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San Fernando HS Brag Sheet

Use this document to help people write letters of recommendation for you. Be sure to​ provide as much detail.

I. Personal Information
Last Name: Lopez First Name: Mya MI: N
Male/Female: Female Ethnicity: Hispanic DOB (01/13/2002):

II. Contact Information

Street Address: 1225 Warren St.
City: San Fernando
ZIP Code: 91340
Phone Number ( 747 ) 999-7020
Professional email address:

III. Family Information

Are you the first person in your family to go to college? No
If yes, please describe what prevented your family members from attending college. If no, please include who
in your family has attended college; which institution they attend; and any struggles or successes they had.
My mother attended AV college then transferred to a private called Adelante Career Institute to receive her
LVN license. She finished school in a year and a half, and is now an LVN at Kaiser Permanente.

IV. Family Responsibilities

Activity Hours Description
performed each

4 On weekends is when I have to clean

Chores the living room, bathrooms, and my

2 hours I watch my younger brother until my

mom comes home. We come home at
Childcare/babysitting 3, and my mom gets off at 5 so in the
meanwhile I make sure he eats and is

Assisting in family


V. Personal Attributes
Attribute Poor Fair Good Excellent Outstanding

Dedication X

Leadership X

Desire to meet new people X

Desire to try new things X

Reading ability X

Public speaking ability X

Compassion for others X

Motivation X

Emotional stability X

Imagination/creativity X

What are your two strongest attributes? What makes them strengths?
Attribute #1: Leadership
Please explain: This is one of my strongest attributes because I am the oldest of 3. Growing up the oldest i’ve
learned many leadership skills considering I am the leader to my 2 younger siblings.

Attribute #2: Compassion for others

Please explain: This is another one of my strongest attributes because it makes me love helping others. This
attribute is what lead me to want to become a therapist or RN.

What is an area you need to improve in? What will you do to improve in this area?
Area: Public speaking ability
Please explain: To improve in this area I need to get comfortable being uncomfortable. I often get too nervous
and freak out.

VI. Courses Taken in High School

Strongest Subject: English
Please explain: English is my strongest subject because I love to write especially when it comes to stories. I
also love learning new words and new ways to improve my vocabulary.

Most Difficult Subject: History

Please explain: History is my most difficult subject because there is so many things to learn that happened in a
long time spam, and we have to learn it in 2 whole semesters. It is too much to learn at once.
VI. Honors, AP, Career, College-Prep or College Courses Taken ​(if applicable)

Course Title Grade College/Univ. Sem. or Qtr. /


H Pre-Cal 11 San Fernando High 2018-2019


H Physics 11 San Fernando High 2018-2019


AP Computer Science 11 San Fernando High 2018-2019


H History 11 San Fernando High 2018-2019


H English 11 San Fernando High 2018-2019


VII. Career and College Plans

Career Goal: RN or Therapist
Possible College/University: Cal State Lutheran
Possible College/University: Mount St Mary’s University

VIII. Extracurricular Activities

Description of Activity Duration


IX. Awards/Certificates
Date Type of Award or Certificate Awarding Organization

Honor Roll Certificate

X. Employment or Volunteer Hours
Dates Title of Position and Description of Duties Organization

09/15- Community Night San Fernando Cheer

09/21 We welcomed so many younger kids and
taught them how to cheer so they can
perform at a game.

Incoming Freshman San Fernando Cheer

We welcomed the incoming freshman and
told them about the cheer program and even
performed for them.

XI. Next Steps

Answer the following in the space provided:
​Who inspires you? What attributes do they have they inspire you? What can you do to inspire others?
My mom inspires me because of how good of a nurse she is. She is caring for others and their well being. She
is also a very devoted to her job and loves going to work. That inspires me because I hope to be as happy with
the career I choose as she is. What I can do to inspire others is set good examples and gain more positive

What clubs or activities can you join to gain experience in your intended career field?
To gain experience I can do volunteer work at my mom work or ask to job shadow. Job shadowing will not give
me experience but it will allow me to see how it will be to be a RN, and help me decide if it the right career for

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