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If you’re new to Peebles Baptist Church, it would be really

helpful if you could let us have your contact details. Please fill
in the form below and give it to Ian (the pastor) or one of the
Deacons, or if you’d prefer you can email your
details to We won’t pass on
your information to anyone else.
If you’d like more information about what’s going on, or if
you’d like to discuss something, or if you’d like someone to
visit or pray with you, please let us know.

Your name: ....................................................................

Address: ......................................................................... Whether you’re a regular part of our church or just visiting, it’s great to
have you with us today. Please stay after the service for a drink and a
......................................................................... chat so that we can get to know you better.
......................................................................... Most of us can name some of the people
we think of as “superheroes” of the Bible -
Telephone: ..................................................................... the famous characters like Elijah, Peter,
Esther or Mary. But there are hundreds of
Mobile: ..........................................................................
people in the Bible who only get a passing
Email: ............................................................................ mention - are they worth our attention?
We’re starting a series today looking at
Anything else you want to say: ........................................ some of these extraordinary nobodies...

....................................................................................... During our service today we will share communion. Everyone who wants
to be a follower of Jesus is welcome to participate (but if you would prefer,
....................................................................................... please feel free just to pass on the bread and wine when they’re brought
The Church’s Charity Trustees (Minister and Deacons) are the Data Controller for the purposes of the Data Protection
Act and personal data relating to church members and regular attenders may be processed for general church purposes.
round). The bread is gluten-free, and the “wine” is non-alcoholic.

We have not yet got an induction loop system available in Please bring your Bibles with you to follow the passages
the Drill Hall. We’re working on possible solutions to read. If you’d like to borrow one, please ask a steward.
that—sorry for the inconvenience! Our main reading today is John 6:1-13

If you have difficulty seeing the screen, please

don’t be embarrassed to move to an aisle seat
or to nearer the front if you’re behind someone
tall! Alternatively, there are now a number of larger print Web: Email:
songbooks available - please just ask one of the stewards. Peebles Baptist Church is registered charity no. SC007561
News from the King’s Meadow Project:
What’s on this week: • All the groundworks have been completed, ready for
This morning: the frame to start going up this week!
Setup: tbc Music: Lyn, Fiona, Ian • We had a very positive meeting with the Joseph
Stewards: Margaret C, Moira Prayers: Lyn Rank Trust on Wednesday, who will be
Serve communion: Jennie, Moira Lay communion: Janet S meeting in July to consider us for a grant.
Flowers: Janet S Teas: Janlyn • The next Building Project Team Meeting is
Children’s Talk: Linda JAM: Lindsey on Wednesday 5th June - please pray for
Building Project Collection Boxes this.
As it’s the first Sunday in the month, we’ll be collecting up the money
from the Building Fund collection boxes during the service. If you haven’t Team Leaders
got a box, please ask for one at the welcome desk. Please note that the initial meeting for new team
leaders has been rescheduled to Sunday 7th July.
The Tuesday small group is meeting this week at 7.30pm. If you’re not in
a home group and would like to find out more, please speak to Ian.
Wednesday: Baptism and Membership
No Wednesday Welcome this week, because of Singing Together in Do you want to be a follower of Jesus? One
Dovecot Court. Setup from 2.30, session starts at 3pm. See Christine for of the first things he told his disciples to do
details. was to be baptised. If you would like to find
out more about what’s involved in believers’
In the evening, the Building Project Team is meeting at Ian & Lindsey’s baptism, why not talk to Ian or one of the
house, at 7.30pm. deacons.
Thursday: Alternatively, if you’ve already been
Celebrate Recovery meets at 7.30pm in the Drill Hall, for anyone with baptised and would like to find out more
hurts, habits or hangups. about becoming a member of this church
(and what that means), please speak to us.
Coffee and Prayer in the caravan at 8.30am Occasionally we take photographs during or after the service
to use in our website and other publicity. If you object to being
shown in such a picture, please speak to Ian.

The June Prayer Diary is available today in print, on the website, on the
Next Sunday:
free PrayerMate app, and on the new WhatsApp prayer group! Setup: tbc Music: Lyn, Mary
Stewards: Margaret C, Liz Prayers: Moira
If you have a smartphone, speak to Ian, John, Bill or Lyn Flowers: Margaret J Teas: Elizabeth
about joining the PBC WhatsApp group for prayer and Children’s Talk: Bill JAM: Lindsey
praise items.
Vicky’s Tearoom at 3pm, in St Andrew’s Leckie Church Hall.

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