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Vietnam VN
Online is an established media across the globe. However, despite growing acceptance of digital marketing, there is high demand for
fresh data and new insights about onliners. This deck should support client meetings in digitally developed as well as digitally emerging
markets. It is one of the baseline narratives that emerged from the 2017 data of the Connected Consumer Study.


The CCS (Connected Consumer Study) is one of the largest research studies worldwide and its regional coverage spans all continents and
covers 63 markets. As opposed to many other studies it’s a representative study of the online and offline population 16 years and older.
The content is well balanced between stable KPIs that allow trending, and new content to support current topics. The study has been
carried out carefully using the highest possible QA and data validation processes. KANTAR TNS has carried out this research on behalf of
Google MI.
The insights shown in this deck should re-energize client meetings around the digital consumer. Especially in well-developed markets with
nearly saturated internet usage level the CCS points out underlying developments and insights. The global nature of this research allows
to get insights that align with regional company goals. Given the differences of these goals by region alongside their broad nature you
may not find all slides relevant for your region or market. Feel free to pick & choose the most appealing ones and also free to further
explore the data on or via the Google Market Insights Team.

VN 2

VN 3
Internet usage is still growing slightly and is now close to the saturation point. Underlying developments such as a higher daily reach are
stemming from an increased mobile centricity internet access. The advanced ecosystem of connected devices is visible through the
average number of those devices used per person. Connected devices affect how the Internet is used; This ‘mobile centricity’ affects
almost all types of digital activity and shows that digital user satisfaction depends on a good mobile design.

‘The onliner’ as such does not exist. Online is a medium of such immense reach that practically every target group can be found there.
Onliners are often older than many may think intuitively, and many use the Internet several times a day. The Internet is fun for online
users, it is a daily-use digital tool and the first place to search for information. Despite the strong use and high importance of the Internet,
many onliners still assess their own digital skills fair or poor. However, digital skills are increasingly becoming a key success factor in
business and private life. The share of inexperienced users shows the high demand for digital training. Onliners recognize both chances
as well as risks of technology and they want to feel secure while using the internet as data protection is really important to them.
Google search and Google maps as well as YouTube are frequently used destinations, which shows that Google is really a ‘brand for
everyone’. In fact, digital activities such as search, looking up directions or watching online video are done frequently as they fit well with
the onliners' motivations to come online. Search, online video and maps are mobile centric platforms and onliners are very likely to access
them via mobile phone vs. via computer.

VN 4

VN 5
I Online is the place to be
Established medium or emerging trend? Whatever level online usage has reached -
onliners can’t be taken seriously enough as a marketing-relevant audience


78% 82%
Local population, 16 years and older Global* population, 16 years and older
who use the internet for private who uses the internet for private
purposes purposes

Question asked: Q6 [How often do you use the internet for private purposes, if at all?]
Base: Total population 16 years and older // n (Local) = 1,000 // n (Global) = 32,000
Global average is defined as straight average of all 63 participating markets
Source: Connected Consumer Study 2017
VN 6

access the

Question asked: Q6 [How often do you use the internet for private purposes, if at all?]
Base: Total population 16 years and older // n (Local) = 1,000
Global average is defined as straight average of all 63 participating markets
Source: Connected Consumer Study 2017
VN 7
I Onliners are older than many would guess
Contrary to assumptions that online users are young, the age break is quite evenly
spread. Online is a medium that allows communication with people of any age.

▇ 65+ years

▇ 55 - 64

▇ 45 - 54

▇ 35 - 44

▇ 25 - 34

▇ 20 - 24

▇ 16 - 19

Age distribution of local private online Age distribution of global private

users 16 years and older online users 16 years and older

Question asked: Q1 [How old are you?]

Base: Private onliners 16 years and older // n (Local) = 784 // n (Global) = 26,132
Global average is defined as straight average of all 63 participating markets
Source: Connected Consumer Study 2017
VN 8
I Male and female alike
Also, both genders do so equally. Again, an opportunity to communicate broadly or
with niche audiences.

Men Men
Women Women


Gender distribution of local private Gender Distribution of global private

online users 16 years and older online users 16 years and older

Question asked: Q2 [Gender]

Base: Private onliners 16 years and older // n (Local) = 784 // n (Global) = 26,132
Global average is defined as straight average of all 63 participating markets
Source: Connected Consumer Study 2017
VN 9
I Different motivations drive internet usage
Internet usage is driven by fun, need for information and it’s usefulness in daily life;
hence: it is indispensable. Some are driven to actively contribute with own content.
▇ Local
▇ Global

% of onliners who strongly agree or agree to the following statements

I often post content online (contributors)

I often show other people how

to do things online

When I need information,

the first place I look is the Internet

Using the Internet is fun to me

If I have the opportunity to do a task

digitally, I prefer doing it that way

0% 25% 50% 75% 100%

Question asked: QTAS1 [To what extent do you agree or disagree to the following statements, 5-point scale (‘strongly agree’ to ‘strongly disagree’), Top2 codes shown]
Base: Private onliners 16 years and older // n (Local) = 784 // n (Global) = 26,132
Global average is defined as straight average of all 63 participating markets
Source: Connected Consumer Study 2017
VN 10
I Motivations to go online, by age
Fun, gathering information and a daily tool are needs that apply to people of any
age. Younger users are more in favor to actively share and contribute.





When I need
I often show other Using the If I have the opportunity
I often post information,
people how to do Internet is to do a task digitally,
content online the first place
things online fun to me I prefer doing it that way
I look is the Internet

Question asked: QTAS 1 [To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements,
5-point scale (‘strongly agree’ to ‘strongly disagree’), Top2 codes shown]
Base: Private onliners 16 years and older // (Local) Total n=784; 16-24 years n=195; 25-34 years n=242; 35-44 years n=162; 45-44 years n=94; 55+ years n=90
Source: Connected Consumer Study 2017
VN 11
I Not all onliners confidently use the web
Not all onliners confidently assess their own digital skills. This point outs the
need for digital trainings.

Self-estimated level of digital skills of Self-estimated level of digital skills of

local private online users 16 years and global private online users 16 years
older and older

---- Excellent ---- Very good ---- Good ---- Fair ---- Poor
Question asked: QSKILLS 1 [If you think about technology, computers and internet, how would you rate your digital skills? 5-point scale (‘excellent’ to ‘poor’)]
Base: Private onliners 16 years and older // n (Local) = 784 // n (Global) = 26,132
Global average is defined as straight average of all 63 participating markets
Source: Connected Consumer Study 2017
VN 12
I Some express interest in digital trainings
While some onliners are interested to upskill their digital knowledge, the positive
impact of such trainings may not be obvious to everyone.

Interest Interest
No interest No interest
I’m confident in my I’m confident in my
own skills own skills


Share of local private online users 16 Share of global private online users 16
years and older who are interested in years and older who are interested in
digital trainings digital trainings

Question asked: QSKILLS 2 [In which of the following training courses related to digital skills would you be interested in?]
Base: Private onliners 16 years and older // n (Local) = 784 // n (Global) = 26,132
Global average is defined as straight average of all 63 participating markets
Source: Connected Consumer Study 2017
VN 13
I Interest in digital trainings
The onliners who are interested in digital trainings are driven by a desire to upskill
in the following ways…
▇ Local
▇ Global

Basic digital skills (operating components of computer/

smartphone, organising files, using internet)

Professional digital skills (such as writing a CV,

creating documents, presentations and spreadsheets)

Data Reporting skills (report on statistics, using online tools to

access sales & marketing infos, manipulating data in spreadsheets)

Web Development skills (such as building a website, app,

or planning and managing online marketing activity)

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50%

Question asked: QSKILLS 2 [In which of the following training courses related to digital skills would you be interested in?]
Base: Private onliners 16 years and older // n (Local) = 784 // n (Global) = 26,132
Global average is defined as straight average of all 63 participating markets
Source: Connected Consumer Study 2017
VN 14
I Internet usage happens very frequently
Digital offers an ongoing dialog with onliners on a day-by-day basis - ideal
requirements for programmatic, moments-based biddings.

Local 94%
Percentage of onliners who access the
internet on a daily basis

Global 87%
Question asked: Q6 [How often do you use the internet for private purposes, if at all?]
Base: Local onliners 16 years and older // n (Local) = 784 // n (Global) = 26,132
Global average is defined as straight average of all 63 participating markets
Source: Connected Consumer Study 2017
VN 15
I Multiple internet usage instances
In fact, the majority of daily internet users access the web several times per day –
which also makes day-time targeting relevant.

92% Local
Share of daily internet users 16 years and older
who come online at least 2 times per day

86% Global
Question asked: Q6 [How often do you use the internet for private purposes, if at all?]
Base: Daily online users 16 years and older // n (Local) = 739 // n (Global) = 22,659
Global average is defined as straight average of all 63 participating markets
Source: Connected Consumer Study 2017
VN 16
Massive daily
use of silver
surfer above
55 years

87 % of
local onliners 55+
use the internet daily

Question asked: Q6 [How often do you use the internet for private purposes, if at all?]
Base: Online users 55 years and older // n (Local) = 90
Global average is defined as straight average of all 63 participating markets
Source: Connected Consumer Study 2017
VN 17
I Mobile phones are relevant access points
Internet usage has become mobile-centric – a relevant underlying development of
internet usage.

Device-level internet access of local Device-level internet access of global

onliners 16 years and more onliners 16 years and more

More often via computer/ Equally via computer and More often via smartphone
tablet than smartphone tablet/ smartphone than computer/ tablet
Question asked: Q16_1_3 [How often do you use the internet - through your web browser or apps - for personal reasons on (the devices you use), in a normal month?]
Base: Online users 16 years and older // n (Local) = 784 // n (Global) = 26,132
Global average is defined as straight average of all 63 participating markets
Source: Connected Consumer Study 2017
VN 18
I Recent digital developments
The underlying growth of internet usage is stemming from an increase of
mobile internet access.





2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

Online Usage * Daily Online Usage ** Access internet at least as often via smartphone as computer **
* Question asked: Q6 [How often do you use the internet for private purposes, if at all?]
** Question asked: Q16_1_3 [How often do you use the internet - through your web browser or apps – for personal reasons on (the devices you use), in a normal month?]
* Base: : Total population 16 years and older // n (Local): : 2013 n = 1,000 // 2014 n = 1,000 // 2015 n = 1,000 // 2016 n = 1,000 // 2017 n = 1,000
**Base: Online users 16 years and older // n (Local): 2013 n = 473 // 2014 n = 555 // 2015 n = 709 // 2016 n = 769 // 2017 n = 784 VN 19
Source: Connected Consumer Study 2017
I Digital activities are diverse
Search is the universal access to any kind of information, and thus a strong driver
for internet usage.
▇ Monthly usage
▇ Daily usage

Use search engines

Visit social networks

Check email

Play games

Watch online videos

Purchase products / services

Look for product information

Look up maps and directions

Listen to music
0% 25% 50% 75% 100%

Question asked: QIA1_N [How often do you do the following activities online, via any device, via app or browser?]
Base: Online users 16 years and older // n (Local) = 784
Source: Connected Consumer Study 2017
VN 20
I Digital activities are mobile centric
Search is mobile centric as well as social networks and watching online videos.

80% % of onliners who do each activity at least as frequently via smartphone as via desktop devices Local Global





Use search engines Visit social networks Play games Watch online videos Purchase products / Look for product
services information

Question asked: QIA1_1_3 [How often do you do the following activities online, via browser or apps (on the devices you use), in a normal month?]
Base: Online users 16 years and older // n (Local) = 784 // n (Global) = 26,132
Global average is defined as straight average of all 63 participating markets
Source: Connected Consumer Study 2017
VN 21
I Online shopping is relevant
Online shopping has become a huge opportunity and is in itself a driver for internet


14% 59%
Local onliners, 16 years and older who
Global onliners, 16 years and older
shop online
who shop online

Question asked: QIAPURCHASE_N [How often do you purchase or order the following products or services online, via any device, via app or browser ?]
Base: Online users 16 years and older // n (Local) = 784 // n (Global) = 26,132
Global average is defined as straight average of all 63 participating markets
Source: Connected Consumer Study 2017
VN 22
I Online shopping is diverse
Some products are bought online more-so than others which shows that the
ecommerce opportunity has yet to be fully leveraged.
▇ Local
▇ Global

% of onliners who buy these products or services below at least one time per month

Purchase or order physical products online

Order or subscribe to services

Buy online or mobile tickets

Order food online

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60%

Question asked: QIAPURCHASE_N [How often do you purchase or order the following products or services online, via any device, via app or browser ?]
Base: Online users 16 years and older // n (Local) = 784 // n (Global) = 26,132
Global average is defined as straight average of all 63 participating markets
Source: Connected Consumer Study 2017
VN 23
I Google properties are mobile centric
Search, maps and YouTube are frequently accessed via mobile phones

100% % of onliners who do each at least as frequency via smartphone than via desktop devices Local Global





YouTube Google Facebook Amazon Google+ Google Google Google Google Google Apple
Search Play Hangout News Maps Drive Store

Question asked: QIA2_N [How often do you use the following apps or websites for personal reasons? Please refer to the last month.]
Base: Online users 16 years and older // n (Local) = 784 // n (Global) = 26,132
Global average is defined as straight average of all 63 participating markets
Source: Connected Consumer Study 2017
VN 24
I Use of connected devices
The ecosystem of connected device is diverse, spurred by the multiple usage per

Number of
Connected Devices (local) 1.7 2.9 Number of
Connected Devices (Global)

Co-usage: Smartphone
AND Desktop devices 48% 74% Co-Usage: Smartphones
AND desktop devices

Question asked: Q12Nv1 (Q13) [How often do you use the following devices, if at all? (How many of each of those devices do you use?).] It is a combination of usage question Q12Nv1 and the
number of devices Q13. Included devices: Smartphone, Desktop computer, Laptop or Notebook, Netbook, Tablet, Portable media player, eReader, Digital device that can stream content from
the internet on your TV, Smart Speaker, Apps on Smart TV.
Base: Total population 16 years and older // n (Local) = 1,000 // n (Global) = 32,000; Global average is defined as straight average of all 63 participating markets VN 25
Source: Connected Consumer Study 2017
I Technology and data privacy matters
Technology is risk and opportunity united. The high relevance of data privacy and
protection reveals that people want to trust and feel safe when using the web.

61% 76%
Local Local
“New technologies “Data privacy and
offer more data protection are
opportunities than very important to
risks” me personally”
52% 88%

Question asked: QTAS 1 [To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements, 5-point scale (‘strongly agree’ to ‘strongly disagree’), Top2 codes shown]
Base: Private onliners 16 years and older // n (Local) = 784 // n (Global) = 26,132
Global average is defined as straight average of all 63 participating markets
Source: Connected Consumer Study 2017
VN 26

VN 27

VN 28
The CCS aims to be representative for the total online and offline population 16 years and older per market. The method varies by market
to ensure that 85% of the target population is included. The research has been carried out mainly CATI (telephony interviews) using
dual-frame sampling (fix-line and mobile phone numbers mixed to match the market share between fix-line and mobile connection). CATI
was done in all markets except: CN, IN, ID, MY, PK, PH, TH, VN, KZ, UA, AR, BR, CL, CO, MX, PE, EG, KE, NG, ZA, TR where the interview
method was F2F (Face-to-Face interviewing)


25 minutes on average with local deviations. Interviewers were carefully selected and briefed on the task. KANTAR TNS applied all QA
protocols to ensure that the data quality is high. The interview was conducted in all relevant local languages using a professional
translation process and double revision. The local languages have been checked by local Google employees. The set of questions contains
socio-demographic information, internet usage (in general and by device) and digital activities (in general and by device), device usage,
questions around attitudes towards digital and digital skills as well as a question set around digital assistants. For further information feel
free to reach out to your Google Market Insights Team.
Interview time across all markets was Q2 2017

N = 1.000 per market except UK (n = 8.000), Germany, France, India and China (n = 4.000 per market). Subgroups with less than 30
interviews are not shown and we recommend to cautiously interpret sample sizes below 60 interviews.

VN 29
In alphabetical order
Australia China Greece Kenya Norway Saudi Arabia (KSA) USA
UAE Colombia Hong Kong Korea New Zealand Sweden Vietnam
Argentina Czech Republic Croatia Kazakhstan Peru Singapore South Africa
Austria Germany Hungary Lithuania Philippines Slovenia
Belgium Denmark Indonesia Latvia Pakistan Slovakia
Bulgaria Estonia Ireland Morocco Poland Thailand
Brazil Egypt Israel Mexico Portugal Turkey
Canada Spain India Malaysia Romania Taiwan

Switzerland Finland Italy Nigeria Serbia Ukraine
Chile France Japan Netherlands Russia UK

VN 30

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