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How to improve the communication skills of students in the College?

Suggestions by the students (Sorted order):

1. Every faculty should speak in English throughout the college timings. Even the doubts
should be explained in English.
2. Mock interviews should be conducted daily.
3. Every faculty in every class should motivate students to speak in English
4. Close attention should be paid in English lab.
5. Make 10 or 5 students a group and appoint a leader to them. This leader will motivate
their friends to speak in English.
6. Ask final year students to motivate 3rd year students.
7. Students presentations can be displayed on TVs
8. Word of the day, News of the day can be on TVs
9. Saturday afternoon English activities, branch wise.
10. From the first year itself if English speaking is habituated then English wouldn’t be a
barrier in their final year.
11. English club- Membership, Campaigning.
12. Small fines of rupee or two.
13. Flip classroom, students should prepare a topic that is to be taught and present it.
14. Students should be encouraged to speak in English daily. If it’s for one day they’ll go
back to their routine.
15. English related simple games in the centre of the college, would inspire other students.
16. From the first year to final year, daily group discussion sessions, JAM, short videos etc.
17. Students are asked to speak in English while asking for ID cards.
18. Late comers can be allowed into the college if they present some stuff in English for
19. Added attendance will be given to those who give 10, 30 minute presentations in class.
20. Whoever lost their ID card, along with their receipt they should also get a sign from
English club volunteer. (Volunteer on spot play JAM).
21. Just Feedbacks or suggestions from students whose communication has improved receive
a small gift of their choice.
22. English contests should be conducted to students who lag a bit in English.
23. Note reading on college main stage daily by 10 students at 4.00, each 5min.
24. As students have the fear of failure, one faculty to should stand with him/ her and help
him/ her to stand confidently.
25. Importance of English should be known to students very clearly (Placements, TOEFL,
IELTS, Airports, Schools, Online shopping terms and conditions......).

Students Feelings: We want to improve our communication skills but we scared and if start
speaking in English our friends tease us. We feel shy. We need some support.


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