Types of Acids

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 Acetic acid  Hydrochloric acid
 Benzoic acid  Aconitum acid
 Butyric acid
 Chromic acid  Arsenic acidum
 Carbolic acid
 Fluoric acid  Dehydrocholicum acid
 Hydrocyanic acid
 Hippuric acid  Glutamic acid
 Gallium acid
 Lactic acid  Hippuric acid
 Muriatic acid
 Oxalic acid  Hydrofluoric acid
 Picric acid
 Nitric acid  Mandelic acid
 Sulphuric acid
 Sulphurous acid  Malicum acid

 Phos acid  Molybdenicum acidum

 Osmic acid

 Retinoic acid

 Sarcolactic acid

 Salicyclic acid

 Stearic acid

 Tannic acid

 Telluric acid

 Uric acid

 Chilly ++ Sensitive to cold, drafts (cold in general) (Exception: Fluoric acid).
 Haemorrhagic tendency
 Weakness +3
 Burning sensation due to irritation of nerves.
 Over sensitive to external impressions.
 Destruction, ulceration. Septicaemia.
 Night aggravation

 Amelioration Motion & Rest.


 Predominantly Syphilitic.

 Lean, thin, tubercular constitution with stooped shoulder and premature old look.

 Poor memory, lack of concentration and destruction of all thinking power.
 Irritability
 Over sensitiveness
 Syphilitic qualities like :
 Hateful
 Vindictive
 Irritable
 Destructive qualities / activities
 "Self" egoism and attention towards pleasure seeking inputs

 Depression, listless, dejection.


1.Acetic acid
2.Arsenious acid ( Arsenic album)
3.Citric acid
4.Flouric acid
5.Hydrocyanic acid
6.Lactic acid
7.Malic acid
8.Nitric acid
9.Nitromuriatic acid
10.Oxalic acid
11.Phosphoric acid
12.Picric acid
13.Silicic acid ( Silica)
14.Sulphuric acid

General chemical and physical character:

They are electronegative. They readily combine with
electropositive substances like sodium and potassium. Most of
them redden litmus paper. Most of them are sour.

They are derived from the mineral and vegetable kingdoms.
For example;
Acids derived from mineral kingdom(Mineral acids)
Arsenious acid
Flouric acid
Muriatic acid
Nitric acid
Phosphoric acid
Silicic acid(Silica)
cidSulphuric acid

As derived from vegetable kingdom (Organic acid)

1.Acetic acid
2.Lactic acid
3.Hydrocyanic acid
4.Lactic acid
5.Malic acid
6.Oxalic acid

General features of acids (Physiological and Medicinal effects

They decrease the acid secretions and increase the alkaline

of the body. For example, if a quantity of Citric acid is taken
into the stomach, it will diminish the secretion of gastric juice.
On the other hand it will increase the secretion of saliva
which is alkaline in nature.
Antidotal action and complementary action to certain drugs:
1... Vinegar retards the action of Belladonna, but lemonade
aids the action of the remedy. 2.Antimonium crudum will not
tolerate acids , but we can use tamarind water.

Vegetable acids are useful in dyspepsia. e.g.: Allow the
patient to drink lemonade before meals and we can find that
the usual heart burn and sour rising after eating are
diminished. Hydro cyanic acid, Muriatic acid, and Lactic acid
favor digestion. Some person are greatly relieved by drinking
sour milk.
Antidote for intoxication: Vinegar has been used as an
antidote for intoxication.

Corrosive action:
They will produce discharges which are acrid and excoriating.
E .g; .L

The Acidums [Acids]


The most common and well known characteristic of the Acids is

exhaustion. Vithoulkas (1991 b, page 251) describes the mental
exhaustion of Pic-ac, the emotional exhaustion of Ph-ac, and the
physical exhaustion of Mur-ac.

Physiologically exhaustion is accompanied by an Acid imbalance.

In marathon runners the prevention of too much Acid in the blood
is of the greatest importance. The acidity comes about through
the formation of Lactic acid and Carbon dioxide. Too little
oxygen is supplied and too little Carbon dioxide is removed. The
oxidisation is happening so fast that the system can't keep up.
Similar to the acidity in the organisms is the acidity in the
environment. Here the oxidisation is also going too fast. The
environment is getting exhausted, because all processes are
happening at an ever-increasing rate. But the word 'exhaustion'
is not very specific, neither is 'weakness', which is the biggest
rubric in the repertory. Any condition and any remedy can
eventually lead to a state of weakness and exhaustion.

Active hurried

What we don't always know is what is going on prior to this

exhaustion. And this must, logically concluded, be the exact
opposite, i.e. an overdose of activity. The Acidums want to do a
lot. They exhaust themselves, they use their energy at a very
high rate. They don't necessarily have any complaints yet at this
stage, they are merely overactive.

This gives us the next characteristic of the Acidums:

hurriedness. This is well known in Sul-ac, one of the most
hurried remedies, but the other Acidums have this trait as well.
Hurriedness is a symptom that is often accompanied by tiredness
or exhaustion, the primary symptom of the Acidums.

Lively fresh extrovert

The Acidums have a certain freshness about them, especially in
the beginning, when the demanding character is not so prominent
yet. Their activity, their enterprising spirit and their optimism
give them an aura of freshness. They are extroverts and talk
easily and openly. Allen (1982, vol 7, page 346) writes about Ph-
ac: 'lively, vivacious mood'. Their sexual desire is high.

They have a tendency to be perfectionists, they have a great

desire to have everything 'just so'. This rather forced attitude
often makes the opposite happen in their lives.

Aggression fighting.
The overactivity goes together with a certain aggressiveness.
They force their will upon a situation, push it through in spite
of opposition, until they can't go on any longer. They can't
accept it if things do not go according to their wish. They can't
let go, they feel that they have to fight for their own goals.

This aggressive side expresses itself physically in the rather

biting, etching character of the complaints, as in aphthae, ulcers
and fissures.

Desire for unification

Behind the aggression of the Acidums lies one very strong desire:
that is the desire to become one with everything and everyone.
This aspect comes out very clearly in pure hydrogen. This was an
hitherto unknown remedy, which I had once wanted to do a proving
with myself, as it is the most basic element. Fortunately Sherr
(1992) has done a brilliant proving of this remedy.

The essential theme in it is the desire for and the realisation

of a universal oneness, wherein all boundaries have disappeared.

Isolation apathy

But hydrogen also has the opposite feeling: a deep feeling of

isolation, of being separated from your fellow beings and loved
ones. This feeling is to be expected if we look at the group
analysis of hydrogen. Single elements have an all or nothing
character. Hydrogen has both a feeling of total unification and a
sensation of total isolation. The Acidums have a similar theme,
each one expressing it in their specific area. Ph-ac, for
instance, has the desire for total communication, the way in
which twins can often do this.

General characteristics:

Location: right sided.

Physique: fair haired, thin.

Temperature: cold.

Time: (<) 9 pm; complaints come and go suddenly.

Desires: fat, spicy, alcohol, fruit (2), sour (2),

refreshing things.

Aversion: sour, bread. (<) sour, bread, coffee.

Physical: (>) lying down (2), (<) exertion, climbing

stairs. (<) touch.


Emaciation, wasting diseases, marasmus. Haemorrhages, anaemic, waxy pale.



FAMILY : Organic acid.

SOURCE : Distilled water is used for attenuation IX and I.

Very dilute spirit 3x up to 4, Rectified spirit for 5 and higher.

A/F : - Anaesthetic vapours, fumes of charcoal and gas.

-Stings and bites (Led).

-Surgical injuries, surgical shock.

-Sausage poisoning.

MODALITIES : < Cold air > Motion

< Wet > Loose stools
< Checked secretions
< Fog
< Night

MIND : -Ailments from shock 2, excitement.

-Anxiety and fear, driving him from place to place, in dyspnoea, in liver

-Irritability with headache and abdomen and liver complaints.

-Lamenting, wailing with delirium, with swelling of abdomen.

-Hystera; crawling and rolling on the floor.

-Grieves about sickness and children. Worried about business.

-Forgetful about what recently happened, does not know her own children.


- Stomach as if full of sour, vinegar ("like the remedy"!).
- Impossible to lie on back.
K. 1246: Sleep, position, back, on, impossible.

- Anxiety ab. his declining health.
- Anxiety ab. his children.
- < Emotional excitement.
- Tormenting panic-attacks with feeling of suffocation.
- Ailments from grief.
- Does not recognize his children.
- Irritability from headache.
- Anaemia, emaciation, loss of appetite, weakness, cachexia.
- Night-sweat, burning thirst, cough, diarrhea, vomiting, polyuria.
- Face pale, waxy, bluish lips, sunken eyes with dark circles.
- Remedy for tuberculosis, anaemia, hemorrhages, opiumaddiction,
- Hydropsia (DD: Apis: thirstless).
- Hectic fever.
- < Cold, sleeping on back.
- Aversion: cold drinks.
- < Cold drinks, vegetables.


Make-up : Pale, weak, sickly, emaciating; lean with lax, flabby

muscles; inherited phthisis leading to early decline. Emaciation;
more of face, hands, thighs; or of upper body with swelling of
lower half (Lyc.). Paretic. Faint, even collapsing. The ageing.
Calcareous i.e. teeth tartar, gout, calculus.

These memorative D's : Depressed. Debility. Decline. Dropsy.

Dysphagia. Diphtheria. (Acid) Dyspepsia. Diarrhea. Diuresis.
Diabetes. Dyspnea. Diphoresis. (Kali-ac. quite similar).

Mind : Nervous.Apprehensive; anguish; a depressing, agonising

feeling (Aco.,Tab.); worried about business, sickness etc.;
anxiety, with dyspnea. Irritable. Delirium, with rush of blood
to head. Hydrophobia. Confused. Coma; after anaesthesia. Ailments
after emotional excitement.


Grieves, about his sickness and his children. Worried about

business affairs. *Borrows trouble. Does not know her own
children. Forgets what has recently happened.



Lacticums are organic compounds made up of hydrogen, carbon and


Out of all the Lacticums Lactic acid is the only remedy that is
reasonably well known, at least as far as physical symptoms are

If we had to choose one word to describe the Lacticums we could
take the word girlish. This is how their parents usually describe
them too. Even in later life they keep this girlish quality. It
can also be seen in the stereotype of the little woman.

Childish immature dependent

The most striking aspect of their character is the childish
dependency on others. They act very childishly for their age.

They have a high pitched and happy little voice.

The problems usually start when they reach an age when they have
to start work or go to college, or leave home, in fact any time

when they have to start taking responsibility for their own life.

They want to have continuing support, they want to hear that they
are doing things right. They have a desire for compliments, but
not in the same way that Palladium or Manganum needs compliments.

The words that Lacticum wants to hear are more like: Well done
little girl! The opposite, too, may also happen, i.e. that they
get upset when someone calls them a little girl or treats them
like a little girl.


For some reason we see more female than male Lacticums. One

possible explanation could be that Lactic acid is found in

mothers milk, as well as in vaginal mucus, where it keeps the
delicate acid-alkaline level in balance. Another explanation may
be found in the fact that in our culture emotional behaviour like
crying and acting childishly is less frowned upon in women than
in men.


Hypoglycaemia is a prominent Lacticum symptom. There are other

remedies like Sulphur and Phosphorus who have this too, but its
not as pronounced as in the Lacticums. This symptom can be seen
as a symbol of the immaturity of the Lacticums. They are like
babies who need the breast every other hour. Their own metabolism

is still undeveloped and they can't go for long periods

without food. Lacticum babies need to be fed all through the
night for a long time. Another potential problem phase is when
babies have to go on to the bottle or to solid food. Their
metabolism has problems adapting to this. They often need
little snacks or a quick intake of sugar in between meals,
otherwise they get weak and faint and their legs give way.

Fear Hyperventilation
Their dependency may lead to fear which comes out in attacks of
hyperventilation. It is a sort of diffuse fear: they don't
know what they are afraid of. Basically they feel incapable,
too immature and weak to handle things. They want the support
of their family and their doctors and therapists.

Weather: (<) heat, (>) outside.

Time: (<) 5 pm.

desires: sweet, milk.

Aversion: milk; (<)(<) fasting (3), (>)(>) eating (2), sweet.

Lactic Acid

the girl that never grows up


Lactic acid is present in milk and in vaginal mucus. It is also a

compound that accumulates in the muscles if they don't
receive enough oxygen when they are being overexerted. It is the
acid in the muscles that causes the feeling of weakness and


Acidum Lacticum

Unity Symbiosis Girl

Total Childish

Eternal Dependent

Exhaustion Feminine

Lively Fresh Extrovert


Forever True


Group analysis

The girl that never grows up

A real girl
The child woman

Having to fight to be allowed to be a girl

Active in the role of being a girl

Exhausted being a girl

Isolation being a girl

The Lactic Acid picture

Essence: the girl that never grows up, a real girl.

A real girl

These people are very childish and immature. They would prefer to
remain a child, a little girl. This may express itself in
childish behaviour and talking with a high pitched little voice.

Their mannerisms and way of speaking can be very put on and

silly. It is the picture of the child woman.

In childhood they often love to play with dolls, dressing them,

feeding them, mothering them etc. They tend cling to their mother
a lot in every sense of the word.

When they grow up they have a problem because they don't like
to take responsibility, they would do anything to avoid it. As
long as other people explain things to them and show them exactly
what to do they'll be all right. Especially if they get a lot of
praise for what they do. But as soon as they are asked to
achieve something on their own they start to feel most
uncomfortable. They would like to avoid these tasks, especially
if they are likely to get criticised, it makes them very
nervous. What if I make a mistake?


Causes: leaving home, stopping breast feeding, having to

undertake new things.


Septic states. Ulcerations. Offensiveness. Putridity.

Low fevers with high temperature and great prostration.

Physical debility followed by mental debility.

Lower jaw fallen, slides in bed.


Haemorrhoids-during pregnancy, blue, like a bunch of grapes < slightest touch.

A/F : -Sun

MODALITIES : < Touch 2 > Motion

< Wet weather 2 > Warmth 2
< Walking > Lying on left side
< Cold drinks
< Bathing 2
< Voice
< Sun
< Before midnight

MIND : -Loud moaning.

-Great restlessness.

-Sad, taciturn, suffers in silence.

-Conscientious about trifles.

-Despondent, cross about everything.



- Feels he will never succeed; doomed to fail.
- Want of self-confidence.
- Therefore gives great importance to details (Graph) or obstacles in his
- Cannot overcome the least problem.
- Feels too weak to live on his own.
- Fears future, the least problems (Chin-s).
- Introverted. Suffers in silence. Morose. Sulky.
- Irresolution (Bar-c).
- Restless.
- Deep reflexion, quiet introversion, as if something unpleasant was
impending, but inclined to work.
- Discontented with everything; with himself.
- Difficult concentration. Mental exhaustion. Reading aggravates
mental symptoms.
- Forgetful for what has just said.
- WEAKNESS (muscular prostation).
- < SEA.
- < Cold.
- > Warmth.
- < Rest, before prostration sets in.
- "SLIDING DOWN IN BED", must be lifted up every little while.
- Aversion: Meat.



Acidum Muriaticum

Unity Symbiosis Broken relationship

Total Mother Child

Eternal Nurturing

Exhaustion Attention

Active Lively Fresh Self-pity

Apathy Sorry Clinging

Isolation Sadness



Group Analysis

Real care and nurturing.

Exhausted from caring

Desire to be one with mother.

Demanding total attention.

Symbiosis with mother.

Dependent on mother.

An exhausted mother.

Naive self-pity.

Isolated and complaining.

Picture of Muriatic acid

Essence: Real care and nurturing.

Real care and nurturing

They like to take care of people. They tend to sacrifice

themselves completely in this task and they are always ready to
help others. It is as if nothing short of total devotion is good
enough. They tend to carry the burden of the whole world on their
shoulders. The feeling behind this that they may be left on their
own if they don't provide this service. They feel that only
total devotion and nurturing will prevent their relationship
coming to an end.

Exhausted from caring

Because they get so totally absorbed in taking care of things

they eventually get exhausted. There is no limit to the amount of
time and energy they will give to the nurturing of others, so
they never have a moment to themselves. Then they want to do ten
things at once and they become chaotic and hurried. Until they
are totally exhausted and then they'll become very
irritable. Anything, any remark or request may be the last
straw and eventually they will just droop in a chair or fall
asleep in the middle of doing something.

An exhausted mother
This is a typical situation of a mother or father who will use
all their energy to be a good parent. They want to be a really
perfect parent and partner. This striving for perfection can make
them exhausted. Especially if there are some added difficulties
such as the care of a handicapped child or a sick relative. They
will overtax themselves, but their idealism wont let them do
things by halves.

The situation of a premature child can cause this state, but also
a miscarriage or abortion (noticed by Anton Kramer) can be the
cause. They'll feel their child is not allowed to die.

Demanding total attention

The other side of this can be a tendency to demand total care

from other people. As a child these people can be very open and
talkative. With their continuous chatter they demand the
attention of everyone around them. They can also be quite mean,
expecting help from others as soon as they are ill for instance.

They'll stop taking care of themselves, expecting others to

jump in and do everything for them.

Desire to be one with mother

They like to have their mother all to themselves. They can't

bear being separated from her. They'll cry and cling to her
whenever she wants to go out. They literally hang on to her,
because they feel totally dependent on her. Whenever something
goes wrong, or they get criticised or scared the first thing
they'll do is run to her for protection.

Their desire to be one with her may show itself in wanting to

copy or offer help with everything she does. So they'll help
with the washing up, they'll help with making the beds, or
they'll play mothers and fathers with their dolls all day.

Naive self-pity

When things go wrong they indulge in self-pity. They start to

become absorbed in their own mistakes and the mistakes of others.

They can't shake the thoughts of what went wrong.

Their perfectionism makes it impossible for them to get
over the slightest problem. When the tiniest thing goes wrong
they'll feel that nothing will ever go right again. The
idealised picture of the whole has been broken and the magic
has gone. They want to withdraw and sort things out alone.


Fears: alone, water, danger, failure, disease or death of mother

and family, accidents, future, dark.

Dreams: water, sea, waves, drowning, children, mother, disease

and death of mother, father, friends and relations, getting lost,
home, hurried and exhausted from taking care of home and

Mood: sensitive, emotional, complaining, clinging, restless,

hurried, impatient, apathetic.

Aggression: irritable and aggressive.

Mentally: lack of concentration, exhausted.

Profession: homoeopath, therapist, nurse.


Type: Blond, thin.

Weather: feels the cold; (<) sun, (<). sea.

Perspiration: (<) stools.

Time`: (<) 9 and 11 pm.; complaints come and go suddenly.

Desire: salt, fish, sour, starch.

Aversion: sour, sauerkraut, citrus fruit, meat.

Food: (<) fruit, sour.

Menses: (<) before, during or after menses, (<) after pregnancy;

swollen and painful breasts before menses.

Sleep: difficulty falling asleep.

Physical: (<) light; (>) lying down, (<) exertion, walking up stairs, (<)
pressure and touch.


When treating a low form of continued fever with extreme

prostration (<)Arsenicum,(>) Muriatic acid and (<)Phos. acid(>) force
themselves upon the mind. With (<)Arsenicum(>) there has been the
anxious restlessness; with (<)Phos. acid(>) there has been the mental
prostration, and then the muscular weakness; with Muriatic acid
the muscular weakness comes first, and there has been history of
restlessness and the mind has been stronger than could be
expected. With this great muscular exhaustion with jaw hanging
down and the patient sliding down in bed and soon the involuntary
stool and urine, this remedy is forced upon the mind.


Introverted. *Sad and taciturn. Suffers in silence. Irritable.

*Muttering. *Persistent loud moaning.


Mind and Head.-The patient is taciturn, does not wish to

speak on account of the exertion that it involves, he is
irritable, peevish and inclined to anger (bry., cham., nux vom.),
he has headache, like a heavy weight in the occiput, which is
relieved in the cold open air, and giddiness with a whirling
before the eyes causing dimness of sight, there is soreness of
the scalp and a sensation as if the hair was standing upright.
Vertical hemiopia is often present.


+ Prussic Acid. (HCN).


Mental.-Further symptoms from these sources are the mental,

in which the prover shows himself ill-humoured, irritable morose
and disinclined for work.


1) Violent, transitory, spasmodic or convulsive affections.

2) Convulsive attacks of mainly tetanic character; tetanus,

epilepsy (palliative).

3) Constriction in the throat, larynx and chest.

4) Spasmodic respiratory diseases; laryngismus, asthma, whooping-


5) Gastric affections where there is a sensation of sinking at

the epigastrium, which is relieved by taking food.

6) Purplish colour of the skin and mucous membranes,

7) Sleepiness, weariness of the limbs.


From warmth of the room, night (cough).


From open air and from food (gastralgia).

Mind : Ecstasy. Catalepsy (trance). Narcolepsy (coffee
antidotes). Coma alternating with convulsions; vigil.


October 2006
Hydrocyanic Acid and the Holocaust - A Different point of View
by Deborah Collins

Hydrocyanic Acid could be called a “poison for extermination”, being used extensively
both in the gas chambers of the Second World War and on death row. It is quick and
effective in its deadliness: “one of the most toxic agents known.” Its effects are sudden
and deadly, affecting the oxygenation of the cells, thus producing cyanosis. It has many
resemblances to Arsenicum, another deadly poison, and it is possible that many cases
requiring this remedy are “treated” with Arsenicum, to no avail. As with Arsenicum, the
picture seen in Hydrocyanic Acid patients is not always as severe as the proving picture.
It can vary greatly, disturbing one or more parts of the body, but thankfully seldom all of
them in any given patient.

A summary of the complaints treated with Hydrocyanic Acid in my patients:

(refers to complaints in the patient’s history).

- extreme tiredness, exhaustion
- lack of vital heat, “deathly cold” even in warm weather. Icy cold hands and feet;
cyanosis. But also in some: hot flushes.
- allergies: food allergies (no recurring pattern); chemical allergies; (sprays, gases, toxins,
petrol, paint fumes); sun allergy.

- Fears: Fear of death; Fear of dying in very near future; Fear of crowds; Fear in trains;
Anxiety about health; Anxiety about welfare of others (her children);fear of war and
horrific events; Fear of abandonment by parents.
- Depression: Suicidal thoughts. Feelings of hopelessness and despair. Staring.
- Anorexia Nervosa.
- Sensitivity to noises; starting from noises. Wakes in a fright from any sound.
- Afraid to sleep if he cannot see the door.
- Hurry: Restlessness, driving her from place to place. Hurry in eating, in walking .
- Delusions: (Psychosis): Razzias; being chased by soldiers. Being a Jewish child about to
be gassed. War. Concentration camps. Blood running down the walls.
- Clairvoyant knowledge which frightens.
- “Flashes”: being pushed up against stinking naked buttocks; armed men attacking,
rounding people up.
- Dreams: War; soldiers; hiding one’s children; people being taken away in a van; trains
packed with people.
- Oversensitivity to images of of violence and war (television, film, books), or a
fascination with them, especially Second World War. Sensitive to Memorial
Day, events concerning Jews and Jewishness.

- Hair falling.
- Eyes: extreme photophobia. Eyes crusty and irritated. M. Sjogren.
- Skin dry and cold, bluish tint. Boils. Skin cancer.
- Throat: chronic sore throats. Lump sensation. “Tense” feeling in throat. Inability to
swallow. Inflamed carotid artery.
- Heart: Palpitations. Low blood pressure.
- Respiration: Allergies, chronic coryza, asthma.
- Digestion: food allergies. Bloating and tiredness after meals. Enlarged spleen. Colitis
Ulcerosa. Inability to gain weight.
- Kidneys: inflammation, stones, nephrotic syndrome.
- Cramps, crampy sensations in joints, opisthotonus. Crying babies who overstretch.
- Neurological disturbances: sensation as though she has no legs; as though the arms do
not function; momentary blindness. “Unreal” sensation: “I am here, but I am not here”.

In the course of 5 years I have treated several more patients who have responded well to
Hydrocyanic acid. These patients do not necessarily come from Europe. As noted earlier,
the patients did not always present with as dramatic a picture as we see in the proving ,
which presents as a picture of collapse and near death. As time went on more subtle
information was utilised to find the remedy. In the cases of infants and small children I
have relied solely on physical symptoms. With others, dreams, “flashbacks”, phobias, and
psychoses have pointed the way to what might have been the initial cause of their present
problems. In these cases it was the concept of looking at their symptoms in terms of
possible past lives that created the breakthrough. I chose to take their state seriously,
seeing it as a real situtation in which they had become ‘stuck’, rather than dismissing it as
a ‘delusion’. (Another possibility could be an ‘entity attachment’, which I will not go into

Looking at the broader picture presented by these patients, an image emerges: the
persecution of a person or group which is to be exterminated. In the case of my patients
this seemed to be by ending up in concentration camps and eventually in the gas
chambers. This, of course, was the fate of millions of Jews during the Second World War.
But it was also the fate of many others who were considered “undesirable” by the
prevailing regime: gypsies, homosexuals, and the mentally retarded. On the side of the
“perpetrators” cyanide was also used, in the form of a suicide pill by those Nazis who
saw no other way of escape from retribution after the war. In countries with a death
penalty cyanide is often used to carry out the death sentence.
It is important to note that similar cases with themes of “ the Holocaust” will not always
require this remedy. If we consider the possiblity of our patients actually having died in a
concentration camp there are many ways in which this could have happened: hunger,
thirst, illnesses, medical experiments, beatings, hanging, torture, the list is endless. They
suffered enormous mental and emotional distress as well: the loss of their homes, family
and friends; loss of feeling of safety; loss of dignity; and for many the worst:loss of
connectedness with God. As well as the many physical complaints arising from this
horrendous situation, there are many emotional scars to deal with: feelings of anger, guilt
(at leaving others behind), abandonment, humiliation, feelings of being a “displaced
person”. Such an extreme situation may require different remedies in the course of
treatment, as different aspects may arise.

In my experience the remedy Hydrocyanic Acid resolves an important layer, especially

when it seems evident that death has come about in the gas chambers. It is fascinating to
note how Hydrocyanic Acid seems to encompass so much of the Holocaust experience, as
portrayed in provings done long before the war itself. Fears such as “fear of horses, fear
of trains, fear of houses falling” certainly do not refer to the gas chamber experience
itself, but possibly to experiences before that. The “fear of a car coming in the street” in
two of my cases (and three cases of Jean Pierre Jansen) seems to me to refer to the time
of being rounded up and taken away. The delusion: “surrounded by friends, shaking
hands and calling them by name” could be the situation on arriving at the camp and
finding many others from one’s own group there. “Staring, thoughtless, rises in bed and
gazes vacantly” reminds us of the photographs of vacant, staring eyes we see of those
who have been through this and seen too much horror. “Hysteria: must exert great force
to prevent from injuring herself.” reminds us of the many suicides that took place under
these conditions. Looking at the well known rubrics in another light helps us to
comprehend the remedy.

But at other times it might be necessary to resolve issues around for instance hunger with
other remedies, e.g. one of the Iodatums. Even our simple “first aid” remedies such as
Arnica, Hypericum and Aconite come into play as we work through the different traumas.
Melilotus covers the situation of waiting in hiding, having to remain silent lest any noise
should reveal their presence.

On a personal note, these cases have done much to broaden my concepts of what it is that
we are actually working with when we treat our patients. Where the etiology is obvious
beyond a doubt, such as after a severe accident, there is no need to complicate our
thinking with philosophical considerations in order to find a proper treatment. Indeed, in
many of our cases it suffices to repertorize carefully in order to find the right remedy.
And yet, despite careful repertorization there still remain cases which seem to defy all our
efforts. In some of these cases, as illustrated above, it has been a change in my perception
itself which has provided the break-though. On looking back it was as though all the
information had been staring me in the face, yet I had still not seen the picture. I had
consistently written down my patients’ words such as “I always wanted to become a
Jew”; “I dreamt of vans carrying people away during wartime”; “I am desperate about
having to leave my children behind”; “I hear voices calling out ‘help me, help me’”, but
when I came to repertorising I “left these parts out”, as I could not fit them in, except in a
general way . Even though I knew about the possibility of past lives, it took me a long
time to break beyond the boundaries of my thinking and to “see” what was there before
me without trying to fit it into a pigeon-hole. Even when my intuition was giving strong
signals: “Oh no, another concentration-camp case” I chose to ignore it, finally having my
intuition proved more correct than my repertorization. I would certainly never have
thought of giving the 12 year old boy this remedy, as he looked quite healthy apart from
his asthma, had it not been for my experience with previous patients with similar dreams
and attitudes.

It is possible to make use of the concept of past lives, without the patient ever having
been in an actual regression session, or even believing in it. If we combine their dreams
and “delusions” with their physical complaints we might come up with some surprising
remedies. For example: a woman with weeping, vesicular eczema on her arms and face
had terrible fears and dreams of her house burning down. She dreamt of having to pull
her child out of a burning house. Rhus Tox. did nothing for her, but Cantharis, (although
not listed under “fear of fires”), given as a “burn” remedy, cured an eczema she had had
her whole life.

The concept of using past life knowledge is not new, though it is growing in acceptance
and recognition these days. Something which has tended to remain the property of
religious belief for many (and disbelief for many others) is finding its way into therapy,
especially psychotherapy. Rabbi Jonassen Gershom, an American rabbi, has helped many
who have come to him with the odd “feeling” or knowledge that they had lived a past life
as a Jew, and had suffered during the Holocaust. His two books “Beyond the Ashes,
Cases of Reincarnation from the Holocaust” and “From Ashes to Healing” record case
after case of those whose lives have changed for the better by the recognition of their
reality. Many of these people have not reincarnated as Jews, but as white Protestants or
Catholics. Gershom explains this by saying that the soul has decided that it was not safe
to be a Jew, and that it was safer to take on a more Arian appearance.

Dr. Shakuntala Modi, M.D., a psychiatrist and writer of the revolutionary book
“Remarkable Healings”, has stumbled onto past-life work while treating patients under
hypnosis. This has often lead her to success where she was previously stumped. She has
asked herself the question “Why have I enjoyed this measure of success with these
therapies?” and found the answer to be “an open mind”. Even something as unquestioned
as our own religious views can at times form a filter through which we see, or don’t see,
our patients.

In one sense it is often a healthy practice to curb any impulses towards sloppy prescribing
which are at the expense of groundedness and exactness. In another sense, there are times
when a too dogmatic adherence to “the rules” veils our “inner knowing”, especially when
what we see does not fit in with what we would expect. It is challenging, and at times
frightening, to have one’s concepts broadened, as it is often accompanied by a temporary
sense of disorientation. The once-familiar territory seems to be vaster than we had

I feel that we are in a time where we no longer need to “prove” to ourselves or to others
that homoeopathy actually works. While we should not be dictated to by our imagination,
we should also not be dictated to by a need to be “accepted” by the medical community.
It could be our role as homoeopaths to keep our feet on the ground, while reaching for the
heavens, for only God knows where the answers to our questions lie.


Convulsions, constrictions, suffocation, tightness.

Cyanosis, collapse (pulmonary causes), cholera, coldness.

Drink rumbles through throat and stomach. Sinking at pit of stomach.

Paralysis of lungs.

COMMON NAME : Prussic acid

FAMILY : Organic acid

MODALITIES : < Empty stomach > Coffee

> Eating

MIND : -Anxiety 3 with every disease.

-Delusion, he is surrounded by friends, shaking hands and calling them by


-Fear 3 of animals, horses, cars, street vehicles, falling of houses.


-Insanity, madness with general painlessness.

-Thoughtless staring, violent sighing.

-Hysteria, tries to injure herself.

-Morose, cross, fretful, peevish, ill-humor, sudden unconsciousness, shrieking,

screaming, shouting loudly or involuntary.

Unconscious. Fear of imaginary troubles; of death, house
falling, horses, cars etc.; of crossing the street, even when the
vehicle is at a considerable distance. Loud involuntary screams;
before convulsions.

Pains violent, in spots

Periodical remissions.

Rheumatism of left side. Hyperaesthesia of retina.

Gastro-enteritis. Terrible neuralgic pains in the spermatic cord.

Angina pectoris- sharp, lancinating pain in the left lung coming on suddenly, depriving of breath.

A/F : Coffee

MODALITIES : < Thinking of complaints 3

< Touch
< Shaving
< Mental exertion
< Motion
< Strawberries 2
< Sour fruits 2
< Grapes 2

MIND : -Very much exhilarated in thoughts and action.

-All complaints are < thinking about condition. Will bring them up on when
they are not actually present.

-Exhilaration during diarrhoea.

-Anxiety in evening, in bed, from violent exercise.

-Confusion and vertigo.

-Desires to beget and to have children.




- Thinking of pains or conditions will bring them on, when they are
not actually present, e.g. thinking of urging for urination or stool.
- Neurasthenia.
- Rheumatism of left side of the body.


Nervous and sleepless. Very much exhilarated; quicker thought

and action. All conditions made worse by thinking about self.


Complaints come on from

eating sour fruits, such as strawberries, cranberries, apples,
rhubarb, tomatoes, grapes; also from eating sugar and starchy
food. Wine and coffee disagree. The symptoms, and especially the
pains, come on or are worse when thinking about them. At times
there is great excitement and exhilaration-- -again there is loss
of memory and dejection; maniacal conduct; aversion to

Phosphoric acid is used in states of debility similar to
those it produces. It has, therefore, found its place in ailments
caused by continual grief, over-exertion of mind or body, sexual
excesses or other drain on the system, such as prolonged
lactation and menstrual losses (*Chin.) It is used for the
effects of disappointed love (*Ign., *Nat., *Mur.) and for home-
sickness (*Capsic.)


Muco-cutaneous junctions affected. Ulcers. Fissures.

Pains-splinter-like, sticking, appear and disappear quickly.

Offensiveness. Sweating of palms, white spots on nails.

Very sensitive to noises. Caries of mastoid. Nosebleed.

Violent cutting pains in rectum after stools, lasting for hours.

A/F : -Abuse of mercury 3

-Continued loss of sleep 2
-Long lasting anxiety
-Overexertion of mind and body from nursing sick
-Loss of dearest friend
-Bad effects of repeated doses of digitalis

MODALITIES : < Change of temperature or weather 3

< Evening
< Night 3
< Contact
< After midnight
< Cold climate 3
< Hot weather
< On walking
< Mercury
< Noise 2
< Touch 3
< Jarring 3
< Milk
< Fat food
< Motion 2

MIND : -Hateful, vindictive, self-willed, headstrong. Irritable. Violent anger.

-Fear of death, morbid fear of cholera (Ars).

-Hard to please, unmoved by apologies.

-Fear of dependency.

-Agony, from loss of friend.

-Sensitive to noise 3, pain, touch, jar.

-Hopeless despair. Constantly thinks about past troubles.

-Irritable 3.


- ANXIETY ABOUT HEALTH (Agar, Ars, Kali-ar).
Fear of disease, cancer. Fear of death.
- Don't easily make contact.
As if there's a barrier.
Not emotionally involved.
- Selfish. Suspicious.
- Everything bothers him.
Discontented. Unhappy. Complaining.
- Pessimistic and gloomy, morose.
- Miserable.
- Irritability, < morning. Cursing.
- Sensitive to noise (Ferr, Nux-v).
Hatred, unmoved by aplogies.
- Disappointed, discouraged.
- Comes in a state of apathy, indifference.
Emotionally isolated.
- Nihilism.
- < Cold.
- > Riding in carriage.
- Pain < night.
- Weakness.
- Syphillitic miasm. Bone pains < night.
(Arg-n, Kali-c, Nat-m, Hep, Sil).
- Fissures.
- Offensive, corrosive discharges.
- Ulceration of mucous membranes.
- Desire: FAT, SALT, spices, herring, indigestible things.
- Aversion: Cheese,eggs.


Acidum Nitricum

Exhaustion, apathy Enjoyment

Active, hurried Need for space, expansion

Lively, fresh, extroverted Going out

Aggression, fighting Congestion, explosive

Desire for unity Tension

Isolation Relaxation

Group analysis

From the group analysis we get as the essence of Nit-ac the

feeling that they have to exhaust all possibilities of enjoyment,
or the feeling that all possibilities have already been

At a first glance this essence seems to be contrary to the

generally accepted picture of Nit-ac, that of the unforgiving,
resentful person, who goes through all sort of court cases in
order to prove that he is right; the person who never forgives a
wrong, who considers anyone who is not actively supporting him to
be his enemy.
In practice, however, this picture has proved to be a little one-
sided. It actually represents a later stage of the Nit-ac.
situation. This is the stage at which they feel that all
possibilities for enjoying life have been exhausted, that these
chances have been taken away from them. This makes them feel
resentful towards the person who has, in their eyes, been the
cause of this. But they keep fighting for their opportunities,
they don't give up.

In the earlier stage, however, they don't have this resentful

side yet, because the opportunities for enjoyment are still
there. But even here we already see a fighting spirit, a striving
to get everything out of life that they possibly can. They can be
very jolly people, who enjoy sharing the good things of life with


Irritable, hateful, vindictive. So angry, he trembles. Profane,

cursing, using vulgar language. Quarrelsome delirium; talks to
spirits in other tongue. Confusion. Thoughts vanish, after
exertion of mind. Sadness. Despondency. Taciturn. Refuses
consolation on one's misfortune. Anxiety about his disease, fear
of cholera; of death. Constantly thinks about past troubles. No
disposition to work, to perform any serious business. Hopeless
despair. Weeps from discontent of himself. Easily frightened.


Great general weakness; feeble reaction; extreme sensitivity,

and nervous trembling, are marked features in this remedy.
Patients greatly broken by long suffering, pain and sickness,
physical more than mental suffering, finally anaemia and
emaciation are marked. Sensitive to cold; always chilly. Symptoms
are aggravated from becoming cold, and in cold air. Always taking

Prostration of mind. Any effort to reflect on certain things

causes the thoughts to vanish. A general indifference to all
matters; tired of life; has no enjoyment in anything; aggravated
before menses. Mental depression in the evening. Anxiety about
his failing health, with fear of death. Anxiety after loss of
sleep; vexation and sorrow. He is angered over his own mistakes.
mistakes. Anger with trembling. Obstinate and refuses to be
comforted about his misfortune. He is weary of life but fears

death. Excitable and weeps. Despair of recovery. Hopelessness.

Easily startled, frightened. Starts from fright on falling
asleep. Cannot comprehend what is said to him. The whole mental
state is better when riding in a carriage.

Sadness, and as if oppressed with grief Weeping mood. Excessive

melancholy and anguish. Affright. Anxieties, the whole day. Fits
of anguish, with palpitation of the heart, arresting the
breathing. Anguish, with stitches above the heart, and a sort of
raving as if delirious, with coldness of the body and inclination
to fall. Excessive nervousness. Timid, with tendency to start.
Hopelessness, despair. Tired of life. Indifferent joyless.
Taciturn. Irritable disposition. Indisposition to work.


The mind is excitable, the patient is easily startled and

frightened, irritable, vexed at trifles, inclined to weep,
despondent and averse from mental exercise. The mind remains
clear, delirium ensuing only in the very severe or fatal cases.


Internal tremor, wants to be held. Sourness. Erosions and haemorrhages.

Great painfulness. Hot flushes.

Pain increases slowly, then suddenly ceases.

A/F : -Mechanical injuries, (fall, bruises, concussions)

-Taking alcohol
-Climacteric period
-Lead poisoning
-Chafing (CLARKE)
-Surgical operations.

MODALITIES : < Open air < Cold > Hands near head
< Alcohol < Surgical operations > Hot drinks
< Injuries < Odour of coffee > Warmth
< Towards evening < Excessive heat or cold > Lying on affected side
< Touch < Pressure
< Drinking cold water.

MIND : -Hurry hasty, quick, sullen, impatient, angry because things move so slowly.

-Seriousness, alternating with buffoonery.

-Unwilling to answer the question not out of obstinacy, but inaptness.

-Irascible, vacillating and morose.



- Does everything in a hurry, eating, writing, talking, walking,...
- Hurried feeling inside. Feels as if there's not enough time to get
everything done. Anxious about getting everything finished.
- Wants to accomplish to many things at once, which gives confusion,
awkwardness. Ineffectual hurriedness.
- Hurriedness can be only internally. Controlled, but unnatural calm-
- Dissatisfied. Irritable.
- Lack of communication, no real contact with anybody.
- Talk to themselves.
- Discouraged.
- Absent-minded. Distracted.
- The whole organism is accelerated.
- Chilly. < Cold, draft.
- < SMOG, FUMES (Petr), SMOKE, strong perfume.
- < Menopauze.
- Facial neuralgia left side. Neuralgic pain in body on right side.
- Pain appear gradually, disappear suddenly (Stann).
- Alcoholism.
- Desire: BRANDY, alcohol, sweets, fresh food.
- < Smell of coffee, alcohol.

Acidum Sulphuricum

Exhaustion, apathy Clothing

Active, hurried Beauty, grace and harmony

Lively, fresh, extrovert Joy

Aggression, fighting Love and relationships

Desire for unity Jealousy

Group analysis

Let us now combine the Acidum element with that of Sulphur. We

then get the following essence: the idea that their love and
their relationship is exhausted. They have the feeling that their
relationship is not really very good. They try to do whatever

they can to improve it, until they have completely exhausted

themselves. When they have 'exhausted' all possibilities, they
finally give up. They get into a state of apathy towards their
partner, because they cannot see any future in the relationship
anymore. Another variation could be that they have a great
desire to feel 'one' with their partner, one in their love for
each other. This desire often goes beyond what is possible in
reality. They tend to lose sight of reality with its happy, but

also its unhappy, moments. When they finally realise this, they
suddenly feel lonely and isolated. Their attitude usually
attracts a partner with the same ideals. Their partner also wants
to get everything out of the relationship. The reality with its
ups and downs isn't good enough, the partner urges them on to
make the relationship absolutely perfect. This demands so much of
them that they finally have nothing left to give. Another
variation is that of 'hurry without grace'. They can be so
hurried that all sense of beauty and harmony gets lost. Their
conversations may also lose a sense of beauty. One could say that
they exhaust themselves to avoid cliches (Sulphuricum).

A striking symptom is mentioned by Clarke (1985, vol 3, page

1330): 'seriousness alternating with buffoonery'. Here we see the
seriousness of Sulphur alternating with the joking liveliness of
the Acidums.

Picture of Sulphuricum Acidum

Essence: The idea that they have to make a great effort for their
love relationship. Mind: the idea that they have to do all they
can to improve their love relationship.

The other side is also present, as in Sulphur: the inability to

handle their emotions. This can result in a relationship with

little depth in it, which spurs them on even more to improve it.
They think about it all the time while they are at work, and it
makes them hasty and hurried in their actions. They want to do
too many things at once. Or they try and find recognition in
their work to compensate for the unsatisfactory relationship. At
a later stage they might even get depressed, which they will try
to suppress by drinking. This may lead to moods which alternate
between depression and elation.

General characteristics:

Temperature: warm, (<) heat.

Time: (<) 5 am and 9 pm.

Desires: sweet, fat, sour.

Aversion. sour, eggs.

Physical: results of accidents or sprains.


Must do everything in great hurry. Sullen, impatient, angry

because things move so slowly. Fretful and *irritable; over the
slightest cause, nervous fatigue and tendency to take fright.
Vaccillating and morose. Unwilling to answer questions; says yes
or no with difficulty. Constant crying or weeping. No one does
anything to please him. Seriousness alternating with buffoonery

The sensation of quivering all over the body and in the limbs
without visible trembling is a very strong symptom of Sulphuric
acid, and especially if it is associated with weakness that has
been of long standing. The exhaustion, excitability and hurried
feeling are constant factors

Prostration of mind and body, with extreme sadness, weeps

continuously. Nothing can be done to please him. Fretful and
irritable over the slightest cause. He cannot eat and work fast
enough. No one does anything to please him; in such a hurry if
doing anything or going anywhere. All things must be done at
once. Unwilling to answer. Irresolution.


Debility mental, followed by physical; with free secretions. Slowness, slow grasp. Indifferent and apathetic.
Early hair falling and graying. debility from loss of vital fluids, but profuse, painless, non-debilitating

Milky urine.

SOURCE : Glacial Phos. Acid Hpo3.

Phosphoric acid. H3PO4. Dilution.


Violent acute disease Chagrin.

Care GRIEF (Ign)

Sorrow Separation from home
Disappointed affection 2. Shock
(Nat-m, Hyos, Ign )
Overlifting Overstudy
Long succession of moral emotions Injuries, Operations.

Bad news Disappointed love

DRUG ABUSE After illness

MODALITIES : < Loss of vital fluids, especially seminal 3 < Self abuse
< Sexual excess 3 < Fatigue 3
< Operations < Overlifting
< Mental affections < Talking
< Emotions 3, Grief 2 < Drafts 2, cold
< Music < Convalescence 2 from fevers.

> Warmth 2
> Short sleep 3
> Stool

MIND : -AILMENTS FROM GRIEF. Suffers in silence.

-Softening or a dropping down in tone on the emotional plane, leading to

indifference, apathy. Wants to be left alone. Sleeps with face to the wall.
Listless, APATHETIC, INDIFFERENT to affairs of life, prostrated and
stupified with grief to those things that used to be of most interest. Affections
of mind, especially of emotional side. Brain fag.

-'Frozen down' emotions, indifferent to any kind of stimulation (Hyos, Sep).

-Answers slowly (Hell). Slowness, slow grasp. Can't collect his ideas, hunts
for words.

-Forgetfulness and weakness of memory, especially for words.

-Delirium muttering, lies in a stupor, lies like a log, when aroused is fully
conscious, answers slowly and correctly and relapses into stupor.

-Quiet, unwilling to speak or hasty speech.

-Mental DEBILITY first and then physical.

-Intolerance of noise especially music, which causes stitches in ear, even

while singing himself. Every second re-echoes loudly in ear.



PLANE, progressing to the physical and mental planes.

- AILMENTS FROM GRIEF. Suffers in silence.
- Softening or a dropping down in tone on the emotional plane, leading
- Wants to be left alone. Sleeps with face to the wall.
- 'Frozen down' emotions, indifferent to any kind of stimulation
(Hyos, Sep).
- Forgetfulness and weakness of memory, especially for words.
- Answers slowly (Hell).
FLUID, after illness, sexual excess.
- WEAKNESS with tendency to perspire or sensation of heat.
- < After coition.
- > Sleep.
- Falling of the hair (head, eyebrows, genitalia, etc.)
- Dryness of mucous membranes.


Phosphoricum acidum [Ph-ac]

'Your best friend is yourself'


Acidum Phosphoricum

Exhaustion, apathy Communication

Active, hurried Sympathetic

Fresh, lively, extrovert. Friends,



Aggression, fighting Brothers

Desire for unity Homesickness

Isolation Language and learning

Curiosity and travel

Restlessness and fears

Group analysis

The central theme of Phosphoric acid is the exhaustion of

communication. They like to have many contacts with friends and
acquaintances, and they like this contact to be meaningful. In
the beginning stages Ph-ac does not give us the impression of

being exhausted at all, they are more like Phos, very open and
profound in their communications.

The second variation is linked to the first. This is when the

possibilities for communication become exhausted. They feel that
they have done their utmost to maintain a good contact, and now
they have lost that contact in spite of all their efforts. This
could be in the case of someone moving house, where they have

lost all their old and trusted friends, neighbours and other
relations. Homesickness is an important symptom of Ph-ac.

They become tired and exhausted, because they have lost the usual
contact with their friends. This may lead to a state of apathy
and indifference. The expression 'emotional exhaustion' is not
entirely correct. The exhaustion is not so much emotional in the
sense of deep feelings about a love relationship, but more in the

sense of contact with friends and relations and the effort they
have invested in this. Phos-ac is therefore not usually the
remedy for lovesickness, unless the most important aspect of the
relationship had been the exchange of ideas, whereby the loss of
this contact is the greatest source of grief.

A third variation on the theme can be a longing for a feeling of

unity with brothers or friends. A typical Ph-ac situation can be
that of identical twins. They are very close to each other; no
words are needed to understand each other. Parents and friends
are often just outsiders who don't really understand what goes on
between them. Then at one time an outsider, like a partner, may
come into their life. Or one of them may want to start to find
his own identity. At that point the other one feels a great loss
of their former intimate contact.

Another variation might be exhaustion from studying too much. In

this aspect there may be a similarity with the other
Phosphoricums, but in Ph-ac the exhaustion and the apathy are
much more prominent.

Essence: Desire for unity in contact.

Mind: They have a great desire for contact. They have many
friends and relations, with whom they like to talk a lot. If they
lose these contacts, they get very upset. They become depressed,
indifferent, apathetic. They don't enjoy life anymore and they
can't think properly. Situations that may cause this state could
be, for example, staying away from home, or moving house. When
they move house they lose all their old (school) friends, their
neighbours and lots of other acquaintances. This makes them feel
homesick. They keep thinking of the good old days. The death of a
friend can also be the cause of a Phos-ac situation.

Identical twins are another typical example. They have a strong

bond together, they often communicate on an intuitive level,
without words. Here the problems often start when they begin to
grow away from each other.

Study can also be the cause of problems. They may exhaust

themselves with their study, until they can't think anymore and
their memory has totally gone.

General characteristics:

Location: right sided.

Physique: tall, thin.

Temperature: cold, sensitive to thunderstorms.

Time: (<) 9 pm.

Desires: refreshing things (3), sour (2), spicy,

salt, fish, cold drinks.

Aversion: salt, fish, sour.

Menses: copious.

Physical: (<) movement, walking, (>) rubbing.


"Mental enfeeblement" is the thought that will come into the

mind when considering what the Phosphoric acid patient says, does
and looks. The mind seems tired. When questioned he answers
slowly or does not speak, but only looks at the questioner. He is
too tired to talk or even think. He says: "Don't talk to me; let
me alone." This state is found in both acute and chronic
diseases. He is so tired in mind, perfectly exhausted. In chronic
diseases when brought on from long study; prolonged worry in
business men; in feeble school girls, who become relaxed from
very little effort. In acute diseases he, especially in typhoid
fever, is averse to speaking or answering questions. He merely
looks. Finally he rouses up and says: "Don't talk to me, I am so

ired." He cannot think what he wishes to say, cannot frame his

answers to questions. Another cause is sexual excesses in young
men, or in those guilty of secret vice. Weakness; lack of
reaction; state of stupor, with impotency; mental prostration,
and as if the spine had given out.

In every case we find the (mental) symptoms are the first to

develop. The remedy runs from the mental to the physical, from

he brain to the muscles. This is so striking that it is

contrasted with (Muriatic acid.) In the latter remedy the
muscular) prostration comes first, and the mind seems clear until
long after the muscles are prostrated. In Phosphoric acid the
muscles seem strong after the mind has given out. The patient
seems vigorous physically. He says he is all right--physically,
can work, can exercise even violently; but the mind is tired,
there is mental apathy, he cannot add up a column of figures,

cannot read the newspaper and carry the trend of thought, cannot
connect circumstances. He forgets the names of those in his
family; a business man forgets the names of his clerks; he is in
confusion. Yet he can exercise, can go out and walk; the weakness
in the muscles will come later.

Ailments from business cares; prolonged grief; young women

suffering from unrequited affection, or from the loss of a loved
one. Some suffer more intensely than others; some seem more
philosophical. "Ailments from care, grief, sorrow, chagrin,
homesickness or disappointed love; particularly with drowsiness;
night sweats towards morning; emaciation."


Quiet; unwilling to speak, or hasty speech. *Indifferent; *to

everything. ***APATHETIC; from unequal struggling with adverse
circumstances, mental and physical; obtuse, or torpid; with
tendency to diarrhoea or sweatiness. *Slow grasp. Cannot collect
his ideas; hunts for words. Poor memory. Settled despair.
Aversion to talking. Answers, reluctantly or slowly, short
incorrectly. Hysteria at change of life. Home sickness with
inclination to weep. Mild delirium; easily aroused. Brain fag.
Hopelessness. Dread of future; broods over one's condition.

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