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Part I. Biographical Profile

Instructions: Fill-up the following with corresponding information.

Name (optional): Age: years old

Grade and Section: Gender:

Part II. Questions

The following questions below will help the researchers collect information in order to complete

the study entitled “Pornography: Effect to the Student’s Behavior.” Please answer all the questions

by providing the appropirate information. The data will be treated with utmost confidentiality.

Instruction: Please read each items carefully and choose your corresponding answer by

indicating a check mark on the blank space/box of your choice. Please do not leave any items



1. How often do you watch pornography?

A. Never

B. Only Once

C. Fewer than three times a year

D. Between three and twelve times a year

E. More than once a month

F. More than four times a month

G. Multiple times a week

2. At what age did you first watch pornography?

A. Younger than 10

B. Between 10 and 12

C. Between 13 and 15

D. Between 16 and 18

3. In what ways has pornography influenced you? (Tick all that apply)

A. Positively changed my expectations of sex

B. Negatively changed my expectations of sex

C. Made me feel uncomfortable about sex

D. Made me feel more comfortable about sex

E. Changed my view of what consent mean

F. It has not influenced me

G. Given me more knowledge about sex

H. Other (please specify)

4. If you think it changed your view of consent, in which ways has it done this? (Tick all

that apply)

A. Desensitised my views towards consensual sex

B. Made me more likely to objectify another person

C. Made me more likely to take advantage of another person

D. Made me more aware of the importance of consent in sexual engagement

E. Made me more likely to ignore consent

F. Other (please specify)

5. Have you ever felt that you have been pressured into having sex?

6. Do you think you have ever pressured anyone else into having sex?

7. Have you ever felt that you have been forced into having sex?

8. Do you think you have ever forced anyone into having sex?

9. Do you think it somehow affects your mindset about sex?

10. How did you find watching porn for the first time?

A. Through ads online

B. Through your friends

C. Through your family

D. Through SNS (Social Networking Sites)

E. Other (please specify)

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