Rizal Terms

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S.Y 2018 - 2019

Mr. Raymart Cabilangan Charles Nathaniel Manuzon

Instructor Student
Due process in Rizal Case

I. Rationale

Dr. Jose Rizal has been a national iconic hero for over a hundred years. He
has been the symbol of our country’s freedom, the epitome of nationalistic
patriotism. He emanates martyrdom with every fiber of his being and everything else
that he left the country to strive upon. His story has been narrated in countless
books and articles. He became an extension of education where he was the main
course in a classroom, an honorable feature of Rizal. But after the death of Rizal
there are many questions that are still unanswered. Does rizal have a due process in
his case? Does he deserve death sentence? Why is it Rizal is calm in the day that
he will be executed?

II. Critique Proper

Our fellowmen would think that the Spaniards would still give Rizal a chance when
in fact a decision has been made before the trial. The Spaniards were very firm
about their decision which was to execute Rizal. I think there was no justice there
because Rizal was not given a chance to explain and prove to everyone that he was
innocent. The Spaniards looked like they were in the trial listening but actually they
turned into deaf the moment Rizal started to explain himself.
III. Conclusion

A true martyr, Rizal spoke out for injustice when others were complacent. His ideas
helped formulate a national identity for the Philippines. Rizal's death only
strengthened the movement toward revolution.
S.Y 2018 - 2019

Mr. Raymart Cabilangan Charles Nathaniel Manuzon

Instructor Student
Retraction Controversy

I. Rationale

For decades, the authenticity of Jose Rizal’s retraction documents have raised issues,
skepticism,and heated debates among those who seek to know the truth regarding this
controversy. However, the lack of evidence and different statements by significant
people involved have only contributed to the complications and uncertainty which
envelope this fiery argument.”I retract with all my heart whatever in my words, writings,
publications and conduct have beencontrary to my character as a son of the Catholic
Church." ,this was the statement in the document which made the historians believed
that Rizal had retracted. One thing is why would Jose Rizal write the retraction
documents? What possible reasons could have pushed Jose Rizal to write his retraction
document, assuming that he truly wrote the said document?.

II. Critique Proper

In 1935, a letter was found by Father Manuel Garcia. The said letter contains that Jose
Rizal declared himself as a Catholic and that he retracts everything he said, written,
published and did against the Catholic church. Opinons regarding this issue would not
be the same because some may agreeand may not. There are so many questions
speculating his retraction if in the first place, all of this is what he really fought for. From
Balaguer’s version, Rizal, on the 29th day of December 1896, wrote and signed the
retraction papers in front of him and with the other jesuit priest present at the death cell.
Rizal asked for a confession twice and for a rosary from the priest between the two
confessions. In Balaguer’s memorandum-record, Rizal asked for a mass and a request
for a Holy Communion, this was readily approved by the Jesuits and assigned Fr.
Villarica as the officiating priest of the mass inside the cell. He also mentioned that Rizal
asked for the image of the Sagrado Corazon de Jesus which he carved when he was
14. Balaguer describe the scene as heart-warming because Rizal kissed the image that
he had requested fron the Jesuits. While kneeling and surrounded by the religious
authorities in the death cell, Rizal read the retraction document, Balaguer also claimed
that there was a servant-messenger for Josephine Bracken to prepare for the marriage
at the San ignacio Church where Fr. Simo will conduct the confession and the other
things needed for the ceremonies, which will be materialized on the morning of the 30th.
Lastly, before the execution and in the presence of the Archbishop and the Jesuit
superior Reverend Fr. Pio Pi, Rizal kissed the image of the cross presented to him and
has a rosary entwined in his hand. But how did Father Balaguer convinced Rizal to be
converted into Catholic before his execution?.

This is one of the big unanswered questions of today. In addition to this, Rizal wrote a
poem entitled “My Last Farewell” which was written on the eve execution, there was a
line there saying. “I’ll go where there are no slaves, tyrants or hangmen where faith
does not kill and where God alone does reign (Rizal, 1896)”. With this, he mentioned
God in his poem. Before he was executed, he wrote an undated letter to his family when
he was in Fort Santiago: “Burry me in the Ground, place a stone and a cross over it. My
name, The date of my birth and of my death. Nothing more. If you later wish to surround
my grave with a fence, you may do so. No anniversaries. I prefer Paang Bundok.” Now,
what do he mean by this? He wanted to cross over it. He died as a Catholic and burried
inside the sacred grounds of Paco Cemetery.
There are reasons why would Rizal write the retraction documents

To save his family and town from further persecution.Rizal may have been told that he
faced the dilemma of signing the retraction or of having hisrelatives pursued by further
persecutions. Since he hoped his death would stop thepersecution of his relatives, the
retraction may have seemed to him to be the only way ofachieving that purpose

To give Josephine a legal status as his wife.Rizal, even though he for a time suspected
Josephine as a spy, seems to have becomeconvinced that she now loved him, and he
may have desired to give her a legal status in theeyes of the church, and so provide for
her future.

To secure reforms from the Spanish government.

To help the church cut away from the disease which harmed her.Rizal did not desire to
injure the Roman Catholic Church, but to remove the cancer whichruined both church
and state in the Philippines -- friar control of land and domination by thegovernment. He
was also struggling for freedom of thought and of conscience to theindividual. He may
have felt that much of his propaganda had produced the insurrection,and have repented
of that. His letter to Paciano, written the night before his execution,

III. Conclusion
To conclude, whether or not Jose Rizal retracted, this does not diminish Rizal’s stature
as a great hero with such greatness. As mentioned the documentary entitled “Ang
Bayaning Third World”, Joel Torre’s impersonation of Rizal told the time travelers that
whether he retracted or not, it does change what he has already done and what his
writings have already achieved. Furthermore, Senator Jose Diokno oncestated, "Surely
whether Rizal died as a Catholic or an apostate adds or detracts nothing from
hisgreatness as a Filipino... Catholic or Mason, Rizal is still Rizal - the hero who courted
death 'to prove to those who deny our patriotism that we know how to die for our duty
and our beliefs."

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