The Elephant and The Ant

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This is the story of an elephant and an ant!

Once, in a forest, there lived an elephant.
He was very proud of his big size.
He always troubled other animals in the forest and made fun of them!
One day, as he was walking through the forest, he saw a parrot sitting
on a tree.
Elephant: Ha..Ha..Ha...Hey you!!! What are you doing there?

Don’t you see me passing through? I am the most powerful animal of

the forest.

Come on! Bow down to me!

Parrot: What?! Bow down to you?

Elephant: What? You don’t know who you are talking to? I will teach
you to respect me. Ha... ha...ha....

The parrot didn’t bow down to the elephant! The angry elephant picked
up the whole tree and began to shake it! The parrot could not sit on the
tree anymore! He flew away.....

Elephant: Ha...ha...ha.....Go! Go... fly away. Now you see what I can do?
You are all so weak in front of me..Ha....Ha...Ha...

The proud elephant then walked away. Like always he went to the river
to drink water. Just beside the river, there lived an ant in a small ant
hill. Every day the ant would collect food. And every day the elephant
would bother the ant. Today was no different. As the elephant was
drinking water, he saw the ant.

Elephant: You, tiny ant. Where are you taking the food?

Ant: I have to take this back to my house. It will start raining soon. I
have to stay prepared and collect a lot of food.

Elephant: Ha..Ha..Ha..Ha. I see!

The elephant then drew water in his big trunk. And sprayed it on the
ant! The water spoiled her food. Ant the ant was now completely wet.

Elephant: Ha..ha...ha..ha..
Ant: Laugh all you want, elephant! I will teach you a lesson someday!

Elephant: Ohhh.. I’m so scared! A tiny ant wants to teach me a lesson!

Go Away! I might crush you under my feet! Go back to your tiny house!

The ant was very angry at the elephant and his pride. He swore he will
soon teach him a lesson.

Ant: I will have to do something about this elephant. He can’t keep

troubling everyone like that!

The next day as the ant stepped out to collect more food, she saw the
elephant was sleeping. She immediately came up with a plan! She
quietly walked near him and slipped inside his trunk. Once inside she
began to bite him! She kept biting the elephant. She kept biting the
elephant until he woke up and started screaming in pain!!

Elephant: My trunk hurts so bad! Who is inside? Get out of there! It

hurts so bad.Ahhhhh.

The ant heard him screaming and kept biting! The elephant was now in
a lot of pain. He began to cry.

Elephant: Ahhhhhhhhh...Ohhh. Somebody please help me...

Ahhh,,,Please. Who, who is inside of my trunk! Get out.

The ant heard the elephant’s cries and came out of his trunk. The
elephant was shocked to see the tiny ant.! He was so afraid that the ant
would bite him again, that he knelt down and began to apologize.

Elephant: Please forgive me! I will never trouble you again!

Elephant understood his mistake. He left from there. And he never

troubled anybody after that day.

Ant: He..he...he...Now you see? Nobody is big or small. We are all

capable in our own ways. Don’t be proud of your skills! Use it to help

Kids, so what we have learned? That we all have our own capabilities.
Always remember, that someone even as small as an ant can do that a
big elephant cannot.

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