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AO '11 (Rev.

5/85) Criminal Complaint

Case 3:10-mj-00075-TJS Document 1 Filed 11/05/10 Page 1 of 3




I, the undersigned complainant being duly sworn state the following is true and correct to the best of my

knowledge and belief.


(Conspiracy to Distribute Cocaine Base)

From a date unknown, but beginning on or about early October 2010 through October 27, 2010, in the
SouthernDistrictofIowa, and elsewhere, the defendant, ANTONIO D. MURRAY, did knowingly and intentionally
conspire with persons known and unknown to knowingly distribute at least 28 grams of a mixture and substance
containing cocaine base, a Schedule II controlled substance, in violation of Title 21, United States Code, Section
841(a)(1). This is a violation of Title 21, United States Code, Sections 846 and 841(b)(1)(B).

I further state that I am a(n) Task Force Officer with the DEA and that this Complaint is based on the
following facts:

See Affidavit attached and incorporated hereto.

Continued on the attached sheet and made a part hereof: 181 Yes

Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence,

November 5,2010 at Davenport, Iowa

Date City and State

Thomas J. Shields, Chief Magistrate Judge,

Southern District of Iowa
Name & Title of Judicial Officer Signature of JUdicikl Of~cer

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Case 3:10-mj-00075-TJS Document 1 Filed 11/05/10 Page 2 of 3



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1. I, Jerry W. Blomgren, being first duly sworn on oath, depose and state as follows: I am
a sworn Iowa City, Iowa Police Officer, currently assigned as a Federal Task Force Officer with the
Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), United States Department of Justice, located in Cedar
Rapids, Iowa. I have been employed by the Iowa City Police Department for thirteen years. I have
received training in the area of narcotics investigations during schooling at the Iowa Law
Enforcement Academy, a two week DEA sponsored Basic Narcotics Investigation course and
additional training including, but not limited to vehicle interdiction, interviewing/interrogation,
search and seizure, and drug identification and enforcement.

2. Since approximately January 2000, I have had practical application experience in which
during the course of duty I have investigated incidents involving the use, sale, manufacturing and
distribution of controlled substances. As part of my experience and training as a member of
numerous investigating teams, I have accumulated information and training concerning drug-related
crime. I have had experience in debriefing informants, defendants, witnesses and others as well as
experience in using, gathering, transporting, manufacturing, distributing, and concealing controlled
substances and proceeds ofcontrolled substance trafficking. This experience includes the controlled
substance of cocaine base, also known as "crack cocaine."

3. This affidavit is in support of a criminal complaint charging Antonio D. Murray with

conspiracy to distribute cocaine base, in violation of Title 21, United States Code, Sections
841(a)(1), 841(b)(1)(B), and 846. The information in this complaint is known to me based on
conversations with other law enforcement officers and review of reports concerning this

4. Since early October, 20 10, law enforcement has investigated the drug activity in the Iowa
City area of a group of individuals, including Murray. On October 7, 2010, law enforcement
conducted a controlled purchase of approximately 14.4 grams of crack cocaine from Murray using
a confidential informant. The CI placed a recorded telephone call to Murray and requested lh an
ounce of crack cocaine. Murray responded that he would call "his guy" and get back to the CI. A
few minutes later, Murray called the CI back, said that he had spoken with his guy, and that he could
sell him the ~ ounce. Murray and the CI arranged to meet at a specific location in Iowa City. Law
enforcement provided the CI with $600 of preseria1ized currency and the CI traveled to the buy
location. The CI met with Murray and Antonio Martin, another individual under investigation for
drug activity. The CI received the crack cocaine from Martin while Murray stood by. In exchange
for the crack cocaine the CI handed Martin the $600 of buy fund money. After the transaction, the
CI left the area and returned to the police station.

5. On October 11, 2010, law enforcement conducted another controlled purchase of

approximately 28.6 grams of crack cocaine from Murray using a confidential informant. The CI
placed a recorded telephone call to Murray to arrange the transaction. Murray told the CI that he
Case 3:10-mj-00075-TJS Document 1 Filed 11/05/10 Page 3 of 3

needed to contact "his guy" and would call the CI back. A few minutes later, Murray called the CI
back and told him to meet his guy at the Subway located at 1901 Broadway Street, in Iowa City. The
CI understood that he would be meeting the same individual that handled the October 7 transaction,
Antonio Martin. The CI and an undercover officer traveled to the Subway restaurant, where the CI
met with Martin and exchanged $1,200 of preserialized currency for approximately 28.6 grams of
cocaine base. After the transaction, the CI left the area and returned to the police station.

6. Your affiant submits that the information recited in this affidavit is to the best of my
knowledge true and accurate and petitions the court to issue a complaint charging Antonio D. Murray
with conspiracy to distribute cocaine base in violation ofTitle 21, United States Code, §§ 841(a)(I),
841(b)(I)(B), and 846.

I declare under penalty of perjury that the above-foregoing facts and circumstances are true
and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.

Dated this 5th day of November, 2010.



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Honorable/rh mas\J. Shields
United St~tes hi~~Magistrate Judge
Southern Distr t ~ Iowa

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