Hidrogeografi - Minggu Ke 13 Groundwater Vulnerabilty To Contamination

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DRASTIC METHOD Dosen: Kuswantoro, MSc.

Recharge and discharge to groundwater

Soil moisture, in the

unsaturated zone that contains
both air and films of water in
the spaces between soil
particles. This is the water used
by plant roots.

Groundwater is subsurface
water that completely fills
(saturates) the pore spaces of
soil or rock formations below
the water table, which is the
upper surface of the saturated
Soil moisture

• Pada zone tidak jenuh

(unsaturated), air
(soil mouisture) ada
pada pori/rekahan
batuan karena ada
daya tarik molekul
disekeliling permukaan
partikel batuan
• Pada zone jenuh
(berada di bawah
muka air) semua pori
terisi oleh air tanah.
Depth to water-table vs Water-table elevation
Three types of soil water

• Gravitational water is the

water that fills macropores. This
water drains quickly.
• Capillary water fills the
micropores and drains slowly.
This makes it available to
plants between precipitation
• Hygroscopic water is water
that forms a thin film around
individual particles. These
particles hold it tightly in place,
so much of this water is not
available to plants.
Recharge and discharge to groundwater

Role of groundwater in the hydrological cycle

Rainfall recharge

Factors influencing
rainfall recharge to
groundwater :
• The properties of the
ground surface, ex.
• Rainfall intensity and
• Gradient of the
• Vegetation (or other)
surface cover.
Groundwater – stream interactions

Interactions between
streams and
groundwater :
(a) losing stream;
(b) gaining stream;
(c) The stream
response showing
the baseflow
component due to

• Aquifers are rocks or sediment

that act as storage reservoirs
for groundwater and are
typically characterized by high
porosity and permeability.
• An aquifer is any soil or rock
formation that supplies an
acceptable quantity and
quality of groundwater
• Aquifer is a geologic unit that
can store and transmit water
at resources development
Difference between confine and unconfined aquifers
Difference between confine and unconfined aquifers


q dh
v= = k.i i=
A ds

where :
v is flow velocity
k is Hydraulic Conductivity
(konduktivitas hidraulik) with
Darcy's law dimensions of velocity (length/time).
The rate of flow of water q
(volume/time) through cross-sectional
area A is found to be proportional to
hydraulic gradient i according to Darcy
Konduktivitas hidraulik: kemampuan batuan/tanah untuk memindahkan cairan
(air) per satuan waktu
K= v atau K = v m/hari = m/hari
dh/dl i m/m

Konduktivitas hidraulik batuan tergantung pada variasi fisik, termasuk, porositas,

ukuran dan distribusi partikel, bentuk partikel, dan faktor lainnya.

Untuk batuan unconsolidated : liat (clay) mempunyai K yang rendah, sementara

pasir dan kerikil tinggi.
Conductivity Hydraulic (K) on Hydrogeological Maps
Main types of porosity
Hydrogeology terminology
Groundwater storage
Factor influencing porosity
Factor influencing porosity – cements and fracturing
Pengaruh faktor bentuk pori terhadap pola aliran pada lapisan akifer
Specific yield and specific retention
Specific yield and specific retention

There are three traditional methods for assessing groundwater

vulnerability to pollution:
1. Process based : Involves numerical modeling and is useful at
the local level but not the regional level.
2. Statistical : Involves correlating actual water quality data to
spatial variables and requires a large amount of site specific
3. Overlay and Index : Involves obtaining and combining maps
of the parameters that affect the transport of contaminants
from the surface to groundwater, then assigning an index
value to those parameters; the results are a spatially oriented
vulnerability index.
Net Recharge Calculation


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