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MOH , DHA and some HAAD 2017

26/10/2017 recalls

1.Bird beak x Ray for achalasia

2.child with 5 stools in a day, taking oral feeds well, with cough and bilateral mild crepts..what will u do ?
Stool culture

3.diabetic mother..what complication will the baby have ?

Neonatal hypoglycaemia
Neonatal hyperglycaemia

4.after stopping fluoxetine,how much time to wait to start escilopram?

5 weeks
3 weeks
1 week

5.30yr lady came with sudden nausea vomitibg and pain in the right lower tempErature.BHCG
Ovarian torsion
Rupture of cyst
Ectopic preg

6.60yr patient came with pain in the epigastric region radiating to inter scapular region.long scenerio.
Aortic dissection
Perforated ulcer
Prinzmetal angina

7.when should a diabetic patient go for screening for any neuropathy or diabetic foot ?
6 months
Every visit
3 months

8.Seasonal watery eyes scenerio..what will u give ?


(DR.A )
9.pregnant patient with dyspnea seizures DIC and ground glass appearance on x Ray ..what will be the most
likely diagnosis ?
Amniotic fluid embolism
Pulmonary embolism

10.Osgood fracture pathogenesis

11.Glipizide mech of action

12.12yr girl has bald patch due to constant plucking of hair. What will u give ?
Fluoxetine for trichillomania

13 and 14 on codeine over dose

15.Myringotomy to be done in a typical case of otitis media

16.patient complains of electric shock pain radiating to hand with numbness and tingling.diagnosis ?
Cervical disc prolapse

16.One lady hypothyroid..taking 0.025 something for thyroid

But TSH very high
What will u do ?
1.incresse the dose n review after 6 weeks
2. Decrease dose and review after 6 weeks
3 and 4th option increase or decrease dose and review after 3 weeks

17.60yr female with RA.BMI 30.what will u advice her?

Lose weight

18.Mother can't feed the baby due to some reason.what will u advice ?
Latch baby to nipple
Touch the baby for bonding
Wear tight clothes

19.old patient with high creatinine and high parathyroid low calcium.what is ur diagnosis ?Chronic renal failure
Primary hyperthyroidism

20.old patient on course of clindamycin.many episodes of diarrhoea following the treatment .what organism is
likely to cause it ?Clostridium difficle
(DR.A )
E. coli patient with clostridium difcle.what will be treatment

Metronidazole TDS for 7 days
Vancomycin 125mg for 5 days

22.patient Unable to abduct eye with Diplopia.

Sixth nerve palsy

23.Which element to supplement for cystic fibrosis deficiency

Vit d
Folic acid
Vit b

24.Which electrolyte is deficient in cystic fibrosis when NACL sweat chloride test?

25.child on usg shows large size kidneys.what can be diagnosis

Adult polycystic kidney
26.patient with cirrhosis what diet will u give Low sodium intake


Asthma symp in multigravida what u do



MOH recall

1. Stills disease pink

maculopapular rash joint pain fever spike

2 . Opioid overdose Tx

3. 2 biostat questions of incidence

4. Impetigo pic
Group A beta hemolytic strep

(DR.A )
5. Scenario of crohns disease pic of fistula and histology slide
Best initial tx

6. 2 scenarios of sickle cell anemia one of Parvo virus infection

7. 4 tables select group of drug causing hyperurecimia

8. Baby shifted from breast milk to formula milk wheezing IgE raised
Do skin test next inv

9. Obese child factor to check cholestrol

Inc BMI >33


Moh exam 30th april 2017

1) pt. with a scenario of raynauds phenomenon..fingers turn blue in cold season ..what to advise?
a.Wear anti vibration gloves
b.Keep extremities warm in cold weather


t birth
HBV (1st dose)
2 Months
IPV/OPV & Dtap (1st dose)
Hib (1st dose)
PCV (1st dose)
HBV (2nd dose)
4 Months
IPV/OPV & Dtap (2nd dose)
Hib (2nd dose)
PCV (2nd dose)
HBV (3rd dose)
6 Months
IPV/OPV & Dtap (3rd dose)
Hib (3rd dose)
PCV (3rd dose)
HBV (4th dose)
12 Months
MMR (1st dose)
Varicella (1st dose)
An interrupted primary series of immunisations does not need to be restarted, instead, the original series
should be resumed regardless of the length of time that has lapsed.

(DR.A )
At 18 months, babies receive booster shots, and the do not have to have any more until 5 years old.


HAAD gp exam 9/11/17

1-Virus causing Bowens diseases


2-Non surgical treatment avoided for which hernia

Direct inguinal
Indirect inguinal

3-Radiotherapy is best treatment option for which thyroid malignancy


4-Best prognosis of thyroid ca


5-Which of subtanse released from stomach is appetite stimulant


6-Postprandial glucose is readily taken up by which organ

Skeletal muscles

7-Which organ doesn’t require insulin to utilize glucose

Skeletal muscle

8-Postprandial insulin relaese is utilized for


(DR.A )

9-Feature of intrinsic asthma

Elevated igE level
Skin test positive for inhaled allergen
Severe asthma episode

10-Match following
Anterior hernia -direct
Posterior -obturator
Pelvic - spigelian

11-Match following

Bblk - constriction bronchioles

ACEi - relaese of kinins
Aspirin- release of leukotriens

12-Match following
Inhaled smoke particle - damage resp epithilium
Inhaled steam - laryngeal edema
Inhaled hot gass - chemical pneumonitis

13-Cause of Pul htn without raised pcwp

- Pul artery stenosis
- Valvular heart disease

14-Pt 35weeks GA signs of preterm labour

- cervix 1cm dilated
- ->80% effaced
- 1 contraction /20min

15-Pt with SROM in labour found breech

Preferred mode of delivery


16-Cjdk ( cruetz field jackob) cause

-lewy body
-dopaminergic neuron degeneration

17-Comon site of hypertensive ic bleed

- putamen
- Thalmus
(DR.A )
- - cerebral hemisphiere
- Pons

18-pt with sudden tachycardia & panic attack cause

- cardiomyopathy
- Copd
- Parkinson
- All of above

19-indication for cabg

-25% LMCA stenosis
-LVF with multi vessel disease
-concomitant DM
A 1,2,3
C 1,2,4

20-ostimim primum asd common found in


21-boy marfun central chest pain raditing to back -

Valve rupture
Aortic dissection

22- definitive diagnosis of gout

Uric acid
Synovial fluid

23- non gonococal arthritis common site


24-Common cause of autoimmune arththirits

Staph aureus

25-Pyogenic arthrtis young adult cause

Strep pyogenus
Staph aureus
(DR.A )

26-Bullous imperigo organism


27-Hydraadenitid suppurtiva gland involved


28 -36 yr old with painless testicular mass since 1 mnth , which mass resembles testicular tumor
- mumps
- Autoimmune orchitis
- Testicular torsion

29 - i&d indication

30- h pylori treatment of choice


31-Deuodnal ulcer

-Common in 1st part deoudnum

- no defined edges
- H pylori nsaid major cause
- High risk of malignancy

A1,2,3 B 1,4 C 2 only

32- small vessel dementia fx

- gait disturbance
- Assymetric involvement
- Visual hallucinations
33-match following
Liddles - AD
Barrters - Xlinked
Nephrogenic DI - AR

34-PCKD - mode inheretence

35- morphology PCKD

Cortial medullary cyst

(DR.A )
Uretric cyst

36-Associations of pCKd
- intracerebral anneurysm
- AR
- All of above
37- dysthymia fx
Short period depression
Lack of interest in activity
Lack of sleep

38- Rx choice for bulimia nervousa

39- radioiodine to be started for hyperthyroidism which medication to stop prior


40- defense mechanism in psychotic pt

Irrational physical complaints

41- schizophrenia is diagnosed if symptoms remains for

-1 month
-3 month
6 months

42-Negative sx of schizophrenia
- hallucinations
- Flat effect

43-Treatment choice for mania with biploar disorder


44-Treatment of alzheimers

(DR.A )
45-Ibs treatment

46-Pathology in Alzehemiers
Loss of dopa neurons
Neurofibrillary tangles
Lewy body

I will try to recall more


Moh recalls November 2,2017

1. long scenario + picture of ct scan was given

Diagnosis : sturge weber syndrome

2. Which combination of drugs are not given in management of hypertension

a.ACEI + Beta blockers
b. Acei + diuretics
C. B blockers + calcium channel blockers
d. ARBs + beta blockers

3. Young patient complaining of sudden sharp chest pain intermittently..she had h/o fever n sore throat 2 weeks
ago..ecg strip was given and asked for diagnosis
b.pulmonary embolism
c. Pleural effusion
d. Cardiac myopathy

4. Picture was given + long scenario

Diagnosis was asked..female pseudohermaphroditism

5. Pnumococcal conjugate vaccine

6.scenario about vaccination...varicella vaccine

7.women had back strain management was asked

a. Nsaid
b. Massage therapy
c. Lumbar traction
d. Cold compression
Ans.cold compression

10 | P a g e
(DR.A )
8. Young man having sexual arousal problem n premature ejaculation anxiety mild depression symtoms of mild
depression seeking medical advice
a. SsrI
c. TCA

9. Long scenario female post partum fear for her child same scenario as in uqu..diagnosis
Postpartum psychosis

10.long long scenario Diagnosis obsessive compulsive disorder

11.young man medically physically fit no complaints wat advice would u give regarding eye examination after
age 30

12. Young child muscles built up having bad odour from mouth
Diagnosis Androgenic anabolic steroids

13. 48 years old lady sexually active physically fit having no complaints what advice would u give her
Ans. Guide her for osteoporosis treatment

14. Composition of ORS in pedialite solution

15. Relative risk calculation

16. Scenario about primary hypoparathyroidism

17. 3 mcqs related to asthma

Read full topic of asthma

18. Picture was given long scenario having history of otitis media fever sorethroat bla bla bla
Diagnosis: mastoiditis

19. Xray was given confusing symptoms

Diagnosis: pleural effusion

20. Picture of leg ulcer was given..treatment was asked

a. Leg compression and elevation
b steroids
c. Topical antibiotics

21.long scenario picture was given in which there was a bruise( i think so) treatment was asked
11 | P a g e
(DR.A )
a. Reassure
b. Antibiotics
c.topical steroids

22. Long long scenario young girl having fatigue fever sore throat vitals were given picture of cbc was given
Diagnosis: aplastic anemia

23. Very long scenario Woman came having cola colored urine dysuria urine culture was done what is further
Ans. Renal ct scan

24. Woman came having vomiting constipation having history of previous intestinal surgery signs of bowel
obstruction..investigation was asked
a. Barium enema
b.barium meal follow thru
c. Colonscopy
d.xray abdomen

25. Child having watery stools physically active full anterior fontanalle no signs of dehydration playfull baby no
fever bla bla..mother wants treatment
b.Oral rehydration solution
d.reasure the mother and tell red flags of diarrhea

26.child having fever sorethroat loose stools signs of dehydration..what other signs are present in baby
a. Bradycardia
b. Tachycardia

27.woman came c/o greenish yellow vaginal discharge having multiple sexual partners
Diagnosis. Trichomonas vaginalis

28.. old man with mania signs of alzheimer's disease..treatment plan techniques life style modification

29. Patient came signs of DKA addisons disease

Ans. Hyperkalemia

These are few questions which i can recall..

50% exam was from uqu and past papers
50% u have to study books..i did uqu sle past papers in file section of fb group plus few plab mcqs from plab
mcq 1700 pool..i read few topics from mtb bt i was used to do alot of
google searching for almost every mcq and when u google search for mcqs try to read complete topic


12 | P a g e
(DR.A )
43.Rifampicin to contacts for patients with meningitis staying in the same hostel

44.sudden pain in the testis.he had unprotected sex recently.what will u do?
Usg Doppler testis

45.Menopause woman FSH lh increase mechanism.

46.Anabolic steroids for athletes with foul smelling breath

47.Most common cause of UTI kn females
Back front wiping
Sanitary pads

48.DOC for hyperthyroid female

Radio active

49.Married man had unprotrctive sex outside 2 weeks back..since 10 days getting dysuria..urethral swab was
negative ..what will u give him ?

50.48yr man with loss of weight polyuria symptoms came for health check up..his labs were ..FBS 6.4 mmol
normal value was less than 6.5mmol.Hba1c 7 normal value was 5-6
What will he be ?
2 DM Type 2
3. Maturity onset diabetes

51.10yr old girl with headache fever and LP results were there.WBc high.glucose low.high opening pressure
.what a the diagnosis ?

52.Ganglion picture

53.vague abdominal pain in an alcoholic epigastric region with fullness.

Pseudocyst pancreas
Chronic pancreatitis
Acute pancreatitis
Peptic ulcer

13 | P a g e
(DR.A )
54.5cm mass in the Axilla.mammogram normal.what will u do
Axilla drainage with I n d
Drainage under GA

55.lbbb patient going for dental procedure.what will u do ?

no prophylaxis of antibiotics
2gm amox 1hr before procedure

56.question on struma ovary

57.vitamin D supplementation to a 4month old ?


58.10yr obese boy tells he wants to commit suicide because everyone is making fun of his weight .what will u
do ?
Send him to psychiatric counselling
Tell him he can reduce weight
Give him SSRI

59.DM patient with BMI 29 wants to lose weight.what will u advice ?

Start with 800 calories
Reduce 500kcal per week of every pound weight loss
Reduce carbohydrate calorie

60.5yr old..he has UTI..irritated..fever..recurrent infection..

Urine analysis has 2-4 Rbc few pus cells.calcium oxalate present .
What will be ur first investigation?
-Renal usg
-99 technicium scan

61.CKD which stage does 85 GFR come under

Stage1 ,2 ,3,4

62.graph of NST in hypertension pregnant female.what does it show ?

placental insufficiency question on high psa in old patient.what will u give to increase the flow of urine.
Black corsh
St. John wort
Don't Rem options question very weird

14 | P a g e
(DR.A )
64.INR range 2-3 to maintain in a patient on warfarin

65.50yr patient what exercise will u advice for cardio respiratory n bone strength ?
Aerobic exercises
Strength training case on impaired fasting glucose

67.IV drug user with one week history of fever cough dyspnea ..with x Ray given.diagnosis?
Lung abscess

68.mechanism of action on diarrhoea

Intra cellular volume
Extra cellular fluid loss

69.diabetic retinopathy question with increase in cupping size and ratio

—————- experiencing hissing sound in the ear


28.uqu same question of Noise induced hear loss with type 1 DM what is the range of Hba1c 6-7


30.which vaccine to be given orally to a child ?

Hep b

31.psoariasis patient what will u advice ?

Avoid trauma

32.patient with hypopigmented spots on sunlight exposure .what will u give?

Selenium sulphide

33.16weeks pregnant female with bp 160/100mmhg.what is diagnosis ?

Essential hypertension
Pre eclampsia
15 | P a g e
(DR.A )
34.mechanism in skin reaction cells Keratocytes

35.DOC for preg with hypertension

Methyl dopa

36.How will u distinguish between a patient if he has type 1 or type 2 diabetes ? His father has
what test will u do ?
2.islet cell antibodies
3.IGF 1
4.serum insulin

37.after 6hrs of Aspirin toxicity what will u do ?

alkalisation of urine
Gastric lavage

38.what will u give PCOS patient who wants to conceive ?


39.10yr boy eating fat food.parents come for counselling.both parents have high cholesterol what should they
worry about ?
Family Cvd
High bmi of child
Improper eating habits

40.what should a Cholesterol diet contain ? Avocado rich food

41 vibrio cholera prophylaxis


42.patient has HTNwith DM...he was on lisinopril..then he got he stopped and took
now what will u do when his bp is not controlled n proteinuria what will u give ?
1.enalpril 5mg
2.captosartan 8mg


26/10/2017 recalls

1.Bird beak x Ray for achalasia

16 | P a g e
(DR.A )
2.child with 5 stools in a day,taking oral feeds well,with cough and bilateral mild crepts..what will u do ?
Stool culture

3.diabetic mother..what complication will the baby have ?

Neonatal hypoglycaemia
Neonatal hyperglycaemia

4.after stopping fluoxetine,how much time to wait to start escilopram?

5 weeks
3 weeks
1 week

5.30yr lady came with sudden nausea vomitibg and pain in the right lower tempErature.BHCG
Ovarian torsion
Rupture of cyst
Ectopic preg

6.60yr patient came with pain in the epigastric region radiating to inter scapular region.long scenerio.
Aortic dissection
Perforated ulcer
Prinzmetal angina

7.when should a diabetic patient go for screening for any neuropathy or diabetic foot ?
6 months
Every visit
3 months

8.Seasonal watery eyes scenerio..what will u give ?


9.pregnant patient with dyspnea seizures DIC and ground glass appearance on x Ray ..what will be the most
likely diagnosis ?
Amniotic fluid embolism
Pulmonary embolism

10.Osgood fracture pathogenesis

17 | P a g e
(DR.A )
11.Glipizide mech of action

12.12yr girl has bald patch due to constant plucking of hair. What will u give ?
Fluoxetine for trichillomania

13 and 14 on codeine over dose

15.Myringotomy to be done in a typical case of otitis media

16.patient complains of electric shock pain radiating to hand with numbness and tingling.diagnosis ?
Cervical disc prolapse

16.One lady hypothyroid..taking 0.025 something for thyroid

But TSH very high
What will u do ?
1.incresse the dose n review after 6 weeks
2. Decrease dose and review after 6 weeks
3 and 4th option increase or decrease dose and review after 3 weeks

17.60yr female with RA.BMI 30.what will u advice her?

Lose weight

18.Mother can't feed the baby due to some reason.what will u advice ?
Latch baby to nipple
Touch the baby for bonding
Wear tight clothes

19.old patient with high creatinine and high parathyroid low calcium.what is ur diagnosis ?Chronic renal failure
Primary hyperthyroidism

20.old patient on course of clindamycin.many episodes of diarrhoea following the treatment .what organism is
likely to cause it ?Clostridium difficle
E. coli patient with clostridium difcle.what will be treatment

Metronidazole TDS for 7 days
Vancomycin 125mg for 5 days

22.patient Unable to abduct eye with Diplopia.

Sixth nerve palsy

23.Which element to supplement for cystic fibrosis deficiency

Vit d
18 | P a g e
(DR.A )
Folic acid
Vit b

24.Which electrolyte is deficient in cystic fibrosis when NACL sweat chloride test?

25.child on usg shows large size kidneys.what can be diagnosis

Adult polycystic kidney

26.patient with cirrhosis what diet will u give Low sodium intake


Mcqs...... moh
1.2 mcqs about incidence

2.first line defensive cells on skin( option langhran cells....histoicytes.....melancytes.....keratinocytes)

3.cause of bleeding in polycythemia( hyerviscosity)

4.drug of choice in sleep apnea if cpap fail(modafinil)

5.time to check congetinal hypothyroidism(after one week)

6.paracetamol posining which organ effected(liver)

7.hyperthyrodism simple q

8.herpes during preg( treat with acyclovir)

9.vaccaniation during pregnency(live attenuated are contraindicated) will check develpment of 6 montj old baby(sit without support)

11.after diuretics pt got muscle weakness dirhea..disorientation( hyponatremia)

12...hyperntensive rx in diabetic pt( start ace inhibiotor)

19 | P a g e
(DR.A ) on diabetic graph has shown in which morning bsr high( increase long acting evening dose) value of LDL in heart pt plus diabetic(values are in mmol)

15.asthamtic pt now devlop rash behind ear rx( i choose topical steriod)

16.rx of acute excerbatiom of asthama

17.cause of mucoprulent eye discharge on first day of baby

18.child presented witj loose motion..abd distention and dehydration(pic of blood cp given in which amebias are

19.congenital hip syndrome

20.most common cardiac disease in pregnency( rubella) on thiazide duretices got gout( stop thiazide and start ace inhibitor)

22.mechanism of glypelide( increase insuline secretion from pancrease)

23.mangent of premature ruprureb of membranes

24.drug to control seziure in pregnency( mgso4) test to check dating of prgnency(usg)


Patient with Alzheimer's disease what should be done?

A) Glucosamine B) Exercise C) New methods


1.Calcium supplementation required for osteoporotic lady

A. 200 mg
B. 400 mg
C. 1000
D. 100mg

2. Scaphoid fracture management

3. Patient in labour 3cm 60 percent effaced after 6 hours 4cm dilated 60.percent effaced
What to do now
20 | P a g e
(DR.A )
Ans augment with oxytocin

3. Patient 41 weeks 2cm dilated how to manage

Ans cervical ripening agents

4. Diabetic at 32 weeks with previous iud at 34 weeks how ro manage

A. Wait for spontaneous onset of labour
B. C section at the moment
C. C section at 38 weeks

5. Incidence calculation

6. 3 4 easy scenarios about alzheimer's

7. Flight of idea Q

8. Mother uncontrolled diabetic fetus will be at risk of

Hypo or hyperglycaemia

9. 13 yo girl got varicella her brother is nephrotic and is on corticosteroids

What to do
A. VZIG to girl only
B. VZIG Plus acylovir to both
C. Acyclovir to girl only

10. 3 4 Qs about iron deficency anemia

11. G6pd deficiency what to give


12. Pregnant at 24 weeks came for the 1st time

Otherwise normal with Hb 10
Indices were normal
What to offer
A. Iron
B. Folate
C. B12

13. Q about ewing sarcoma

14. Boy with trauma to ankle with soft tissue swelling

What to do
B. Immobilisation

15. How to antagonise the estrogenic effects of ca breast in postmenopausal

Ans. Aromatase inhibitors

21 | P a g e
(DR.A )
16. Male 53 yrs active physically with father died of mi uncle has dyslipidemia
He takes a diet of 50 % fat 30 percent protein and 10 percent cars
Lipid profile mildly deranged how to manage
A. He is not at risk of cardiac disease
B. Statins
C. Reduce calories
D. Exercise

17. Child with upper respiratory symptoms and bilateral mild crepitations and diarrhea of 5 times a day
Vitally stable what to do
A. Amoxicillin
B. Stool RE and cultural
C. Paracetamol only
D admit

18. 3 scenarios about celiac disease

19. Girl recently separated from family

Mother on antidepressants
She has some absence spells
Hyperventilation followed by same spells
What to do
B. Refer to social services

20. Psoriasis how to prevent keratinisation

A. Avoid sun
B. Avoid trauma
C. Bathe daily

21. Management of anorexia nevosa patient

22 . 2 Qs about pap smear

23. Indication of lipid screening in 13 yo boy

24 . 2 months baby smiles bit doesn't hold neck A. Reassure B. Thyroid function C. . CT

25 Tarsal tunnel syndrome which nerve affected

26. Shingles picture

27. Dx of acute appendicitis

28. Kaposi sarcoma treatment

29. Kyphosis congenital or acquired

30. Dysmenorrhoea

31 . Cushing disease

32. Infertility and amenorrhea in athlete who doesn't want to give up athletics What to do

22 | P a g e
(DR.A )
Pulsatile gnrh

33. Cold lower limbs due to cold exposure

Warm water immersion

34. Viral warts what else the organism can cause

Cervical cancer

35. 2 Qs about syphilis

36. Mechanism of action of glipizide

37. Serotonin mech of action

38. Acarbose side effects


paper june2017.

1.Acoustic. Neuroma is? carebellopontine angle tumor

2.Breastfeedn women Nw unable to do so Advice Nipple cream Bond wd baby Latch on nipple rather thn

3 pt smoker nw ulcer on tongue aftr therapy nt reducin nw u biopsy as a physician step

4 Child wd lesion on tongue foul smelling rest nrmal i wrote nystatin

5.Q of pneumothorax What i wrote icd Other optns wer not appropriate

6.Young male complain of painless rectal bleeding for ....... , his mother aunt had similar condition, colonoscopy
show multiple polyps & the largest adenomatous polyp size 2 cm. when to repeat the colonoscopy? A. 3
months B. 6 months C. 1 yr�D. 5 yr

7.Burns on head n face Ans Silver sulfadiazine cover and admit

8.young girl her weight and height both on 95th centile Your action will be�

A. Don not discuss her weight with her�B. Give her A list of low calories food C. Tell her that her weight not
like weight of other girls in same her age D. Start multidisciplinary plan

9.Anorexia nervosa complication A. amenorrhea

10.HSP with image case rx prednisolone

11.One more 65 yr old with oral ulcer with image what to do ? I wrote biopsy

12.Sinusitis with xray what to do wd green discharge i wrote oral antibiotics

13.One more q on sinusitis A. nasal steroid B.Antb and anti inflmtry

23 | P a g e
(DR.A )
14.Proloferative retinopathy with neovascularisation what to do? a. start cyclopegic B.refer ophtho

15.Patient with PCP (pneumocystis pneumonia) You should examine patient for Copd�HIV�Influenza virus

16.One Q on early pregnancy

17.2 workers recently exposed to radiation after a blast in a nuclear power plant,but they looks normal ,no signs
of specific findings after examination whats the managment A/ Keep them isolated B/ discard their cloths C/
only reassure them that they are fine D/ give 2 aspirin and discharge

18.Fam ho estrogen ovarian cancer A.iucd protects?b.ocp protects?

20.What is primary prevention A.Advicing ppl hw to prevent tb B.Giving pneumo tocopd patients C.Testing
tuberculin test

21.Contraindication to influenza vaccine Ans:egg

22.Influenza vaccine is given for what reason I dont rememb answers

23.Child is getting recurrent cold what to do A.Avoid exposure to cold B.Give multivitamin

24.Dementia in 65 year old ,daughter says decline in memory What to do?

25.Finding in stage 2htn retinopathy Ans:AV nipping

26.Psoriasis with image Ans: avoid trauma

27.impetigo rx mupirocin

28.Pain radiating to shoulder guarding tenderness thn most appropriate inv i wrote CT

29.confirmed Appendicitis now diag helical 3 ct something

30.Asthmatic on SABA LAMA AND ICS what nxt Leukotriene

31.Rx for Prolactinoma drug A. bromo b. dopamine agonist

32.T4 high t3,4 nrmal tpo positive hshimoto

33.Hypercalcemia mx asked ans:hydration

34..Which one is Cardioselective b blocker A.prop b. Metoprolol c. atenolol d.carvedilol

35.Qs on stmch pain long time used drugs antacids no relieved now presented with 2 hrs pain radiation back
150/90. 135 hr A.Perf peptic B.Aortic anuerys C.MI D.Prinzmetal variant angina

36.Drug causing gi bleed A.ibuprofen B. paractml c.morphine d.tramadol 👍🏻hypochondria


37.Q scenario :Factitious

24 | P a g e
(DR.A )
38.Pt taking haloperidol next day presented with muscular rigidity and some eye symptoms i wrote neuroleptic
malignant:: acute dystonia akathesia dyskinesia taking escitalopram after one week came with still nt sleepin a. increase dose b.wait 2 weeks smthn

40.Drug contraindicated with sildanefil i?nitrates

41.22 yrs old c/o menorrhagia cycle 9 day her husband hygine high she use V.douche every month they have
intercourse 3-4 per week and use condom what is the cause of her illness : A) use of condom�B) douch
using�C) age�D) intercourse number

42Thumbprint sign xray treatment asked Ans:maintain airway

43.Case of kawasaki given with Maculopapular rash pericarditis myocarditis

44.Iymphadenopathy given n to diag infectious mononucleosis in mind but virus asked ans.ebv
45Hodgkins case 2 yrs no followup got sm symptms i wrote svc obstruction

46.Renal colic diag with flank pain vomiting bicarbonate low chloride high all values nrmal

47.Boy with dark urine red cells best way to identify organism electron microscopy best initial diag

48 boy with mass 5 yr old edema how to take sample to chck culprit org Suprapubic Clean catch Sterile bag

49.Diagnosis mass and renal symptoms i wrote nephroblastoma

50.Low PH bicarbonate low 15 n ph 7.21 it is what? Ans Metabolic acidosis

51.Q on Colon cancer stage b2 I dont rememb optns

52.Placental abruption predisposes to A.Ureter rupture B Retained placenta C.Coagulopathy

53.Q on Floaters smthn i wrote cmv retinopathy 2qs frm eye farmer and lenses and use ac

54.lymph nodes swollen viral conjunctivitis

55.Worker in dusty environment what to give Oplatidine drops eye Allergic

57.Patient used chloramphenicol on infant wd eye discharge not relieved wtodo ?a.intraocular massage

58.G6pd patient by birth nw53days old bilirubin raised and hb low cause Sickle cell Hemolytic

59.Tarsal tunnel posterior nerve involved?ans tibial nerve

60.Compl of acute otitis media pt is lethargic irritable wbc increased ct brain image given I wrote meningitis
Lateral sinus thrombosis was also optn

61.Amytriptaline:neuropathic pain Other three combination of drugs and medical conditon given To choose
correct match

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62.Pneumonia case a boy with basal crepts cough fever xray given Ans ;antbiotics Hosp admission was also
thr in optns bt criteria fr hosp admission was not there in pt

63.Cervical cancer in mother nw pap negative Hw frequently to chck ans3 yrs

64.Hw freq to chck and wto chck in 23 yr old wd fam hist of htn . A.Check htn yearly

65.Hw freq to chck diabetic patients foot Evry visit 6mnths 3mnths 1 yr

66.Mech of action of sulfonylureas Side effect of sulfonylurea

67.T score for osteoporosis A.-3.5 B.-2 C.2

68.Rubella wd congenital heart defect qs

69.Case of Diverticulitis diag with llq mass constipation esr elevated fever

70.Congenital inguinal hernia A.Elective surgery if reducible B.It causes infertility C.Dont rememb other 2 optns

71.Dvt cause Open knee surgery 4hr long flight Family history

72.Polyuriapolydipsia patient prsentd wd ketones in urine and asked what to check A.Glucose and electrolytes
B.Do ecg C.Cxray

73.Endocard prophylaxis in lbbb Nt needed 74.Best scan for PE A.Dexa B.Vq C.Ct  ◦

75.first line of defence in skin-keratinocytes

76.rx of tenia pedis


1.varicella vaccination to not previously vaccinated individual

A.2 doses of 2 week apart
B .2 doses 6 week apart

2. Vaccination to 4 years child not vaccinated before having HbsAg +ve born to HbsAg +ve mother
Hib,mmR, td,opv
Hib,mmR, Dtp,hbv

3. senario of R knee swelling & redness &high temp ,high WBC

Ask management
Aspirations &culture

4.senario of os good schlator ask for the pathological mechanism injury to ??

5. Gliplizide mechanism of action?

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6. Glucoma mx
Options contain eye drops oral antibiotics and iv ?,im steroids

7. Cataract with options of topical & oral antibiotics

Referal to ophthalmology

8. Barrot esophagus with low grade hyperplasia

Ask options of treatment like monitor or surgical or diathermia

9. Complicated RA what is the mx

Methotrexate & other medication

10. Picture of baby with prioral bacterial infection ask the m.o.

11. Pregnant women with sever jaundice hx of travel to India with encephalopathy
Options hepatitis virus A,C,E, d

12. Patient with dysparonia,panful defication ,cyclical abdominal pain ask the causes endometriosis or utrine
cancer or fibromyoma

13 . Indication of screening abdominal aortic aneurysms

14. Boy at school age increase the no.of respiratory track infections
Mx is hand hygiene or multivitamin other options

15. 12 y.Boy his parents want to do lipid profile ,he eats French fries several times a week his parents have
You do it because of parent wish to do so or because. Bmi 33 or high fat diet or family hx of CAD


21. Excersice induced asthma.what test u will do.

22. Pleural effusion with high protein and 300LDH. Diagnosis

23. Case of nephrogenic type DI

24. What question u will ask to a patient with flat and sad mood.
A. Are u depressed
B. Are u feeling worthless

25. Athlete with amennorhea. Give pulsation gnrh.

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26. Urge incontinence

27. After TRUP what incontinence u will develop

28. Severe dehydration what to give

29. MOA of suphonylurea

30. Treatment of menie' disease


12. Treatment of Kaposi* sarcoma

13. Patient with rhomboid crystals what shd b avoided. Aspirin

14. Case of angioedema

15. Patient eating fast food what u will give.

16. Case of infectious mononucleosis

17. Insulin mismanagement

18. Thyroglossal cyst

19. Case of hypothyroidism give levothyroxin

20. Child comes with some walking abnormality.calf muscle enlarged. Before brother died with same many % will the same condition b seen in other baby


11. Patient has ALL. On chemo. Came with bumps on stomach.image was given. Diagnosis.


My moh exam 28th September 2017

1. Screening of lung cancer in a healthy adult

2. Which vaccine is made of chemicals and toxins.

A. Acelluar
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B. Conjugate
C. Topic
D. .......

3. Life cycle of flavivirus

4. Gray black vomiting which poisoning

5. Sever watery diarrhoea with loss of sodium

6. 8 month old child never vaccinated came with hacking cough which ends with a gasp.
This could b avoided if this vaccine was given.
A. Acelluar
B. Toxoid
C. Conjugate

7. Treatment of foul vaginal odour. Choices has combination of two drugs

8. Percentage of maternal deaths caused by postpartum haemorrhage

9. Test to know eradication of h pylori

10. Otitis media with adenoidecyomy. What else u do.


1. Estrogen deficiency - risk of osteoporosis

2. Most imp public health measure in flavivirus( dengue)

3.endomysial antibody postve( celiac d/s-advice gluten free diet

4. IgA defcncy child with watery diarhhea- ? Metronidazole

5. Trtmnt of clostridium difficile colitis

6. Trtmnt of pertussis

7.Reduce risk of ca colon-? Stop smokng

8. RA improvmnt- nsaids( DMARD was not in options)

9. Improve mortality in copd- stop smokng

10. Human bite , got tt six mnths bk- guve augmentin

11.35 yr lady soft mobile breast nodule assoc with menstruation-? Review after the cycle

12. Acute appendicits

13. Acute diverticulitis

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14. Quinsy

15. Zenkers diverticulum

16.iv drug abuser got hepatitis, RNA virus- hep C

17.organism of scabies

18. Rash below waist aftr bathing in hot tub during vacation, organism? 

19.vaccines for 2 month old

20.galactorrhea amenorrhea upt negative- next step? Prolactin assay

21.6 yr old recurrent h/0 foul smelling urine abd pain since past one yr,UA  show proteinuria hematuria ,
a usg film was shown , i think it was PCKD -next step? Nephro consultation to prevent progression of dementia

23. Mechanism of Ischemia, case of left hemiplegia, left homonymous hemianopia.. ? Reduced blood flow to
brain stem due to weakened capillaries ecg asking for diagnosis - not sure if VT or SVT

25.hypertensive on ace inhib , not controlled what to add

26.single thyroid nodule 1*1cm soft, no other complaints,? Next step

27.child with severe dehydration,Mngmnt

28. Uveitis trtmnt

29.diag of tinnitus

30.vaccine contra in pregnancy

31.when changing from fluoxetine to escitalopram , how many weeks we should wait before giving

32.MOA of glipizides

33. Pt on glyburide 10 mg OD, now weight gain and uncontrolled DM , next step?

34.diagnosis of folliculitis

35. Trtmnt of excessive sweating

36.mother LOC on seeing suturing of childs wound, twosimilar attacks bfre/? Vasovagal attack or phobia

37.TOF features ,what is expected-? Dextroposn of aorta

38.Trisomy 13 features askng for diagnosis

39.meningitis with raised icp- next step?ct

40.trtmt of PSGN

41.cholecystitis-? Inv with high diagnostic value

42.29 yr with ca lower1/3 of rectum. What gives five yr prognosis

43.calculate incidence

44.19 yr old athlete with some symptoms, what to assess first- anabolic steroid abuse
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45. Cocaine intoxication- naloxone

46. Iron overdose.- most appropriate trtmnt

47.child on griseofulvin- what is to be monitored

48.photosensitivity rash- avoid sun exposure

49. Case of raynauds pheno- advice? Keep warm on cold days

50.syphilis diagnosis

51. What cause newborn heart defcts- Rubella of TB- managmnt

53.asthma mild intermitent not on medication - salbutamol inhaler

54. Cause of reduced blood flow in polycythemia- hyperviscosty

55. Preg woman microcytic anemia refractory to iron therapy for 5 months-?beta thalassemia of recurrent abortions and h/o dvt - APLA syndrome of aplastic anemia

58.immed relief for specific phobia-? BZD of HSP</div>

60. 8 wks preg Lady came for gentic testing., dont want invasive procedure- best test

61.HiV 34 wks with 200viral load- ? Best plan scheduled cs of absorption of dietary lipids

63. Trtmnt of non inflammatory acne

64. Newborn with excessive tearin- nasolacrimal massage

65. Recurrent venous ulcer- best advise? Sclerosis or surgery or avoid stocking aftr healing of duodenal ulcer

67.elderly with epigastric painradiating toback, weight loss- most likely cancer? Pancreas

68. A questionnaire for teenager -? How to ask, ans: in a private environmnt <br> <br></div>


some ques of my exam..trying to remember:

-ques about cohort study

-mildly obese child u advice him to do:bicycling

-which food effects chilesterol:i answered organic meat

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-2 ques about pcos(so clear)

-cardiology long cases(so tricky...sry cant remember the cases)

-patient got syncope,taking anti htn drugs:stop hydrochlothiazide

-patient got dizziness and given lab tests with hyperkalemia only,taking anti htn drugs,what is the coz:captopril

-parient only having heart burn without any other symptoms what to give:omeprazole,antacids, antihistamines...

-calculation ques

-pic with wrist ganglion

-pic of a patient with past hx of hep C with mild pruritis and skin lesions with mucosal lesion what to

-case of intususception what to do first:call surgeon,give iv fluids

-tarsal tunnel syndrome which nerve:posterior tibial

-patient taking all needed meds for asthma ano he comes with dyspnea u gave him inhaler and his fev1
improved what to do: watch how he is taking his inhalers

-ques about antisocial character

-patellar tendon problem...


-patient newly diagnosed with dementia what to do: i answered do brain exercise...

-how many shots of mmr and polio must be given

-percentage of neural tube defect:2%

-patient with ascending paralysis and hx of diarrhea:gulliane barre

-pic of sickle cell

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