-books that they make will also serve as a form of assessment (formal)
now? during my lesson.
What formative assessments will be used to inform
XII. Reflection (Questions to consider…) 1.) The students were able to identify the learning targets at the beginning and
How do I know that the objective(s)/target(s) were met? What the end of the lesson. They were able to identify the 5 main types of weather
is my that I taught them and were able to turn and teach their partners about the 5
main types of weather.
2.) Because the students seemed to understand the learning goals of this lesson
Based on the data gathered, what will I do next?
and I won’t have to reteach this lesson because they all understand the concepts
How well did the students perform/respond? How did students of 5 types of weather and tracking weather over time. I will be able to move onto
show they the next lesson in my weather unit which will be the 4 seasons.
were engaged? 3.) The students took really well to this lesson. They were engaged with the
What evidence do I have? video I used to hook them into the lesson. They engaged in the turn and teach
What aspect of the lesson was particularly challenging for and I listened in and heard some really good discussions from them. They were
also loved doing the weather books and were engaged with the cut and gluing of
students? What
the book.
will I do to help the student(s) who struggled? 4.) I feel that the students did a great job with this lesson for it being so long.
What will I do to extend the learning for those students who For kindergarten, doing the whole I do, we do, you do in one sitting is very hard
met to do because they get very antsy. So I felt that the most challenging thing for the
target? students during this lesson was the sitting still and listening and staying engaged
Were there any surprises? What would I do if I taught this throughout the entirety of my opening lesson on weather.
5.) The only surprise that I found when doing this lesson was that the students
are so eager to learn that they wanted to complete the whole 10 page book
instead of just the 5 pages that we did in my lesson. But the rest of the book
went over their heads and was more complicated and I didn’t want the students
to be overwhelmed but they were really wanting to learn more about the
weather such as partly cloudy and rainbows and such.

Updated August 2017

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