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March 2005

Emerging Trends in MIS

By Mohamed Louadi
Institut Supérieur de Gestion
Université de Tunis /

Mohamed Louadi, ISG

How professionals categorize MIS Issues:

Development, People &
acquisition & Aimed At Empowered Organization
Support By

Information for
The Aim Of Work, Customer Empowers
Satisfaction &
Automated & Leveraged
Through Business Provided Through


Information & Automates & Leverages Provides Operations

Communication & Network
Technology Mgmt
Development, People &
acquisition & Aimed At Empowered Organization
Support By

Information for
The Aim Of Work, Customer Empowers
Satisfaction &
Automated & Leveraged
Through Business Provided Through


Information & Automates & Leverages Provides Operations

Communication & Network
Technology Mgmt

IS Development,
acquisition & Support
! Systems Development
! Maintenance
Use & Support
Systems Acquisition & Implementation
People &
Data Mgmt & Admin.
Architecture & Infrastructure
Aimed At Empowered Organization
! Methodology By
! Project Mgmt.
! ExternalPartnering
! System/Application (Types of)

Information for
The Aim Of Work, Customer Empowers
Satisfaction &
Automated & Leveraged
Through Business Provided Through


Information & Automates & Leverages Provides Operations

Communication & Network
Technology Mgmt
IS Development,
People & Organization
acquisition & Support
! SystemsDevelopment ! Mgmt of IS/IT
! Maintenance ! Business Strategy & Alignment
! Use & Support ! IS Investment & Evaluation
! SystemsAcquisition&Implementation ! ProcessImprovement
Data Mgmt & Admin.
Architecture & Infrastructure
Aimed At Empowered !
Organization Development
Change Management
! Methodology By ! BehavioralAspects
! Project Mgmt. ! Training & HR
! ExternalPartnering ! Ethical & Societal
! System/Application (Types of) ! Usage/Industry (Types of)

Information for
The Aim Of Work, Customer Empowers
Satisfaction &
Automated & Leveraged
Through Business Provided Through


Information & Automates & Leverages Provides Operations

Communication & Network
Technology Mgmt

IS Development,
acquisition & Support People & Organization
! Systems Development ! Mgmt of IS/IT
! Maintenance ! Business Strategy & Alignment
! Use & Support ! IS Investment & Evaluation
! Systems Acquisition & Implementation ! ProcessImprovement
! Data Mgmt & Admin. Aimed At Empowered ! Organization Development
! Architecture & Infrastructure ! ChangeManagement
! Methodology By ! Behavioral Aspects
! Project Mgmt. ! Training & HR
! External Partnering ! Ethical & Societal
! System/Application (Types of) ! Usage/Industry (Types of)

Information for Knowledge

Work, Customer Satisfaction
& Business Performance
! Nature of Data, Information & Knowledge
The Aim Of ! Use of Information in Organizations Empowers
! Human-Computer Interface
! Information Relevance, Value and Cost
! Data Quality
Automated & Leveraged! Knowledge Mgmt & Organizational
Provided Through
Through Learning
! Semiotics
! IS Research, Theory and Frameworks

Information & Operations & Network

Communication Technology Mgmt
! Technology Perspective Automates & Leverages Provides ! Production & Operations
! Software ! Systems Software & Technical
! Data Base / Warehouse ! Service & Help Desk Mgmt
! Hardware ! Network & Infrastructure Mgmt.
! Storage ! Congfiguration Mgmt
! Telecommunications ! Storage Mgmt
! E-Commerce ! Security & Control
! Internet & World Wide Web ! Business Continuance
IS Development,
acquisition & Support People & Organization
! Systems Development ! Mgmt of IS/IT
! Maintenance ! Business Strategy & Alignment
! Use & Support ! IS Investment & Evaluation
! Systems Acquisition & Implementation ! Process Improvement
! Data Mgmt & Admin. Aimed At Empowered ! OrganizationDevelopment
! Architecture & Infrastructure ! ChangeManagement
! Methodology By ! Behavioral Aspects
! Project Mgmt. ! Training & HR
! External Partnering ! Ethical & Societal
! System/Application (Types of) ! Usage/Industry (Types of)

Information for Knowledge

Work, Customer Satisfaction
& Business Performance
! Nature of Data, Information & Knowledge
The Aim Of ! Use of Information in Organizations Empowers
! Human-Computer Interface
! Information Relevance, Value and Cost
! Data Quality
Automated & Leveraged ! Knowledge Mgmt & Organizational
Provided Through
Through Learning
! Semiotics
! IS Research, Theory and Frameworks

Information & Operations & Network

Communication Technology Mgmt
! Technology Perspective Automates & Leverages Provides ! Production & Operations
! Software ! Systems Software & Technical
! Data Base / Warehouse ! Service & Help Desk Mgmt
! Hardware ! Network & Infrastructure Mgmt.
! Storage ! Congfiguration Mgmt
! Telecommunications ! Storage Mgmt
! E-Commerce ! Security & Control
! Internet & World Wide Web ! Business Continuance

IS Development,
acquisition & Support People & Organization
! Systems Development ! Mgmt of IS/IT
! Maintenance ! Business Strategy & Alignment
! Use & Support ! IS Investment & Evaluation
! Systems Acquisition & Implementation ! Process Improvement
! Data Mgmt & Admin. Aimed At Empowered ! OrganizationDevelopment
! Architecture & Infrastructure ! ChangeManagement
! Methodology By ! Behavioral Aspects
! Project Mgmt. ! Training & HR
! External Partnering ! Ethical & Societal
! System/Application (Types of) ! Usage/Industry (Types of)

Information for Knowledge

Work, Customer Satisfaction
& Business Performance
! Nature of Data, Information & Knowledge
The Aim Of ! Use of Information in Organizations Empowers
! Human-Computer Interface
! Information Relevance, Value and Cost
! Data Quality
Automated & Leveraged ! Knowledge Mgmt & Organizational
Provided Through
Through Learning
! Semiotics
! IS Research, Theory and Frameworks

Information & Operations & Network

Communication Technology Mgmt
! Technology Perspective Automates & Leverages Provides ! Production & Operations
! Software ! Systems Software & Technical
! Data Base / Warehouse ! Service & Help Desk Mgmt
! Hardware ! Network & Infrastructure Mgmt.
! Storage ! Congfiguration Mgmt
! Telecommunications ! Storage Mgmt
! E-Commerce ! Security & Control
! Internet & World Wide Web ! Business Continuance
IS Development,
acquisition & Support People & Organization
! Mgmt of IS/IT
! Systems Development ! Org. Development
! Data Mgmt & Admin. ! Change Mgmt
! External Partnering Aimed At Empowered ! Behavioral Aspects
By ! Training & HR
! Ethical & Societal
! Usage/Industry

Information for Knowledge

Work, Customer Satisfaction
& Business Performance
The Aim Of ! Use of Information in Empowers
Automated & Leveraged ! Data Quality Provided Through
Through ! Knowledge Mgmt &
Organizational Learning

Information & Operations & Network

Communication Technology Mgmt
! Data Base / Automates & Leverages Provides ! Production &
Warehouse Operations
! Telecommunications ! Network &
! E-Commerce Infrastructure Mgmt.
! Internet & World Wide ! Security & Control

The most recurring issue: The IT Paradox

140 000 140
Output per Unit of Capital
120 000 (Private Sector) 120

100 000 100

80 000 Commercialization 80
of the Internet
60 000 60

40 000 40

Internet IT Investments
20 000 20

0 0
Data: U.S. Department of Commerce, Office of Information Technologies (July 2, 2001) and Bureau of
Labor Statistics (BLS) (2001)

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