Liberty National High School: Republic of The Philippines Department of Education Liberty, Tampakan, South Cotabato

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Liberty, Tampakan, South Cotabato


Name: ______________________________________ Score: __________________
Grade & Section: __________________ Date: _____________________
General Direction: Read and follow the given instructions carefully. Use your blue or black pen in answering the
test. Avoid erasures.

I. Multiple Choice.
1.What is the smallest local government unit?
a. Barangay b. Subdivision c. City
2. What year was the latest constitution made?
a. 1987 b. 1988 c. 1989
3.According to the 1987 Constitution, what kind of state is the Philippines?
a. Federal and Republican b. Democratic and Federal c. Democratic and Republican
4. How many branches of government are there in the Philippines?
a. 2 b. 3 c. 4
5. What do you call the official residence and principal workplace of the President of the Philippines?
a. Malacanang Palace b. Malacanang Place c. Malacanang House
6. From what Political Party does incumbent President Rodrigo Duterte belong to?
a. Liberal Party b. United Nationalist Alliance c. Partido Demokratiko Pilipino-Lakas ng Bayan
7.When did the latest general elections in the Philippines occur?
a. May 8, 2016 b. May 9, 2016 c. May 10, 2016
8. It is a written instrument by which the fundamental powers of the government are established, limited, and defined and by which
these powers are distributed among the several departments or branches for their safe and useful exercise for the benefit of the
a. Statute of the Philippines
b. Ordinance of the Philippines
c. Constitution of the Philippines
9. It refers to the agency to which the will of the state is formulated, expressed and carried out.
a. executive branch c. legislative branch
b. judiciary d. government

10. From below, which is not included in the qualifications to be a senator?

a. A resident of the Philippines for not less than two years immediately
preceding the day of the election
b. At least 25 years of age
c. able to read and write
d. A registered voter
11.What do you call the special court for public officials?
a. Court of Appeals c. Sandiganbayan
b. Supreme Court d. Trial Court
12. What is social justice?
a. Giving equal opportunity to all, rich and poor alike
b. Giving preferential attention to the less fortunate
c. Eradicating poverty through the abolition of private property
d. Getting some from the rich and giving the same to the poor
13. When the president dies, is permanently disabled, is impeached, or resigns, the Vice-President becomes President for the unexpired
term. However, if both the President and Vice-President die, become permanently disabled, are impeached, or resigned, the Senate
President shall act as President until the President or VP shall have been elected and qualified. If the Senate President becomes disabled,
who will succeed?
a. The Speaker of the House shall become the President
b. There will be a special election specifically conducted for the filling up of the vacant offices
c. The Senate President shall submit to the Congress a declaration of his disability, then a Senior
Senator will be the acting President
d. The Speaker of the House shall act as President until the President or VP shall have elected
and qualified.
14. What is meant by a bicameral legislature?
a. It means that the congress is composed of two house of representatives
b. It means that the congress is composed of two chambers: Senate and House of Representatives
c. It means that the legislative power, the authority to enact and promulgate laws, is vested in the
congress of the Philippines
d. All of the above.
15. This principle holds that no man is above the law, so that every man, however high or low, is equal.
a. rule of the majority
b. Rule of Law
c. Democracy
d. Constitution.
16. Who among the following is a registered voter?
a. One who is eighteen years of age and can read and write.
b. One who is at least 35 years of age on the day of the election and is a resident of the
Philippines for at least 2 years’ prior the day of election
c. One who has all the qualifications and none of the disqualifications of a voter provided by law
and who has registered in the list of voters
d. All of the above
17. Which from the two divisions is the upper chamber?
a. Congress b. House of Representatives c. Senate
18. What do you call the highest-ranking official of the Senate of the Philippines?
a. President Senate b. Senate President c.Senator President
19. What do you call the highest-ranking official of the House of Representatives of the Philippines?
a. Speaker b. Speaker of the Lower Chamber c. Speaker of the House
20. How many readings are done to a bill?
a. 2 b. 3 c. 4 d. 5

II. Write TRUE if the given statement is correct. If incorrect, then replace the underlined word/s to make the statement correct.
_____ 21. Special Election is done or conducted to select normally through balloting.
_____22. The acronym AFP stands for ARMED FORCES OF THE PHILIPPINES.
_____ 23. R.A No. 8536 was created authorizing COMELEC to use an automated election system.
_____ 24. People Power is the process by which voters in a country select the officials who will exercise the powers of government.
_____ 25. Every Filipino should be 18 years old or above on the day of election to exercise their right to vote.
_____ 26. The Commission on Higher Education is the agency that supervises the election processes.
_____ 27. Barangay is the smallest unit of the government.
_____ 28. COMELEC is composed of a Chairman and six Commissioners who are natural-born citizens of the Philippines.
_____ 29. The Chairman and Commissioners of COMELEC is appointed by the Supreme Court.
_____ 30. The 2016 election was the first national election that utilized an automated election system.

II. Matching Type. Match the concepts in Column A in their correct terms in Column B. Write the letter of your answer in
the blank before each number.
_____31. It is the transfer of power and authority from central institution to
lower or local levels of government system P. Political Party
_____32. It refers to self-governing. I. Party-List System Act
_____33. The people can either reject or accept the proposed law before it
can go into effect Z. Suffrage
_____34. The power of the people to propose amendment to the constitution
or enact legislation. O. Local Autonomy
_____35. It refers to organized group of citizens advocating an ideology or
platforms for the general conduct of the government. S. Referendum
_____36. This is a non-government members of society that promotes the
interest of the public. L. Due Process
_____37. The name for Republic Act No. 7941 A. EDSA People Power I
_____38. It is a political right, enabling citizen to participate in the process of
government. J. Decentralization
_____39. It is a massive social movement after the lifting of Martial Law in
1981. R. Civil Society Organization
_____40. It gives every citizen the right to be notified and heard in court
before any of his rights be reduced or affected by any action of the E. Initiative
III. Fill in the blanks. Complete the Preamble of the 1987 Philippine Constitution. Write the correct words/phrases on the blanks.

We, the (41)__ _______ _____ , imploring the aid of (42)__ _______ _____ ,
in order to build a (43)__ _______ _____ society,
and establish a government that shall embody our (44)__ _______ _____ ,
promote the (45)__ _______ _____ , conserve and (46)__ _______ _____ , and secure to
ourselves and our posterity the blessings of (47)__ _______ _____ under the
rule of law, and a regime of truth, justice, (48)__ _______ _____ ,
love, equality, and (49)__ _______ _____ , do ordain
and (50)__ _______ _____ .
IV. Analogy. Each question below consists of a related pair of words or phrases. Select the pair that best expresses a relationship
similar to that expressed in the original pair by encircling its letter.

51. Religion  Bible ; State  ____________

a. charter b. laws c. constitution d. Koran
52. Textbook  Preface ; Constitution  ____________
a. Preamble b. Abstract c. Provision d. Prologue
53. People Power  Social Movement ; Samahang Mayo Uno  ____________
a. Sectoral Party b. Recall c. Election d. Civil Society Organization
54. PDP-Laban  Rodrigo Duterte ; Liberal Party 
a. Leni Robredo b. Mar Roxas c. Antonio Trillanes d. Sonny Angara
55. Proposed law  Referendum ; Propose Amendment  _____________
a. Suffrage b. Recall c. Initiative d. Plebiscite
56. MENRO  Environment ; MSWD  ____________
a. social welfare b. information c. law and order d. Tourism
57. Suffrage  Article V ; Bill of Rights  ___________
a. Article II b. Article III c. Article IV d. Article VI
58. National Government  Philippine Constitution ; Local Government  ____________
a. Republic Act b. LGU Constitution c. Local Gov’t Code d. General Provision
59. Municipal  Leonardo V. Escobillo ; Provincial  ___________
a. Ferdinand Hernandez b. Pedro Acharon, Jr. c. Daisy Avance-Fuentes d. Isagani dela Cruz
60. Sangguniang Bayan  Municipal Councilors ; Sangguniang Panlalawigan  ____________
a. Board Members b. Board of Trustees c. Board of Directors d. Provincial Board

“Don’t be afraid, just believe.”
~ Mark 5:36

Prepared by:
Sheila Mae V. Cabasag, T-1
Subject Teacher

Parent’s Signature: _______________

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