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Special Products on

What Is This Module About?

This module is a continuation of the module on polynomials. In the module entitled Studying
Polynomials, you learned what polynomials are as well as how to add, subtract, multiply and
divide them. In this module, you will learn about using special products, factoring and finding the
greatest common factor.
This module is made up of two lessons:
Lesson 1—Special Products
Lesson 2—Factoring Special Products

What Will You Learn From This Module?

After studying this module, you should be able to:

♦ multiply polynomials using special products;
♦ differentiate prime from composite numbers;
♦ find the prime factors of an integer;
♦ find the greatest common factor (GCF) of a set of monomials; and
♦ factor polynomials using the various methods of factoring.


Before you proceed reading this module, be sure to have read the module entitled Studying
Polynomials first. It will help you understand this module better.

Let’s See What You Already Know

Before you start studying this module, take this simple test first to find out how much you
already know about the topics to be discussed.
A. Multiply the following expressions.
1. (x + 1)(x – 1)
2. (x + 2)(2x + 1)
3. (x + 1)(x + 1)
B. Put a 4 in the box if the number is composite and an 8 if it is prime.
1. 21

2. 23

3. 7

4. 47

5. 10
C. Find the prime factors of the following numbers.
1. 180
2. 740
D. Find the GCF of the following polynomials.
1. 48x6y7 and 4y5x2
2. 45x5y3 and 15x2y3
Well, how was it? Do you think you fared well? Compare your answers with those in the
Answer Key on page 19 to find out.
If all your answers are correct, very good! You may still study the module to review what
you already know. Who knows, you might learn a few more new things as well.
If you got a low score, don’t feel bad. This only goes to show that this module is for you. It
will help you understand some important concepts that you can apply in your daily life. If you
study this module carefully, you will learn the answers to all the items in the test and a lot more!
Are you ready?
You may go now to the next page to begin Lesson 1.


Special Products

In the module entitled Studying Polynomials, you learned all about polynomials. In this
lesson, you will learn more about them.
After studying this lesson, you should be able to:
♦ multiply polynomials using special products;
♦ differentiate prime from composite numbers;
♦ find the prime factors of an integer; and
♦ find the GCF of a set of monomials.

Let’s Read

Itay, our class was assigned to paint a x2 + 2x + 1 is the

mural on one of the walls of the visual area, which
arts room. Can you help me find the means that it is
dimension of a square mural with an area the product of
of x2 + 2x + 1? the dimensions
of the square
mural. The width
and the length of
the mural are the
factors. To find
the mural’s
dimensions, you
need to factor x2
Sure,Eric. + 2x + 1.

You can use the special Using that special product formula, x2 +
How can I product formula a2 + 2ab +
factor out 2x + 1 will be equal to (x + 1)2.
b2 = (a + b)2 to find its Therefore, one of the sides of the square
x2 + 2x + factors. a + b is the
1? mural measures x + 1.
measurement of one of
the mural’s sides.

Let’s Review

How did Eric factor out x2 + 2x + 1?

Compare your answer with mine below.
Eric was asked to get the dimensions of the square mural. Since it is a square, the area x2 +
2x + 1 is a product of the square of one side. To find the factors, Eric used the special product
formula which states that x2 + 2ax + a = (x + a)2. Using this, x2 + 2x + 1 was therefore factored
out into (x + 1)2. The measure of one side then equals x + 1.

Let’s Learn

Special Products
Special products are very useful in finding the products of two polynomial factors. Working
with them is just like multiplying polynomials. Below is a list of the different kinds of special
products and examples of each kind.
1. Difference of two squares
♦ When the sum and the difference of a binomial are multiplied to one another, the
product is the difference of the square of the two terms as in:
(x + a)(x – a) = x2 – a2
where: x is a variable
a is a constant number
♦ (x + 3)(x – 3) = x2 – 32
= x2 – 9
♦ (2x + 4)(2x – 4) = (2x)2 – 42
= 4x2 – 16
2. Perfect squares
♦ When a binomial is multiplied by itself it is called a perfect square.
(x + a)2 = x2 + 2ax + a2
(x – a)2 = x2 – 2ax + a2

♦ (x + 3)2 = x2 + 2(3)x + 9
= x2 + 6x + 9
♦ (2x – 1)2 = (2x)2 – 2(1)(2x) + 1
= 4x2 – 4x + 1
3. Sum of two cubes
♦ When the sum of two terms is multiplied by the sum of their squares minus the
product of these terms, the result is the sum of their cubes.
(x + a)(x2 – ax + a2) = x3 + a3
♦ (x + 1)(x2 – x + 1) = x3 + 1
♦ (3x + 2)(9x2 – 6x + 4) = [3x + 2][(3x)2 – (2)(3x) + 22]
= (3x)3 + 23
= 27x3 + 8
4. Difference of two cubes
♦ When the difference of two terms is multiplied by the sum of their squares plus
the product of these terms, the result is the difference of their cubes.
(x – a)(x2 + ax + a2) = x3 – a3
♦ (x – 2)(x2 + 2x + 4) = (x – 2)(x2 + 2x + 22)
= x3 – 23
= x3 – 8
♦ (2x – 3)(4x2 + 6x + 9) = [2x – 3][(2x)2 + (3)(2x) + 32)
= (2x)3 – 33
= 8x3 – 9
5. Trinomials which are not perfect squares
(ax + b)(cx + d) = acx2 + (ad + bc)x + bd
where: a and c are numerical coefficients
b and d are constants
♦ (x + 2)(x + 3) = 1(1)x2 + [1(2) + 1(3)]x + 2(3)
= x2 + 5x + 6
♦ (x – 2)(x + 3) = [x + (–2)](x + 3)
= 1(1)x2 + [1(–2) + 1(3)]x + (–2)(3)
= x2 + x – 6
♦ (x – 2)(x – 3) = [x + (–2)][x + (–3)]
= 1(1)x2 + [1(–2) + 1(–3)]x + (–2)(–3)
= x2 – 5x – 6
♦ (2x + 3)(4x + 2) = 2(4)x2 + [2(2) + 3(4)]x + 3(2)
= 8x2 + 16x + 6

Let’s Try This

Fill in the blanks in the following.

1. (4x + 7)(4x – 7) = (____)2 – 72
= ____x2 – ____
2. (5x – 4)2 = (____x)2 – (____)(____)x + 42
= 25x2 – 20x + 16
3. (3y + 4)(9y2 – 12y + 16) = (3y + 4)[(___y)2 – (____)(3y) + ____2)]
= (3y)3 – 43
= ____y3 + ____
4. (3x – 5)(9x2 + 15x + 25) = (3x – 5)[(____)2 + (5)(3)x + ____2)]
= (____)3 – 53
= ____ – 125
5. (–4z + 1)(5z – 2) = (–4)(____)z2 + [(____)(–2) + (1)(5)]z + (1)(____)
= ____z2 + (–6 + 5)z – 2
= –20z2 – ____ – 2
Compare your answers with mine below.
1. (4x + 7)(4x – 7) = (4x)2 – 72
= 16x2 – 49
2. (5x – 4)2 = (5x)2 – 4(5)x + 42
= 25x2 – 20x + 16
3. (3y + 4)(9y2 – 12y + 16) = (3y + 4)[(3y)2 – 4(3y) + 42]
= (3y)3 – 43
= 27y3 + 64
4. (3x – 5)(9x2 + 15x + 25) = (3x – 5)[(3x)2 + 5(3)x + 52]
= (3x)3 – 53
= 9x3 – 125
5. (–4z + 1)(5z – 2) = –4(5)z2 + [(–4)(–2) + 1(5)]z + 1(–2)
= –20z2 + (–6 + 5)z – 2
= –20z2 – z – 2
Let’s Learn

Prime and Composite Numbers

Prime numbers are numbers that are divisible by only 1 and itself. The factors of a prime
number are 1 and itself. Examples of prime numbers are 3, 5, 7, 11, 13 and 17.
Composite numbers are numbers that are divisible by both prime and non-prime numbers.
Examples of composite numbers are 16, 18, 20 and 24.
To find its prime factors, the composite number 24 is factored out as 2 · 2 · 2 · 3. Factors
are numbers which, when multiplied to each other, equals the composite number.

Let’s Try This

Write P in the box if the given number is prime and C if it is composite. In the blank, write
the prime factors of the number. The first has been done as an example for you.
1. 40 = 2 · 2 · 2 · 5

2. 19 = __________

3. 56 = __________

4. 29 = __________

5. 35 = __________

6. 81 = __________
Compare your answers with mine below.
2. P 19 = 1 · 19
3. C 56 = 2 · 2 · 2 · 7
4. P 29 = 1 · 29
5. C 35 = 7 · 5
6. C 81 = 3 · 3 · 3 · 3

Let’s Learn

Factoring Polynomials
Factoring is the process of getting the polynomial factors of a given number or expression.
You learned how to factor out prime and composite numbers earlier. Now, you will learn
how to factor out variables. You will also learn how to factor out polynomials by getting their
greatest common factor or by using special products.
Factoring a Polynomial With a Common Factor
To find out how this is done look at the given example below.
EXAMPLE 1 Get the factors of the expression 12x2y – 24x3z.

STEP 1 Factor out each term and get the GCF of the terms in the given expression.
12x2y = 2·2·3·x·x·y
24x3z = 2·2·2·3·x·x·x·z
GCF = 2·2·3·x·x = 12x2
STEP 2 Take out 12x2 from the polynomial by dividing each term by 12x2.

 12 x 2 y − 24 x 3 z 
12 x 
2 2
 12 x 12 x 
= 12x2[(12 ÷ 12)x(2 – 2)y – (24 ÷ 12)x(3 – 2)z]
= 12x2(y – 2xz)
Since y – 2z is already prime, the polynomial y – 2z is called a proper factor of 12x2y –
24x z. The prime factors of 12x2y – 24x3z and therefore 12x2 and (y – 2xz).

Let’s Try This

Find the GCF of each of the following pairs of expressions.

1. 2x3 and 8x2 GCF = ___________
2. 9x2y and 3x3y4 GCF = ___________
3. 5y5z6 and 10y4z5 GCF = ___________
4. 36x5 and 24x2 GCF = __________
5. 40y9 and 30y6 GCF = __________
Compare your answers with mine below.
1. 2x3 and 8x2
2x 3 = 2·x·x·x
8x 2 = 2·2·2·x·x
GCF = 2x2
2. 9x2y and 3x3y4
9x2y = 3·3·x·x·y
3x3y4 = 3·x·x·y·y·y·y
GCF = 3x2y

3. 5y5z6 and 10y4z5
5y5z6 = 5·y·y·y·y·y·z·z·z·z·z·z
10y4z5 = 2·5·y·y·y·y·z·z·z·z·z
GCF = 5y4z5
4. 36x5 and 24x2
36x5 = 2·2·3·3·x·x·x·x·x
24x2 = 2·2·2·3·x·x
GCF = 12x2
5. 40y9 and 30y6
40y9 = 2·2·2·5·y·y·y·y·y·y·y·y·y
30y6 = 2·3·5·y·y·y·y·y·y
GCF = 10y6

Let’s See What You Have Learned

A. Multiply the following using special products.

1. (x + 4)(x – 4)
2. (2x + 5)(2x – 5)
3. (3z + 2)2
4. (x – 2)2
5. (z + 2)(z2 – 2z + 1)
6. (2y + 3)(4y2 – 6y + 9)
7. (x – 2)(x2 + 2x + 4)
8. (3y – 2)(9y2 + 6y + 4)
9. (2x + 1)(x – 3)
10. (6x + 2)(7x + 5)
B. Find the GCF of each of the following pairs of expressions.
1. –4x2y3 and 4xy GCF = __________
2. 28x4y6 and 16x3y5 GCF = __________
C. Find the prime factors of the following expressions.
1. –49z4 – 35z6 = ____________
2. 20x4y6 – 25x6y4 = ____________
3. –17x6y8 + 21x6y8 = ____________
Compare your answers with those in the Answer Key on pages 19 to 21. If all your
answers are correct, very good! If not, review the items you missed before proceeding to the
next lesson.

Let’s Remember

♦ Special products are very useful in finding the product of two polynomial factors.
♦ The following are some of the kinds of special products:

1. Difference of two squares: ( x + a )(x − a ) = x 2 − a 2

2. Perfect squares: ( x + a )2 = x 2 + 2ax + a 2

(x − a )2 = x 2 − 2ax + a 2
3. ( )
Sum of two cubes: ( x + a ) x 2 − a + a 2 = x 3 + a 3

4. ( )
Difference of two cubes: ( x − a ) x 2 + ax + a 2 = x 3 − a 3

5. Trinomials which are not perfect squares:

(ax + b )(cx + d ) = acx 2 + (ad + bc )x + bd


Factoring Special Products

In Lesson 1, you learned how to multiply polynomials using special products. You also
learned the difference between prime and composite numbers as well as how to find the greatest
common factor of given numbers or expressions. In this lesson, you will learn how to factor out
special products. You will also learn how to factor out polynomials using various methods of

Let’s Learn

In Lesson 1, we used special products to find the products of given expressions. In this
lesson, we will use special products to find the factors of a given product.
1. Factoring out a polynomial which is a difference of two squares
x2 – a2 = (x + a)(x – a)
EXAMPLE Factor out 2x3 – 8xy2.

STEP 1 Get the GCF of the term in the expression. Take out the GCF as in:
2x3 – 8xy2 = 2x(x2 – 4y2)
STEP 2 Factor out x2 – 4y2 which is a difference of two squares as in:
x2 – 4y2 = (x + 2y)(x – 2y)
The proper factors of 2x3 – 8xy2 are 2x, (x + 2y) and (x – 2y).
When factoring using special products, the steps given above are always
followed. But make sure that you already singled out the GCF before actually using
special products.
2. Factoring a perfect square trinomial
x2 + 2ax + a2 = (x + a)2
x2 – 2ax + a2 = (x – a)2
♦ 4x2 + 16x + 16 = (2x)2 + 2(4)(2x) + 42
= (2x + 4)2
♦ 25x2 – 30x + 9 = (5x)2 – 2(3)(5x) + 32
= (5x – 3)2
♦ 18x2z + 12xz + 2z = 2z(9x2 + 6x + 1)
= 2z[(3x)2 + 2(3x) + 1]
= 2z(3x + 1)2
3. Factoring a sum of two cubes
x3 + a3 = (x + a)(x2 – ax + a2)
♦ x3 + 8 = (x + 2)(x2 – 2x + 22)
= (x + 2)(x2 – 2x + 4)
♦ 8x3 + 64 = 8(x3 + 8)
= 8(x + 2)(x2 – 2x + 4)
4. Factoring a difference of two cubes
(x – a)(x2 + ax + a2) = x3 – a3
♦ x3 – 27 = x3 – 33
= (x – 3)(x2 + 3x + 32)
= (x – 3)(x2 + 3x + 9)
♦ 125x3 – 9 = (5x)3 – 33
= (5x – 3)[(5x)2 + 5(3x) + 32]
= (5x – 3)(25x2 + 15x + 9)

Let’s Try This

Factor out the following expressions using special products.

1. 20x2 – 45
2. 2y2 + 4y + 2
3. 27y2 – 18y + 3
4. x3 – 27
5. 8z3 + 8
Compare your answers with mine below.
1. 20x2 – 45 = 5(4x2 – 9)
= 5(2x + 3)(2x – 3)
2. 2y2 + 4y + 2 = 2(y2 + 2y + 1)
= 2(y + 1)2
3. 27y2 – 18y + 3 = 3(9y2 – 6y + 1)
= 3[(3y)2 – 2(3y) + 1)]
= 3(3y – 1)2
4. x3 – 27 = x3 – 33
= (x – 3)(x2 + 3x + 9)
5. 8z3 + 8 = 8(z3 + 1)
= 8(z3 + 1)
= 8(z + 1)(z2 – z + 1)

Let’s Learn

Factoring Out Other Trinomials Which Are Not Perfect Squares

In factoring out trinomials which are not perfect squares, we will not directly use special
products as in the earlier section. Factoring out trinomials which are not perfect squares needs
further analysis and uses the special products only as guides in finding an expression’s factors.
To learn how to do this, look at the following example.
EXAMPLE Find the prime factors of 30x2y2 + 44xy2 + 16y2.
STEP 1 Get the GCF of the terms in the given expression. Take out the GCF as in:
30x2y2 + 44xy2 + 16y2 = 2y2(15x2 + 22x + 8)
STEP 2 Factor out 15x2 + 22x + 8
1. Make a frame wherein you will put each of the terms. Write the literal
coefficients and the signs in-between frames as in:
15x2 + 22x + 8 = (____x + ____)(____x + ____)
a b c d
♦ a, b, c and d are the numerical coefficients we are looking for.
2. Write down the different dual combinations of factors of the numerical
coefficient of the first term and the last term.
15 = (1 × 15), ( 3 × 5)
♦ 1 and 15 or 3 and 5 are the choices that we have for a and c. You
can only choose between the two combinations. You cannot
choose 15 and 3 or 15 and 5.
8 = (1 × 8), (2 × 4)
♦ 1 and 8 or 2 and 4 are the only choices that we have for b and d.
3. Do you still remember the special product for trinomials which are not
perfect squares? Its middle term’s numerical coefficient is equal to (ad +
bc). Because of this, we choose a, b, c and d in such a way that (ad +
bc) is equal to 22.
15x2 + 22x + 8 = (____x +____)(____x + ____)
a b c d
ad + bc = 22
This can be done by trial and error. Try all the possible
combinations until the sum of ad and bc equals 22. Write the
combinations in the frames you made.
Let’s use (1 × 15) and (1 × 8) and the combination a = 15, c = 1,
b = 8 and d = 1.

 15 x 8  1x 1 
 +  + 
 a b  c d 

Check: ad + bc = 15(1) + 8(1)

= 23 not equal to 22
Let’s try another combination. Let’s interchange a and c,
so a = 1, c = 15, b = 8 and d = 1.
 1x 8  15 x 1 
 +  + 
 a b  c d

Check: ad + bc = 1(1) + 8(15)

= 121 not equal to 22
Let’s use another combination, (3 × 5) and (2 × 4).
Let a = 3, c = 5, b = 2 and d = 4.
 3 x 2  5 x 4 
 +  + 
 a b  c d 

Check: ad + bc = 3(4) + 2(5)

= 22
Therefore (3x + 2)(5x + 4) are the factors of the
expression 15x2 + 22x + 8.
Finally, the factors of 30x2y2 + 44xy2 + 16y2 are 2y2,
(3x + 2) and (5x + 4).

Let’s Try This

Find the prime factors of the following expressions.

1. 3x2 + 9x + 6
2. 2z2 – 4z – 16
3. 6y2 + 7y + 2
4. 6x2 – 2x – 20
5. 6y2 – 27y + 12
Compare your answers with mine below.
1. 3x2 + 9x + 6 = 3(x2 + 3x + 2)
= 3(x + 1)(x + 2)
2. 2z2 – 4z – 16 = 2(z2 – 2z – 8)
= 2(z – 4)(z + 2)
3. 6y2 + 7y + 2 = (2y + 1)(3y + 2)
4. 6x2 – 2x – 20 = 2(3x2 – x – 10)
= 2(3x + 5)(x – 2)
5. 6y2 – 27y + 12 = (z – 4)(6z – 3)
Let’s Review

A. Multiply the following polynomials using special products.

1. (x + 3)(x – 3)
2. (3x + 2)2
3. (4y – 2)(16y + 8y + 4)
4. (2z + 3)(4z2 – 6z + 9)
5. (2y + 5)(5y + 3)
B. Write C in the box if the number is composite and P if it is prime.
1. 34
2. 45
3. 37
4. 21
5. 15
C. Find the prime factors of the following numbers.
1. 100
2. 75
3. 39
D. Find the GCF of the following pairs of expressions.
1. 16x2 and 4x2y
2. 27x4y5 and 9x3y2
3. 100x5y6 and 50x3y3
E. Find the prime factors of the following expressions.
1. 3x – 12
2. 2x2 – 12x –18
3. 3x2 + 30x + 75
4. 2x3 + 2
5. 4x3 – 32
6. 6x2 + 19x + 15
7. 2x2 + 4x – 48
Compare your answers with those in the Answer Key on pages 21 and 22.

Let’s See What You Have Learned

A. Multiply the following expressions.

1. (x + 4)(x – 4)
2. (2x – 1)2
3. (x + 1)(x2 – x + 1)
4. (2z – 5)(4z2 + 10z + 25)
5. (5y + 7)(6y – 5)
B. Put a 4 in the box if the number is composite and an 8 if it is prime.
1. 17

2. 23

3. 18

4. 11

5. 12
C. Find the prime factors of the following numbers.
1. 24
2. 36
3. 50
D. Find the GCF of the following pairs of polynomials.
1. 12x2y and 4y2x
2. 51x3y2 and 17xy
3. 36x4y2 and 24x2y
E. Find the prime factors of the following expressions.
1. 3x3 – 24
2. 27x3 + 64
3. 2x2 + 16x + 30
4. 10x2 – 25x – 15
5. 6x2 – 19x + 10

F. Solve the following word problems.
1. A carpenter built a rectangular table with an area of x2 – 9 m2. What expressions
represent the table’s length and width?

2. The carpenter also built a square table with an area of x2 + 10x + 25 m2. What
expression represents the length of one side of the table?

Compare your answers with those in the Answer Key on pages 22 to 24.

Let’s Remember

♦ Special products are also used in factoring out polynomials.

♦ Factoring is the process of getting the polynomial factors of a given product.
Well, this is the end of the module! Congratulations for finishing it. Did you like it? Did you
learn anything useful from it? A summary of its main points is given below to help you remember
them better.

Let’s Sum Up

This module tells us that:

♦ Special products are very useful in finding the product of two polynomial factors.
♦ The following are some of the kinds of special products:

1. Difference of two squares: (x + a )(x − a ) = x 2 − a 2

2. Perfect squares: (x + a )2 = x 2 + 2ax + a 2

(x − a )2 = x 2 − 2ax + a 2
3. Sum of two cubes: (x + a )(x 2 − a + a 2 ) = x 3 + a 3

4. Difference of two cubes: (x − a )(x 2 + ax + a 2 ) = x 3 − a 3
5. Trinomials which are
not perfect squares: (ax + b )(cx + d ) = acx 2 + (ad + bc )x + bd
♦ Special products are also used in factoring out polynomials.
♦ Factoring is the process of getting the polynomial factors of a given product.

What Have You Learned?

A. Write P in the box if the number is prime and C if it is composite. In the blank, write the
prime factors of the number.
1. 50 ____________
2. 49 ____________
3. 67 ____________
4. 53 ____________
5. 37 ____________
B. Find the GCF of the following pairs of expressions.
1. 51x3z and 17x6y7
2. 100x8y3z and 70x5y3z
C. Find the prime factors of the following expressions.
1. 2x2 – 32
2. 3x2 + 36x + 108
3. 108x3 + 4
4. 15x2 + 5x – 20
5. 140x2 – 49x – 42
Compare your answers with those in the Answer Key on page 24.

Answer Key

A. Let’s See What You Already Know (pages 1–2)

A. 1. (x + 1)(x – 1) = x2 – x + x – 1
= x2 – 1
2. (x + 2)(2x + 1) = 2x2 + x + 4x + 2
= 2x2 + 5x + 2
3. (x + 1)(x + 1) = x2 + x + x + 1
= x2 + 2x + 1
B. 1. 4
2. 8
3. 8
4. 8
5. 4
C. 1. 180 = 9 · 20
= (3 · 3)(2 · 2 · 5)
2. 740 = 37 · 20
= 37(2 · 2 · 5)
D. 1. 48x6y7 and 4y5x2
48x6y7 = 2·2·2·2·3·x·x·x·x·x·x·y·y·y·y·y·y·y
4y5x2 = 2·2·x·x·y·y·y·y·y
GCF = 2·2·x·x·y·y·y·y·y
= 4x2y5
2. 45x5y3 and 15x2y3
45x5y3 = 3·3·5·x·x·x·x·x·y·y·y
15x2y3 = 3·5·x·x·y·y·y
GCF = 3·5·x·x·y·y·y
= 15x2y3

B. Lesson 1
Let’s See What You Have Learned (page 9)
A. 1. (x + 4)(x – 4) = x2 – 42
= x2 – 16
2. (2x + 5)(2x – 5) = (2x)2 – 52
= 4x2 – 25
3. (3z + 2)2 = (3z)2 + 2(2)(3z) + 22
= 9z2 + 12z + 4
4. (x – 2)2 = x2 – 2(2)x + 22
= x2 – 4x + 4
5. (z + 2)(z2 – 2z + 4) = (z + 2)(z2 – 2z + 22)
= z3 + 23
= z3 + 8
6. (2y + 3)(4y2 – 6y + 9) = (2y + 3)[(2y)2 – 3(2y) + 32]
= (2y)3 – 33
= 8y3 – 27
7. (x – 2)(x2 + 2x + 4) = (x – 2)(x2 + 2x + 22)
= x3 – 23
= x3 – 8
8. (3y – 2)(9y2 + 6y + 4) = (3y – 2)[(3y)2 + 2(3y) + 22]
= (3y)3 – 23
= 9y3 – 8
9. (2x + 1)(x – 3) = 2(1)x2 + [2(–3) + 1(1)]x + 1(–3)
= 2x2 + (–6 + 1)x + (–3)
= 2x2 – 5x – 3
10. (6x + 2)(7x + 5) = 6(7)x2 + [6(5) + 2(7)]x + 2(5)
= 42x2 + (30 + 14)x + 10
= 42x2 + 44x + 10
B. 1. –4x2y3 and 4xy
–4x2y3 = –1·2·2·x·x·y·y·y
4xy = 2·2·x·y
GCF = 4xy
2. 28x4y6 and 16x3y5
28x4y6 = 7·2·2·x·x·x·x·y·y·y·y·y·y
16x3y5 = 2·2·2·2·x·x·x·y·y·y·y·y
GCF = 4x3y5
C. 1. –49z4 – 35z6
–49z4 = –1·7·7·z·z·z·z
–35z6 = –1·5·7·z·z·z·z·z·z
GCF = –7z4
 − 49 z 4   − 35 z 6 
− 49 z − 35 z = −7 z 
4 6 4
4  

4 
 − 7 z   − 7 z 
= −7 z 4 7 + 5 z 2 )

2. 20x4y6 – 25x6y4
20x4y6 = 2·2·5·x·x·x·x·y·y·y·y·y·y
–25x6y4 = –1·5·5·x·x·x·x·x·x·y·y·y·y
GCF = 5x4y4
 20 x 4 y 6 25 x 6 y 4 
20 x 4 y 6 − 25 x 6 y 4 = 5 x 4 y 4  4 4 + 4 4 

 5 x y 5 x y 
4 4
= 5x y 4 y − 5x 2

5. –17x6y8 + 21x6y8
–17x6y8 = –1·17·x·x·x·x·x·x·y·y·y·y·y·y·y·y
21x6y8 = 3·7·x·x·x·x·x·x·y·y·y·y·y·y·y·y
GCF = x6y8

 − 17 x 6 y 8 21x 6 y 8 
− 17 x 6 y 8 + 21x 6 y 8 = x 6 y 8  6 8
+ 6 8 
 x y x y 
= x 6 y 8 (− 17 + 21)
= x 6 y 8 (4 )
= 4x6 y8

C. Lesson 2
Let’s Review (page 15)
A. 1. (x + 3)(x – 3) = x2 – 32
= x2 – 9
2. (3x + 2)2 = (3x)2 + 2(3x) + 22
= 9x2 + 6x + 4
3. (4y – 2)(16y2 + 8y + 4) = (4y – 2)[(4y)2 + 2(4y) + 22]
= (4y)3 – 23
= 64y3 – 8
4. (2z + 3)(4z2 – 6z + 9) = (2z + 3)[(2z)2 – 3(2z) + 32]
= (2z)3 + 33
= 8z3 + 27
5. (2y + 5)(5y + 3) = 2(5)y2 + [2(3) + 5(5)]y + 5(3)
= 10y2 + 31y + 15
B. 1. C
2. C
3. P
4. C
5. C

C. 1. 100 = 2 · 2 · 5 · 5
2. 75 = 3 · 5 ·5
3. 39 = 1 · 39
D. 1. 16x2 = 2·2·2·2·x·x
4x2y = 2·2·x·x·y
GCF = 4x2y
2. 27x4y5 = 3·3·3·x·x·x·x·y·y·y·y·y
9x3y2 = 3·3·x·x·x·y·y
GCF = 9x3y2
3. 100x5y6 = 2·2·5·5·x·x·x·x·x·y·y·y·y·y·y
50x3y3 = 2·5·5·x·x·x·y·y·y
GCF = 50x3y3
E. 1. 3x2 – 12 = 3(x2 – 4)
= 3(x – 2)(x + 2)
2. 2x2 – 12x – 18 = 2(x2 – 6x – 9)
= 2[x2 – 2(3)x – 32]
= 2(x – 3)2
3. 3x2 + 30x + 75 = 3(x2 + 10x + 25)
= 3[x2 + 2(5)x + 52]
= 3(x + 5)2
4. 2x3 + 2 = 2(x3 + 1)
= 2(x + 1)(x2 – x + 1)
5. 4x3 – 32 = 4(x3 – 8)
= 4(x – 2)(x2 + 2x + 4)
6. 6x2 + 19x + 15 = (2x +3)(3x + 5)
7. 2x2 + 4x – 48 = 2(x2 + 2x – 24)
= 2(x + 6)(x – 4)
Let’s See What You Have Learned (pages 16–17)
A. 1. (x + 4)(x – 4) = x2 – 16
2. (2x – 1)2 = (2x)2 – 2(1)(2x) + 12
= 4x2 – 4x + 1
3. (x + 1)(x2 – x + 1) = x3 – 13
= x3 – 1
4. (2z – 5)(4z2 + 10z + 25) = (2z – 5)[(2z)2 + 5(2z) + 52]
= (2z)3 – 53
= 8z3 – 125
5. (5y + 7)(6y – 5) = 5(6)y2 + [5(–5) + 7(6)]y + 7(–5)
= 30y2 + 17y – 35
B. 1. 8 17 = 17 · 1
2. 8 23 = 23 · 1
3. 4 18 = 3 · 3 · 2
4. 8 11 = 11 · 1
5. 4 12 = 2 · 2 · 3
C. 1. 24 = 2 · 2 · 2 · 3
2. 36 = 2 · 2 · 3 · 3
3. 50 = 2 · 5 · 5
D. 1. 12x2y and 4y2x
12x2y = 2·2·3·x·x·y
4y2x = 2·2·x·y·y
GCF = 4xy
2. 51x3y2 and 17xy
51x3y2 = 17·3·x·x·x·y·y
17xy = 17·1·x·y
GCF = 17xy
3. 36x4y2 and 24x2y
36x4y2 = 2·2·3·3·x·x·x·x·y·y
24x2y = 2·2·2·3·x·x·y
GCF = 12x2y
E. 1. 3x3 – 24 = 3(x3 – 8)
= 3(x3 – 23)
= 3(x – 2)(x2 + 2x + 4)
2. 27x3 + 64 = (3x)3 + 43
= (3x + 4)[(3x)2 – 4(3x) + 42]
= (3x + 4)(9x2 – 12x + 16)
3. 2x2 + 16x + 30 = 2(x2 + 8x + 15)
= 2(x + 3)(x + 5)
4. 10x2 – 25x – 15 = 5(2x2 – 5x – 3)
= 5(2x + 1)(x – 3)
5. 6x2 – 19x + 10 = (3x – 2)(2x – 5)

F. 1. x2 – 9 = (x + 3)(x – 3)
The expressions that represent the length and width of the rectangular table
are (x + 3) and (x –3) meters.
2. x2 + 10x + 25 = x2 + 2(5)x + 52
= (x + 5)2
The expression that represents one side of the square table is (x + 5) meters.

D. What Have You Learned? (page 18)

A. 1. C 50 = 1 · 2 · 5 · 5
2. C 49 = 1 · 7 · 7
3. P 67 = 1 · 67
4. P 53 = 1 · 53
5. P 37 = 1 · 37
B. 1. 51x3z = 3·17·x·x·x·z
17x6y7 = 17·x·x·x·x·x·x·y·y·y·y·y·y·y
GCF = 17x3
2. 100x8y3z = 2·2·5·5·x·x·x·x·x·x·x·x·y·y·y·z
70x5y3z = 2·5·7·x·x·x·x·x·y·y·y·z
GCF = 10x5y3z
C. 1. 2x2 – 32 = 2(x2 – 16)
= 2(x – 4)(x + 4)
2. 3x2 + 36x + 108 = 3(x2 + 12x + 36)
= 3[x2 + 2(6)x + 62]
= 3(x + 6)2
3. 108x3 + 4 = 4(27x3 + 1)
= 4[(3x)3 + 1]
= 4[(3x + 1)[(3x)2 – 1(3x) + 12]
= 4(3x + 1)(9x2 – 3x + 1)
4. 15x2 + 5x – 20 = 5(3x2 + x – 4)
= 5(3x – 4)(x + 1)
5. 140x2 – 49x – 42 = 7(10x2 – 7x – 6)
= 7(5x – 6)(2x + 1)


The Math Forum. (2001). Math Forum Internet Mathematics Library. http://forum. June 16, 2001, date accessed.
The Math Forum. (2001). The Math Forum Ask Dr. Math: Questions and Answers
From Our Archives.
June 16, 2001, date accessed.
Network Solutions, Inc. (2001). The Mental Edge. 2/
01/chapter A. June 16, 2001, date accessed.


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