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Argument Synthesis Essay

Directions:​ ​Copy and paste your Argument Synthesis Essay from Friday onto this new document. Follow the
steps to revise and edit your ​on demand​ writing into a refined essay. Make sure it is Times New Roman 12pt
Do you think our generation is dumber than ever? ​Mark Bauerlein makes a bold statement saying that

this generation (anyone under 30) is lacking general knowledge and is decreasing in reading skills. He

insinuates many times that technology is one of the reasons why we are no longer smarter. ​Although Mark

Bauerlein makes a valid claim when he states that he as a professor can see the decreasing of reading skills, I

still cannot agree with his overall conclusion that people under the age of thirty are part of the dumbest

generation because I have seen the opposing arguments with evidence, and technology has been a benefit to our


Mark Bauerlein’s overall conclusion that people under the age of thirty are part of the

dumbest generation is misleading because the internet is giving us a new direction and new way to learn.

According to Clive Thompson , “For Lunsford, technology isn’t killing our ability to write. It’s reviving it- and

pushing our literacy in bold new directions.”(source 6)​This supports my argument because it conveys that the

internet is not a factor to decreasing our abilities, instead its teaching us new ways to improve them. Being on

the internet, we have to analytical of any source that we encounter, which is a skill we were raised on.

Thompson states, “ Before the internet came along, most Americans never wrote anything, even, that wasn’t a

school assignment.” (source 6)​This supports my evidence because Bauerlein claims the internet is one of the

reasons why we are the dumbest generation, but since the internet has came out, it is shown that now students

will go online and read and write. The presence of the internet has forced us to be more knowledgeable in order

to figure out credible or non credible sources.. ​Nevertheless, the internet also helps them interact with others,

which makes them feel more comfortable to write and be corrected.

Mark Bauerlein’s overall conclusion that people under the age of thirty are part of the dumbest

generation is inaccurate because technology helps kids write and read more. ​According to Nicholas Carr, “The

web has been a godsend to me as a writer.” (source 3) This goes against Mark Bauerlein’s statement because it
proves that instead of the internet making us dumb, it’s giving us new opportunities. As a result, the internet is

helping with writing. There are many people who aspire to be writers, and the internet is a resource. ​Carr also

states, “ The advantages of having immediate access to such an incredibly rich store of information are many,

and they’ve been widely described and duly applauded.”(source 3) Having access to the internet allows people

to research more and find it quicker. As a result, more people learn since it’s very easy to now. ​For this reason,

instead of technology bringing our knowledge down, it is helping us read different peoples opinions and

viewing different methods to learn.

Mark Bauerlein makes a valid claim when he states that anyone under 30 is the dumbest generation

because reading skills and general knowledge has slipped. ​According to Mark Bauerlein, “As the research

shows, knowledge and skills haven’t kept pace, and the intellectual habits that complement them are

slipping.”(source 1) He is a English professor and researcher at Emory University, so he has seen the scores of

students throughout the years. Although he believes that, there has been opposing views explaining otherwise.

However, he is basing his opinion on selective student, only the ones he has interacted with. Nowadays we no

longer value basic knowledge. In fact, we now analyze instead of memorizing unnecessary details.​In addition,

Marcel Just of Carnegie Mellon University states, “Insofar as new technology exercises our minds and provides

more information, it has to be improving thinking ability.”(source 7)​This proves how the internet is very

informative and keeps us thinking with all the different ways of learning. The internet makes it easier to be

self-taught as well. ​Therefore, technology lets us improve our thinking skills and challenges us.

Although Mark Bauerlein makes a valid claim when he states that general knowledge and reading skills

have decreased, I still cannot agree with his overall conclusion that people under the age of thirty are part of the

dumbest generation because this generation’s education has not decreased, and technology is a benefit to us,

rather than a factor of decreasing our knowledge. ​In conclusion, Mark Bauerlein’s claim has valid points, but it

has also has been proven that anyone under 30 is not the dumbest generation. Technology growing was the best

thing to happen to our generation, giving us modern opportunities and comfort.

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