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In preparation of our assignment first we would like to thank god to give us this strength to
finish this assignment next we would like to thank Mrs.Tigist who give us this assignment for
better knowledge and further research and we would also like to thank all person who have
directly and indirectly guided us in completing this assignment.

What is speech?
Speech is human vocal communication using language .Each language uses
phonetic combination of a limited set perfectly articulated and individualized
vowel and consonant sounds that form the sound of its words. It is the expression
of or the ability to express thoughts and feelings by articulate sounds and it is also
a formal address or discourse delivered to an audience.

In speaking, speakers perform many different international speech acts by

informing, declaring, asking, persuading and directing. Degrees of loudness tempo
and other non representational or paralinguistic aspects of vocalization to convey
meanings. In their speech speakers also unintentionally communicate many
aspects of their social position such as sex, age, place, of origin (through accent),
physical status (alertness and sleepiness vigor or weakness, health or illness),
physic state (emotions or moods), physico psychic (education or experience) and
the like.

Although people ordinary use speech in dealing with persons or animals , when
people swear they do not always mean to communication anything to anyone
,and some terms in expressing urgent emotions or desires they use speech as
magical cause as when they encourage a player in a game to do or warn them not
to do something. There are about many situations in which people engage in
solitary speech.

People talk to themselves a sometimes in acts that a development of what

some psychologists have maintained is the use in thinking of silent speech in an
interior monologue to vivify and organize cognition some times in the momentary
adoption and dual persons as self addressing self as through addressing another
Researcher study many different aspects of speech: speech production and
speech perception of the sounds used in a language speech repetition, speech
errors,the ability to map hard spoken words on to the vocalization needed to
recreate them. which plays a key role in children enlargement of their vocabulary
and what different areas of the human brain. speech is the subject of the study
for linguistic cognitive science communication studies psychology,computer
science, speech pathology otolaryngology and acoustic. speech compares with
written language which may differ in its vocabulary syntax and phonetics from the
spoken language. A situation called diglossia .The evolutionary origin of speech
are unknown and subject o much debate and speculation . while animals also
communicate using vocalization and trained apes. No animals vocalization are
articulated phonemically and syntactically and do no constitute speech.

Basic types of speech

1. Demonstrative speech
2. Entertaining speech
3. Informative speech
4. Persuasive speech

1) Demonstrative speech

A demonstrative speech is a type of speech explain how to do something. It is a

speech where the speakers primary purpose is to teach the audience how to
complete a task or process.

2) Entertaining speech

The purpose of entertaining speech is to amuse and entertain the

audience. It is not intended to share information or to persuade the
audience of a particular opinion because of these entertainment speeches
are often humorous and may include jokes or amusing anecdotes.

3) Informative speech
This type of speech uses description, demonstration, vivid detail and definitions to
explain a subject person or place the audience wants to understand. An
informative speech makes a complex topic easy to understand or offers and
different point of view.

There are four main types of view:-

 Definition speech
 Demonstrative speech
 Descriptive speech
 Explanatory speech

Definition speech

It explains the meaning theory or philosophy of a specific topic that the

audience likely does not know much about.

Demonstration speech

Demonstration speech is a form of informative speech where the speaker

primary purpose is to teach the audience how to complete a task or process. It
explain how to do some thing.

Descriptive speech

Descriptive speech is a form o informative speech can be elicited by showing a

picture in graph or movie to the speaker and asking for description of the shown
items. Descriptive speech is more spontaneous than read command or answering
speech but can be kept easly with in a certain subjuct thus restricting the

4) Explanatory speech

Explanatory speech is a speech explains the state of a topic and give audiences
a deeper understanding of the subject .explanatory speeches explain, describe,
and inform the audience about a given topic . the number and scope of
explanatory topics vary but these areas can help speaker get started in the right

5) persuasive speech

A persuasive speech is a specific type of speech in which the speaker has a goal
of convincing the audience. for example we can see one of the most famous
speeches Dr martin Luther kings “I have a dream” it was delivered 55 years age in
Washington DC to an estimated 250000 people who showed up in support of civil

People might have never heard of the speech had the sound system not been
fixed promptly .it was discovered that someone had sabotaged the sound system
just be for the event started.

As shown by Dr king speeches are powerful and can be used to make

mountains. That is why it is important to know the different types o speeches.

Parts of speech
There are eight parts of speech:-
 Noun
 pronoun
 verb
 adjective adverb
 preposition
 conjunction
 interjuction

Common nouns refer to a person,place,thing or idea.

Example_body,city,garage,hobby,ice cream, e.t.c…

A pronoun can take the place of a noun in order to reduce the repetition
of nouns


A verb shows action or state of being & indicate the time of an action or


Adjective are words that describe nouns and specify size,color,number

and the like. Adjective are modifiers because the modify.


Adverbs are words that describe verbs. adjectives or other adverbs the
specify in what manner where, when,or how much.


Preposition show how a noun or a pronoun is related to another word in



Conjunctions join words,phases or clause.

Interjection are also known as exclamation and are signaled by the use of
the exclamation mark.
Some characterstics of good speaker
Be your self
Keep it short & sweet
Contact in your audience
Paint a picture through

According to researches a highly confident speaker is viewed as
being more accurate comptent,credible, intelegent ,knowledgeable,
likeable & believable than the less confident uncertain speaker.
When it comes to public speaking confidence is key. when speaking
in public its only natural to be narrows. Cause & nervousness.
nervousness you may have while you are giving your presentation.
Be your self if have to deviate a little from your meticulously written
presentation. do so! although you should practice your speech as
often as possible.
You don’t want it memorize it:memorizing a speech can cause you to
fumble over a section. If you didn’t say it just right.
To excel at public speaking you must do must do more than just
defeat your nervous litters. you must also have confidence in your
subject and be your self while you are on stage.

In order to really communicate to people through speech. you need
to have passion about your subject . with out passion your speech is
meaningless. you need to exude a level of sincerity in your emotion
when communicating to yours audience if you want them to be
moved by your presentation.
There is no need to attempt to ‘practice’ sincerity by practsing your
speech with a raised voice and waving arms simply focus on how you
feel about your top and those that you are communicating with.

Be your self

You don’t have to be some one else on stage. All you have to do is
just be your self sometimes,no matter how much you believe in your
message or how well you’ve rehearhsed if you don’t act like your
self infront of the group. your audience may view your speech as
insincere or calculated.

Your speech should be:-

 short,clear,easy to understand&use simple word.
 When you are speaking you have to keep eye contact
with your audience.
 You should create a picture about your speech on the
mind of the audience


There are some certain guidelines or principles that
are to be followed in order to make speech most
effective. The speaker should remember the following
guiding principle to make speech successful.

Using simple and suitable words:

 Words convey different meanings to different

people in different situations.
 The speaker should be careful in selecting words.
 Simple,common and familiar words should be
used in speech. words that bear different
meaning should be avoided as much as possible.

Control of emotion

 The speaker must control has emotion to

make oral communication effective.
 Over emotion of the speaker may misled or
irrelative the listeners and misguide the

Drafting the speech

Before delivering the speech , the speaker should

make a draft of the speech. It will help him to
better organize his speech,to allocate time on
different issues and to recetify the meesage if any
error is there.

 Brevity:
the speech should be brief and
concise to make effective. if there
speaker takes long time for delivering
his message, the audience may lose
attention toward the speech.

 Precision:

the oral message must be precise

enough to communicate with
receiver effectively specific words
should be used instead of vague or
ambiguous words in speech.

Effective speech in communication

Logical sequence : in speech, ideas should be
organize sequentially so that the receivers or
audience may get clear sense of the whole.
Natural voice : speech should be delivered at
natural tone of the speaker. The voice of the
speaker should be clear and pleasant also.
Speaking slowly: the speaker should speak slowly
so that he audience can understand easily.
Taking preparation: a person or speaker must
take necessary preparation before delivering his
speech before the audience. A well planned or
well prepared presentation must be able to
attract the attention of audience.
Avoiding mannerism: the speaker must avoid
mannerism,if he has any. Because it irritates the
audience making unnecessary sound repeatedly
,scratching heads unnecessary body movement
etc… must be avoided at the time of delivering

Using visual aids: Can make speech or oral

presentation more interesting and livelier. The
speaker can use slides, multimedia projector, over
head projector, white board etc… to make his
presentation magnificent.
Using body language
In speech or presentation, the speaker must
attract the attention of the audience through
positive body language, eye contact, smile, nods,
fingering etc…are important body movements or
languages that helps to retain the attention of the
Clear pronunciation

Clear pronunciation is an important quality of a person the success of speech

largly depends on it. It clear pronunciation means distnict uttering of words with
required pitch &intensity of voice.

Emphasizing on important topic

The speaker should emphasize on important topic so that audience can pay full
attention to his speech. It’s up to the speaker how he will determine the relative
importance of different parts of his speech.

A part the above mentioned principles the speaker also should learn about his
audience. Capacity of the listeners and should be careful about the objective of
the informative. These principles or guidelines are the followed to make speech
effective and lively.

As we know the definetion of speech is a human vocal communication using language. It is
expression of or the ability to express thoughts and feelings by articulate sounds and it is also a
formal address or discourse delivered to an audience. There are also four basic types of speech
 demonstrative speech
 entertaining speech
 informative speech
 persuasive speech
speech and also contains eight parts there are:-
noun adverb
pronoun preposition
verb conjunction
adjective interjection
speech characterised by different characterstics to be a good speech .
Confidence keep it short and sweet
passion contact in you audiences
be your self paint a picture


BOOK:- Rule for argument and how to write dialogue

By:- Anthony Welson and James scottroll

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